Ozone in Remote Areas: Seasonal Cycles and trends A contribution to Photooxidants, Particles, and Haze across the Arctic and North Atlantic: Transport, Observations and Model. Anne Lindskog (co-ordinator of TOR-2) Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) P.O. Box 47086, S-402 58 Göteborg Sweden Seasonal cycles and trends in ozone in Sweden are studied within the frame of "Tropospheric Ozone and Precursors – TRends, Budgets and Policy (TROTREP)", a project of the Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Development within the Fifth Framework Programme. The project is also a part of the subproject "Tropospheric Ozone Research" in EUROTRAC-2. The main objective of TROTREP is to evaluate, validate and predict the effectiveness of past and future EU air quality legislation with respect to ozone and its precursors. Data quality is crucial when trend calculations are based on observations. One way to deal with this problem is to compare time series of daily averages of ozone from neighbouring sites. Data from Esrange in Northern Sweden have been compared with the corresponding data from two other sites in Northern Scandinavia, one in Norway, Jergul (in 1997 replaced by Karasjuk) and the other in Finland, Pallas. The result indicates a good agreement in terms of seasonal cycles and the day to day variation. However, for some years one of the three sites (which one differs among years) has values that are systematically different compared to the other two, see Figure 1. For one period, a malfunctioning monitor may have caused the divergent results, but in most cases we have not yet been able to explain the discrepancies. At sites situated close to large source areas, NO2 can act as a temporary sink for ozone. In this case Ox (O3+NO2) would be a better parameter to study. NO2 amounts to about 12 % of the winter average and about 5 % of the summer average of Ox at Rörvik (year 2000). However, at a remote site like Esrange the concentration of NO2 is insignificant in relation to ozone (Figure 2). Trajectory integrated NOx emissions have been used to segregate ozone monitoring data from a number of European monitoring sites (Solberg, 2001). The integrated NOx emissions were combined with ozone monitoring data from EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) for the years 1988-1996. Daytime averages of the ozone data were allocated to each of 10 percentile classes of integrated NOx emissions (calculated as 30-day running averages through the year). The lowest percentile class (< 10-percentile) of integrated NOx emissions is considered to represent the European background air. A clear relationship was found between the integrated NOx-emissions and the ozone observations at the Swedish sites (Figure 3), with increasing amplitude of ozone with increasing NOx-emissions. The estimated background seasonal cycle is similar for the different sites. In polluted air masses the differences are more pronounced and indicate latitude dependence. The seasonal cycle shows an ozone deficit in winter and a surplus in summer compared to the background. The difference in ozone concentration between the lowest and the highest percentile class of integrated NOx emissions is a measure of the "controllable" ozone. 80 1995 70 Esrange 1995 Pallas 1995 Pallas-Esrange 60 50 Jergul 1995 Jergul-Esrange 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 17-dec 31-dec 02-dec 16-dec 30-dec 19-nov 03-dec 22-okt 05-nov 08-okt 24-sep 10-sep 27-aug 30-jul 13-aug 16-jul 02-jul 18-jun 04-jun 21-maj 23-apr 07-maj 09-apr 26-mar 26-feb 12-mar 29-jan 12-feb 15-jan 01-jan -30 80.0 Esrange 1996 Pallas 1996 Pallas-Esrange Jergul 1996 Jergul-Esrange 1996 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 18-nov 04-nov 21-okt 07-okt 23-sep 09-sep 26-aug 12-aug 29-jul 15-jul 01-jul 17-jun 03-jun 20-maj 22-apr 06-maj 08-apr 25-mar 11-mar 26-feb 12-feb 29-jan 15-jan 01-jan -30.0 Jergul Pallas Esrange Figure 1. Daily averages of ozone in ppb and the differences in ozone concentrations between neighbouring sites. 