Children First Implementation Plan for the Health Service Executive March 2015 Version One Contents Page Introduction 1 HSE Reform Programme 2 Children First: National Guidance (2011) 2 Designated Liaison Persons 3 Children First Bill 2014 4 Legislation 5 Interdepartmental Co-operation 7 Roles & Responsibilities of HSE staff under Children First 8 Child Protection and Welfare Policy 9 Children First Governance Structures 11 HSE System Reform Programme 18 Implementation Structure and Resource Requirements 19 Summary 25 Appendix 1: Detailed HSE Implementation Table 27 Appendix 2: Priorities in Action Plan by Month 48 Appendix 3: Priorities in Action Plan by Rating 54 Appendix 4: Resources to Support Implementation of CF 60 Summary of Estimated Costs (€ 000) 63 Appendix 5: List of Mandated Persons 64 Appendix 6: HSE Children First Oversight Committee 65 Appendix 7: List of HSE Integrated Service Areas 66 Appendix 8: List of HSE Community Health Organisations 68 Appendix 9: Community Health Organisations Map 69 Appendix 10: List of HSE Hospitals 70 March 2015 Version One Introduction The Health Service Executives (HSE) responsibilities for the protection and welfare of children are outlined in Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011. The primary purpose of this implementation plan is to outline the actions being taken to ensure that the Health Service Executive (HSE) is fully compliant with Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011) and the Children First Bill 2014 when enacted. Reference to Children First refers to both Children First legislation and the Children First National Guidance (2011), unless otherwise stated. The plan applies to all HSE services; to all providers of relevant services that receive funding from the HSE including General Practitioners providing services through General Medical Schemes. The term “staffs” refers to staff, volunteers, and students on clinical training / work placements. Following the enactment of the Child and Family Agency Act, 2013, statutory responsibility for the protection and welfare of children moved from the HSE to the Child and Family Agency (CFA), with effect from the 1st January 2014. While the HSE no longer holds statutory responsibility under the Child Care Act 1991 for child protection and welfare, it continues to have significant responsibilities under the policy framework due to the range and number of services that are provided to children and by funded agencies through service arrangements. Children First National Guidelines have been in place since 2001 and continue to apply to all organisations that provide services to children. However the establishment of the CFA and the impending Children First legislation has meant that the HSE must review how Children First policy and legislation is implemented so that it can meet its obligations in this regard. Close, co-operative working laid a positive foundation for the transfer of functions to the CFA. The HSE and the CFA worked together to develop a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Protocol to guide and assist the ongoing working relationships of the HSE and the CFA. This is particularly important in light of the revised responsibilities of the HSE under Children First: National Guidance for the Welfare and Protection of Children (2011). In view of the transfer of certain functions and statutory responsibility for child protection and welfare to the CFA, it is necessary for the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to review the Children First Guidance as the roles of HSE staff and CFA staff has changed following the establishment of the Agency. The key role that health care professionals play in promoting the welfare and protection of children is well recognised in the literature and HSE staff will continue to play a major role in identifying child protection issues and working closely with staff in the CFA. 1 Commitment to the consistent implementation of Children First and to assuring continuous compliance is a strategic objective for the HSE. Delivery of this objective is manifested in the governance arrangements that have been established by the HSE Leadership Team with responsibility for Children First assigned to the National Director of the Primary Care Division, appointment of a national Children First Lead, the establishment of HSE Children First Committees at national, divisional and local levels in addition to the planned establishment of a HSE National Children Office in 2015. The HSE Children First Oversight Committee works with each of the Service Divisions and the Functions1 to ensure compliance with the legislation and Children First National Guidance 2011. The separation of Child and Family staff from the HSE has implications for the HSE Children First Implementation Plan. Prior to the establishment of the CFA all staff and HSE funded organisations availed of training and support in the development of child protection policies from HSE Children First Trainers and Information and Advice Officers. As this resource transferred to the CFA, the challenge now is to build a resource base to develop and deliver appropriate training programmes and quality assurance processes on a phased basis. Background - HSE Reform Programme Future Health - A Strategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012-2015 outlines the most significant reform in the history of the Irish Health Service. It includes structural, financial and service delivery reform. The establishment of HSE Directorate, service Divisions structures and the development of Hospital Trusts and Community Healthcare Organisations are key elements of the reform programme. The creation of the CFA on 1st January 2014 and the transfer of statutory functions in relation to child welfare and protection from the HSE to the CFA together with approximately four thousand staff is also a major aspect of reform. Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011 The Children First Guidelines were first published in September 1999 and were revised in July 2011 by The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) as Children First: National 1 Includes: Acute Services, Primary Care, Social Care, Mental Health, Health and Well Being, Quality Improvement, Clinical Strategy and Care Programmes, Shared Services, Human Resources, and the National Ambulance Service. 2 Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. The Guidance sets out a number of key messages relating to the duty to protect children which include but are not limited to: the safety and welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility and children will have safer lives where everyone is attentive to their wellbeing people who work with children across a range of areas understand their responsibility for safe practice and the reporting of concerns the roles and responsibilities of the health sector including those of general practitioners and primary care teams, hospital staff, staff working in mental health and addiction services, staff working in child and adolescent psychiatry services, other health professionals greater clarity and guidance for individuals and organisations in identifying and responding appropriately to child abuse and neglect and sets out specific protocols for Primary Care Teams, General Practitioners, Social Workers in the Child and Family Agency, An Garda Síochána and other front line staff in dealing with suspected abuse and neglect of children As with the earlier version of Children First, there is an emphasis on the significant role health care professionals have in: identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect fostering the development of interagency cooperation and multi–disciplinary working in protecting children from abuse and neglect and providing treatment and support to children and their families While the Children First legislation will bring additional safeguards to children the implementation of Children First National Guidance in all relevant organisations will ensure compliance with the intention of the legislation. Designated Liaison Persons Under Children First National Guidance, every organisation, both public and private, that is providing services for children or that is in regular direct contact with children should: identify a Designated Liaison Person (DLP) to act as a liaison with outside agencies and a resource person to any staff member who has a child protection concern 3 the DLP is responsible for ensuring that the standard reporting procedure is followed, so that suspected cases of child abuse or neglect are referred promptly to the designated person in the CFA or in the event of an emergency and the unavailability of the designated person in the CFA, to An Garda Síochána the DLP is required to ensure that they are knowledgeable about child protection and undertake any training considered necessary to keep themselves updated on new developments The numbers of Designated Liaison Persons to be appointed and at the correct level of service will be determined by the HSE Oversight Committee following consultation with HSE service managers and relevant stakeholders. Children First Bill 2014 The Children First Bill 2014 (published in April 2014) when enacted, will put elements of the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011) on a statutory footing and will place a wide range of responsibilities on the HSE and its funded services. The Bill provides a number of key child protection measures which include: a requirement on organisations providing services to children to keep children safe and to produce a Child Safeguarding Statement; a requirement on defined categories of persons (mandated persons) to report child protection concerns over a defined threshold to the CFA; a requirement on mandated persons to assist the CFA and “to give to the Agency such information and assistance as it may reasonably require”.in the assessment of a child protection risk; placing the Children First Interdepartmental Group on a statutory footing The new legislation will operate in tandem with the existing Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011). 4 Background to Children First Legislation Mandatory reporting for child maltreatment was first recommended by the Kilkenny Incest Investigation Report, (1993) and Putting Children First, A Discussion Document on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, (1996). In addition the Ryan Report (2009) recommended that Children First: The National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children (1999) should be uniformly and consistently implemented throughout the State in dealing with allegations of abuse. On 25th April 2012, Ms. Frances Fitzgerald TD, the then Minister for Children and Youth Affairs published the Heads of the Children First Bill. In line with the Government’s commitment to reform of the parliamentary and legislative processes, the draft Heads were referred to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children. The Minister asked the Committee to consider the Heads of the Children First Bill and make recommendations. A report was submitted in July 2012 and international research and further consultations with experts and key stakeholders, other relevant Government Departments and statutory agencies, was carried out to discuss and review the complex matters arising and the development of the final Bill. Purpose of the Children First Bill The policy objective of the Bill is to make further and better provision for the care and protection of children; to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect; to provide for mandatory reporting by key professionals; to improve child protection arrangements in organisations providing services to children, and to provide for inter-agency working and information-sharing in relation to assessments by the Agency. Obligations on Organisations under the Children First Bill Organisations providing services to children and young people will now be required to undertake an assessment of risk of child abuse while the child is availing of its services, and use this as the basis for developing a Child Safeguarding Statement. The purpose of the Statement is to identify how the organisation will work to eliminate or manage any risks identified in the risk assessment. The Safeguarding Statement will also outline how staff and volunteers will be provided with information to identify abuse that children may experience outside the organisation, and what they should do with any concerns about child safety. While the HSE will have an overarching Child Safeguarding Statement, and each Division will have its own Divisional Child Safeguarding Statement, each manager of a relevant service in the HSE and each funded agency, as set out in the Children First Bill 2014, will be required to 5 undertake their own risk assessment of any potential for abuse to a child while availing of the service, and prepare their own child safeguarding statement – Figure 1. Figure 1 – Risk Assessment and Child Safeguarding Statements HSE Child Safe Guarding Policy, Risk Assessment and Safeguarding Statement HSE Divisional / Hospital Group and Community Health Organisation Risk Assessment and Safeguarding Statement HSE internal service level and each funded agency, Risk Assessment and Safeguarding Statement Other Relevant Legislation The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012, when enacted, will make it mandatory for persons working with children or vulnerable adults to be vetted by An Garda Síochána. The Act also provides for the use of "soft" information in regard to vetting. