*P/5667937* MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Directorate of Food Safety and Phytosanitary Policy GENERAL CONTINGENCY PLAN IN CASE OF AN EXCEPTIONAL OCCURRENCE OF HARMFUL ORGANISMS ON PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS Zagreb, March, 2013 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE General contingency plan describes measures for an emergency respond in case of exceptional occurrence of a harmful organism (HO) on plants and plant products. The purpose of the general contingency plan is to allow all plant health providers (hereinafter: providers) to take appropriate measures to prevent the introduction, spread and eradication of a HO in a short period of time within their jurisdiction. General contingency plan is applied in case of exceptional occurrence of a HO that can cause significant economic losses in agriculture, forestry and environment on the territory of the Republic of Croatia where the HO had not been present or is already present but not widespread. This plan will be used in the preparation of individual contingency plans in case of an exceptional occurrence of a HO or a particular group of HO’s that require any special measures because of their biology, specificity of the situation and techniques of suppression and / or extermination. 1.2. LEGAL BASIS - Plant Health Act (OJ 75/05 and 55/11) (hereinafter: Act) - International Plant Protection Convention (OJ 16/98) (hereinafter: Convention) - Announcement of the entry into force of the International Plant Protection Convention, which confirms the entry into force of the Convention - International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 9 - Guidelines for the eradication of harmful organisms on plants and plant products. Article 50 point 7 of the Act provides that the Minister may impose other measures and procedures necessary to implement the Act. Provisions of Article 51 point 17 and Article 52 of the Act prescribes that the responsible official body provides implementation of uniform operating procedures in accordance with regulations and international requirements. The requirement of Article 1 of the Convention is fulfilled with provisions of Act mentioned above. Article 1 of the Convention provides that all signatory countries accept the legal, technical and administrative measures under the Convention to ensure uniform implementation of phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of a HO. Phytosanitary measures as defined by Act and all its implementing regulations, guidelines and plans, such as this contingency plan, are based on international standards for phytosanitary measures adopted in the framework of Convention. 2. PROVIDERS AND THEIR REPORTING OBLIGATIONS IN CASE OF OCCURRENCE OF A HO In order to put into force general contingency plan promptly, after detection of the HO, it is very important for all relevant providers to be notified of suspected occurrence of a HO as well as the confirmed infestation with HO. 2.1. PROVIDERS According to Article 4 of Act providers are: MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 2 1. Responsible Official Body (ROB) 2. Phytosanitary Inspection (PI) 3. Forestry Inspection (FI) 4. Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs – Institute for Plant Protection (IPP) 5. Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI) 6. Legal and natural persons providing services to implement plant health procedures, including service providers according to the Article 37 of Act on Plant Protection Products (OJ 70/05) 7. owners of plants, plant products and other regulated objects (hereinafter: owners) 2.2. REPORTING OBLIGATIONS According to Article 5 paragraph 2 of Act providers listed in points 4 to 6 in the section 2.1 of this chapter are obligated to notify phytosanitary or forestry inspector (hereinafter: authorized inspector) in case of any new or unusual occurrence of HO. After that they will immediately notify the ROB. According to Article 6 paragraph 2 of Act providers from point 7 in the section 2.1 of this chapter are obligated to notify the authorized inspector or other providers in case of any new or unusual occurrence of a HO. After that they will immediately notify the ROB. 2.3. REPORTING METHOD Reporting method between the providers from points 1 to 6 is conducted in accordance with the Guidelines on the standard procedure of exchanging the information in the case of finding of a harmful organism. According to Guidelines mentioned above report about suspicion on occurrence of a HO should contain: - the place of examination (plant owner address, contact number, e-mail address); in case of imported consignment the point of entry should be specified, the name and address of the exporter, the name and address of the importer, - date of examination, type of examination (special surveillance, phytosanitary examination at the point of entry or at the owner, monitoring…), - type of HO, - host (plants, plant products), - host origin, - amount of infested plants or plant products or projected area of crops/plantations where the infestation has occurred. 