INTRODUCTION Recently one of the most important goals, determining the development of national economy, is the rational usage of natural resources and protection of environment from contamination and depletion. In connection with intensive development of oil industry and creation of new contamination sources, the actuality of issue of environment protection has risen sharply. Daily there are more than 2.5bln. of crude oil produced. During production, transportation, refining and oil and oil products usage, there is a low of about 50 mln. tons per year. Based on wax content of oil and content of light fractions the nature of oil contamination of earth and its impact strength can be judged. The sulfur content is also important sign during evaluation of impact of oil on environment. As oil gets more sulfur content the hazard of hydrogen disulfide and hydrocarbon contamination increases. Objective: The objective of scientific work is to find easily available waste of local industry, absorbent for remediation of soil contaminated by oil and oil products. The perspective direction of research is wastes of rice refining plant - rice hulls. Urgency of an issue. During development of oilfields the main factors of soils and landscapes impact are mostly mechanical interruptions and chemical contamination. The mechanical interruptions of soil covering are noted during exploration, drilling, construction of process facilities. At that the flora is destroyed, the upper horizons of soil are destroyed and consolidated. The flora elimination is stimulating the erosion process. During drilling soil with high salt content is excavated from wells, thus providing sources of local technogenic secondary salinization. The mechanical interruptions of poorly grass-covered soils, especially of light grain composition, promotes activation of ash processes. Even with light interruptions on bare surface of soil between plants, the zones of soil-blowing are clearly seen, and by the plants there are specific forms of microlandscape – hillocks of heaping-up. The oil has adverse impacts to soil and flora. As the soil gets contaminated with oil the carbon and nitrogen ration in soil sharply increases, which worsens the nitrogen status of soils and disturbs the root nutrition of plants. Besides, as the oil gets to the surface of earth and soaks in ground it makes the fertile soil layer to recover for long period of time. This can be explained by oxygen displacement from ground, which is necessary for plants and microorganisms’ lives. The soil’s autopurification takes much time due to biological decomposition of oil. Novelty of scientific work. The novelty of the scientific work is the implementation of rice hulls, which is used for biologic decomposition of oil. The rice hull is a biostimulant. The rice hulls is full with organic materials and it absorbs the oil well. The composted fertilizer prepared with rice hulls is rich with organic substances. Kyzylorda region, the place where the biggest part of Kazakhstan rice is grown, annually there are more than 6.0 thousand of tons of rise hulls produced, which consists of cellulose for 80%, silicon – 15%, minor elements – 5%. The rice hulls is multi-tons renewable waste, which until now hasn’t become of common use. The hulls, which is organosilicon phytogenous polymer, doesn’t burn, decay, is not good for stock feed. Due to mentioned causes, as well as availability and low price, the rice hulls is irreplaceable source of biocompost which is required for oil biodegradation. Practical value. Being cheap and easily available the rice hulls, renewable multitonnage waste of rice growing. In this connection we see the implementation of rice hulls as regulator of soil autopurificatoin as efficient and reasonable. For these purposes two types of products were used – first is the rice hulls mixed with other fillers (livestock manure, seeds of wild plants, etc.) and the second one is based on the rice hulls. CHAPTER I. CURRENT SITUATION OF RECULTIVATION OF OILPRODUCTS CONTAMINATED SOILS. Conditions of soil contamination with oil products. One of the most dangerous substances polluting environment, due to its properties and wide usage, is oil – the complex aggregate of substances, which consists of almost 3000 components and most of them are oxidizable. That’s why the toxic impact of oil and oil products on plants and life forms is really wide. The analysis of problem state of environment pollution during construction of oil and gas wells shows, that during production of such works a pollution with oil, oil products, oil gasses and burnt gas, hydrogen disulfide, sulfur oxides, hard waste waters, drilling fluids and drilling wastes, various SAA (surface acting agent), phenols, aldehyds and other chemicals, used for stimulation of drilling, can often take place. That is why the further improvement of activities aimed for protection of environment from pollution is important. [34]. The large sources of pollution of environment are regional oil production complexes major pipelines. The pollution of soil, drain and surface waters with oil and its components, highly mineralized formation and drain waters, slams is also happening during the stage of oil and gas crude processing for refining. At that the significant amount of oil components, associated oil gas and its exhausts enters the atmosphere. [33]. General ecological consequences of oil and gas entering environment result to: a) modification of soil and surface cover, b) contamination of surface and ground waters and bottom silts, c) modification of chemical composition of plants, transformation of plant formation, d) genera landscape degradation Soils are considered contaminated with oil and oil products if their concentration reaches level at which: There is depression or degradation of plant formation There is disturbance of ecological balance, disappearance of algal flora, mesofauna There is change of water-physical properties and structure of soils There is significant increase of proportion of carbon of oil products in noncarbonate (organic) carbon element of soils There decrease of productivity of farming lands There is elution of oil products from soils to undergournd and surface waters. The safe level of soils contamination is recommended to consider the level at which none of the abovementioned consequences, would not arrive due to contamination with oil products. The “Normal” level of indices of soil condition, are the levels that enable performing general soil functions and don’t cause negative impact on adjoining environs (air, water), plants and human. Generalizing data of pilot researches in various countries of the world, including different native zones, the following treshhold levels of concentration of oil products (table 1). Table 1 – Classification of levels of oil products soils. Level of pollution Background Low Moderate Middle High Very High Total content of oil product in soil. mg/kg % Up to 100-500 Up to 0,01-0,05 500-1000 0,05-0,1 1000-5000 0,1-0,05 5000-10000 0,05-1,0 10000-50000 1,0-5,0, Above 50000 Above 5,0 The reaction of biogeocenose on soil contamination in various native zones is determined experimentally. With that it is considered that this reaction is also depending also from initial load of contaminating agents to the soil. With same level of residual pollution the ecosystem can recover or not recover depending if it was ‘shock’ pollution, or it accumulated gradually. The minimal level of oil products content in soil, above which there is environment conditions aggravation, can be called the upper safe limit of concentration, or the limit of permissible concentration (MPC). The MPC of oil products in soils in most of the country is not set, because it depends on combination of many factors: type, content and features of soils, climatic conditions, composition of oil products, type of vegetation, type of land use, etc. These norms should be developed for specific region and specific type of soils. In many cases the knowledge of period of self-recovery allows to take reasonable decision on practicability of carrying out various activities on artificial soil cleanup of contaminated territory with interruption of upper soil layer, because sometimes the most advantageous can be the use of natural features of biogeocenose for self-purification in combination with some features, stimulating the process of self-purification. The recovery of humus accumulation layer can take dozens and hundreds of years. With that the soil can lose its features, which allow it to be filter restraining penetration of impurities to underground waters and their spreading into the depth of the system. The soils which contain oil products above MPC are subject to detoxification and recultivation, because without such activities, they don’t come out from the stage of degradation and will cause stabile negative impact on the environment. In the Mack Jill’s review [49] there is data from researches of many countries on defining safe limits of oil and oil products content in soils. This data is completely different due to climatic and soil features of places where research was done. In general the upper safe level of oil content in soil is 1000 mg/kg. The stop of plants growth was observed at placement of about 3500 mg of oil to one kg of soil. As a result of generalization of world experience and these researches this author composed a table of approximate norms of oil products content in soils, which are subject to recultivation. (table 2). Table 2 – Relative level of soils contamination, containing various amounts of oil. pollution level Oil content in soil, mg/kg Mineral part of soil Organic part of soil Light – moderate: some decrease of plant growth, if no measures taken – temporary 5000 –20000 decline of soil properties. Moderate – high: some plants develop well, during careful regulation they stay green, the soil can be recovered during 3 years, without recultivation the recovery 20000 - 50000 will take 2-3 times more time. High – very high: the oil soaks the soil for the depth of 10 sm, only few plants live, in case of correct recultivation the soil can Более 50000 be recovered in 3-5 years, without it the recovery takes 20 years and more. 40000 - 150000 150000 - 750000 Более 750000 In Netherlands, Germany there are three levels accepted for evaluation of soils contamination with chemical substances, including mineral oils, depending on such levels there is a need determined for specific environment protection activities. As the initial level for evaluation of pollution of soils there is a system of ‘background levels’ accepted.. They represent regional background of content of toxic elements and substances, specific for the territory of the country, and numerically represent signal level 1. Level 2 – this is higher pollution, which requires observation over the dynamic of pollution and elimination of reason of pollution and it can be considered as the level, above which the soils are considered ‘dirty’. At the signal level 3 there is a need for cleaning soils (table 3). According to WCAclassification, carrying out activities of soils cleaning from oil products is provided in case of oil products concentration of 5g/kg and higher. Table 3 – Signal levels of oil contents in soils. Signal level 1 2 3 Oil product content, mg/kg 50 1000 5000 Norms of the Netherlands envisage carrying out activities on cleaning soils from oil products at concentration fro 5000mg/kg (higher 0.5% on weight basis on dry substance). In different countries the level of soil contamination, above which the intensive activities on detoxification and recultivation is required, falls within the limit of 5000 to 10000 mg/kg. In case of contamination from 1000 to 10000 mg/kg the gentle activities are required for enforcement of processes of selfpurification: pollution source elimination, soil loosening, moistening, aeration, etc. It is assumed that in this case the oil products content will get down to the safe level during a year. At the level of pollution above 10000 mg/kg there is a need to select a best mean of recultivation [49]. In the ‘Guideline on identifying degraded and polluted soils’ [49] the five levels are set for soils contamination with oil products (table 4). Table 4 – The levels of oil products' content in soil in accordance with the ‘Guideline on identifying degraded and polluted soils’ Element, compound. Oil and oil products Content (mg/kg), correspondent to the level of contamination. 