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012 will also make provision for retrospective vetting of employees if they were not vetted prior to the commencement order in addition to re-vetting of employees (time frame not specified but good practice suggests that all employees should be revetted every five years). It will be an offence for an organisation to employ someone to work with children or vulnerable persons without going through the vetting procedure set out in the Act. 6 The Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 The Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 makes it an offence for any person to fail to notify An Garda Síochána where the person has information which he or she knows or believes might be of material assistance in securing the prosecution or conviction of a serious offence which includes physical or sexual abuse. The Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 The Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 will remain on the statute book. This act lists a range of professionals (appendix 7) who are appointed as “Designated Officers” for the purpose of receiving reports of child abuse. The Act makes provision for the protection from civil liability of persons who have communicated child abuse 'reasonably and in good faith' to designated officers of the HSE, to the CFA or to any member of An Garda Síochána. This means that even if a reported suspicion of child abuse proves unfounded, a plaintiff who took an action would have to prove that the person who communicated the concern had not acted reasonably and in good faith in making the report. The Act created a new offence of false reporting in cases where a report was made knowing the statement to be untrue. A person who makes a report in good faith and in the child’s best interests may also be protected under common law by the defence of qualified privilege. This protection applies to organisations as well as individuals. HSE Designated Officers have the following responsibilities: To clarify with the person making the report that a report is being formally made To inform the person that the Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 provides immunity from civil liability to persons that report child abuse “reasonably and in good faith” to designated officers of the HSE To establish whether reasonable grounds for concern exist. Interdepartmental Co-operation A significant provision in the legislation is the underpinning on a statutory basis of the Children First Inter-departmental Group. This Group, which will include representatives of all Government Departments, will be required to keep under review the implementation of this 7 legislation and the Children First Guidance, and to report on an annual basis to the Minister. Departments will also be required to publish Sectoral Implementation Plans for their respective areas of responsibility. The Children First legislation will form part of a suite of child protection legislation which already includes the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act, 2012 and the Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012. Other relevant legislation includes: Child Care Act 1991 Child Care (Amendment) Act 2007 Children Act 2001 Child and Family Agency Act 2013 Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997 Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act, 1998 Roles and Responsibilities of HSE staff under Children First It is important to note that when the Children First legislation is enacted there will be four categories of staff who have defined duties and responsibilities: All staff will have a corporate and societal duty to report child protection and welfare concerns. Designated Officers with duties as outlined above Designated Liaison Persons appointed in accordance with Children First National Guidance 2011 as outlined above Mandated Persons with responsibilities under Children First legislation as outlined above. Mandated Persons Under the Children First Bill 2014, Mandated Persons are professionals who, by virtue of their training, responsibilities and experience will have an awareness of issues relating to child protection. These professionals either work with children or young people or they are in service sectors that encounter adults or families and children where there is a risk of abuse and neglect. Mandated Persons will be required to report information regarding child abuse above a defined threshold which comes to their attention in the course of their professional or employment duties. They will also be required to report any direct disclosures of abuse from a child where 8 information is received when at work in their professional role. While the definition of harm outlined in the Children First legislation for mandatory reporting is a higher threshold than the threshold of reasonable grounds for concern outlined in Children First National Guidance (2011) it is expected that Mandated Persons will continue to report concerns under both thresholds. A list of Mandated Persons as outlined in Schedule 2 Children First Bill 2014 is included in Appendix 6. Under the planned legislation, Mandated Persons will be required to cooperate with the CFA where the agency reasonably believes that the Mandated Person may be in a position to assist the Agency in relation to assessment of child welfare and protection concerns by the Child and Family Agency arising from a report made under the legislation. This may include being asked to provide a written or verbal report within the professional’s area of expertise or to attend a meeting. Child Protection and Welfare Policy All organisations in the statutory; non-statutory and/or not-for-profit sector involved with children have an obligation to provide them with the highest possible standard of care in order to promote their well-being and safeguard them from abuse. Organisations may also be legally responsible for their failure to provide adequate care and safeguards for children in their care. All statutory, voluntary and community organisations working with and in direct contact with children are required to have procedures and guidelines derived from and consistent with Children First: National Guidance (2011) for their staff, students and volunteers. The content of such guidelines should not be at variance with the national guidance, but they may require particular specificity or elaboration appropriate to local circumstances once the statutory provisions are clear. HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy Statement A fundamental prerequisite to the successful implementation of Children First is that the HSE has an unambiguous policy in this regard. A key first action in the Implementation Plan (appendix 1) is the development of the HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy. This will reflect all requirements in the National Guidance and will be developed in accordance with the following high level policy statements: It is policy of the HSE to regard the welfare of children as being of paramount importance and to ensure that its staff and service providers are equipped to prevent harm to children and to intervene urgently to prevent any harm arising from escalating. Every member of staff employed directly by the HSE, by not-for-profit funded organisations 9 and other contractors engaged to provide services for or on behalf of the HSE shall ensure that children are safe from harm while availing of a service it is policy of the HSE to have up-to-date procedures and guidelines on child protection and welfare that are grounded in, and consistent with, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children and the pending Children First legislation it is policy of the HSE to have its policies, procedures and guidelines reviewed every three years or in accordance with recommendations from other reviews and best practice, whichever is the sooner it is policy of the HSE not to enter into to any service arrangements, agreements or contracts unless the provider can certify their compliance in full with Children First National Guidelines, that they have a child protection and welfare policy that is consistent with Children First and the relevant legislation; that policies, procedures and practices reflect the individual needs of the people with whom the provider works, and the HSE is satisfied in this regard it is policy of the HSE that each Division and Function has structures in place for the effective monitoring of compliance with Children First National Guidelines and legislation it is policy of the HSE that concerns or suspicions regarding a child being abused or at risk of being abused are reported, and that effective systems are in place and maintained to support staff to report their concerns or suspicions it is policy of the HSE that staff members, students and volunteers are aware of how to recognise signs of child abuse or neglect and how to report their concerns or suspicions it is policy of the HSE that the effective implementation of Children First forms an integral part of the governance arrangements at every level, and that performances in this regard is managed and monitored as part of the overall performance management and performance assurance processes of the HSE 10 Children First Governance Structures There is a clear Government commitment to ensure the widest possible implementation of Children First Guidance and the Children First legislation. Level (1): Children First Interdepartmental Group The Children First Bill 2014, when enacted, will place the existing Children First InterDepartmental Group on a statutory footing. The functions of the Group are to: Promote compliance by Departments of State with their obligations under the Act Monitor the implementation by Departments of State of the guidelines issued by the Minister under the Act, Provide support to departments of State in respect of the preparation and publication of sector implementation plans Promote a consistent approach by Departments of State in respect of the preparation and publication of sector implementation plans Report to the Minister when requested on the implementation of this Act and of the guidelines issues by the Minister under the Act, and Provide information or advice, or make proposals to the Minister on matters relating to the functions of the Implementation Group referred to in the Act. This Interdepartmental Group will promote the importance of Children First across Government and ensure consistency of approach within each sector and provide an avenue for reporting on implementation. Level (2): Health Sector Children First Oversight Group The Department of Health has established a Health Sector Children First Oversight Group in accordance with the Children First Sector Strategic Implementation Plan (July 2013). This is chaired by the Department and is supported by an independent expert, Dr. Helen Buckley, Associate Professor and Co-ordinator Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection and Welfare, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin. It also includes representatives from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the CFA and the HSE. 11 The Terms of Reference for the Health Sector Children First Oversight Group are inter alia to: give strategic direction and oversee at a high level the planning, implementation, oversight, quality assurance, training/awareness measures, enforcement and reporting requirements facilitate the co-ordination and oversight of compliance with Children First across the sector keep under review the Children First Health Sector Strategic Implementation Plan review Children First Implementation Plans including the HSE plan consider any issues arising in relation to the implementation of Children First monitor and report on the implementation of Children First across the health sector Level 3 HSE - Oversight Assignment of a National Lead Director The HSE National Director, Primary Care Division, has been appointed by the Director General as National Director with overall lead responsibility for the interface between the HSE and the CFA in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, and Joint Protocol and for implementation of Children First throughout the HSE and HSE funded agencies. He is also the HSE representative on the Children First Inter-departmental Group and the HSE representative on the Health Sector Children First Oversight Group. Appointment of a HSE National Lead for Children First A National Lead for Children First was appointed to assist delivery of key strategic goals. HSE Oversight Committee A national HSE Children First Oversight Committee has been established under the aegis of the National Leadership Team and has been meeting since November 2013. This Committee is chaired by the Head of Operations, Primary Care Division and has representatives at senior levels from Acute Services, Primary Care, Social Care, Mental Health, Health and Well Being, Quality and Patient Safety, Office of Nursing and Midwifery Services, Human Resources, Shared Services and the National Ambulance Service. The nominations from the service Divisions chair the Divisional Children First Committees. This ensures there is representation 12 from all relevant services involved in the development and implementation of Children First across the organisation. A list of the membership of the HSE Children First Oversight Committee is attached (Appendix 8) The Committee’s terms of reference are: to ensure the development of a standard implementation plan for HSE compliance with Children First: National guidance and legislation to ensure that any adaptation of Children First by providers to local guidance is consistent with Children First guidance and legislation to provide oversight on compliance with Children First across all Divisions of the Health Service Executive and funded agencies to ensure that effective systems are in place to monitor and review the implementation of Children First guidance and legislation and for updating policy, procedure and guidance in a timely manner to ensure that there is an adequate system of performance assurance in place regarding compliance with Children First to provide reports to the HSE Leadership Team on the implementation of Children First and compliance with Children First to make recommendations to the Leadership Team on all aspects of Children First The Committee’s tasks and priorities for 2015 Within the Children First Implementation Plan the HSE Children First Oversight Committee has identified the following priority actions for 2015: the implementation of the Children First Plan across the organisation as identified in the HSE Service Plan 2015 the development of child protection policies, procedures, protocols and practice guidance across the Health Service Executive the development of a Children First training strategy for the Health Service Executive and support for training for funded agencies 13 ensuring that systems are in place to make private / for profit organisations aware of their responsibilities and that they are operationally fully compliant with Children First in all dealings with the HSE the development of a Children First communication strategy for the Health Service Executive and funded agencies the development of a suite of performance metrics in support of performance management and governance the development of quality assurance mechanisms in relation to Children First for the Health Service Executive and funded agencies the preparation and submission of reports on Children First to HSE Leadership Team as required the preparation of compliance reports for the Leadership Team for submission to the Health Sector Children First Oversight Group and for incorporation of required information into sectoral reports to DCYA to keep under review the Children First Bill 2014 and prepare for implementation and compliance with the legislation when enacted Divisional Children First Committees The following Divisions of the HSE have established a Division-specific Children First Committee with participation by funded organisations where appropriate; Primary Care Health and Well Being Acute Services Mental Health Social Care The role of the national Divisional Children First Committees is to ensure that national HSE Children First policy and the national Implementation Plan reflects Division-specific issues in 14 relation to services or aspects of services that are provided by that Division. The Chair of each Divisional committee is also a member of the National Oversight Committee. Terms of Reference: In conjunction with the National Children’s First Oversight Committee, Divisional Committee’s will: participate in the development of national policy on Children First in the HSE develop division-specific policies and procedures in line with national policy, procedures and guidance provide Divisional reports on Children First when required advise the National Director and Divisional Management Team regarding Children First and the operation of Children First within the Division provide feedback to the Children First Oversight Committee on Divisional issues report to the Divisional National Director Community Healthcare Organisations / Hospital/ Hospital Group/Other Services Implementation Committees A Children First Implementation Committee, representative of relevant stakeholders, will be established at Community Healthcare Organisation, Hospital Group or hospital, and other services levels, at the discretion of the Chief Officers, Hospital Chief Executive Officers and service managers. Local implementation plans at CHO, Hospital/Hospital Group and other service levels will be developed, implemented and monitored by Chief Officers, Hospital Chief Executive Officers and service managers. They will have responsibility for preparing their Children First Implementation Plan, ensuring implementation and compliance with the National Guidance, relevant legislation and HSE policy. They will be guided and supported in this by the National Divisional and CHO/Hospital Group/other services Committees and the National Children First Office. A list of CHOs and HSE Service Areas and hospitals is attached (Appendix 9). Implementation of and compliance with Children First will form part of the Performance Agreements between the National Directors, Chief Officers and Hospital Group Chief Executive Officers and will be included in the HSE’s Performance Assurance Process. Compliance requirements and obligations on funded organisations and contractors will form part of the Service Level Agreement, Grant Aid Agreement and contract. 15 National services such as the National Ambulance Service will also have responsibility for the implementation of Children First across their services, to develop a Child First Implementation Plan for their service and to set up a Children First Implementation Committee. Terms of Reference for CHO/Hospital/Other Service Level Implementation Committees To develop a Children First Implementation Plan for the Community Healthcare Organisation/Hospital/Hospital Group/Service To develop CHO and or service specific policies and procedures in line with national policy, procedures and guidance. To monitor and review the performance metrics for Children First, advise the Chief Officer/CEO/Service Manager and develop service improvement plans when necessary To ensure staff are informed and aware of their responsibilities under Children First and are updated on any developments. To provide feedback to the National Divisional/Service Children First Committee on service/Division-specific issues that arise in the implementation of Children First Membership of the Committee will be decided by the Chief Officer/Hospital CEO/Service Manager and may include representatives at senior manager level from Social Care, Primary Care, Mental Health, Health and Well Being, HR, other functions and representation from funded agencies as considered relevant. 16 Children First Governance Structure Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Other Government Departments Children First Interdepartmental Overarching Group Health Sector Oversight Group Minister for Health Department of Health DOH MAC/HSE Leadership Team Meeting (Standing Item) HSE Children First Oversight Committee CF National Ambulance Service HSE Performance Assurance Process CF Social Care Divisional CF Mental Health Divisional CF Primary Care Divisional Committee Committee Committee CHO CF Implementation Committee CF Health & Wellbeing Divisional Committee CF Acute Services Divisional Committee Hospital Groups CF Implementation Committies HSE Funded Agencies & Contracted Providers 17 HSE System Reform Programme As part of the HSE’s Transformation Change Agenda a Systems Reform Group (SRG) has been established to project-manage the HSE Reform Programme and enable the management of change across the broad portfolio of reform projects being undertaken. Programmes are listed as strategic objectives or as service improvement projects and the implementation and compliance requirements for Children First have been accepted by the System Reform Group. Any programme listed on the SRG Portfolio benefits from the strategic oversight provided by the Systems Reform Group, and a dedicated Project Manager and Project Management approach will also support the delivery of objectives. For the Children First Implementation Plan this will include the scoping of risks and issues for the programme and milestone reporting on a monthly basis for the deliverables outlined in the plan. Performance Management – Review and Assurance The Children First Implementation Plan is included in the Performance Management System. Performance indicators will be developed for both the implementation of the plan and compliance with the Children First legislation. Performance at CHO Area and Hospital/Hospital Group levels will be reviewed at the monthly performance meetings between the National Director and Chief Officers and Hospital Group managers. The HSE will also include Children First Performance Indicators and a report in the HSE Performance Assurance Report to the Department of Health. The Performance Management Process will form part of the Quality and Safety Framework. Non -compliance will be risk assessed, included on the appropriate risk register at local, divisional or national level and managed in accordance with the HSE’s Risk Management and Serious Incident Policy. 