summary of main projects

Document: Research team profile.
Subject: Natural Resources division of
Reference: 7_CV_en
Project “ACV COCO”
Determination of the real potential
of greenhouse emissions reduction
in Spain by means
of the co-firing implementation
Research team profile
División recursos naturales
ACVCOCO project managed by CIRCE Foundation
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Document: Research team profile.
Subject: Natural Resources division of
Reference: 7_CV_en
Research group
The Natural Resources Division research team accounts with more than 15 years of
broad expertise in the biomass field. The team has worked in providing technical
solutions for energy conversion, is experienced in pilot and full scale combustion
and co-firing tests. Co-firing is a main research field where the research team has
been working hand in hand with power generation companies and cement producers.
Its wide experience in diverse works and collaborations make the research team to be
pioneer in co-firing and biomass conversion and handling in Spain at the present time.
As well the research team has participated in the design and implementation of
biomass inventories for both energy planning for regional administrations, and
assessment of availability and costs of biomass for renewable energy procurement to
The assessment of environmental impacts sums value to the distinguished
professional background of the research team, already experienced in the use and
implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies. Implementation has
been already applied to both thermal conversion systems and technologies as well as
to biomass feedstocks.
Design of combustion facilities at small scale (<1MW thermal), evaluation of
biomass effects in deposition, as well as redesign of technologies and combustion
system and modification of operational modes locate the research team in the cuttingedge of the Spanish research on small scale combustion.
Co-firing of coal and biomass:
The research team has worked in diverse type of research. Theoretical studies for
the adaptation of coal power plants have been carried out at facility level (detail
with redesign of facility) as well as from a national scope. Efficiency of combustion
and boiler, emissions, and evaluation of impacts in operation have been
researched at pilot and full scale facilities. Optimization of biomass pre-treatments
for co-firing has been also carried out: natural and forced drying, milling and
conveying has been designed and implemented at pilot and full scale plants.
Projects carried out in this field are:
- Between 1999 – 2002 the project “Co-firing at Escucha power station” (ref.
2FD97-0764) was carried out. FEDER funds from EU and funding from
Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology supported the project. This
project embodies the first experience of co-firing in Spain at a full-scale power
station. The biomass injection zone was selected and nozzle and transport of
biomass designed and implemented. Experience on constraints for biomass
implementation was gained. Pretreatment biomass facility was designed and
operated in continuous basis including chopper, mill, forced drying and
conveying. Methodologies of efficiency prediction were developed.
ACVCOCO project managed by CIRCE Foundation
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Document: Research team profile.
Subject: Natural Resources division of
Reference: 7_CV_en
In co-gasification two main projects have been carried out: “Valorization of
agroindustrial residues, municipal solid waste and agricultural residues by cogasification at Puertollano Elcogas IGCC” and “Feasibility study for biomass
and MSW co-gasification experimental tests of environmental at Puertollano
Elcogas IGCC” (2001-2002). Design of monitoring software tools for simulation
of biomass co-gasification influence on plant operation parameters was
The project “Maximum Biomass Use and Efficiency in Large-Scale
Cofiring (BIOMAX)” (Vth Framework of the European Union 2002-2004)
allowed studying optimization of global energy production from environmental
and economic scopes. All the procurement and production chains were
analysed (from biomass production to energy production and emissions).
Collaboration with first line research centers like VTT took place. A unequaled
vision of co-firing and where the research must be focused in was gained.
Use of biomass by co-firing at cement kilns has been researched in
collaboration with CEMEX Spain in the project “Study of environmental
feasibility of petroleum coke and biomass co-firing in the cement plant at
Morata de Jalon”. Monitoring of co-firing tests was carried out during normal
operation of the plant.