1 2 3 4 5 Admissible Low Medium High Very high <MPC From 1000 From 2000 From 3000 >5000 The soil is the biologically active structure, saturated with various microorganisms (bacterium and fungus). Decomposing organic remainders of soil (including oil products) such microorganisms promote formation of organic acids, which react with particles of mineral substances. [34]. The most important part of soil is – humus, which consists of high-molecular organic acids, salts and other substances. The soil colloids consisting of little organic and mineral particles provide ion-exchange capacity, acidity and soil buffering. Usually oil pollution cause significant changes of physicochemical properties of soils. Thus, destruction of weak soil structures and dispersion of soil articles are accompanied by decrease of water permeability of soils. In soil, polluted with oil, the balance between carbon and nitrogen raises sharply, which interrupts the nitrogen status of soils and root nutrition of plants. Besides, when oil gets to the surface of land and soaks into soil it intensively pollutes underground waters and soil, resulting to long recovery of fertile soil layer. This can be explained by the fact that oxygen is replaced from soil, and it is necessary for lives of plants and microorganisms. According to data of VNIICGTneft [33], during last 10-15 years together with growth of oil and gas production the hazardous emission volumes, solid wastes increased as well, plus areas of disturbed soils. Below are average volumes of environment contamination with various agents based on calculation of 1t of prepared oil. Drainage waters, м3 …………………………………………..0,28 Including: Provisory clean ………………………………………….. – Sent to treatment facilities ……………….0,18 Polluted……………………………………………..0,10 Dust, kg ……………………………………………………..0,02 Carbonic oxide, kg ………………………………………….0,43 Hydrocarbons, kg …………………………………………..6,60 Sulfur oxides, kg ……………………………………………0,04 Nitrogen oxides, kg ……………………………………………0,04 Solid wastes, t ………………………………………….0,027 While currently oil producing facilities, as usual, placed to operations together with treatment facilities, impermeable berms, etc, neither modern equipment, nor improved technology can fully exclude negative impact to the environment of drilling of wells, production and transportation of oil. That is why it is important to look for most efficient technical solutions providing safe environmental conditions for producing and transportation of oil and gas, prevent emergency spills and process outbreaks of liquid hydrocarbons from wells, eliminate consequences quickly. For successful decision of stated issues it is necessary to define the sources of biosphere pollution with oil, typical changes in native complexes, as well as ecological and economical consequences. The general picture of oil and gas pollution of environment is shown at the structural model developed by VNIISPTneft where all the elements of each level are connected by cause-and-effect relation (diagram 1). Oilfield equipment Drilling rigs Degradati on of landscape s. Decreas e of initial producti vity of plants. Decline of animals’ lives conditio ns. Decrease of quality of products of plant and animal origin. Worsening of human health and living environment. Loadingunloading equipment of ports and ships Pollution of land plant cover Pollution of air pool. Death of plant cover and soil organisms Major pipelines Loss of forag e lands . Pollution of reservoirs Decreas e of О2 content in water ecosystem Decr ease of fur anim als. Decrease of production of fishing, agricultural and hunting industry. Decreas e of reprodu ction of animals. Decreas e of fish and sea products . Decrea se of comm ercial animal s. Damage of shore ecosystem. Decreas e of recreatio nal value of waters and beaches. Increase of expenses for recovery of resources and improvement of environment. Diagram 1. Structural model of oil and gas pollution of environment. The diagram shown gives evidence that the oil industry has multiple pollution sources, which provide many-sided impact on the native complexes and inflict significant ecological and economical damage. The main directions of environment protection from harmful influence of oil industry is decrease of volume of lands interruption, decrease of pollution with drain waters, decrease of emissions of sulfur oxides and hydrocarbons to the lower layers of troposphere during production and treatment of oil, emissions of nitrogen oxides [33]. During operation of oilfields, transport and refining of oil there are a lot of wastes. Theirs significant part is represented by oil slam, which is stored and accumulated in open reservoirs – oil slam pits. The slam pits are the secondary sources of environment pollution. In this connection utilization and processing of oil slams – is one of the actual tasks of environment protection in oil producing regions. The oil slam is stable oil emulsion. The main part of hydrocarbons of slams is heavy aromatic and paraffin-naphthene hydrocarbons (31-83%), gums (44-10%) and asphaltenes (4-14%). The wide range of physical and chemical properties of oil slams, various conditions of formation and storage determine implementation of following methods: thermal, physical, chemical, physical-chemical. The mentioned methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In most cases they are low-technology, expensive and ecologically inappropriate. Currently in order to destruct oil products the biological method is used extensively. It is based on usage of various biological products. The advantage is ecological safety. That is why the proposed method, which does not require power consumption, equipment, process facilities and is used directly in the locations of slams storage, is the most perspective [46]. The company ‘Meisner Grundbau’ developed technology [20] of chemical treatment and disposal of oil containing wastes (oily slams, acid sludge, oily soils, emulsion slams, etc). According to this technology, together with method of disposal of collected oil wastes, the cleaning and recultivation of polluted areas on which oil wastes were stored is proposed. Such areas are suggested to use for planting, sites with hard coating for parking, storage facilities, etc. The product obtained during treatment could be used as construction material and used for road pavement, foundations, coating material, sumps, etc. According to the company using this method it is also possible to clean areas of oil spills, eliminate oil pollutions on beaches, which happen in case of emergencies with tankers or pipelines [20]. Evaluating the consequences of oil pollution it is hard to say if the landscape would come back to stable conditions, or degradation will be required. That