18 Implementation Structure and Resource Requirements There is a vast range and number of services provided in public and private health facilities by and on behalf of the HSE, and home based care and services are a significant feature of service provision. The size, complexity and organisational structure of the service delivery models create significant challenges for the HSE in implementing Children First. A critical success factor will be effective inter-Divisional and intra-Divisional collaboration, assisted by corporate support functions. Likewise will be the imperative to have Children First implemented in a consistent way throughout the HSE; the governance framework will be essential to the achievement of this principle. National Children First Implementation Office The appointment of a national lead for Children First was a vital first step and as a forerunner to the establishment of a National Children First Office. A shared, centrally provided service operating on behalf of the HSE is the accepted model as this will be best positioned to provide standardisation, consistency of approach and optimal resource utilisation. At this stage it is estimated that the office will initially require 20 staff to successfully support implementation and maintain compliance with Children First in the HSE, by funded agencies and by contracted providers. This estimate is based on the numbers of mandated persons, and section 38 and 39 funded agencies requiring training, on-going support, refresher training in their role as mandated persons, in addition to training and on-going support for designated liaison persons, people reporting concerns, etc. For the HSE and Section 38 agencies this equates to: Grade HSE Staff Medical and Dental Practitioners Nursing Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Professionals Clergy and Pastoral Care Staff Total 5,907 Section 38 agencies Total staff 3,358 9,265 26,429 1,554 8,643 14,524 8 6,957 40,953 1,562 15,600 160 77 237 42,693 24,924 67,617 In addition, there are 2,381 GPs with GMS contracts, 2,000 Practice Nurses and an undetermined number of students and volunteers to be included in the implementation plan. The number of 19 staff in HSE Section 39 funded agencies that require training will be available following completion of a Training Needs Analysis for HSE funded agencies which has commenced. The quality assurance role carried out by Information and Advice Officers in the past was limited to HSE funded organisations that provided direct services to children. This focus has now broadened to include all HSE funded agencies with particular emphasis placed on service providers working directly with children. The size, role, purpose and function of the HSE National Children First Office will be kept under review in accordance with on-going requirements under Children First policy, needs and demands at front-line service delivery level, issues arising during implementation, and overall monitoring, assurance and governance requirements generally. The implementation strategy will have to be reviewed when the Children First Bill is passed into law and the commencement and lead-in timeframes are specified in the commencement orders. Roles of the staff in the HSE National Children First Office will include: Supporting the HSE to discharge its responsibilities under Children First Supporting Designated Officers, Designated Liaison Persons and Mandated Persons Supporting frontline staff Supporting each Division to produce Child Safeguarding Statements Supporting each Division to undertake an assessment of the risks to children who attend their services The delivery of a suite of training programmes Maintaining the centralised register of Mandated Persons and Designated Liaison Persons Maintaining the Register of Employees that received Children First Training by date received, type of training received and training model (face-to-face, e-learning, videotraining, etc). Quality assurance and compliance of child protection policies and Child Safeguarding Statements regarding HSE funded agencies Provision of data, analytics and information including number of referrals to the CFA Production of an annual report and other reports at relevant intervals for the Divisions and the HSE as required 20 HSE Children First Implementation Plan The purpose of the Plan is to outline what is required to achieve full compliance with Children First, the timeframes involved and the resources required. Planning is an iterative process and this Implementation Plan will be reviewed and revised in accordance with feedback from service providers, experience gained during the implementation process, and any direction received from the Health Sector Children First Oversight Group and the Department of Health. The HSE Children First Oversight Committee will monitor any changes to Children First including the draft legislation and will revise the Plan to reflect such changes. Accordingly, the HSE Implementation Plan was developed, having regard to the following: Report on the Implementation of Children First in the HSE by the Ombudsman for Children, April 2010 A desk top review of HSE Compliance with Children First National Guidance (2011) The Terms of Reference for the Health Sector Oversight Group and the HSE Children First Oversight Committee The Children First Bill 2014 Discussions with Department of Health in relation to HSE responsibilities and priorities. Discussions with the National Manager Children First, Child and Family Agency. Discussions with Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Feedback from the Health Sector Children First Oversight Committee Department of Health on the Draft Implementation Plan. Feedback from all HSE Divisions The Implementation Plan includes a set of actions to address the following: Standard Child Protection and Welfare Policies: development of standard child protection and welfare polices for implementation throughout the HSE. Following the establishment of the CFA and the transfer of approximately four thousand child care staff from the HSE to that Agency, the HSE is now required to amend and update its policies, procedures and practices for the protection and welfare of children to reflect these changes and the transfer of functions. 21 Child Safeguarding Statement: the development of a HSE Child Safeguarding Statement which will include a Safeguarding Statement; a Child Protection Policy which covers the management of child protection and welfare concerns in the HSE and any HSE policy or guidance document which keeps children safe. The Children First Bill requires all relevant services to undertake an assessment of any risk and to prepare a Child Safeguarding Statement within three months of commencement of the Act. Part of this policy development will include a review of relevant HR policies and guidance documents as well as a risk assessment of relevant services. It will be necessary to assist funded agencies in their safeguarding responsibilities so that the systems, policies and procedures that they have in place comply with Children First Guidance and Children First legislation. Training Strategy: development of a Training Strategy will be predicated on a training needs analysis as to the requirements for Children First training across the HSE and funded agencies. It will be mandatory for each member of staff in the HSE to undertake Children First Awareness Training in a manner proportionate to their role and responsibilities. An E-learning Children First Awareness programme will be mandatory for all staff irrespective of role within the organisation. Other levels of training and support will include Foundation Training and training for Designated Liaison Persons. The Training Strategy will define the different levels of Children First training to be provided and the target audiences for each programme. It will be comprehensive and will meet the varying needs of staff and providers. There will be a Records Management System including Training Registers indicating who has been trained in Children First, who requires additional training and notification when re-training is required. The training modules will vary in content and application depending on the employees level of contact with children, designation as a “Designated Officer” (under the Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998) or as a Designated Liaison Persons (under Children First Guidance 2011) or as a Mandated Person ( under Children First Bill 2014). Training methods will include a mix of attendance at traditional face-toface training days, E-learning and blended learning programmes. All existing staff training resources will be utilised e.g. Performance and Development; Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Units; Centres of Nurse Education, etc. The HSE will also assist funded agencies in their compliance with the legislation and the support available from the CFA to provide a Train the Trainers Programme will be extended to the funded sector as appropriate. 22 Communication Plan: the development of a Communication Plan will inform all internal and external stakeholders of their duties under Children First such as the changes in legislation / vetting procedures and the HSEs Safeguarding Statement and Safeguarding Plan. The need to ensure high levels of awareness among staff of the corporate, social and legal responsibilities in relation to Children First National Guidance and Children First legislation will be highlighted in the plan. The plan will include information for clients/service users and young people. Quality Assurance Framework: the development of a Quality Assurance Framework to monitor compliance with all parts of the legislation and Children First Guidance. A suite of performance indicators will be developed by a sub group of the Children First Oversight Committee and will form part of the monthly performance report for HSE services and for the monthly performance report from the HSE to the Department of Health. A governance framework for progression of the Implementation Plan will be included. The Quality Assurance framework will be cascaded to funded agencies with a requirement that they ensure they are in full compliance and can provide evidence of compliance. Risk Management: identification of risks associated with non-compliance/nonimplementation and entry on the relevant Risk Registers. All risks will be managed in accordance with the HSE Risk Management policy and strategy Funded Agencies: the development of a programme for funded agencies to assess their current compliance and their readiness for the Children First Bill 2014 when enacted and to have access to Children First training. Students: all students who are on clinical placements/training, internships or workplace placements are comprehended by this plan. The inclusion of Children First Training for students in undergraduate and post graduate training is included as actions in the Implementation Plan. This will require discussion with third level colleges and the education sector. All students on placements will also be required to undertake the HSE’s Children First E-learning module. Volunteers: the development of a comprehensive set of polices and guidance to address requirements under Children First policy and Children First legislation in respect of volunteers being engaged by HSE services. All volunteers will be required to undertake 23 Children First E-learning Module and additional training proportionate to their volunteering role. Collaborative Working: identification of, and implementation of, mechanisms to support collaborative working arrangements and relationships with relevant agencies including the CFA and An Garda Síochána. The details for these key actions are outlined in the Implementation Table in Appendix 1. The work will be carried out by sub groups of the Children First Oversight Committee to address the following: Child Protection and Welfare Policy Training Strategy Communications Metrics and the Performance Assurance process Quality and Patient Safety. Other sub groups will be established as required to supplement the implementation process. The HSE Leadership Team has reiterated its policy objective to be fully compliant with Children First and system-wide implementation is a priority in the HSE Service Plan 2015. Full compliance will be achieved over time and may be impacted by timeframes in the Children First Bill 2014 when enacted. Resource requirements will be reviewed at that time and the implementation schedule will be revised accordingly. 