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GENERAL CONTINGENCY PLAN 3.1. CONDITIONS FOR BEGINNING OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GENERAL CONTINGENCY PLAN Implementation of the General Contingency Plan starts: - when there is a suspicion on contamination with HO on particular area in the Republic of Croatia, - after receiving the official report from importing country about findings of a HO in the consignment originating from the Republic of Croatia which points on possibility that plants originates from the area in the Republic of Croatia where General Contingency Plan for that HO was conducted but it had spread anyway, - after receiving the official report about findings of a HO from one or more countries and in the case of suspicion on the possibility of spreading that particular HO on the territory of the Republic MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 3 of Croatia either by their natural migration, trade or other forms of exchanging plants and plant products or by the migration of people, transporting vehicles and other possible vectors of a HO. 3.2. SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT OCCURRENCE OF A HO 3.2.1. After announcement about the findings of a HO or after the responsible inspector finds HO himself, he: - immediately contacts ROB according to subchapter 2.3 of this plan, - takes a sample according to the particular procedure and immediately sends it to the IPP or CFRI laboratory (hereinafter: responsible laboratory) for laboratory analysis, - until getting the final results of laboratory analysis orders implementation of official preventive measures to prevent danger of spreading HO and informs ROB about that by sending minute and decision, - may ask IPP or CFRI experts to take samples on the field and give recommendations regarding taking and sending samples and/or taking appropriate preventive measures. If required, expert may suggest going on site with competent inspector. 3.2.2. Competent laboratory conducts laboratory analysis and sends results to the competent inspector and ROB. Competent laboratory shall specify method of applied laboratory analysis in each contingency plan. 3.2.3. Owner conducts official preventive measures such as: - limitation of plant movement, - hygienic measures, - treatment with plant protection products, - destruction of contaminated plants etc. 3.3. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OPERATING TEAM After receiving report about findings of a HO from competent inspector, the head of ROB forms an Operating Team (OT). OT is formed from at least one employee from Phytosanitary Policy, one from competent Inspection and one expert from IPP or CFRI. In case of an exceptional occurrence of a HO and/or occurrence of a very dangerous quarantine HO, OT has to be formed from following members: - leader: deputy of minister – head of ROB, responsible for creating Phytosanitary Policy, if required the head in charge of forestry area, - communications officer: employee from Phytosanitary Policy, - scientific advisers: head of IPP or CFRI and relevant specialist, - investigating officer on the field (IO): one or more inspectors; experts from IPP or CFRI and others can also participate in research on the field, if required. They act as Investigating Team (IT), - secretary: employee from Phytosanitary Policy, - legal adviser, if required. 3.3.1. Actions of OT members a) IO is performing further investigations on field and reports OT about results in writing. MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 4 IO continues with collecting important information on field so that the most effective measures can be taken as soon as possible. Information collected in the field must contain the following: - - - - - exact location where HO was found, address of owner, his phone number and email, origin of a HO, date and method of receiving an infested consignment when it is suspected that it is the main source of infestation, detailed information about consignment: exporter, importer, place of interception of the transporting vehicle, information about other destinations on which consignment of plants of the same origin was sent or about destinations on which parts of consignment were sent in case there was separation or repacking, details about plants and plant products that are contaminated (species, cultivar, vegetation status), time and method of finding the symptoms of contamination with HO that includes description of symptoms and photographs, and when it is possible determination of the development stage of a HO, data about the level of contamination and extent of damage, location of destination where plants and plant products are moved from the contaminated area, location of places where people and vehicles were moving and agricultural equipment and machinery was used if they were in contact with contaminated plants or territory (land, warehouse), data about influence of other biotic factors that may contribute to the spread of infestation: connection with other production areas through irrigation systems, farming practices (indoors or outdoors, crop rotation, agrotechnical measures), plant treatment that can affect development of symptoms of infection and determination of a HO, data about influence of abiotic factors on the spread of contamination with HO (climatic and edaphic conditions), results after taking certain measures. b) Based on information gathered from IO and other relevant sources relevant experts give recommendation to OT about the justification of temporary measures and further actions. In making recommendations it is necessary to consider following facts: - what is the extent of the outbreak area? - what precisely is the organism? Are there strain differences within the species? - what is its statutory status? Is it listed by the European Union or European and Mediterranean plant protection organization (EPPO)? - where does it occur? Are there any previous Croatian records and what measures have been taken? - what is its host range and to what extent are they present in the Republic of Croatia? - how likely is it to become established in