is why during all activities associated with elimination of pollution consequences, recovery of disturbed soils, the main principle should be followed – do not bring more harm to environment that it already has received after pollution. [49]. Perspective directions of researches on soils recultivation. Based on review of works on recultivation of soils the most perspective direction is search of biological methods of cleanup of oil products through oil destruction microorganisms. In this context the researches can move the following directions: Search and cultivation of biotic community of microorganisms, which actively oxidize oil products; Making compost from wastes of plant and animal origin, which will be used for recultivation of oil polluted sources of land; Making special mix of compost, mineral mixture and seeds from community of wild grasses, in order to use them as bio-stimulators and bio-products for degradation of oil products. \ Implementation of special mix to the oil polluted areas and monitoring of the process of recultivation of soils and growing, recovery of vegetation. Biological composting of oil products by microorganisms and recovery of plant formation of soil. The higher-priority direction of researches from among abovementioned is forming of biostimulators and bio products on basis of compost. Procurement of biocomposts can easily be organized on basis of multi-tonnage renewable wastes of plant origin, such as rice hulls. Kyzylorda region, the place where the biggest part of Kazakhstan rice is grown, annually there are more than 6.0 thousand of tons of rise hulls produced, which consists of cellulose for 80%, silicon – 15%, minor elements – 5%. The rice hulls is multi-tonnage renewable waste, which until now hasn’t become of common use. The hulls, which is organosilicon phytogenous polymer, doesn’t burn, decay, is not good for stock feed. Due to mentioned causes, as well as availability and low price, the rice hulls is irreplaceable source of biocompost which is required for oil biodegradation. CHAPTER II. CHARACTERISTICS OF EXAMINED OBJECTS AND RESEARCH TECHNIQUE. 2.1 Physical-chemical characteristics of oil from Kumkol oilfield. The oil from Kumkol o/f is falls into category of paraffin base oils, and he most difficult features during substantiation of degassed oil characteristics were chilling point and weight content of high-polymeric paraffin. The interval rate of such parameters at the research objects is high and it is hard to find explanation for that. The association of these parameters with hypsographical location of wells which provided samples could not be found. They describe the oil of Kumkol o/f as light, paraffin base, tarry, low sulfur oil. (table1). Table 1 – Physical and chemical properties and fraction composition of degassed oil. Title Density, kg/m3 Viscosity, mPa-s, at 200С at 50 0С Chilling point\, 0С Paraffin saturation point, 0С Range of measurement 806,0-857,5 5,86-25,05 2,19-7,77 3-23 Average number 823,8 11,024,02 11,6 47,8 44-52,7 Weight content, % weight of sulfur, paraffins. \ Volume recovery, %.: up to 1000С to 2000 to 3000С 0,06-0,39 3,59-14,15 6,9-19,76 0,136 9,15 8,86 0-11 16-383 6-60 4,5 25,73 45,7 CHAPTER III. RESEARCHES ON RECULTIVATION OF POLLUTIED SOILS. 3.1. Recultivation works required at the oilfield of Kumkol. Up to present moment the soil recultivation at Kumkol o/f was bound to solely technical stage – grading the soil surface. The biological stage wasn’t use at all. The optimum solution of the problem of industrial wastes at Kumkol oilfield is construction of polygon, where the composting of wastes will take place.\ The wastes neutralization can be done on two directions: Thermal Biological degradation. The wastes burning should be done on the unit of wastes burning, approximately, according to calculations of ‘Golcler Associates Ltd.’ the expenses for purchase of such unit, its transportation and operation during a year would be 1.29 mln. US dollars. The biological degradation is more perspective due to its low price and almost 100% utilization of final products. For decomposition of contaminants single strains of organisms can be used as active agent, micro-bacterial communities, mono and mixed cultures of yeast, fungus and bacteria. The unique feature of bio-technologies is compulsive aeration and application of nutrients, stimulating activity of micro-organisms. At various methods of clean up and content of hydrocarbons in the soil the clean up of soil polluted by oil products will take 12-18 months. The treatment of recultivated areas and cover of crops for Kumkol o/f is necessary to be carried out zone recommendations on agricultural technology for erosion-dangerous lands: - in case of area disturbance of sand up to 4-Ha the simultaneous planting of bushes (dzhuzgun, teresken) and seeding of giant rye grass; - on flat air cleaning sand, clay sand, salty plains the planting of tamarisk, dzhuzgan, black saksaul etc is reasonable. In order to recover disturbed lands on Kumkol o/f it is necessary to develop detailed project of recultivation in accordance with ‘Directions on development of project of recultivation of disturbed lands in the RoK’, the work projects of recultivation of disturbed soils should consist of the following: Studies’ materials; feasibility indices of the project; explanatory note with substantiation of process and design solutions as well as calculations on work volumes; cost estimate part; drawings; the documents for approval of design solutions are attached to the explanatory notes. A range of technical and process events to be envisaged for Kumkol o/f in order to improve conditions of environment. Primarily that is: construction of unit on gathering and utilization of wastes; construction of treatment sewage facilities. Capsulation of gathering systems, separation, treatment and transportation treatments as well; Automatic switch-off of wells in case of emergencies by cut plates. Bunding of wellhead with earthworks in case of oil spill. In order to prevent spill to landscape provide maximum formation and process water for injection to formation. In case of oil spill to the surface dispose it to special pits with further implementation in process. Implementation of pneumatics for moving of drilling rigs. Laying of pipelines underground on the depth of 1.2-1.8meters. In order to decrease negative impact on soils during their pollution