24 Summary Following the enactment of the Child and Family Agency Act, 2013, statutory responsibility for the protection and welfare of children moved from the HSE to the Child and Family Agency (CFA), with effect from the 1st January 2014. While the HSE no longer holds statutory responsibility under the Child Care Act 1991 for child protection and welfare, it continues to have significant responsibilities under the policy framework due to the range and number of services that are provided to children directly by HSE staff and by funded agencies through service arrangements. Children First National Guidelines have been in place since 2001 and continue to apply to all organisations that provide services to children. However the establishment of the CFA and the impending Children First legislation has meant that the HSE must review how Children First policy and legislation is implemented so that it can meet its obligations in this regard. The transfer of staff to the CFA has resulted in the removal of a significant body of knowledge and expertise in relation to child protection and welfare from the HSE. Prior to the establishment of the CFA, Children and Families Services in the HSE, under the National Director, Children and Families, had overall responsibility for the management of child welfare and protection and service providers and had access to staff and managers in the local child care and social work departments for this purpose. While the eventual resource requirements will be more informed when the pending legislation is enacted and by the Training Needs Analysis and Training Strategy, the commitments in NSP 2015 provide the necessary support to commence implementation. HSE staff and staff in funded agencies availed of training, advice and support regarding all matters relating to child welfare and protection and in the development of child protection policies from Children First Trainers and Information and Advice Officers. When the Children First Bill 2014 is enacted, all staff in the HSE will be obliged to undertake mandatory child protection training commensurate with the reporting requirements of their post. This legislation puts a greater obligation on the HSE to provide up-to-date information, support and training to HSE staff and to staff in funded agencies. The overriding priority for the HSE is to ensure the welfare and protection of all children that use the health services provided by or on behalf of the HSE. This priority objective will be achieved by the development of a standard Implementation Plan for Children First policy that will be implemented in a consistent way across the HSE and in HSE funded services. This will be enabled by the establishment of a National Office for Children First in the HSE charged with supporting the implementation of Children First and related legislation. 25 Consistent implementation will be underscored by HSE governance arrangements at CHO, Hospital, Divisional and Corporate levels, monthly performance review and performance reports, monthly performance assurance and an annual audit process. The timeframes for implementation are based on current understanding of a lead-in time of approximately 18 months for commencement of the Children First legislation. It is also recognised that it is an ambitious undertaking to achieve compliance with Children First within the time frames as set out. These time frames will be constantly monitored to ensure the anticipated deadlines are met. If the legislation is enacted and commenced within a shorter time scale, the HSE Children First Oversight Committee will review the implications for the timelines and requirements to meet revised targets; a revised Plan will be submitted to the Leadership Team and to the Health Sector Children First Oversight Group. 26 Appendix 1 - Detailed Implementation Table The implementation table on pages 26-45 outlines over 90 actions which will be needed to deliver on Children First throughout the Health Service Executive. It also covers how the HSE will provide support and oversight for HSE funded agencies and GPs in their implementation of Children First. Many of these high level actions will require additional steps for implementation which are not detailed in the implementation table and will require further discussion at sub group level. The Implementation Table identifies a key deliverable, the high level action(s) required to execute that deliverable, an indicative time frame and a priority rating. The Department of Health has also requested that the HSE reports on a monthly basis on the implementation of this plan. It is recognised that it is an ambitious undertaking to achieve compliance with Children First within the time frames as set out. The attachment of a priority rating to an action was based an assessment of the basic foundations which need to be in place to build compliance; for example having an organisational Child Welfare and Protection Policy is a fundamental prerequisite; delivering a training strategy cannot take place in a child protection policy vacuum and therefore both deliverables attract similar time frames and priority ratings. Some the actions are relevant to more than one heading and are repeated in the table for the sake of clarity; for example the section on funded agencies will have references to actions already outlined in training and communication. March 2015 Version One Governance Framework Key Result Area Deliverable Action 1.1 HSE National Lead Director Assign responsibility for Children First to a member of the Leadership Team 1.2 HSE National Children First Oversight Group Establish an Oversight Group representative of the Directorate 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 HSE National Lead for Children First HSE Divisional Implementation Oversight Groups HSE Area Implementation Groups in each CHO HSE Hospital Group Implementation Oversight Groups Performance Monitoring Responsible Person(s) Director General Dependency Target Completion Dec 2013 Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Sept 2013 1 National Lead Director, Primary Care Division Recruit a Children First Head of Lead Operations, Primary Care Division Establish an Implementation Each National Oversight Group in each Director Division Establish Implementation Chief Officers Group in each CHO Nov 2013 Nov 2013 March 2015 2 Establish Implementation Group in each Hospital Group Group CEO March 2015 2 The provision of systematic monitoring arrangements of the implementation of Children First at local, Divisional Directors, Chief Officers, Hospital Group 1 May 2014 March 2014 1 June 2014 Aug 2014 1 The June development of 2015 a suite of performance 3 March 2015 Version One Key Result Area 1.8 1.9 Deliverable Performance Assurance Action Responsible Person(s) regional and national levels by internal and external stakeholders The inclusion of Children First as a specific key result area in the performance assurance process Development of an audit process as part of the assurance process that is independent of the local area CEO, service managers Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 indicators National Directors June 2015 2 National Children First Oversight Committee June 2015 3 Development of a self certification and compliance statement process for the funded sector National Children First Oversight Committee January HSE Systems Reform Programme Submit Children First to the HSE System Reform Programme Director of Primary Care May 2014 Staff Delegations amended to meet requirements of Children First Establish requirements for amendments to Delegations for HSE staff prior to enactment of Children First legislation National Delegations Office and Children First Lead Audit Process 1.9.1 1.10 1.11 January 2015 3 2015 June 2014 3 Enactment legislation of June 2015 2 29 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Develop a standard policy which is consistent with Children First Guidance and legislation for application across HSE. Each Division will develop Division-specific policies in accordance with standard HSE policy Review requirements for DLPs across the HSE and make recommendations to the Leadership Team Child Protection Policy Sub Group Children First Oversight Group March 2015 Establishment of a register of Designated Liaison Persons Develop a system for recording, maintaining and updating a register of Designated Liaison Persons in the HSE National Lead Children First March 2015 Development of a system to generate a list of Identify the list of staff from Health Business the HR systems who are Services mandated persons Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Standard Child Protection Policy 2.1 The provision of a single standard Child Protection and Welfare Policy for the HSE 2.1.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The appointment of Designated Liaison Persons and Deputy Liaison Persons for reporting neglect or abuse March 2015 1 June 2015 March 2015 1 2 2 30 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) mandated persons Ensure all mandated persons in HSE are provided with information regarding their responsibilities and are aware of their responsibilities under Children First Legislation Health Business Services and Children First Lead Service Managers 2.5 Reporting Procedures Review procedures for reporting concerns 2.6 Maintenance of a log of child protection reports and child protection and welfare concerns and issues Develop a system for ensuring all child protection reports and child welfare concerns are recorded. Include in responsibilities of DLPs and mandated persons Child Protection Policy Sub Group Child Protection Policy Sub Group 2.4.1 2.6.1 Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Enactment date June for Children 2015 First Legislation 3 October 2014 September 2014 2 June 2015 3 31 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Child safeguarding Statement Risk assessment: Complete an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of the service Child Protection Policy Sub Group and Divisions Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Safeguarding 3.1 3.1.1 Child Safeguarding Statement 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Clarification of the obligations of Agency Staff Development of a HSE Child Safeguarding Statement Develop Child Safeguarding Statements for all HSE Divisions Dissemination of child safeguarding statements Notify employment agencies of their obligations under Children First by way of an addendum to the current contract Ensure all agency staff employed have undertaken Children First Training Link Children First responsibilities with review of nationally contracted employment agencies and ensure that all new contracts awarded include details of Health Business Services and the Children First Lead Guidance tool June to issue from 2015 the Child and Family Agency. Dependent on June commencement 2015 date for Children First legislation As above June 2015 As above June 2015 3 2 Health Business Services As above Sept 2015 2 Health Business Services As above March 2015 2 32 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 obligations under Children First 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Clarification of the obligations of HSE Funded Agencies under Children First and of their compliance All HSE funded agencies to complete an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of the service and to develop a safeguarding plan. All HSE funded agencies to carry out an assessment of their compliance with Children First and to develop a compliance implementation plan All funded agencies to carry out an assessment of their readiness for the enactment of Children First legislation. Standard list of Legislation/Regulation; Quality Assurance; Codes of Practice; Employment practices, and all other Codes to be included in all service level agreement and grant aid agreement documentation Each Division and funded agency Guidance tool April to issue from 2015 the Child and Family Agency 1 Enactment of Children First legislation. Each Division and funded agency Children First Lead and National Contracts Office Guidance tool June to issue from 2015 the Child and Family Agency Sept 2014 1 September 2014 2 33 Key Result Area Deliverable 3.3.4 3.4 General Practitioners and General Practice Staffs’ 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 Provision of information for Private Healthcare Providers Action Responsible Person(s) Service Agreement documentation and Grant Aid Agreements to include requirements for compliance with Children First. - All GP practices to undertake an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of the service and to develop a safeguarding plan. Children First Lead and National Contracts Office Primary Care Division and the National GP Lead Dependency Target Completion Dec 2014 Guidance tool Not Known to issue from the Child and Family Agency - All GP practices to assess readiness for obligations under Children First legislation. Enactment of Not Known Children First legislation. - All