CONSERVATION TILLAGE IN THE UNITED STATES: AN OVERVIEW Daniel Walters and Paul Jasa Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Nebraska – Lincoln U.S.A. INTRODUCTION The growth of agricultural production in the United States over the past 100 years has followed the westward expansion of population across the North American continent. In the 1930’s, the Dust Bowl, which resulted from a severe long-term drought and excessive tillage, prompted the formation of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (now the Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS) and a concerted effort to improve soil conservation practices to preserve soil resources for future generations. There are currently 295 million acres (120 Mha) of cropland in the U.S. subject to some form of tillage. Significant advances in machinery and cropping systems as well socioeconomic changes in U.S. agriculture and government programs have influenced the rate of conservation tillage (CT) adaptation in the US. This paper will briefly outline the state of CT in the US with a discussion of the principal determinants governing adaptation of CT across the nation. DEFINITIONS (5) Conservation Tillage (CT): Any tillage and planting system that covers 30 percent or more of the soil surface with crop residue, after planting, to reduce soil erosion by water. Where wind erosion is the primary concern, any system that maintains at least 1,000 lb/acre ( 1.1 Mg/ha) of flat, small grain residue equivalent on the surface throughout the critical wind erosion period. The following define three broad classes of conservation tillage. No-till or Strip-till (NT): A tillage/planting system where the soil is left undisturbed from harvest to planting except for nutrient injection. Planting is accomplished in a narrow seedbed or slot created by coulters, row cleaners, row chisels or roto tillers. Weed control is accomplished primarily with herbicides. Less than 25% row width disturbance is considered no-till. Ridge-till (RT): A tillage/planting system where the soil is left undisturbed from harvest to planting except for nutrient injection. Planting is completed in a seedbed prepared on ridges with sweeps, disk openers, coulters, or row cleaners. Residue is left on the surface between ridges. Weed control is accomplished with herbicides and when ridges are rebuilt during cultivation. Mulch-till (MT): The soil surface is disturbed prior to planting. Tillage tools such as chisels, field cultivators, disks, sweeps or blades are used. Weed control is generally accomplished with herbicides and/or cultivation. Reduced Till (RDT): Any tillage system that leaves 15–30 percent residue cover after planting, or less than 500 lb/acre (0.55 Mg/ha) of small grain residue equivalent throughout the critical wind erosion period. Conventional Till (CVT): Any tillage system that leaves less than 15 percent residue cover after planting or less than 500 lbs/acre (<55 Mg/ha) small grain residue during the critical wind erosion period. Generally involves plowing or intensive tillage. DETERMINANTS GOVERNING ADAPTATION OF CT SYSTEMS IN THE U.S. Socioeconomic forces: Food Security Act of 1985: Conservation tillage was only practiced on 2.3% of harvested cropland nationwide in 1965 (5). Although this percentage increased to 16% in 1979 the rate of increase was stagnant. The passage of the Food Security Act by Congress in 1985 tied soil conservation practices to farmer eligibility for government sponsored crop deficiency payments, crop loans, storage payments, Federal Crop Insurance and disaster payments (4). The overall purpose of the act is to remove incentives for persons to produce crops on highly erodible land (HEL). Highly erodible land is defined as soils that would erode at eight times that soil’s tolerance (T) value based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE) or the wind erosion equation (WEQ). This massive program affects more than 125 million acres (50 Mha) nationwide. The current nationwide percentage of cropland under CT stands at 37.2 percent, RDT at 25.8 percent with CVT reduced to 36.2 percent of cultivated lands.(5). (Figs. 1 and 2). Tillage by Region, 1998 Lake States Northeast Pacific Northern Plains Corn Belt Mountain Appalachian Southern Plains Delta Southeast Tillage practice by Type Conventional Ridge-Till No-Till Mulch-Till Source: Conservation Technology Information Center Pacific Circle size represents tillage area in million acres (range in ascending size): 7.7 million acres B 78 million acres Figure 1. Proportion of agricultural land area under conservation and conventional tillage practice in the continental USA. Source CTIC (5). 