with oil and its products, the earthing should be done, as well as qualitative technical and biological recultivation of polluted soils. During all types of activities the following should be done: Removal of fertile layer of soil before start of construction work and temporary storing, piling, conservation and saving fertile layer of soil in order to return it to previous location. Carrying out technical stage of recultivation of disturbed lands after end of construction works, which envisage lands treatment for further proper use in agriculture. Carrying out biological stage of soils recultivations, providing agronomical, revegetation and biotechnical activities, aimed on increase of productivity of recultivated soils. Treating the oil polluted soil with nitrogen and fluorine containing compounds, which weakens toxic features of oil to the soil and enforces biochemical process of oil hydrocarbons oxidizing. Emulsification of oil by means of detergent, promoting activation and habitability of microorganisms, which participate in bio-decomposition of oil Rational technology of treatment of polluted areas in order to improve oxidizing properties. 3.2. Evaluation of soil pollution on Kumkol o/f. In order to determine impact of oil industry to soil ecosystems first were considering the existing criteria of soil impact. 1. Based on temporary guidelines on developing section ‘Evaluation of impact on environment’ the following criteria of technogenic impact on soils: Insignificant – local chemical pollution with hydrocarbons or associated substances as a result of production and initial treatment process of oil and gas in limits insignificantly affecting soil-agrochemical process, or light mechanical disturbance, expressed by insignificant compression of surface soil horizon, weak and local indication of erosion process. The general morphological and biological properties of soils are not disturbed. Moderate – chemical pollution by hydrocarbons or associated substances, formed as a result of production and initial treatment of oil and gas. This causes partial death of biota, change of product quality, accumulation of bituminous materials, light change of secondary chemical processes, strengthening of glygenesis of hydromorphous soils, or mechanical disturbance expressed by destruction on whole soil profile, peeling-off of grass sod, outwash of upper or deflation of soils horizons (without formation of new landscape forms). The soils feature to self-recovery after stop of technogenic interference is kept, the fragmentary disturbance of soil difference is observed. Significant – chemical pollution with hydrocarbons or associated substances forming as a result of process of production of oil, causing bituminisation of soils and grounds, change of oxidation-reduction conditions, forming of extensive severe pollution halos, alkalization of soil, soils secondary alcalination, death of biota, forming of hydrosulphuric forms of glegenesis of hydromorphous soils. The destruction of soil layer and forming of new landscape forms (ravines, scours, small blow-out pits). There is tendency forming to spread erosion on nearby areas. 2. The guidelines on evaluation of environment impact of products and materials located in storages, and stored in the open, provide the following evaluations of ecological condition of soils: (table1). Table 1 – Soil condition evaluation Parameters Ecological conditions of environment Permissible Relatively satisfactory Danger ous Critical (extreme) А. Physical parameters. More than 20 In practical terms absent B. Chemical parameters. 1. Increase of content of water-soluble salts, g/100g of soil, in layer 0-30 sm. 2 excess of MAC 3В -1 class of danger -2 class of danger -3 class of danger 3 Summary index of pollution ∑с C. Biological parameters 1 Decrease of level of germ mass. Catastrop hic Up to 10 10-20 0,1 0,1-0,4 0,4-0,8 Above 0,8 until 1 until 1 until 1 1-2 1-5 1-10 2-3 5-10 10-20 Above 3 Above 10 Above 20 below 16 6-32 2-128 Above128 Above 100 Until 5 5-50 50-100 3. According to the ‘Instruction of environment protection during construction of wells inland on multicomponent hydrocarbon fields, including sour’ there is characteristics of level of polluting areas on oilfields. The arrangement of polluted areas during the activity of oil production industries. Table 2 – Characteristics of contamination level of oil production industries areas. Pollution level Source of disturbance Washing fluids using for drilling. Washing fluids, condensate. Residual compound Up to 1% of bituminous substances. Up to 2,5% of bituminous substances. Ecological effect Strong Washing fluids, oil Partial plant extinction Very strong Emergency situation with spill to the surface of high-salt waters and oil. sulphatechloride salinification (solid residue 1%). Bituminous substances up to 3.7% Significant sulphatechloride salinification (solid residue 1%) Bituminous substances up to 5% Light Medium Projected cover 70% (in case of natural growing) Reduced plants (indicators of salinification) Full plant extinction. External displays - Whitebrown stains appear. Oil stains are seen Oil spills on the surface of soil. 4. According to the ‘Temporary guideline of damage calculation during pollution of environment, land and water resources by oil products’ the evaluation of soil pollution by chemicals is carried out according to summary index of pollution (∑с) (table 3). Table 3 – Extent of soils pollution Soil pollution level Value of index (∑с). <2 2-8 8-32 36-64 >64 The index ∑с is defined according to the formula: Permissible Weak Middle Strong Very strong ∑с =Ci (act)/ Ci (bgrnd) where: Ci (act)- actual content of 1st toxicant in the soil; Ci (bgrnd) – index of regional-background content of 1st toxicant in soil, accepted according to the table 4. Table 4 – Background content of gross forms of heavy metals in soils (mg/kg). Soils Soddy-forest, sand and sabulous sod-podzol, podsolic, loamy and clay soil. Zn Cd Pb Hg Cu 28 0,05 6 0,05 8 45 0,12 15 0,10 15 Due to unavailability of MAC of oil in this work the background content in the soils is accepted as 0.1mg/kg. During research on Kumkol, East Kumkol o/f the evaluation of soils pollution is performed on summary index of pollution. The factors of degradation of soil-vegetation layer of Kumkol o/f are: Mechanical disturbance of land cover: drilling and assembly works, operation of wells, construction