Practices to be compliant with requirements under Children First Enactment of Children First legislation. Ensure that all private healthcare providers are aware of their obligation to implement Children First Guidance. Develop information sheet for private health providers to report child protection and welfare concerns to the Child and Family Agency Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 December 2014 4 3 Not Known CFA Awaiting Not Known guidance from the CFA 4 Children First Lead Awaiting Not Known guidance from the CFA 4 34 Key Result Area 3.6 Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) A fully Garda vetted workforce in the HSE, funded sector and service contractors Develop a plan to have all Health Business persons working with Services, children vetted Human Resources and service Divisions Policy and guidance regarding the engagement of Volunteers Develop and disseminate a standard national suite of policies for the engagement, vetting, code of behaviour, role, and managing allegations against volunteers. Development of a Training Strategy for the implementation of all levels of Children First Training across HSE and funded agencies Carry out a Training Needs analysis in each Division Dependency Capacity in the Garda Vetting Bureau Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Dec 2015 3 National Oversight Group; Human Resource Division Sept 2015 3 Children First Over Sight Group, Training Sub - Group Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group March 2015 1 Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub-group with HR Division June 2015 Volunteers 4.1 Training 5.1 5.5.1 5.2 5.2.1 Development of e-learning module for Children First awareness Identify all potential Children First Training resources across Divisions, National Ambulance Service, Functions and in HSE funded agencies Work with communications to implement e-learning modules January 2015 January 2015 1 1 35 Key Result Area 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 Deliverable training Implement a certification process for all HSE staff and students Recording all Children First Training Development and implementation of a training strategy based on Train the Trainers module for: Basic Children First Training Comprehensive records maintained in Children First Office Carry out a training needs analysis for Children First Basic Training to include mandated persons and designated officers. 5.4.2 5.5 Action Development and implementation of a Train the Trainers module for DLPs across the HSE in collaboration Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub-group and HR Division Children First Lead May 2015 1 May 2015 2 Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group and each division Develop a prioritisation Children First system for Children First Over Sight Basic Training. Group Training Sub – Group Implement a certification Children First process for all HSE staff Over Sight who have undertaken Group Training Children First basic training. Sub – Group April 2015 1 April 2015 1 May 2015 1 Carry out a training needs analysis for Designated Liaison Persons in HSE April 2015 1 Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group 36 Key Result Area 5.5.1 5.6 5.6.1 5.7 Deliverable Action with the Child and Family Agency Develop a prioritisation system for DLP training Development of a blended module for multidisciplinary Children First Training for staff who cannot be released on a full day basis Training content to reflect all aspects of policy and legislation on a proportional basis appropriate with role and duties Develop a system to ensure that Refresher Training for all levels of Children First Training across all divisions is available Implement a certification process for all HSE staff that complete blended learning. Develop a prioritisation system for all Refresher Training Responsible Person(s) Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub –Group, National Manager Children First Child and Family Agency Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group and the Child and Family Agency Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group Children First Over Sight Group Training Sub – Group Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 The level of April support 2015 available from the Child and Family Agency 1 May 2015 2 May 2015 2 Oct 2015 4 37 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Development of a training strategy for all levels of Children First Training for HSE funded orgs. Carry out training needs analysis Develop a prioritisation system for all levels of Children First Training for HSE Funded Agencies All HSE Funded Agencies All HSE Funded Agencies March 2015 March 2015 2 5.11 Children First and Regulation HSE Children First Oversight Group Sept 2015 4 5.12 HSE Students to be provided with Children First Training Supervision Training The inclusion of Children First Training as a requirement for undergraduate and post graduate courses leading to the registration for professionals The inclusion of Children First Training into undergraduate education for professionals Develop and implement Supervision Training for HSE Supervisors who work directly with child protection and welfare services Develop and implement Supervision Training for HSE Supervisees who work directly with child protection and welfare HSE Children First Oversight Group Sept 2015 5 HSE Children First Oversight Group Sept 2015 3 HSE Children First Oversight Group Sept 2015 3 5.10 5.10.1 5.13 5.13.1 38 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Promote staff awareness of corporate, professional and social responsibilities under Children First through use of HSE Website; dedicated Children First section on HSE Website; regular broadcasts and updates; tag lines on e-mails; posters and literature Communication Sub- Group March 2015 3 Ensure all staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities under Children First Each Division & Communication Sub- Group March 2015 2 Ensure that all Designated Liaison Persons receive written communication of their child protection responsibilities. Communication Sub- Group Feb 2015 1 March 2015 3 Communication 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 Development of a Communication Plan for internal and external stakeholders Development of notices and Communication information leaflets for HSE Sub- Group staff on their Children First responsibilities Publication and dissemination of child Communication Sub- Group Enactment of June Children First 2015 3 39 Key Result Area Deliverable 6.1.4 safeguarding statements under Children First Ensure wide dissemination of HSE Child Protection Policy to all staff Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 legislation Communication Sub- Group March 2015 3 Communication Sub- Group June 2015 4 6.2.2 Ensure children are aware of Communication HSE’s Child Protection Sub- Group Policy in a manner appropriate to their age and maturity. June 2015 4 6.2.3 Promote HSE Child Each Division Protection Policy in all HSE premises where services are provided directly to children June 2015 4 6.2 6.2.1 Publication of HSE Child Protection Policy to staff and clients Action Ensure all parents are made aware of HSE’s Child Protection Policy 40 Key Result Area Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) 7.1 Recruitment 7.2 Include Children First Awareness Training in Corporate Induction Update job descriptions for mandated persons to include responsibilities under Children First Update Corporate Induction programme when e learning module is available Health Business Services and Human Resources Training Sub Group and HR Division Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Recruitment Enactment of Not Known Children First legislation. 3 March 2015 2 Review of all relevant policies to ensure compliance with Children First as outlined in interim Guide for the Development of Child Protection Policies and Child Safeguarding Statement 8.1 Garda Vetting Update HSE Garda Vetting HR Division , Policy to cover retrospective Health Business vetting of HSE staff Services and each Division Enactment of May National 2015 Vetting Bureau Act 2012 8.2 Code of behaviour Update Code of behaviour to include the information contained in Our Duty to Care regarding children HR division and Children First Lead June 2015 8.3 Record keeping Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies to include recording of child Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dec 2014 2 2 Dec 2014 2 41 Key Result Area Deliverable 8.4 Record Retention 8.5 Data Protection 8.6 8.7 8.8 Action protection concerns and concerns that may not be initially be reported to Child and Family Agency Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies to include recording of child protection concerns and concerns that may not be initially be reported to Child and Family Agency Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Develop a system for coordinated working arrangements between acute hospitals and the Child and Family Agency Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Interagency Child and Cooperation Family Agency, Acute Division, HSE Children First Oversight Group Policy on Development of an Child and Information information sharing protocol Family Agency Sharing regarding between the HSE and the and the HSE child protection Child and Family Agency Children First issues Oversight Group Supervision Review HSE Supervision Child Protection Policy and Welfare Policy Sub Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 June 2015 3 March 2015 3 Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 42 Key Result Area Deliverable 8.9 Induction 8.10 Managing allegations between a worker and child 8.11 Managing challenging behaviour 8.12 Complaints 8.13 Holidays/trips away 8.14 8.15 Action Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Responsible Person(s) Group HR Division Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 HR Division Dec 2014 Dec 2014 1 Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 Health and safety/Accident, Incidents Procedures Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 Anti- bullying Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Child Protection and Welfare Dec 2014 Dec 2014 2 43 Key Result Area 8.16 Deliverable Personal/ intimate care Action Responsible Person(s) Guide for developing child protection policies Review against Child and Family Agency Interim Guide for developing child protection policies Policy Sub Group Child Protection and Welfare Policy Sub Group Dependency Target Completion Dec 2014 Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 Dec 2014 1 Quality Assurance 9.1 Performance and Compliance Metrics Develop a suite of metrics for inclusion in the performance management and performance assurance system in respect of compliance with Children First Planning and Performance and Business Information Units July 2015 4 9.2 Reports to the Leadership Team Provide reports to HSE Leadership Team on Children First implementation and compliance HSE Children First Oversight Group On Going 1 9.3 Performance Assurance Reports National Directors Monthly 9.4 Progress reports on Specific Children First monthly compliance assurance reports to be provided Reports to Health Sector Children First Oversight HSE Children First Oversight Monthly 1 44 Key Result Area 9.5 Deliverable Action Responsible Person(s) Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 implementation Group submitted to DoH Group Maintain list of mandated persons for reporting suspicions and/or disclosures Develop a system for recording, maintaining and updating a register of Mandated Persons Health Business Services; Human Resources, National Lead Children First Dependent on June enactment of 2015 Children First legislation 2 Non compliance will be risk assessed, managed and included on the relevant risk registers. Serious incidents will be managed in accordance with the serious incidents policy. Quality and Safety Division and each HSE Division April 2015 3 Guidance to be developed Child and Development of April 1 Risk Management 10.1 Children First will form an integral part of HSE Risk Management Strategy. HSE Funded Agencies 11.1 HSE Funded 45 Key Result Area 11.2 11.3 11.4 Deliverable Agencies to carry out risk assessment