ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Environment Directorate Environmental Performance and Information Division EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Unit E2: Environmental statistics and accounts; sustainable development MUNICIPAL WASTE REPORTING DATA QUALITY / METHODOLOGY REPORT The objective of this Data Quality Report is to gather information on the data compilation methods and coverage of the data reported on municipal waste. The Report should allow a better understanding of the approaches taken by Member States as well as the possibilities and limits of data comparability across countries. Note that questions shown in italics refer to the OECD Annual Quality Assurance of environmental reference series sheet “Specifications and comments”. Note that in these questions, a text field is provided for each check-box for comments. Both elements must be double clicked in order to be filled. The suggested structure of the report consists of 2 parts: General information Information on Municipal waste Recommended content and structure of the Data Quality Report: General information: Country: _____________________ Organisation submitting the data and the description: Contact person / contact details: Reference period (e.g. data for the year 2014): Delivery date / version: 1 Information on Municipal waste 1. Generation of municipal waste 1.1 Municipal waste data collection: Please indicate the data source. written survey administrative data data collected from waste treatment facilities data collected from municipalities other, please specify: In case municipal waste data is collected by a survey, please indicate the response rate 1.2 Data coverage a) the data presented refer to amounts of waste ☐ generated: ☐ collected: b) In case the total population is not covered by a municipal waste collection, do you include an estimate for the amount of municipal waste generated by the un-covered population in your figure on municipal waste generation? Yes (-> c) / No (-> d) c) If Yes, please provide the following information: c1) Amount of municipal waste collected (tonnes):……………………… c2) On which basis do you determine the covered population (number of residents / number of households / other)? c3) How is the non-covered amount of municipal waste estimated? 2 d) If No, why is this estimate missing? 1.3 Please provide in a more general way the following information: a) The data presented refer to amounts of waste originating from households commerce and trade, small businesses, office buildings, institutions municipal services, i.e. street and market cleaning, yard waste, litter containers b) The data presented refer to amounts of household and similar waste bulky waste other c) Please describe in more detail the composition and sources of household/municipal waste by ticking the relevant cells in the table at the end of this document. If you are able to estimate the share of municipal waste coming from households we would be grateful if you could provide the percentage (Note that we are aware of the involved difficulties): ………… 1.4 Please explain how the distinction between the different sources of packaging waste (households, business) is made. 1.5 Please explain significant methodological changes in your municipal waste data collection for the current reference year, if any (please include in particular retrospective revisions, their nature and whether a break-flag is required for a certain year): 3 2. Management of municipal waste Please provide information on the classification used for treatment operations (if a standard classification is used, just refer to its name, else please specify the available categories (in this case, you may attach a file containing a list of these categories): 2.1 Temporary storage may lead to time lags between waste generation and treatment. This may explain imbalances between generation and treatment reported in a given year. Does temporary storage exist in your country to what extent (share of national waste generation in %): _______________ Did temporary storage exist in your country in former reference years Yes / No If yes, please provide information on the extent (ref year / share in %) and the (most important) way of treatment after storage: 2.2 Reporting on municipal waste treatment is broken down into four treatment operations. In case of pre-treatment (Sorting process - SP; Mechanical-Biological treatment - MBT), the reporting of the respective amounts should ideally be based on the destination of the output of the pre-treatment. a) Please state to which of the four treatment categories the reported amounts are assigned and whether input data or output data of the pre-treatment processes are reported. Please tick the boxes, if the following pre-treatment processes exist in your country (you may provide a comment on the relevance of these treatments or other issues): SP (comment MBT (comment ) ) (If yes, please mark the relevant cell(s) with a cross) Possible assignments SP 4 MBT input output input output a) Landfill b) Incineration (with or without energy recovery) c) Recycling d) Composting b) If data are based on input, please provide information / an estimation of the share of sorting residues from the pre-treatment operations and the share of the actually recycled amount (recycling efficiency): c) Based on the information provided on the classification of treatment above, please list the codes / categories used to collect data and the approximate amounts for SP: MBT: 2.3 Please describe the data validation process: 2.4 Has municipal waste or separately collected fractions of municipal waste been sent to /from another Member State? export: Yes / No import: Yes / No If yes, how have the reuse and recycling rates for these amounts been derived and monitored/validated? 2.5 Has municipal waste or separately collected fractions of municipal waste been sent to /from countries outside of the European Union? export: Yes / No 5 import: Yes / No If yes, how have the reuse and recycling rates for these amounts been derived and monitored/validated? 2.6 As a summary of the above answers, please specify by using tick marks below. The data presented refer to the amounts of waste collected in the country collected – exported collected + imported to be managed in the country, i.e. amounts collected + imported amounts – exported amounts Comment: 2.7 Is the energy efficiency criterion for the differentiation of R1 and D10 according to the WFD implemented in your municipal waste data? Yes / No If yes, please state the first reference year from which the implementation of the criterion is in place: _________ If no, please state, for which reference year the first implementation is envisaged: _______ 6 Municipal waste materials and relevant sources related to section 1.3 c), please mark the relevant cell(s) with a cross Generated by Waste materials List of Waste code Com. Dec. 2000/532/EC Chap 20 Chap 15 Paper and cardboard 20 01 01 15 01 01 Metals 20 01 40 15 01 04 Plastic 20 01 39 15 01 02 Glass 20 01 02 15 01 07 Wood 20 01 38 15 01 03 Textiles 20 01 10, 20 01 11 15 01 09 Mixed municipal waste / mixed packaging 20 03 01 15 01 06 Waste from markets 20 03 02 Bulky waste 20 03 07 Biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste 20 01 08, 20 01 25 Biodegradable garden and park waste 20 02 01 Non-biodegradable garden and park waste 20 02 02, 20 02 03 Batteries 20 01 34, 20 01 33* Discarded equipment 20 01 21*, 20 01 23*, 20 01 35*, 20 01 36 Small enterprises/ Restaurants, etc Households Chap 20 Chap 15 Ch 20 Including homecomposting? yes….. / no…. Including homecomposting? yes …. / no…. 7 Ch 15 Office buildings/ institutions Ch 20 Ch 15 Public Services Ch 20 Ch 15 Others (please specify) Ch 20 Ch 15 Generated by Waste materials Hazardous household waste List of Waste code Com. Dec. 2000/532/EC Small enterprises/ Restaurants, etc Households Office buildings/ institutions Public Services Others (please specify) 20 01 13* - 15*, 20 01 17*, 20 01 19*, 20 01 26* - 27*, 20 01 29*, 20 01 31*, 20 01 37* Municipal waste not mentioned above (please specify) Further questions from OECD questionnaire, section “Specifications and comments” (if the length of the text field is insufficient, please continue in the boxarea after the textfield): Municipal waste : national definition: A. Footnotes and metadata (for checking and updating) / Notes et métadonnées (pour vérification et mise à jour): 8 B. Comments on the level of accuracy of the data presented / Commentaires sur le niveau d’exactitude des données présentées: C. Additional comments and information to help interpret the data/ Commentaires et informations supplémentaires pour aider à interpréter les données: [e.g. a brief explanation of the observed trends, their characteristics, and the underlying drivers (socio-economic factors, policy measures, natural factors, …), main challenges to which the country is confronted, …] [p.ex. une explication des tendances observées, de leurs caractéristiques et de leurs moteurs (facteurs socio-économiques, mesures politiques, facteurs naturels, …) ; principaux défis auxquels le pays est confronté, …] D. Main national websites/ Principaux sites internet nationaux: E. Main reference documents and publications/ Principaux documents et publications de référence: 9