of roads, power lines, oil transportation facilities, heaters, accumulation units, gas pipelines, flares, oil pits, etc. Near with wells the plant cover is almost fully destroyed in radius of 50-150 meters, further there are rarefied plant communities, old and downtrodden. On the first stages of oilfield development the land cover primarily was exposed to mechanical disturbance during construction of mentioned facilities, and due to that it was either destroyed completely or disturbed highly. During construction of roads on the field (the central road from north to south, and roads in west and east directions) beside delivered ground the upper layer of soils was used, removed from left and right of constructed road, the plants were completely destroyed. In period of construction-drilling works the upper part of plant profile was exposed to significant changes, the soils were compressed, water-physical features go worse (aeration and water permeability). The technogenic components came into soil mass, with the leading role belonging to silicate-carbonate drilling fluid. The following forming of plant cover in bounds of drilling sites during further operation and carrying out mechanical recultivation went uneven. On the embankments there is plant cover, with pioneer types of ebelek, spearwort, saltwort. On the leveled areas there are rarefied communities with different types of plant. The plants are undersized, which is associated primarily negative conditions of site (the soils are disturbed, their water-physical features disrupted, technogenic pollutants are present) During removal of mechanical impact on soil-vegetation over their reaction will be different. The vegetation due to its adaptability to severe conditions of deserts would recover faster, and in soils due to low intensity and short time of active soil forming process, the disturbances will be present for longer time. Currently nearby the oil wells the mechanical recultivation was carried out, but the process of growth is on initial stage. On same areas not flooded, there is process of growing, mostly these are ephemers and ephemeroids; tulips, ebelek, rhubarb, ranunculus, spurge, pepper wort. One of the factors of plants degradation on oilfield is pollution of soils by oilfield sewage waters, salty water, formation waters. High concentrations of water soluble salts in formation waters (chlorides, sulphates, carbonates) which damnify soil and plants irrecoverable harm, promote process of technogenic hologenesis, which leads to further salination of soils, change of their physical-chemical features. During study of impact of salty waters it was found that almost all plants die during entrance of such water. The tamarisks can be called stable, but it shows the signs of damage, expressed in undersizing. The plant cover near with well, i.e. on technogenic area, changed rather significant. In the micro depressions filled with salty waters, on the areas with no plants, the saltwort groups are formed. In micro depressions which were filled earlier with salty waters, on the areas with no plants, the alteration of communities is noted towards sagebrush-saltworts. Recovery ability of plants (area types) based on regions (landscape-geochemical zoning) is separated on six zones. The Kumkol o/f is located in zone six – desert area. As for the determining the periods of plants recovering, it is meant that oil is fully removed from technogenic site by mechanical mean, or burned, which eliminates its further direct impact. The communities of semideserts and desert, included to zone six are characterized by rule of xerophytes, but more importantly there are ephemers widely presented at Kumkol and they have very short period of vegetation. At the same time extreme environment conditions unlikely promote fast forming of plant cover at the oilfield, decreasing possibility of oil direct hit on plants, which supports existing plant formations, as well as warm climate. The character of response reaction of plants and plant formations depends of inhabitation site, type of pollutant and way of pollution. However some general features are reflected distinctly: In case of surface spills of oil almost all plants die and recovery starts in 3-5 years through community, which types depend on area types of plants. The pioneer plants are ephemers – ebelec, saltwort, weeds; The external evidence pointing out to the impact of oil and its decay products to the plants, can be accepted change of anatomist of morphological indices of plants, formation of necrosis, change of color. The occurrence of mentioned changes at separate plants can be considered as indicating internal soil pollution with oil; In case of soil internal pollution with oil the species composition of plant cover is changing similarly to how it happens in case of surface spill; The influence of associated gas burning emissions is clearly remains on tree species and bushes, in such cases appearance of necrosis is seen, change of leaves color, little holes in leaves, short bines, etc. Thus at the Kumkol o/f the soil pollution is separated on following types depending on nature of pollutants – oil, drilling slam, drilling fluids, salty waters, mechanical degradation, etc: Soils polluted with oil spills; Soil polluted by washing fluids; Soil polluted by salted and formation waters; Soils polluted by drilling slams; Soils polluted during oil transportation, Etc. Types and level of soil pollution and impact on plants and plant cover at Kumkol o/f (Table 5) Table 5 – Types and level of pollution of Kumkol o/f soils Sources of pollution Oil slam Ecological effect Salty and formation water Depression, expressed by undersizment. Partial extinction of Oil stains are plants seen The plants are destroyed Oil spills completely directly on surfaces of soil Washing fluid Transportation Necrosis on leaves, decrease off size, change of color of leaves, general anomaly. Almost all plants die External evidence The soil seems to be paved Level of pollution Light Middle Strong Very strong. As the soil of Kumkol o/f is sod-podzolic, sandy and clayed, it soaks the oil faster and in greater amount. Based on the level of pollution of degraded soils the approaches to its recultivation change as well. 3.3. Recultivation of soils polluted with oil by biological and mechanical methods. There are two ways of elimination of soil pollution – removal of polluted layer of