Indiana Statewide Regulatory Compliance Annual Meeting Held via Internet Webinar April 23, 2013 Members Present: Brian Sparks Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC Present via conference call: See attendance sheet Non-Members Present: Tim Crouch Indiana Statewide Tony Graber Indiana Statewide Dan Hoch Indiana Statewide Marty Jones Indiana Statewide Kodi Swafford Indiana Statewide Deirdre Tiernan Indiana Statewide Andrea Carr Indiana Statewide Tim Crouch began the meeting with introductions and Chairman Brian Sparks called the meeting to order and presented the draft minutes from the Annual Meeting that was held on March 22, 2012 for approval. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as presented. With the majority in favor, the motion carried. Mr. Crouch provided the program financial update, and highlighted a number of items affecting revenue and expenses and noted significant variances. He stated they were slightly over on the income statement for the period ended December 31, 2012 due to salary adjustments; addition of two staff members to the medical health insurance; travel related costs due to wider expansion and travel patterns with an increase in fuel costs; increase in meals and lodging, and there was an increase in consulting fees due to the needs associated with the IT expansion at ISA. Mr. Crouch presented the income statement for the period ended March 31, 2013 which is currently running at budget as they continue to monitor travel costs, stating during the first of the year a couple staff members were involved with the REAP program which caused a slight increase in the travel costs. The actual net income year-to-date is ($17,784). Deirdre Tiernan reviewed the analysis of equity. The allocation of the 2012 net margins to each existing participating member system in the amount of ($353.92), totaling ($9,909.77), which resulted in an equity member balance of $7,421.55 for all participating members. With this allocation, the resulting overall equity balance for all 28 members rests at $207,803.43. Tim Crouch distributed and presented an overview of the 2013 budget. Regulatory Compliance is running within budget and the 2013 budget has already been approved by the Executive Committee based upon the current 28 members and associated costs. The 2013 proposed budget expenses totals $768,294. Page 2 Regulatory Compliance Annual Meeting March 23, 2013 Highlighted areas of discussion in association to the $84,021 2013 budget increase included adjustment of salaries and related costs; two new staff members taking the medical insurance; increase in travel related costs; and an overhead allocation increase adjustment. Mr. Crouch then began a slide presentation on the general program strategic work plan for Indiana Statewide Regulatory Compliance program (RCP) for 2013 and the importance for continued growth and refinement of the RCP; online, web-based training and database improvements; RCP member progression; continue specialized training and advance development of professional staff; advancement of internalized auditing of program activity; and will target the work plan efforts on the member issues presented by the RCP staff while also continuing the development of tools to improve training and efficiency. Staff discussed 2012 projects that have been completed, a status report on current projects, and a summary of upcoming issues for the 2013 calendar. At this time each staff member outlined project objectives and status results from the 2012 work plan: Tim provided an overview and status of the objective to research health/safety, environmental and general regulatory applications associated with vehicle maintenance operations and development of garage facility guidance and evaluative tools to use in helping to ensure compliance with applicable hazards and regulatory standards. Marty Jones provided an overview and status of the objective to research and develop improved training program(s) and guidance for cooperative member Tree Trimming Supervisors. Staff will attempt to target the training objectives that are most important to safety and compliance oversight. The development of educational tools to improve the overall training level and safety skills of tree trimmer’s supervisors and thereby decrease employer liability. Kodi Swafford provided an overview and status of the objective to research and develop guidance targeting facility security measures in relation to recent cooperative break-ins and theft. Staff researched the best practices and procedures that will increase facility security and personnel safety. Dan Hoch provided an overview and status of the objective to enhance and improve member document retention guidance to assist member co-ops with internal document management. Tony Graber provided an overview and status of the objective to research and develop educational approaches to assist key staff at member cooperatives understand differing legal liabilities with regard to compliance with regulatory issues. At this time each staff member outlined project objectives for the 2013 work plan: Page 3 Regulatory Compliance Annual Meeting March 23, 2013 Tony reported on the targeted objective to create improved member training and reference resources regarding US DOT, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Indiana rules for proper load securement; with specific detail to utility applications for bucket and digger trucks, pole trailers, reel trailers, and other equipment trailers (i.e.: trencher trailers, etc.) As part of an overall strategy to increase awareness and training for specific types of material handling activities involving member cooperative line crews, staff will research and develop a comprehensive training approach directed within this area. Marty reported on the targeted objective to develop a member training program further enhancing the proper materials handling/rigging procedures for routine large/heavy materials including such items as utility poles, regulators and transformers. The strategy for successful completion of this training, in combination with additional training, will assist in meeting the OSHA/ASME qualified rigger definition. Kodi reported on the targeted objective to research and develop written member guidance which can be incorporated into our member’s facility Emergency Action Plan procedures to improve the efficiency of medical response to high pressure injective injuries. The strategy will be for staff to research best practices and procedures that will increase the safety factor involving high pressure injection injuries. Dan reported on the targeted objective and strategy to advance the program approach to meeting the requirements of the revised standards covering in-house chemical regulation under OSHA’s Chemical Hazard Communication Standard and its formal incorporation of the international standards under the Globally Harmonized System (GHS). Tim reported on the targeted objective and strategy to advance and finalize the development of an enhanced member on-line database and learning management system in context with on-going program regulatory base personnel training. Along with these targeted 2013 projects, staff continues to finalize certain final aspects of their 2012 work activity and all work plan projects are completed in addition to member assigned activity and needs. In summary as proposed, the RCP activity outlined for 2013 should result in further promotion of member targeted program and issues, and improvement of regulatory based member training options through the ISA enhanced on-line, learning management system. Chairman Sparks announced that the Executive Committee positions that need to be elected are one CEO/General Manager and one Operations position. Rob Pearson, CEO, announced he would step down from his CEO/General Manager position on the Executive Committee. Following the vote, Randy Price was elected to serve as the CEO/General Manager position and Keith Fischer was re-elected to serve as the Operations position. The officer positions will be elected at a future meeting. Without any further business to discuss, Chairman Sparks adjourned the meeting.