Croatia considering biotic and abiotic factors? - what are the possibilities for control or eradication and likely cost? c) After receiving recommendations from the experts OT decides: - can measures be put in place to prevent a repeated introduction? - which further action should be taken and in that case creates a plan for action, - if it is necessary to start with providing official measures and before getting the final results of laboratory analyses, which may be necessary in the case of occurrence of a specific HO. d) When OT decides that it is necessary to abolish temporary measures, it shall inform the competent inspector. Inspector immediately issues a decision about conducting temporary measures and reports OT by sending the decision. MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 5 e) When OT decides that it is necessary to start conducting official measures because laboratory analysis confirmed contamination with a HO or it decides that it is necessary to start conducting official measures before getting the positive results because of specific situation and biology of a HO which causes a big risk, OT will draw up a plan for action. During the drafting of the plan for action it is necessary to consider following: - to what extend will provided measures prevent reintroduction of a HO and is it necessary to plan the implementation of measures for prevention of the spread and eradication of a HO on the Croatian territory (considering the information gathered from the field), - which interest groups (plant owners, industry representatives and others) should be included in the development plan, - which subjects should be included in the implementation of the operational plan: other public administration body, scientific institutions, Chamber of Agriculture, Agricultural Extension Service for sampling and / or assistance in conducting information campaigns and providing advice to owners and their training, legal and natural persons conducting treatments with plant protection products, utilities for waste disposal, processing companies that can recycle infested plants or plant leftovers from the destroyed waste, fire department for incineration of infected plants, etc. - how to inform stakeholders about the operating plan and educate them to participate in the implementation (lectures, tutorials etc.) - what impact taken measures will have on the business activities of owners in a particular sector and which subjects have to be notified about finding of a HO and planned measures, - to what extend the public should be notified (on a local or national level), and in which manner (TV, radio shows, lectures, brochures, posters, etc.), - if it will be necessary to conduct surveillance in certain contaminated and / or security area during the longer period of time, - number of employees necessary to perform all the activities, - whether to bring in the attendance competent inspectors in the field for sampling, OT and experts in laboratories in order to more rapidly respond to the emergent situation. f) IO provides and monitors the implementation of official measures that can be: - field research to determine the source and extent of infestation, - labeling contaminated area, - labeling contaminated place of production, machinery and other equipment and tools, - labeling contaminated and possibly contaminated plants, - measures to prevent spreading, e.g. establishing the security area in which the surveillance is taken, - testing plants that are clonally related to the contaminated plants or has been in contact with them, - methods of removing contaminated and possibly contaminated plants, removal of solid and liquid waste, - methods of cleaning and disinfection of farm buildings, machinery and other equipment and tools, - eradication measures that must be carried out over a longer period of time: the prohibition of sowing or planting certain plants, limitations in the way of usage of machines and tools, additional measures related to the movement - additional inspections and testing, additional oversight, the use of plant protection products, - monitoring of success of the implementation measures. MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 6 3.3.2. Reviewing of the implementation measures in case of a long-term official procedure If it is necessary to provide official measures in demarcated area during a longer period of time, it is necessary to regularly examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of measures. This test performance should involve all interested parties (owners and others). Based on the results gathered by the IO based on its own research, experience of owners, and by examining the experiences of other countries OT: - makes evaluation of conducted measures (if the infestation is eradicated, or it can be prevented or spreading could be slowed down), - brings assessment viability of continuing implementation of these measures, - discusses the possible application of other measures that would improve the control and eradication of HO, - examines the effectiveness of legal regulations and their impact on the procedures for import and export, - discusses the possible application of measures that can prevent spreading of a HO instead of measures that can eradicate HO. 3.3.3. Abolition of official measures OT makes a proposal for the abolition of official measures: a) when it estimates that it is impossible to eradicate or prevent spreading of a HO with provided official measures, in accordance with all relevant subjects, it proposes timeline and mechanism of repealing official measures and way of informing about elimination as well as the further action in the case of contamination with HO after the abolition of official measures. b) when after long period of time carrying out regular inspections did not confirmed contamination with HO or it confirms that the HO is eradicated. Required period of time depends on the biology of the HO and level of infestation in which the HO was present. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OT MEMBERS: 4.1. THE OT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: - assessment of risk that threats from unexpected outbreak of a HO, - making recommendations about implementation measures and proposing the mechanisms, - management activities related to detecting extend of contamination and assessment of financial resources needed for eradication, - management activities related to the implementation of measures, - determination of entities that need to cooperate and encourage partnerships and empowerment, - consultation and any other type of cooperation with relevant officials such as Ministry responsible for protection of the environment or Ministry responsible for health, Ministry of Interior, etc., - preparation of reports about situation on field and results after taking measures, - suggestions about the degree of confidentiality. 4.1.1. Communications officer will take responsibility for: - communication with other institutions, owners and public, - designation of a contact person from all stakeholders, - processing new information and announcing them on the web site of the Ministry of Agriculture (or in the case of confidential information announcing them on internal portal with limited access), MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 7 - - preparing of a summary report about the situation on the field for members of the OT, views and press releases, notifying the relevant interest groups (owners, industry representative and others) and other subjects included in contingency plan about measures (introduction and elimination) and situation on the field, notifying the EPPO and some countries at their request, notifying countries affected by the occurrence of a HO on Croatian territory (neighboring countries, importers…). 4.1.2. Scientific Adviser shall: - investigate and, with other scientific colleagues, as appropriate, confirm the presence and identification of a HO, - perform laboratory analysis, - ensure that laboratory test results are sent to IO and the OT contact point with an explanation of implications where appropriate, - consult OT and IO about the types of measures for spread and eradication of a HO, cooperation in developing guidelines and manuals for inspectors and other implementers and brochures and materials for lectures to educate the relevant stakeholders, creating views and press releases. 4.1.3. IO’s are responsible for: - conducting an investigation in accordance with the relevant control legislation and, where available and appropriate, protocols for specific HO outbreaks, - providing reports to the OT as necessary, - acting as the local contact point for the affected parties (owners, growers, commercial businesses). This includes keeping the affected parties up to date with developments in the outbreak, - implementing enforcement actions as determined by the OT. 4.1.4. Secretary shall be responsible for: - ensuring that all members have access to all necessary documents for meetings, - keeping records of the meetings, - maintaining an accurate record of all information, when it was generated, received and distributed, - servicing all meetings of the OT, - making list with contact persons and ensure they are available to everyone who needs them. 5. COMMUNICATIONS 5.1. THE KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Effective communication with all those involved with or affected by the incident is essential. The key responsibilities for ensuring this lie with: - OT secretary – for communication within the OT, ROB or Ministry of Agriculture, - OT Communication Officer – for communications outwit the OT, - IO – for communication with those directly affected by the outbreak of HO and link with OT in head office. 5.2. COMMUNICATION TOOLS 5.2.1. To ensure the flow of information and the availability of all relevant subjects list of contact persons with phone numbers, e-mail addresses and working hours should be made. MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 8 5.2.2. The Secretary must ensure that other employees of the Ministry of Agriculture have access to all relevant information’s on the internal portal with limited access, if these information’s are necessary in their everyday job. 5.2.3. Appropriate information should be shared with other organizations that may be approached by website, TV or other media for comment or advice. 5.2.4. OT meetings. 5.3. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION A confidentiality policy should be established. Except where necessary to protect the public interest, details of the identity of owners, growers, garden centers and industry or any other sites where infestation has been confirmed should not be disclosed. 6. TRAINING Staff training may go on simultaneously with performance of the contingency plan in order to check the responsiveness of staff, the availability of equipment and the adequacy of the plan itself. OT determines employees that will prepare materials necessary for the training an KLASA: 320-20/13-01/49 URBROJ: 525-09/1087-13-2 Zagreb, 26. ožujka 2013. godine MA – DFSPP – SPP – General contingency plan in case of an exceptional occurrence of harmful organisns on plants and plant products – March 2013 9