soil, and recovery in natural conditions. But the natural process takes much time. This is explained by anaerobic conditions which occur after pollution with oil, and decomposition of components of oil requires molecular oxygen. Anaerobic microorganisms acquire one tenth of amount of hydrocarbons which anaerobic types can utilize. During process of auto-purification of soils the condition of water regime is of high significance. Oil is more stable to microbiological decomposition in damp soil. The analysis of available data on ecological and biological features of soils polluted with oil showed that there are complex physic, chemical and biological researches required for successful resolving the problem of oil pollution. Oil absorbers are not only ecologically clean, providing adsorption of hydrocarbon, but as well they have features of laminating agent for wide variety of soil types. Their implementation doesn’t only provide full elimination of oil pollution of soil, but also it provides fast recovery of potential of soils capability. This approved by results of field tests ‘Ecolana’. The testing was done on two types of soil with normal nutrition regime, leached chernozem and gray forest-steppe soil, i.e. soils sensible to oil pollution, with characteristics of relatively high firmness of structure, which provides significant difficulties of mechanical removal of oil polluted layer. The tests were done as follows: The selected sites were treated with oil, 30liters for 1 sq.meters of surface. Such volume of oil is selecting for soils, and results to inconvertible changes in soil microsphere, in structure of soil and full loss of fertile qualities, i.e. harvest failure. The polluted site was treated with oil adsorbent ‘Ecolan’, representing polydisperse powder of dark-brown color. The oil adsorbent amounted to 20kg on 1square meter of surface. After applying the oil adsorbent the site was ploughed for the depth of oil soaking and phenological observations were done. At the same time similar site was seeded with barley and productivity of this agricultural culture. The results were compared with control areas of polluted and unpolluted sites. The controlled parameters in the test were the oil content in soil and productivity of barley. At the same time on a range of sites specific agronomical activities were done aimed on recovery of soils – the organic-mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium were applied. The test results show that implementation of oil absorber ‘Ecolan’ provides completely full recovery of productivity soil, for chernozem this time is 3-4 months, and for gray forest-steppe soils – 7-8 months, in the conditions of biologically active temperatures (above +10C), at the same time oil polluted soils do not recover during 2 years and more. Other known agronomic methods (ploughing, fertilizing) on areas where ‘Ecolan’ was not used – did not present the intended effect. The analysis of received data gives evidence that oil content in soil provides toxic impact on seeds sprouting. At that the most toxic is oil with overweight of light fractions. Implementation of ‘Ecolan’ as oil adsorbent allows to decrease its toxicity based on conversion to less moving form. ‘Ecolan’ itself does not has toxicity for seeds, and their sprouting is kept on level of 98-103% from control. It should be remarked that the data on productivity indicated in this work relates to the first year only, as it is mostly dangerous for plants in terms of ecological condition of soils. Further years, as sampling tests showed, the productivity increased at the areas where oil adsorbent was implemented. Thus, the oil adsorbent provide efficient elimination of oil pollution of soils and its consequences, displaying at that clear ecological effect, and it is recommended for extensive use of industrial practice. However, ‘Ecolan’ as oil adsorbent provides good results, but it is hardly-to-get and expensive chemical. Due to this reason, despite of great results of ‘Ecolan’, its wide implementation is problematic. In this context the perspective chemicals could be cheap and available wastes, comparing with expensive and imported chemicals. Generally, such substances can be the wastes of local origin. 3.4. Recultivation of polluted and salted soils using rice hulls The ecotoxicological researches of oil products pay great significance to search of regulators of process of self-purification of soil from oil by mean of speeding up degradation. Practically, such regulators are various wastes of vegetable and animal origin, such as cuttings, moss, peat, cardboard, cellulose, woodwool, and some mineral and organic substances working as nutritious substance for soil microorganisms (transformants and oil products destructors), in this connection it should be noted that that different regulators impact on transformation and degradation speed of oil products in soil. They can either accelerate, or slow down these processes. The wastes mentioned above selected also according to one important factor – price and availability, which are important in practice. According to availability and low price the most perspective and efficient oil destructor is the rice hulls – renewable multi-tonnage waste of rice growing. In this connection we see the implementation of rice hulls as regulator of soil autopurificatoin as efficient and reasonable. For these purposes two types of products were used – first is the rice hulls mixed with other fillers (livestock manure, seeds of wild plants, etc.) and the second one is based on the rice hulls. The lab experiments on destruction of oil products in soil were made with samples from polluted areas of Kumkol o/f. The tested soil sample with oil pollution represented substance of dark-brown color with strong smell of oil products. The samples of soil mixed in different ratios with rice hulls in order to evaluate aerating feature of soil as a result of its loosening with rice hulls as the filler. The soil and hulls mix was damped with water in order to create conditions for equal mixing of components, because firm and even contact of soil and hulls promotes intensive degradation of oil products. The result of series of tests displayed that in all cases as time passed and mix was stirred, the polluted soil gradually lost smell of oil and accordingly its color got brighter. In 2-3 month the soil got bright completely and smell