5 0 4 5 C O N S E R V A T I O N ( > 3 0 % c o v e r ) R E D U C E D ( 1 5 3 0 % c o v e r ) C O N V E N T I O N A L ( 0 1 5 % c o v e r ) 4 0 3 5 CULTIVAEDLANREA(%) 3 0 2 5 U S A = 2 9 4 m m i l l i o n a c r e s 2 0 1 9 9 01 9 9 21 9 9 41 9 9 61 9 9 8 Y E A R Figure 2. Trends in CT adaptation in the United Staes, 1990-1998. Source (5) Farm Size: The number of farms in the U.S. has declined from a high of 6.8 million in 1935 to 1.9 million today (11). At the same time, farm population has declined from 33 million people to under 4.8 million or 1.9 percent of the national population (Fig. 3). Average farm size in the U.S. today is 508 acres (206 ha). The reduction in farm labor and increase in farm size requires more timely tillage operation and less time with machinery management. Where plowing required an average of 1.22 hrs/acre (3 hrs/ha), NT requires only 0.5 hrs/acre (1.2 hrs/ha) because of the reduction in primary and secondary tillage operations. U . S . F A R M S T A T I S T I C S 2 2 0 3 5 FARMPOULATION(10 AVERGFARMSIZE(ha) 6) 7 2 0 0 3 0 6 1 8 0 2 5 5 1 6 0 2 0 4 1 4 0 1 5 2 F A R M N U M B E R P O P U L A T I O N F A R M S I Z E 1 2 0 1 0 6) NUMBEROFARMS(10 3 1 0 0 5 1 8 0 1 8 6 0 1 8 8 0 1 9 0 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 4 0 1 9 6 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 Y E A R Figure 3. Trends in U.S. farm size, population and farm number. Source (11) Environmental Awareness: Public awareness of environmental issues has increased throughout the U.S. as information transfer has become more sophisticated. Water quality is a principal public concern and there is increasing public financial support for conservation programs to reduce non-point pollution of surface and ground water. Nearly every major agricultural state has some tax support for cost sharing of conservation structures on private land. Protection of watersheds with CT and forested buffer strips along the nation’s watersheds is a part of national policy. Significant progress has been made toward protecting the Mississippi River watersheds in the Central U.S. (Fig. 4) however sedimentation of the nations waterways is still a major offsite effect of soil erosion which costs the nation more than $7 billion dollars annually (7 ). Figure 4. Proportion of major US continental watersheds under conservation tillage. Source CTIC (5). Climate and Soil Factors: Agriculture in the U.S. is practiced under a wide range of climatic regimes with agricultural eco-regions that span a mix of rainfall patterns, solar energy load, day lengths, altitudes, crop requirements, soil properties, irrigation water availability/quality and pest problems. The national pattern of CT adaptation tends to roughly follow latitudinal trends with growing season length, energy flux and crop heat requirements dominating regional acceptance of high surface residue CT systems (Fig. 5). Several of the more dominant state variables in the Central U.S. that inherently influence tillage adaptation are: Soil temperature: Seed germination and growth (especially maize) is reduced under cool soil temperatures. Radical elongation and phenology is delayed under cool soil conditions (1, 2 ) which reduces yield potential and increases the risk of yield loss at latitudes where heat units are marginally adequate to achieve maize maturity (Fig.6). The inherent characteristics of conservation tillage likely to influence soil temperature are surface residue reflectance (albedo), thermal conductivity and soil drainage class. The relative popularity of ridge till and strip till systems in northern latitudes is attributable to increased aspect (in RT) (13 ) and reduced albedo. Conservation Tillage by Region, 1998 Lake States Northeast Pacific Mountain Northern Plains Corn Belt Appalachian Southern Plains Delta Southeast Tillage practice by Type Ridge-Till No-Till Mulch-Till Source: Conservation Technology Information Center Circle size represents conservation tillage area in million acres (range in ascending size): 1.6 million acres B 35.9 million acres Pacific Figure 5. Proportion of agricultural land area under conservation tillage practice in the continental USA. Source CTIC (5). Figure 6. Daily total undepleted solar radiation received on a horizontal surface as a function of latitude and time of year (8). (US latitudes between 30 & 50) Soil Drainage: Since the principal component of soil heat capacity is water content, CT systems that improve energy absorption in poorly drained soils through reduced albedo or increased aspect will improve conditions for seed germination and timing of spring planting operations. Conversely, soils that have low water storage capacity have improved water retention and are aided by high surface residue CT systems. Poorly drained soils susceptible to compaction are especially vulnerable to the high axel loads associated with heavier CT equipment. Even under NT, 30 to 50% of the soil surface may be subjected to wheel traffic (14 ). Water Conservation in Fallow Tillage Systems: Dryland fallow systems are practiced in the High Plains of the western USA where two wheat crops are grown in three cropping season. During the lengthy fallow period (14 mo.) soil is managed for weed control, water harvest, snow capture and wind erosion protection. Tillage systems that result in erect stubble and high surface residue with a greater reliance on herbicides for weed control have dramatically increased fallow efficiencies (Table 1). However, economic return to land, labor, capital, and management in fallow systems are reduced under no-till as the cost of conversion to no-till from stubble mulch is greater than the yield advantage from increase fallow efficiency. Costs for NT are $8 $11.00 more per acre than stubble mulch (6,10). Intensification of cropping toward shorter fallow periods, however, can improve profitability