of compliance with Children First Development of a Training Strategy for HSE Funded Organisations Funded Agencies to include Children First Training in Induction Training for all Performance and Compliance Metrics for HSE funded agencies Action Responsible Person(s) by the Child and Family Agency for use by the funded agencies in undertaking their risk assessment Agree prioritisation for access to Train the Trainers Programme for funded agencies Funded agencies can avail of E-learning module when developed Family Agency and each Division Develop a suite of metrics for inclusion in the performance management and performance assurance system in respect of compliance with Children First by funded agencies Dependency Target Completion Actual Priority Completion Ranking 1-5 guidance by the 2015 Child and Family Agency Children First Training Sub Group March 2015 1 Each Division June 2015 3 Planning and Performance and Business Information Units July 2015 4 46 Appendix 2 - Priorities in Action Plan by Month from June 2014 Month June 2014 September 2014 September 2014 September 2014 December 2014 December 2014 December 2014 December 2014 December 2014 December 2014 December 2014 Action Establish an Implementation Oversight Group in each division Establish a Reference Group to make recommendations on the appointment of DLPs Standardise list of legislation/regulation/standards and codes for inclusion in service documentation 2015 Review procedures for reporting a child abuse or neglect concern Service arrangement documentation to include requirements for compliance with Children First Identify all potential train the trainers and potential training resources Agree professional support available from TUSLA Review of following policies: Garda Vetting; Code of behaviour; record keeping; record retention; data protection; supervision ; induction; managing challenging behaviour; complaints; holidays/trips away; health and safety/accident /incidents; anti bullying; personal intimate care. Review or development of the following national policies managing allegations between a worker and child; intimate care. Priority Rating 1 All funded agencies to carry out an assessment of their compliance with Children First and develop a compliance implementation plan The development of a suite of metrics for the performance management and performance 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 4 March 2015 Version One December 2014 December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 Feb 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 assurance system in respect of compliance with Children First The provision of systematic monitoring arrangements of the implementation of Children First at local, regional and national level. Development of an internal audit process that is independent of the local area Develop information sheet for private health providers to report child protection and welfare concerns to the Child and Family agency. Review requirements for DLPs across the HSE and make recommendations to the Leadership Team Ensure that all Designated Liaison Persons appointed have received written communication of their child protection responsibilities Develop and implement a Train the Trainers module for DLPs Develop a prioritisation system for DLP training Establish Implementation Group in each CHO Develop a prioritisation system for CF Basic Training Carry out a training need analysis for DLPs in HSE Develop a system for ensuring all child protection reports and child welfare concerns are recorded. Link Children First responsibilities with review of Nationally Contracted Agencies Promote staff awareness through use of HSE Website; regular broadcasts and updates; tag lines on e-mails; posters and literature Ensure all staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities under Children First Carry out training needs analysis and develop training 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 48 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 April 2015 April 2015 April 2015 strategy Develop and implement a training strategy based on Train the Trainers module for: Basic Children First Training to include mandated professionals and designated officers. Work with Communications to develop E-learning module HSE Funded Organisations to carry out a training needs analysis Develop a prioritisation system for all levels of Children First Training for HSE Funded Agencies Funded agencies to include Children First Training in induction for all staff Update Corporate Induction Programme when e-learning module is available Development of notices and information leaflets on Children First Responsibilities for HSE Staff Ensure wide dissemination of HSE Child Protection Policy to all staff All GP practices to be compliant with requirements of Children First Link Children First responsibilities with review of nationally contracted Agencies and ensure that all new contracts awarded include details of obligations under Children First Development of an effective information sharing protocol between HSE and TUSLA Develop a standard Child Protection Policy for application across the HSE HSE Funded Agencies to carry out risk assessment of compliance with Children First Non compliances will be risk assessed, managed and included on the relevant risk register. Serious incidents will 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 49 May 2015 May 2015 May 2015 May 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 be managed in accordance with serious incident policy. Develop a blended module for multi- disciplinary Children First Training for staff who cannot be released on a full day basis which is quality assured by TUSLA Implement a certification process for staff who have undertaken CF Basic training Records to be maintained by Children First Office Implement a certification process for all HSE staff who undertake blended learning Ensure children are aware of HSE’s Child Protection Policy in an age appropriate manner Promote HSE Child Protection Policy in all HSE premises who provide direct services to children Risk assessment: Complete an assessment of any potential harm to a child while availing of the service Develop Child Safeguarding Statements for all HSE Divisions Dissemination of Child Safeguarding Statements All funded agencies to carry out an assessment of their readiness for the commencement of Children First legislation Notify agencies of their obligations under Children First by way of amendment to the contract Develop a system for coordinated working arrangements between acute hospitals and TUSLA Establish requirements for amendments to delegations for HSE staff prior to commencement of Children First legislation Ensure all mandated persons are provided with information regarding their responsibilities 2 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 3 50 July 2015 July 2015 September 2015 September 2015 September 2015 September 2015 September 2015 September 2015 Oct 2015 December 2015 To be agreed following enactment of Children First legislation and aware of their responsibilities under Children First legislation Develop a system to generate a list of mandated persons in HSE Development of a self certification and compliance statement process Develop a national suite of policies for recruitment, vetting, code of behaviour, allegations for volunteers Develop and implement Supervision Training for HSE Supervisees who work directly with child protection and welfare services Develop and implement Supervision Training for HSE Supervisors who work directly with child protection and welfare services The inclusion of Children First Training into undergraduate education for professionals Ensure all agency staff have undertaken Children First Training The inclusion of Children First Training as a requirement of registration for professionals Develop a prioritisation system for refresher training All staff working in HSE to be garda vetted Update job descriptions for mandated staff to include responsibilities under Children First 2 3 3 3 3 5 2 4 4 3 3 51 Appendix 3 - Priorities in Action Plan by Rating from June 2014 June 2014 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 April 2015 March 2014 December 2014 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 February 2015 March 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 December 2014 Establish an implementation Oversight Group in each division Establish an implementation Group in each area Establish an implementation Group in each hospital group Review requirements for DLPs and make recommendations Ensure that all Designated Liaison Persons appointed have received written communication of their child protection responsibilities HSE Funded Agencies to carry out risk assessment of compliance with Children First Carry out training needs analysis and develop training strategy Identify all potential train the trainers and potential training resources Work with Communications to develop E-learning module Carry out training needs analysis and develop training strategy Develop and implement a training strategy based on Train the Trainers module for: Basic Children First Training to include mandated professionals and designated officers Develop a prioritisation system for CF Basic Training Implement a certification process for staff who have undertaken CF Basic training Carry out a training need analysis for DLPs in HSE Develop and implement a Train the Trainers module for DLPs Develop a prioritisation system for DLP training Review or development of the following national policies managing allegations between a worker and child; intimate care; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 March 2015 Version One December 2014 April 2015 April 2015 December 2014 April 2015 June 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 September 2014 October 2014 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 December 2014 Develop system for maintaining list of mandated persons Develop a standard Child Protection Policy for application across the HSE HSE Funded Organisations to carry out a risk assessment of compliance with Children First All funded agencies to carry an assessment of their compliance with Children First and develop a compliance implementation plan. All funded agencies to carry out an assessment of their readiness for the commencement of Children First legislation Notify agencies of their obligations under Children First by way of amendment to the contract Establish a register for recording, maintaining and updating a register of Designated Liaison Persons and Deputy Designated Liaison Persons in the HSE Establish Implementation Group in each CHO Establish Implementation Group in Hospital Group Standardise the list of legislation/regulations/standards and codes for inclusion in service documentation in 2015 Review procedures for reporting a child abuse or neglect concern HSE funded organisations to carry out training needs analysis Develop a prioritisation system for all levels of Children First Training for HSE Funded Agencies Update Corporate Induction Programme when E-learning programme is available Review of following policies: Garda Vetting; Code of behaviour; record keeping; record retention; data protection; supervision ; induction; managing challenging behaviour; complaints; 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 53 holidays/trips away; health and safety/accident /incidents; anti bullying December 2014 Agree professional support available from TUSLA 2 July 2015 The inclusion of Children First as a specific key result area in the performance assurance process Develop a system for developing, updating and maintaining Mandated Persons Lists. 