Vietnam Innovation Day Application Form

Vietnam Innovation Day Application Form
“Environmental Action”
1. Project Title:
“Building up Wetland for sewage treatment and improving the income for people
living in residential clusters of An Giang province”
2. Location of Project:
Long Phu village, O Long Vi commune, Chau Phu district, An Giang province
3. Geography:
Rural area
4. Implementing agency/individual:
Huynh Ngoc Duc, born on 22 February 1979, has achieved University Degree in
Soil Management. He is currently specializing in the subject title “Soil and
Natural resource”, in Agriculture Department, An Giang University. In May 2004
he attended the training course on “Wetland eco-system and management in
Lower Mekong Delta” held in Mahido University, Thailand.
Beside teaching the subject of "Soil and Natural Resources", doing research on
soil and water. Several researches have been final accepted:
The fertilities level of soil and alluvium quality in flood water in Bac
Vam Nao (An Giang province) (Funded by Australia)
The impact of dyke on the eco system in An Giang province (
Vietnam - Holland Research Program)
Soil fertility observation and measurement in embankment areas in
An Giang. Funded by An Giang Province
5. Contact information:
Name of organization: An Giang University
Address: 25 Vo Thi Sau street, Long Xuyen ward, An Giang town
Telephone: 076.840390
Fax: 076. 842560
Name of person(s) responsible for project: Huynh Ngoc Duc
Title: University Lecturer
Hand phone: 0919.458225
Fax: 076.842560
6. Banking information:
Account Name: Huynh Ngoc Duc
Account Number: 0151 0000 70190
Name of financial institution: Vietcombank
Address of financial institution: Long Xuyen, An Giang
Account type : US$………..VND…X……….
The project is carried out in Mekong River Delta where agriculture shows its
prevalence over other industries. Every year, An Giang is seriously affected
by flood from Mekong River which leads to serious loss of crop, property,
human lives, and drawbacks to people’s life. That is why the government as
well as An Giang authorities have set objective to minimize the damages and
deaths by building up the residential cluster against flood.
It is the government’ ultimate policy and needs huge investment for
The purpose of setting up these residential clusters fires at stabilization for
human life in flooded areas. However, due to limited budget environmental
protection remains a headachy question and there‘s no sewage treatment
system. Therefore, sewage runs directly into rivers and canals.
Founded in 2003 in ¤ Long Vu commune, Chau Pho district, An Giang
province, Long Phu residential cluster now shares the same problem. Daily,
sewage from 216 households discharges into canal No 13 at average of 70 m3
per day when this canal belongs to the canal system supplying running water
for thousand households.
It is common in Mekong River Delta as well as An Giang Province that
sewage comes directly into rivers and canals, resulting in water pollution. This
project is, therefore, aimed to address this situation. It lays its base on the
natural interaction among soil, water, plant, and microorganism in wetland
eco system to bear fruitful outcomes.
According to this project, before discharging into canal No 13 waste water
from Long Phu cluster is treated by a man-made Wetland (SFS) with a flow
underneath. A layer of Common Reed and waterspout with interlacing roots
can filter sewage to the running water standard in Vietnam. A hyacinth
planting pond with area of one-third wetland area for water filtering is
designed right behind the Wetland. Then people may exploit the water
resources and water running for their life. Added to this, they can take
advantage of grown common reed as material input for exported handcraft
This system is of practical value in rural area. It is much cheaper than other
kinds of waste water treatment, easier to implement and more applicable to
other residential clusters in Mekong river Delta. It also produces fresh water,
water product, botany which, in return, serves the community. This also helps
raise awareness of fresh water and water product conservation among local
people – an essential factor in environmental education.
To be brief, those who benefit from this project are citizens in Long Phu
residential cluster with products mentioned above, and those living along the
banks of canals using unpolluted running water discharged from Long Phu.
After treatment, this kind of water can meet Vietnam standard for fresh water;
water in canals are no longer polluted, and other products can be used for
community. It obviously illustrates environmental education. These are our
expected outcomes. Also, it can lays the scientific base for future residential
 Meeting between project implementing agency and province
authorities and community representatives.
 Finding a partner to realize the project designs.
 building Wetland system including sand pump, water
containing after treatment, in and out pipe system, and sites
for collecting water samples.
 Phragmites communis planting and care
 Fish raising and waterspout ( hyacinth) growing
System operation, observation and supervision
Water sample collection (twice a month) and analysis to set
scientific base for the project
Exploiting products from the system (e.g. water products)
Report handling
Conference holding on results and analysis (participated by
project implementing agency; scientists of institutes and
universities in Mekong River Delta, and provincial authorities)
Conference holding on project results and environmental
protection calling among citizen in and outside Long Phu
residential cluster
Transferring power of management, operation, protection and
exploitation to community in Long Phu residential cluster.
Three types of targeted recipient beneficiaries can directly be endowed with project
- Citizens along canals, especially canal No 13 in O Long Vi commune do not have to use
polluted water discharged from households in Long Phu residential cluster. At present,
almost all people (over 1,000) use water from canals as running water. Once the project is
realized, it is bound to be supported by these people who are using increasingly polluted
- Citizens in Long Phu residential cluster can also increase their income by exploiting
products from this water treatment system such as: fresh water, water products, common
reed (which can serve as input material for exported handicraft …). To the
underprivileged, this project is of great significance. When exploiting these products
they, therefore, positively participate into the project implementation and protection
activities. They also ensure the success of the project in the coming years.
The local authorities will base on the project outcomes to plan effectively future
residential sites. Because if water pollution occurring so often it will result in infectious
diseases, and unquestionably lay a burden on them. So they are sure to be supportive to
the project implementation and operation.
The local community responsible for submitting this proposal is Mr Le Van Thuan,
chairman of the O Long Vi commune, Chau Phu district, An Giang Province.
When the project has been completed, the man-made wetland system will be in smooth
operation and then it will maintain the project results for the following years. It will be
managed and protected by community in Long Phu and the assistance of the chairman of
O Long Vu commune.
1. Anticipated total project cost: 9800 + 4000 + 1000 = US $14,800
2. Funding requested from the Vietnam Innovation Day: US $ 9800
3. Project budget planning:
Project Activities
1.Managing officers
2. Total Wetland area
3. Wetland building expense
4.Facilities and tools
Contributions By
Prize money
5.Water sample analysis(**)
6. Conference and assessment
7. Traveling expense
8. Others
* Site building expense is funded by An Giang, University of Science, Technology,
and Environment.
* Water sample analysis is funded by An Giang University.
I know this competition through Internet
PREPARED BY: Huynh Ngoc Duc
POSITION: University lecturer
DATE: 21/04/2005