under NT (Table 2) (12 ). Table 1. Evolution of Fallow Tillage systems, Akron, Colorado. (9) Years Management system Fallow Efficiency % ppt. Stored as soil water 1916 – 1930 Maximum Tillage (Dust Mulch) 16-22 1931 – 1945 Conventional Tillage : shallow disk and rod-weeder Improved Conventional Tillage Stubble Mulch in 1957 Stubble Mulch, began minimum tillage with herbicides 1946 – 1960 1961 – 1975 1975-present No-Till with contact herbicides 24-27 27-30 33-38 40-55 Table 2. Relative Return to Capital Investment on a 1200 acre farm as affected by cropping system and fallow tillage system in NE Colorado (12 ) Cropping System Tillage Preceding Wheat Planting WF WCF WCFM Conventional 100% 140% 127% Reduced Till 92% 136% 120% No-Till 72% 125% 113% WF=Wheat Fallow; WCF = Wheat-corn-fallow; WCMF=Wheat-corn-millet-fallow Water and Wind Erosion Hazard: Obviously conditions that reduce runoff and improve water infiltration will reduce water erosion potential. Conservation tillage practices tend to increase the tortuosity of surface runoff path and increase infiltration time. Conservation tillage systems dominate regions of the country where farming is practiced on sloping lands, soil texture is conducive to crusting and erosive rains are frequent during soil preparation for planting. Wind erosion is the dominant hazard in the wheat-fallow regions of the Central Plains and CT systems that preserve erect residue will reduce wind velocity at the soil surface. At times, tillage operations are performed to increase soil roughness and aggregate size to reduce saltation under extreme conditions. Crop Management Factors: Weed Control: Conservation tillage systems most often result in increased reliance on chemical weed control. Weed control can be a significant problem in CT systems where pH stratification affects herbicide activity or where residue cover may intercept herbicides rendering them inactive. At times, emergency tillage is required to offset herbicide failures resulting in less than 30% residue cover. In specific situations, the most effective herbicide compounds will require soil mixing limiting the choice of CT systems. Conversely, CT systems can also afford reduction in herbicide use when banded in strip- or ridge-tillage operations. Cooler soils in residue-laden zones may suppress the emergence and competitive ability of weeds relative to the crop. Weed control in continuous cropping systems are usually the most problematic for CT systems because weeds with similar biological characteristics and growth periods to the crop tend to predominate over time. In these situations, rotation of crop species may be the most effective weed control measure under CT. The introduction of herbicide resistant crops has revolutionized CT weed control strategies in the maize belt but the safety and ecological impact of these crops is being questioned. Crop Rotation: Crop rotations allow selection of different herbicides, planting dates and tillage systems resulting in greater opportunities to control weeds, disease and insect pests. Certain CT systems are not amenable to crop rotations. For example, RT systems that require ridge construction during a row crop season are unsuited to rotation with solid seeded or sod crops. This fact tends to limit the acreage devoted to RT. Often CT systems alternate with crop rotations in response to residue management needs or fertilization strategies. Crop rotations of all sorts are becoming the dominant cropping strategy as they provide market diversity as well as management flexibility. Soil Fertility: Stratification of soil chemical properties and nutrient distribution is a commonly observed phenomenon of CT systems. Non-mobile nutrients such as P and K can accumulate in the upper portions of the soil profile from surface placement of fertilizer materials and/or deposition from decomposed residues (3). The extent of soil acidification produced by nitrification of ammonium N will depend on soil buffering capacity and inherent N mineralization potential. Redistribution and mixing of nutrients varies with the degree of soil mixing so the choice of CT system and duration of CT practice will depend on native soil fertility and the resistance of soil to chemical change. SUMMARY There are 294 million acres of cropland subject to tillage each year in the United States. Conservation tillage systems (> 30% residue cover) are practiced on 37% of these acres with 26% maintained with > 15% residue cover. Government incentives tied to the Food Security Act of 1985 have been the primary reason for growth in CT in the past decade. A growing threat from agriculture to surface water quality continues to drive public initiatives and support for soil conservation programs. The diversity of cropping systems, climate and soil resources across the agricultural regions of the U.S. has resulted in a broad array of CT strategies that include innovative machinery design, biological pest control, alternative crops and crop rotations, herbicide formulations and genetically modified crops. REFERENCES: 1. Alessi, J. and J.F. Power. 1971. Corn emergence in relation to soil temperature. Agron. J. 63:717-719. 2. Barlow, E.W., L. Boersma, and J.L. Young. 1977. 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