80 70 5 Esrange, 1996 Ozone, ppb, left axis 4 60 50 3 40 2 30 20 1 10 15 per. Mov. Avg. (Ozone, ppb, left axis) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (NO2, ppb, right axis) 0 ja n fe b m ar ap r m aj ju n ju l au g se p ok t no v de c 0 NO2, ppb, right axis 70 60 40 Rörvik,1999 35 Ozone, ppb, left axis 30 50 25 40 NO2, ppb, right axis 20 30 15 20 10 5 0 0 ja n fe b m ar ap r m aj ju n ju l au g se p ok t no v de c 10 15 per. Mov. Avg. (NO2, ppb, right axis) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (Ozone, ppb, left axis) Figure 2. Daily averages and 15-day moving averages of ozone and NO2 in ppb at Esrange (upper panel) and Rörvik. Figure 3. The seasonal cycles of ozone for different percentile classes of trajectory integrated NOx emissions. The estimated background seasonal cycle (10percentile of NOx-emission) is given with the purple line (from Solberg, 2001). Seasonal cycles have been calculated using all the data and daytime data (10:00 – 17:00 local time) from three monitoring sites in Sweden, Esrange (67o53’N; 21o04’E) 19912000, Vindeln (64o15’N; 19o46’E) 1986-2000, and Rörvik (57o23’N; 11o55’E) 19872000. In addition, sector analysis has been applied on the ozone data (1988-1996), using the 2D back trajectories calculated by NILU. 2 1 2 1 3 4 3 Figure 4. Trajectory based sectors for Rörvik (left panel) and Esrange. A comparison among the different years points to a large interannual variation with a clear dislocation in time of the spring maximum. The average seasonal cycle at both Esrange and Vindeln has a maximum in April and a minimum in late summer. At Rörvik the maximum occurs in May and the minimum in November. The number of observations in each sector differs considerably among months, seasons and years, which has an obvious impact on the seasonal cycle. At Esrange the largest difference is obtained between sector 2 (22.5 o – 135 o), where the spring peak occurs in March and the minimum in September, and sector 3 (135 o – 232.5 o) with a maximum in April and a minimum in October (Figure 5). The results from Vindeln (Figure 6) are similar (Lindskog and Kindbom, 2001). At Rörvik 4 sectors are used. Sector 3 (112.5 o – 270 o) contains trajectories from Continental Europe and UK and thus representing polluted air. This is clearly demonstrated by the trajectory integrated NOx emission data. In this sector a first ozone peak is obtained in May and a second one in July (Figure 5). The minimum occurs in November. The lowest concentration of ozone precursors is found in sector 4 (270 o – 337.5 o) with air masses originating from W and NW. In this sector a spring maximum is obtained in April. If one considers sector 4 as a proxy for background, an ozone deficit is seen in the “polluted” sector in winter, most likely due to a reaction with NO, and a surplus in summer as a result of photochemical production in the boundary layer. This is in consistence with the results obtained by NILU using the trajectory integrated NOx emissions (Figure 3 and 7). 60 60 Rörvik Esrange 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 Average, Sector 3 20 10 Average, Sector 4 10 Sector 1 Average Sector 2 Average Sector 3 Average Ju l Au g Se p O ct N ov D ec Ju l Au g Se p O ct N ov D ec Ja n Fe b M ar Ap r M ay Ju n Ja n Fe b M ar Ap r M ay Ju n 0 0 Figure 5. Ozone seasonal cycles in two different sectors averaged over 9 years (1988-1996) at Rörvik (left panel) and in three different sectors averaged over 6 years (1991-1996) at Esrange (right panel). Figure 6. Trajectory based sectors for Vindeln (left panel) and ozone seasonal cycles in three different sectors averaged over 9 years (right panel). Rörvik 1995, monthly averages of ozone in ppb 50 40 S1 30 S2 20 S3 S4 10 ec D ov N ct O p g Se Au Ju l Ju n r ay M Ap b ar M Fe Ja n 0 Rörvik 1995, integrated NOx 25 20 S1 15 S2 10 S3 S4 5 ec D ov N ct O Au g Se p Ju l M ar Ap r M ay Ju n Fe b Ja n 0 Rörvik 1995, number of observations Figure 7. S5 S4 S3 S2 Ju l Au g Se p O ct N ov D ec M ar Ap r M ay Ju n b S1 Fe Ja n 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Ozone seasonal cycles in four different sectors (upper panel), seasonal cycles of integrated NOx emission in the different sectors (middle panel) and the number of observations in the different sectors (lower panel). S5="undefined". Over the last 10 – 15 years a significant decrease in nitrogen dioxide concentrations during the winter half-year has taken place in Sweden, both in urban air and in background air (Figure 8 and 9). 