University “ Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Physics Academic Year: 2009/2010 Semester 2/ 4 SYLLABUS I. General Information about the course and laboratory classes Title of the course: PHYSICS OF THIN FILMS Level: Master of Science (Bologna): SOLID STATE PHYSICS Code: FMF 0006 Credits: 7 Hours / week: 2 course + 1 laboratory + seminar Location: in accord with the schedule of the activities Timetable of the activities: C: Monday 10-12, Lab.: Monday 10-12; Sem: Friday 12-14. II.Information about the lecturers, seminar and laboratory assistants Name, scientific title: Aurel Pop, Prof. Dr. E-mail: Telephone: 405300, int. 5150 Office hours: 2 h / week III. Presentation of the discipline Objectives: Revision and improvement of the fundamental knowledge in solid state physics and thermodinamics acquired before this lectures. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the physics and methods used in the production and characterization of thin films. We will examine what thin films are, their important properties, how they are produced, and how we can characterize them. Assimilated competencies: The enforcement of the competences in study the physical properties of thin films. The fundamental and applicative aspects of this discipline will be taken in to account in order to have graduate students with good competences in research (fundamental or applicative) and didactic activities or in fabrication. IV. Compulsory bibliography: 1.Milton Ohring, “The materials science of thin films” ( Academic Press Limited,London,1992)-biblioteca Catedrei de Fizica Starii Condensate. 2.M.Konuma, “Film deposition by plasma techniques”, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.-biblioteca Catedrei de Fizica Starii Condensate 3.Julia M. Phillips, “Substrate selection for HTS thin films”, J.Appl.Phys.79(4),1829-1846(1996). 4.King-Ning Tu, J.W.Mayer, L.O.Feldman, “Electronic thin film science for electrical engineers and materials scientists”, 1992 MacmillanPublishing Company, New-York. 5, Kasturi Chopra,” Thin film phenomena” (Editura:McGraw-Hill Company) 6.A.V.Pop, „Introducere in fizica sistemelor vortex”, 2004, Ed.Efes-ClujNapoca. V. Educational materials used during lectures, seminars and laboratories: - Video-projector for courses and seminars and free internet access to the lectures. - research equipments from the Institute of Physics of UBB - computers of Physics Department network VI. Detailed Syllabus for all meetings and verifications:. a). courses Nr. subject Title and thematic Nr. hours 1. Basics:Solid State Physics : - crystal structure and defects, packing arrangements, close packed planes, thermodynamic vacancy concentration Basics:Thermodynamics - phase diagrams; Kinetics Fick's Laws, Diffusion coef, Arrhenius Film formation: Introduction, Trapping, Capillarity model (heterogeneous nucleation) Film formation: Growth modes, island growth, zone models, columnar growth Film deposition: Basic Vacuum(kinetic theory of gasses, flow, substrates, cleaning), Evaporation(basic steps, point vs. surface sources purity, hardware) Film deposition:Sputtering I. (basics: plasma physics, sputter yield, alloys, heating Film deposition:Sputtering II (methods: dc, RF, magnetron, reactive). Film characterization: Surface morphology and composition:optical microscopy, 2 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 Bibliography Ref.1, cap1.1 1.4; Ref.4. 2 2 2 Ref.1, cap 1.5; Ref.4. Ref.1, cap 1.7 1.8;5.1-5.3;Ref.5. Ref.4, Ref.5. 2 Ref.1, cap 2.1; 3.1-3.4; Ref.4 2 2 2 Ref.1, cap 3.5 3.6;3.7-3.8; Ref.4 Ref.1, cap 3.5 3.6;3.7-3.8; Ref.4 Ref.1, Cap. 6; Ref.4 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEM (EDAX),AFM,STM, XPS( X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy),Auger spectroscopy Film characterization Structural characterization: XRD, LEED (low energy electron diffraction), RHEED (reflection high energy electron diffraction), ellipsometry Film characterization Electric and magnetic characterization: resistivity, Hall effect, magnetization, a.c. susceptibility Properties of thin films Magnetic and electric properties (resistance/resistivitymetals, insulators - models,) Properties of thin films Superconductivity Properties of thin films Optical properties (metals, dielectrics, semiconductors; optics of transparent films, multiple coating) Mechanical properties 2 Ref.1, Cap. 6; Ref.4 2 2 Ref.1, Cap. 6; Ref.4 Ref.1, Cap. 6; Ref.4 2 Ref.6 2 Ref.6;Ref.3 2 Ref.6;Ref.3 b). seminar Nr. subject Title and thematic Nr. hours 1 Thin film surface: relaxation and reconstruction. Models for thin film formation Deposition parameters and their effects on film growth. Student presentation ( thin film synthesis) Student presentation (thin film characterisation) Student presentation ( thin films properties) 2 2 3 4 5 6 Bibliography 2 2 2 2 2 c) Laboratory Nr. subject Title and thematic Nr. hours 1 Presentation of research equipments for thin films (Institute of Physics) Thin film synthesis by DC magnetron sputtering Thin film synthesis by RF magnetron sputtering Measurements of electrical resistance function of temperature for thin films 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 Bibliography 5 6 A.C. susceptibility function of temperature for HTS films Study of thin film structure and epitaxy by XRD 2 2 VII. Evaluation modes: - 25% seminar/laboratory work - 20% presentation of a scientific reports - 55% final semester exam. VIII. Organizing details, handling with special situations: Presence to courses is not obligatory, but this presence and the active presence in seminars classes are well recommended. Absence from more than 20% of the seminar/laboratory classes leads to exclusion from the final exam. Seminar/Laboratory classes cannot be replaced and verifications can be repeated only in very special cases. IX. Optional bibliography: 1.Arthur C. Smith, James J. Janak, Richard B. Alder, Electron Conduction in Solids, Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1967 3. M. Cyrot, D. Pavuna, Introduction to Superconductivity and High-Tc materials, World Scietific, Singapore, New York, London, Hong Kong, 1992 4. H. E. Hall, Solid State Physics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London , New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1974 5. G. Ilonca, A. V. Pop, Supraconductibilitatea si supraconductorii cu temperaturi critice inalte, Editura Bit, Iasi, 1999 6. V. Comello "RGAs Provide Real Time Process Control" Semiconductor International p. 71, Sept. 1990. 7. P. H. Singer "Today's Changing Vacuum Requirements" Semiconductor International p. 59, Sept. 1990. 8. R. F. Bunshah and C. V. Deshpandey "Evaporation Processes" MRS Bulletin p. 33, Dec. 1988. 9. W. D. Westwood "Sputter Deposition Processes" MRS Bulletin p. 46, Dec. 1988. 10. P. Harris "Taking the Lead in Electron-beam Deposition" Vacuum & ThinFilm, Feb. 1999, p. 26. 11. B. Heinz "Sputter Target and Thin Film Defects" Vacuum & ThinFilm, October 1999, p. 22. 12. G. S. Bales et al., "Growth and Erosion of Thin Solid Films", Science, 249, 264 (1990). 13. C. R. M. Grovenor, H. T. G. Hentzell and D. A. Smith, "The Development of Grain Structure During Growth of Metallic Films" Acta Metallurgica 32, 773 (1984). 14. * L. A. Stelmack, C. T. Thurman and G. R. Thompson "Review of Ionassisted Deposition: Research to Production", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 37/38, 787 (1989). 15. J. M. Bennett "When is a surface clean ?" p. 29 in Optics and Photonics News, June, 1990. 16. H. M. Layton "Ultrasonic Cleaning for Semiconductor Wafer Processing" Microelectronic Manufacturing and Testing Jan. 1983. 17. P. J. Martin and D. R. McKenzie, "Make Clean, Dense Films with a Filtered Process", R+D Magazine, October 1990, p. 108. 18. D. E. Aspnes "The Accurate Determination of Optical Properties by Ellipsometry" p. 89 in Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, E. D. Palik, ed. 19. R. E. Honig "Surface and Thin Film Analysis of Semiconductor Materials" Thin Solid Films 31, 89 (1976). 20. S. Fitzgerald "Analysis of Thin Films and Surfaces", Microscopy and Analysis, July 1995, p. 23. 21. L. J. Whitman, J. A. Stroscio, R. A. Dragoset, and R. J. Celotta "Manipulation of Adsorbed Atoms and Creation of New Structures on Room-Temperature Surfaces with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope", Science, 251, 1206 (1991). 22. E. Paparazzo, "Applications of Scanning Auger Microscopy to the Analysis of Materials", Microscopy and Analysis, Nov. 1994, p. 9.