was gone. These visual and qualitative factors testify that the rice hulls is the excellent filler of polluted soil, promoting intensive degradation of oil products. The rice hulls forms air-space promotes intensive oxidizing of oil products by oxygen. Thus the main role here is played by the rice hulls by mean of aerating internal layers of polluted soil. The intensity of oil products degradation in soil mainly depends on amount of rice hulls, time of missing, depth of soil aeration, medium temperature, etc. With that the intensity of oil products degradation increases as the amount of rice hulls increases as well. The oxidizing intensity also promoted by soil mixing, due to additional transport of oxygen to the lower layers of soil. In connection with abovementioned one of the perspective directions of soil cleaning from oil pollution is implementation of microorganisms, which use oil products as nutrient solution, and accordingly, decompose hydrocarbon on СО2 and biomasses. We used biocompost in order to biologically decompose oil pollutions, based on rice hulls. For this purpose the compost was received by destruction of cellulose-woodwool structure of hulls using soil aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. For this we needed separation of cellulose-destruction micro-organisms with further cultivation in order to use them later for destruction of fiber of rice hulls. Thus we developed the technology of biocompost preparation and implementation of this compost for destruction of oil products, i.e. development of recultivation of oil pollutes soil at Kumkol o/f. In order to utilize the rice hulls the soil micro-organisms were separated. Two methods cultivation of microorganisms were used, accordingly for anaerobic and aerobic. The general schematic of aerobic decomposition of fiber comes to hydrolysis of fiber under influence of cellulose ferment produced by microorganisms, before forming water-soluble carbon compounds, probably sugars. The lasts in the presence of molecular oxygen get oxidized to the final products with release of a quantity of free energy: (C6H10O5)n+H2O+xO2→ R-CHOHCOOH+O2+H2O+x kJ The formed oxygen acids are good energetic materials for the group of nitrogen-fixing bacterium of soil, and uranic acids participate in humus formation. The mold fungi and bacteria take part in aerobic destruction of fiber. The bacteria are the most energetic destructors of fiber. Cytophaga (formation Myxobacteriales). Bend flexible sticks with sharp ends (4-6*0,5 mkm). When oil turn into round or oval cysts. Color the fiber in orange. Cellvibrio. Little, (2-4*0,5 mkm), slightly bend sticks with long ciliae on one end. With help of this ciliae the fast progressive movements of vibrios are happening. During destruction of fiber form yellow or green pigment. Cellfalcicula. Little (2-3*0,3 mkm) fusiform or crescent stiсks with sharp ends and polar flagellum. Form green spots on bibulous paper. Conclusion Increase of oil production volume at Kumkol oilfield as well as development of new oilfields with disadvantageous conditions resulted in pollution of plant cover of land with oil and oil products. At Kumkol o/f during exploration, drilling, production, transportation of oil, spilled oil pollutes plant cover, destroys and kills all types of plants. In order to solve successfully this problem nowadays in the oil regions it is necessary to start construction and start of treatment facilities, burial or utilization of drilling fluids, provide special equipment and means on localization, collection of spilled oil. The recultivation work is to be performed in two stages on oil polluted areas. Currently on Kumkol o/f only first stage of recultivation is carried out – mechanical recultivation. The oil polluted areas of Kumkol o/f need biological recultivation. As the oil absorbers are expensive and inaccessible, there is a need to create adsorbent of local origin. It should be noted that in severe ecological environment during biological treatment method there can grow pathogen microorganisms, which can be the source of infection. It is well known that the microorganisms oxidizing process takes much time. Seeding of grass with branched root network to the polluted soil promotes accelerating decomposition of hydrocarbons. The positive impact of agriculture plants is explained by the fact that their root network promotes gas-air regime of polluted soil, enriches soil with nitrogen. This stimulates growth of microorganisms and accelerates decomposition of oil and oil products. Also it is important to remember that that plants themselves can destruct various oil hydrocarbons. In order to develop technology of recultivation of polluted soil and its optimization it is necessary to carry out laboratory and experimental testing on fields. The result of series of tests displayed that in all cases as time passed and mix was stirred, the polluted soil gradually lost smell of oil and accordingly its color got brighter. In 2-3 month the soil got bright completely and smell was gone. These visual and qualitative factors testify that the rice hulls is the excellent filler of polluted soil, promoting intensive degradation of oil products. The rice hulls forms air-space promotes intensive oxidizing of oil products by oxygen. Thus the main role here is played by the rice hulls by mean of aerating internal layers of polluted soil. The intensity of oil products degradation in soil mainly depends on amount of rice hulls, time of missing, depth of soil aeration, medium temperature, etc. With that the intensity of oil products degradation increases as the amount of rice hulls increases as well. The oxidizing intensity also promoted by soil mixing, due to additional transport of oxygen to the lower layers of soil. However implementation of rice hulls promotes degradation of oil products by mean of creation of aeration environment in the soil, i.e. by mean of oxygen delivery for oil and oil products oxidizing. In the area of recovery and protection of disturbed components of environment it is necessary to work out activities on maximum saving and recultivation of land cover of Kumkol o/f. The striсt following of environment protection measures will allow to save great spaces without serious natural-climate changes. Bibliography cited: Arskiy Yu.M. ‘Economy of natural management’, M.2002, p200-204. 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