100 200000 90 180000 80 160000 70 140000 60 120000 50 100000 NO2, "national" winter half-year average, µg/m3 % of traffic with catalysts 40 80000 30 60000 20 40000 y = -0.7695x + 25.529 R2 = 0.8892 10 20000 Totale, calculated NOx emission, ton Passenger car, calculated NOx emission, ton Linear (NO2, "national" winter half-year average, µg/m3) Figure 8. 99/00 98/99 97/98 96/97 95/96 94/95 93/94 92/93 91/92 90/91 89/90 88/89 87/88 0 86/87 0 Urban, calculated Nox emission, ton Calculated yearly emissions in tonnes of NOx in Sweden from passenger cars, from the entire road traffic, and in urban areas (right value axis). "National" winter half-year averages of NO2 in µg/m3 calculated as an average of 15 urban areas in Sweden (left value axis) and percentage of traffic using catalyst (left value axis). (From Svanberg and Lindskog, 2000). 7 Rörvik, NO2, ppb(v) y = -0.1311x + 5.9667 2 R = 0.3778 6 y = -0.1734x + 6.1341 R2 = 0.6107 5 Annual average Winter average Summer average 4 Winter average * y = -0.1077x + 4.3801 Linear (Annual average) R2 = 0.6521 3 Linear (Winter average) Linear (Summer average) 2 y = -0.0359x + 2.578 R2 = 0.1466 Linear (Winter average * ) 1 *) refers to winter season, OctDec year1 + Jan-Mar year 2 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 9. Yearly NO2 concentrations at Rörvik between 1987 and 2000. During the same period the ozone level as yearly average seems to have remained the same, in spite of the measures taken in Europe to reduce the emissions of ozone precursors. A decrease in emissions could affect the regional ozone levels in two different ways. In winter, a reduction of NOx emissions and the subsequent reduced titration by NO may result in an increase of ozone. In summer, the reduction would lead to a reduced photochemical production of ozone in the boundary layer, primarily affecting the peak values. The Mann-Kendall test was applied to ozone observations from five background monitoring stations in Sweden for the period 1985-1998/1999. Increasing ozone levels were found at most of the stations in February and March (Figure 10). For Vindeln the most pronounced increase is found in April. The linear regression analysis using all data for the period 1990-1998 indicated an increase of about 1.1 ppb/year (at the 99% confidence level) at Rörvik for February and March and about 1 ppb/year at Vindeln for April. The annual change of the April averages was reduced to 0.8 ppb/year when data from 1999 was included. A decrease of about 0.6 ppb/year was obtained at Norra Kvill (the most southern of the sites) for September. 1.2 Median, Kendall Slope, linear regr. Ozone, ppb 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 Norra kvill sep Rörvik Vavihill Vindeln may may jun 0.0 1.2 N. Kvill feb Rörvik Vindeln Rörvik feb feb mar N. Kvill aug 0.0 -0.4 -0.4 1985-1998 Vavihill feb Rörvik mar Vindeln apr Vavihill dec 1990-1998 -0.8 -0.8 Station_month Figure 10. Norra Kvill Rörvik feb feb Station_month Magnitude of annual change of monthly averages where the change was at least 95% statistically significant. The median change according to the Mann-Kendall test, as well as the slope from linear regression analysis is presented.( From Kindbom and Lindskog, 2001) Any tendency in observed concentrations of ozone as a result of measures taken to reduce the emissions of ozone precursors is expected to be traceable at Rörvik, since this site is quite frequently exposed to polluted air masses from Continental Europe. However, as indicated in Figure 11, no significant downward trend was observed in the yearly averages for the period 1987-2000. Instead, a significant (p=0.05) upward trend of 0.25 ppb/year in background ozone is obtained. This increase in ozone is even more pronounced (0.36ppb/year, p=0.005) when only daytime data is considered (Figure 12). In this case also