Biomass combustion:
Additionally to the experience in co-firing the research team has worked for
different companies with diverse combustion systems. Biomass combustion
properties and feasibility of biomass valorization were assessed from technical
and environmental scopes. Of special remark are next experiences:
- The project “Assessment of feasibility for combustion of by-products from
medicine extract industry in a cyclone combustor” for the company EUROMED
tested biomass by-products in a cyclonic combustor coupled with a piro-tube
boiler. Test series were carried out to assess technical feasibility for
combustion. This facility was also used under the “Co-firing at Escucha power
station” project. This technology is currently available at CIRCE laboratories
for combustion tests at pilot scale plant (500 kWth)
- From 2006 the research team works in the PSE on Cultivos (Analysis and
evaluation of different energy crops in Spain. 2005-2012) funded by the
national plan on R&D. The work carried out in the work package 3 “Use of
biomass from energy crops in domestic sector” include design of boilers and
experimental testing. Work is carried in collaboration with LASIAN
Tecnologia del Calor S.L. one of the Spanish manufacturers of small scale
biomass boilers (<1Mwth). Tests with pellets of Brassica carinata, Cynara
cardunculus, Populus spp. and Sorghum bicolor have been carried out.
Combustion performance, operation, deposition and efficiency have been
monitored and improvements implemented and applied.
Biomass resources assessment and energy crop trials
1996 study on biomass potentials in Teruel province (north east Spain) was
carried out for ENDESA focusing the potentials of biomass for installing a
biomass power plants.
1997 “Atlas of biomass for energy uses in Aragon” was carried out for the
regional government. Biomass residues assessment and technologies for its
ACVCOCO project managed by CIRCE Foundation
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Document: Research team profile.
Subject: Natural Resources division of
Reference: 7_CV_en
use were included. Statistical study was carried out from agricultural and
forestry inventories of the region. It was first biomass assessment for regional
purposes demanded by this regional administration
one of the work packages of the project “Co-firing at Escucha power station”
(ref 2FD97-0764) developed a methodology for the biomass assessment from
forestry residues including field work. Forested areas 50km around Escucha
power station was studied.
The research team improved the biomass assessment in LIGNOSTRUM
project “Methodologies to assess the potential of agricultural and forest residual
biomass and its suitable energy uses. Validation in Teruel province” (ref.
AGL2002-03917). Spatially explicit (GIS based) methodology and
standardized methods and databases were used for providing reliable new
methodologies for biomass estimation. Field work for forestry biomass
assessment by means of dendrometric regressions was carried out, and
validated by teledetection techniques (work carried out by group of research
from geography faculty of University of Zaragoza). Those methodologies have
been already improved by constant efforts in private projects)
From 2006 energy crop trials are being carried out in Aragon autonomic
community. Diverse plots have been planted with Brassica Carinata and
harvested mechanically. Plots have been grown in Teruel and Zaragoza
provinces. Energy crop modeling has been also implemented by mean of
simple agroclimate methodologies in Teruel. Specialized modeling is being
developed for wild cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) at global scale in
collaboration with IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) in
his core funded project “Global bioenergy potentials”.
Life cycle assessment (LCA):
The team worked from 2001 to 2004 in the project “Sustainable production of
water and energy. Techno-economic evaluation and life cycle assessment
(LCA) of desalination technologies combined with energy production systems”
(ref. REN 2001-0292). The main aim of the project was economic and
environmental assessment of most relevant desalination technologies by mean
of LCA methodologies. Learning on methodologies and LCA tools was
acquired for comparing impacts among different water and energy combined
production systems.
From 2006 the research team work in subproject 9 “Economic and
environmental assessment of energy chains of energy crops” of the PSE
on Cultivos national R&D project. Natural resources group elaborates LCA on
biomass valorization technologies (small scale domestic systems, combustion
of biomass for power generation and co-firing). As well economic evaluation of
the processes is carried out.
Recently and remarkable has been the project for URBASER company on LCA
for assessing the best biofuel to be used in a niche float of lorries. Project title is
“LCA of MSW niche float using biodiesel-diesel blends and compressed natural
ACVCOCO project managed by CIRCE Foundation
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Document: Research team profile.
Subject: Natural Resources division of
Reference: 7_CV_en
Fernando Sebastián Nogués
Center of Research for Energy Resources and Consumption
Centro Politécnico Superior-University of Zaragoza
C/ Maria de Luna 3 50018 Zaragoza
Tel: (+34) 976761863
Fax: (+34) 976732078
Email contact:
ACVCOCO project managed by CIRCE Foundation
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