2 Link Children First responsibilities with review of Nationally Contracted Agencies and ensure that all new contracts awarded include details of obligations under Children First Develop a blended module for multi- disciplinary Children First Training for staff who cannot be released on a full day basis which is quality assured by TUSLA Implement a certification process for all HSE staff who undertake blended learning Ensure all agency staff have undertaken Children First training Non compliances will be risk assessed, managed and included on the relevant risk register. Serious incidents will be managed in accordance with serious incident policy. Update job descriptions for mandated persons to include responsibilities under Children First Develop a system for ensuring all child protection reports and child welfare concerns are recorded The provision of systematic monitoring arrangements of the implementation of Children First at local, regional and national levels by internal and 2 January 2015 March 2015 May 2015 May 2015 September 2015 September 2015 To be agreed March 2015 July 2015 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 54 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 June 2015 March 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 July 2015 external stakeholders Promote staff awareness through use of HSE Website; dedicated Children First section on HSE Website; regular broadcasts and updates; tag lines on e-mails; posters and literature Ensure all staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities under Children First Ensure all mandated persons are provided with information regarding their responsibilities and aware of their responsibilities under Children First legislation Funded agencies to include Children First Training in induction for all staff Development of notices and information leaflets on Children First Responsibilities for HSE Staff Ensure wide dissemination of HSE Child Protection Policy to all staff Development of an effective information sharing protocol between HSE and TUSLA All GP Practices to undertake an assessment of any potential harm to a child while availing of the service and develop a safeguarding plan. All GP practices to be compliant with requirements of Children First Complete a risk assessment of any potential harm to a child while availing of the service Develop Child Safeguarding Statements for all HSE Divisions Dissemination of Child Safeguarding Statements Develop a system for coordinated working arrangements between acute services and TUSLA Development of an internal audit process that is independent 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 55 July 2015 September 2015 December 2015 To be agreed December 2014 July 2015 March 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 Oct 2015 September 2015 of the local area Development of a self certification and compliance statement process Develop a national suite of policies for recruitment, vetting, code of behaviour, allegations for volunteers All staff working in HSE to be garda vetted Establish requirements for amendments to delegations for HSE staff prior to enactment of Children first legislation Service arrangement documentation to include requirements for compliance with Children First The development of a suite of metrics for the performance management and performance assurance system in respect of compliance with Children First The inclusion of Children First training as a requirement of registration for professionals Ensure all parents are made aware of the HSE’s Child Protection Policy Ensure children are aware of HSE’s Child Protection Policy in an age appropriate manner Promote HSE Child Protection Policy in all HSE premises who provide direct services to children Develop a prioritisation system for refresher training The inclusion of Children First Training into undergraduate education for professionals 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 56 Appendix 4 - Resources to Support Implementation of Children First Responsibility Requirement Costing €0.00 Recurring (R) One Off (O/O) 1 HSE 19 staff 1.500 Recurring 1 HSE Nil N/A Publication is best practice for HSE in compliance with CF legislation Children First Webpage for recognition and reporting guidance, e-publications, information, announcements, links, etc 1 HSE 0.050 R 0.005 R 2 HSE 50,000 E Copy of Child Protection Policy Design for web Web Page content design and maintenance Leaflets, Booklets Parent and Child versions of CF Policy available for clients 2 HSE HSE 0.005 R Staffing Implementation Governance Document HSE Statement re roles and responsibility Policy Child Protection Policy Communications Website 5 Implementation Officers 10 Training Officers 4 Support Staff 0.005 R March 2015 Version One Appendix 4 - Resources to Support Implementation of Children First Training Training Modules Awareness Training 1 Responsibility Requirement Costing €0.00 Recurring (R) One Off (O/O) HSE with support on content from CFA Development of elearning resource. Publication of associated materials 0.050 O/O Publication of associated materials 0.005 R Mandatory Reporter/ Mandatory Assisting 2 HSE with support on content from CFA Training Manuals and associated material 0.005 Recurring DLP 1 HSE with support on content from CFA 0.050 O/O 0.050 R Training for Trainers 1 HSE with support on content from Child and Family Agency HSE with support on content from CFA Development of elearning resource Training Manuals and associated materials Training Manuals and associated materials Publication of Training Manuals and associated materials 0.005 R Refresher/ Info for 4 staff not working directly with children 0.025 O/O 0.005 R 58 Appendix 4 - Resources to Support Implementation of Children First HSE Child Safeguarding Statement. 3 Responsibility Requirement Costing €0.00 Recurring (R) One Off (O/O) HSE with support on content from CFA Training Manuals and associated materials 0.005 R Child safeguarding Statement for each division QA system for training Training On line certification 1 of training completed by trainees HSE 0.005 R depending on numbers trained Oversight /coordination of training programmes 2 HSE Designation of at least To be allocated 5WTE admin support at through resenior level across deployment divisions Materials, equipment and Venue Costs Flip stands, flip charts, pens, projectors, 2 HSE As yet undefined but at minimal level Training QA system See Training Section See Training Section HSE 0.005 R See Training Section 59 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS ONCE OFF RECURRING €m STAFFING €m 1.500 TOTAL PAY 0.000 1.500 POLICY PUBLICATION 0.001 0.050 E COPY OF POLICY WEBSITE CONTENT DESIGN & MAINTENANCE 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.005 LEAFLETS / BOOKLETS 0.005 AWARENESS TRAINING MANDATORY REPORTER TRAINING MANUALS 0.050 DLP E-LEARNING RESOURCE TRAINING FOR TRAINERS MANUALS ETC 0.050 0.050 0.025 0.005 REFRESHER INFO - TRAINING HSE CHILD SAFEGUARDING TRAINING ON LINE CERTIFICATION OF TRAINING TRAINING MATERIALS / VENUE COSTS 0.005 0.005 0.050 0.005 0.005 0.005 STAFF TRAVEL COSTS 0.005 0.030 TOTAL NON-PAY 0.146 0.225 OVERALL TOTAL 0.146 1.725 60 Appendix 5 – List of Mandated Persons Under the Children First Bill 2014 when commenced the following persons will have to legal obligations surrounding child protection. These are: 1. Registered medical practitioners; 2. Registered nurses; 3. Registered midwives; 4. Certain other Health and Social Care professionals; 5. Registered dentists; 6. Eligible psychologists; 7. Eligible social care workers; 8. Emergency medical technicians, paramedics and advanced paramedics; 9. Probation officers; 10. Registered teachers; 11. Members of An Garda Síochána 12. Guardians ad litem; 13. Managers of domestic violence shelters; 14. Managers of homeless or emergency accommodation; 15. Managers of asylum seeker accommodation; 16. Certain addiction counsellors; 17. Psychotherapists or persons providing counselling who are registered with one of the voluntary professional bodies; 18. Managers of language schools or other recreational schools where children reside away from home; 19. Members of the clergy or pastoral care workers of churches or other religious communities; 20. Directors of any institutions where children are detained; 21. Safeguarding officers /Child Protection officers or anyone else who is employed for child welfare and protection by a religious, sporting, recreational, cultural, educational or other body offering services to children; 22. Child care staff members in pre-schools; 23. Persons responsible for the care and management of a youth work services; 24. Eligible youth workers ; 25. Foster carers registered with the Child and Family Agency; 26. Persons carrying out a pre-school service. 61 Appendix 6: HSE Children First Oversight Committee Name Pat Dunne Grade Head of Operations Division Primary Care Enda Fulham General Manager Primary Care Helen Deely Crisis Pregnancy Programme Mental Health Specialist Social Care alternating with Ann Bourke Senior Manager Health and Well Being Mental Health Division Social Care Division Ber Cahill Penny O Connell Ann Bourke Martin Dunne Sile McManus Eileen Ruddin Geraldine Shaw Robert Cooke Shane Brennan Boyd Dodds Clare Murphy Marie Faughey Director National Ambulance Service Corporate Manager Senior Manager Social Care Division Chief Operating Officer HR Division Acute Hospitals Director of Nursing & Office of Director Midwifery / National of Nursing and Clinical Programmes Midwifery and Clinical Programmes General Manager ICT Shared Services Staff Engagement Quality and Patient Safety National Manager for CFA Children First Regional Lead CFA Children First and Child Protection Children First Lead HSE 62 Appendix 7 - List of HSE Integrated Service Areas Integrated Service Areas Local Health Offices Dublin South East ISA Dublin South East/Wicklow Dun Laoghaire Wicklow Dublin South City Dublin South Central Dublin West Dublin South West/Kildare West Wicklow Dublin South West Kildare/West Wicklow Laois/Offaly Midlands Area Longford/Westmeath Dublin North Central Dublin North City Dublin North West Louth Louth Meath Meath North Dublin Dublin North Cavan & Monaghan Cavan/Monaghan North Cork North Lee Cork & Kerry South Lee West Cork Kerry Waterford Wexford South East Carlow/Kilkenny Tipperary South Galway & Roscommon Galway 63 Roscommon Mayo Mayo Donegal Donegal Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan Clare Mid West PCCC Limerick Tipp/East Limerick 64 Appendix 8: List of Community Healthcare Organisations Community Health Organisation ISA Area 1 Donegal ISA, Sligo/Leitrim ISA, Cavan/Monaghan ISA Area 2 Galway ISA Mayo ISA Roscommon ISA Area 3 Clare, Limerick North Tipperary/East Limerick Mid West ISA Area 4 Kerry, North Cork, North Lee South Lee, West Cork Kerry ISA/Cork ISA Area 5 South Tipperary, Carlow Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford Carlow/Kilkenny/South Tipperary ISA Area 6 Wicklow, Dun Laoghaire Dublin South East Dublin South East/East Wicklow ISA Area 7 Kildare/West Wicklow, Dublin West, Dublin South City, Dublin South West DSW/Kildare WW ISA Dublin Central ISA Area 8 Midlands ISA Louth Meath ISA Area 9 Dublin North ISA Dublin North City ISA 65 Appendix 9: CHO Map 66 Appendix 10: List of Hospitals Dublin East Hospital Group Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar National Maternity Hospital Our Lady's Hospital Navan Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital St. Columcille's Hospital St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny St. Vincent's University Hospital St. Michael's Hospital Dun Laoghaire Wexford General Hospital Dublin Midlands Hospital Group Coombe Women & Infant University Hospital Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore Naas General Hospital St. James's Hospital AMNCH Tallaght Hospital - Adult Dublin North East Hospital Group Beaumont Hospital Cavan General Hospital Connolly Hospital Louth County Hospital Monaghan Hospital Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda Rotunda Hospital University of Limerick Hospital Group Ennis Hospital Croom Orthopaedic Hospital University Hospital Limerick University Maternity Hospital Limerick Nenagh Hospital St. John's Hospital Limerick South/South West Hospital Group Bantry General Hospital Cork University Maternity Hospital Cork University Hospital Kerry General Hospital Lourdes Orthopaedic Hospital Kilcreene Mallow General Hospital Mercy University Hospital South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital South Tipperary General Hospital Waterford Regional Hospital West/North West Hospital Group Letterkenny General Hospital Mayo General Hospital Portiuncula Hospital Roscommon County Hospital Sligo Regional Hospital Galway University Hospital The Children's Hospital Group Children's University Hospital Temple Street Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin AMNCH Tallaght Hospital - Paediatric 67