the 50%-ile is increasing, 0.26 ppb/year (p=0.02). The changes differ with season. The winter half-year average has increased with 0.36 ppb/year (p=0.001) (Figure 13). If this increase is driven mainly by the general increase in large scale background levels and/or the reduction in precursor emissions remain uncertain. Sector analyses performed on seasonal values (1988-1996) indicate a significant (p=0.01) increase of the winter half-year 10th percentile (0.69 ppb/year) in the polluted sector (Figure 14). In addition, an increase in the winter average values is found (0.34 ppb/year, p=0.1). These results support the hypothesis that the increase in ozone is due to a reduced NO titration. In the clean sector the only significant (p=0.05) increase was obtained for the winter 95th percentile, 0.45 ppb/year. No tendency was found in the sector analyses performed on monthly bases. 60 y = -0.0896x + 50.46 R2 = 0.0123 Rörvik, ozone, ppb(v) all data 50 40 95%-ile 10%-ile 30 y = 0.1301x + 28.321 2 Average Linear (95%-ile) R = 0.1057 20 Linear (Average) Linear (10%-ile) 10 y = 0.2473x + 9.4099 R2 = 0.3057 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 11. Annual averages, 95th- and 10th- percentiles calculated on ozone observations at Rörvik, 1987-2000. 70 y = -0.1103x + 56.335 2 R = 0.0097 Rörvik, ozone, ppb(v) daytime data 60 50 95%-ile 40 10%-ile 50%-ile 30 y = 0.2589x + 32.058 R2 = 0.3712 Linear (95%-ile) Linear (50%-ile) 20 Linear (10%-ile) y = 0.3568x + 12.857 10 R2 = 0.4853 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 12. Annual averages, 95th- and 10th- percentiles calculated on ozone daytime (10 a.m.-5 p.m., local time) observations at Rörvik, 1987-2000. 50 y = -0.0648x + 41.879 R2 = 0.0094 Rörvik, ozone, ppb(v) daytime data 45 40 Winter average 35 Summar average 30 Annual average y = 0.1459x + 32.457 R2 = 0.1081 Linear (Winter average) 25 Linear (Annual average) y = 0.3567x + 23.035 Linear (Summar average) R2 = 0.6198 20 15 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 13. Annual, winter and summer averages at Rörvik, 1987-2000, based on daytime data. 60 Average Winter, S3 RÖRVIK, O3 50 y = 0.4493x + 37.755 R2 = 0.3993 10%-ile Winter, S3 95%-ile Winter, S3 y = 0.5564x + 35.655 R2 = 0.1222 Average Winter, S4 40 10%-ile Winter, S4 y = 0.1691x + 26.919 R2 = 0.0449 95%-ile Winter, S4 30 Linear (10%-ile Winter, S3) y = 0.3356x + 19.554 R2 = 0.3451 Linear (Average Winter, S3) 20 Linear (Average Winter, S4) y = -0.0297x + 12.691 R2 = 0.0006 Linear (10%-ile Winter, S4) 10 Linear (95%-ile Winter, S3) y = 0.6927x + 3.3 R2 = 0.5991 Linear (95%-ile Winter, S4) 0 1988 Figure 14. 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 The development of winter half-year ozone concentrations in sector 3 (polluted) and sector 4 (clean) at Rörvik. For Esrange only 10 years of data are available. No significant trend was obtained in the Mann-Kendall test (1991-1999). However, a linear regression analysis applied to the data showed a significant (at the 95% confidence level) increase of 0.4 ppb ozone/year in February for the period 1991-1999. When the data from year 2000 is added to the data set, the increase becomes smaller. The same tendency of increasing ozone levels is obtained for the annual and seasonal averages (Figure 15). In this case the results most certainly reflect an increasing hemispheric background. 50 Esrange, ozone, ppb(v) y = 0.3746x + 30.347 R2 = 0.2414 40 30 Winter averages Summar averages y = 0.3265x + 30.312 y = 0.2783x + 30.278 R2 = 0.2445 Annual averages R2 = 0.187 20 Linear (Summar averages) Linear (Annual averages) Linear (Winter averages) 10 0 1991 Figure 15. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Annual, winter and summer averages at Esrange, 1981-2000. The development at Vindeln is quite different. On seasonal bases, the only significant trend is observed in summer. For the period 1986-2000 the summer half-year average of background ozone, represented by the 10th percentile, has decreased with 0.31 ppb/year (p=0.02), mainly explained by decreasing concentrations in July, 0.46 ppb/year (p=0.01), see Figure 15. For individual months (January, February and March) significant increases of 0.3-0.4 ppb/year are obtained, also of the 50th and 95th percentiles. A small but significant increase of the 95th percentile is also found in September, 0.26 ppb/year, p=0.01. Vindeln is the only site for which a significant trend appears in the sector analysis of monthly averages (Figure 16). 40 Vindeln, ozone, ppb(v) 35 y = 0.3841x + 18.521 2 R = 0.4128 30 y = -0.0325x + 14.093 R2 = 0.0052 10%-ile, July 25 10%-ile, Winter 10%-ile, Summer 20 10%-ile, February 15 Linear (10%-ile, July) Linear (10%-ile, Winter) Linear (10%-ile, Summer) Linear (10%-ile, February) 10 y = -0.3126x + 14.417 R2 = 0.367 5 y = -0.4625x + 15.494 R2 = 0.4361 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 16. 10th percentiles calculated on ozone observations at Vindeln, 1986-2000. 60 Vindeln, ozone mixing ratios (ppb) in April 50 40 Sector 3 All data Daytime Linear (Sector 3) 30 y = 1.2646x + 31.698 R2 = 0.8716 20 10 1988 Figure 17. 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Average concentration of ozone for April at Vindeln. The red curve and trend line are based on all data in sector 3 (the "polluted" sector). The black curve is based on all the data and the yellow on daytime data. (From Kindbom and Lindskog, 2001.) Conclusions One serious problem in trend analysis, aside from data quality and site represenativity, is the pronounced interannual fluctuation in observed concentrations, which can conceal the "true" trend. The variation, also manifested as alterations of the seasonal cycle, seems to be random, without any trend over the time studied. The results of the sector analyses indicate that the phenomenon may be related to the frequency and duration of transport in a certain sector and the time of the year when this transport takes place. However, the interannual variation is significant also within an individual sector. Thus, the dislocation in time of the maximum and the variability in concentration can not be explained by the sector frequency alone. The evaluation of the seasonal cycles from a few individual years indicates, as expected, that the weather conditions, e.g. the number of hours with sunshine, affect the ozone concentrations. However, for most of the monitoring sites, meteorological observations are available on rare occasions, which certainly enhance the uncertainty of the observation based trend analysis A significant decrease in nitrogen dioxide concentrations during the winter half-year has taken place in Sweden, both in urban air and in background air, over the last 10 – 15 years. In contrast, a significant increase in winter half-year ozone is obtained at Rörvik. This is most likely the result of a reduced NO titration. The same tendency of increasing ozone levels is found at Esrange for both seasons. In this case the results most certainly reflect an increasing hemispheric background. The development for Vindeln is quite different with a significant decrease in summer ozone. Increasing levels are however found for individual months and percentiles. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the EU FP5 project TROTREP (EVK2-CT-1999-00043) and by the Swedish STINT programme. The 2D back trajectories were calculated by Sverre Solberg, NILU, who also provided data from the Norwegian EMEP sites. The Finnish data was provided by Tuomas Laurila, FMI. References Kindbom, K. and Lindskog, A. (2001) Ozone in Remote Areas: Trends, EUROTRAC-2 Symposium2000 Proceedings. EUROTRAC International Scientific Secretariat, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. CD ROM and WIT Press, in press Lindskog, A. and Kindbom, K. (2001) Ozone in Remote Areas: Seasonal Cycles, EUROTRAC-2 Symposium2000 Proceedings. EUROTRAC International Scientific Secretariat, GarmischPartenkirchen. CD ROM and WIT Press, In press Solberg, S. (2001) Trajectory analyses of European ozone monitoring data. The TOR-2 Annual Report 2000, The EUROTRAC 2 ISS, Munich, in press. Svanberg, P-A. and Lindskog, A. (2000) Air Quality in Sweden summer 1999 och winter 1999/00. B1388, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. (In Swedish)