Exhibit A - Owner & Engineer for Study & Report Professional Services

WPB 1386
The Water Pollution Control Authority for the City of Bridgeport (WPCA) intends to
select a consultant to prepare an engineering study to provide an evaluation of low
level nitrogen removal alternatives to achieve the 2014 nitrogen general permit limits
and to evaluate upgrading the sludge processing systems at its East Side and West Side
Water Pollution Control Facilities.
The WPCA intends to follow a two-step process to select the consultant. The first step
is preparation of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). From the RFQ’s the WPCA
intends to select three to five consultants. These selected consultants will be requested
to formulate a formal detailed proposal (RFP). Additional details for each step are
provided below.
The WPCA owns two activated sludge wastewater treatment plants; the East Side Plant
has an average design flow capacity of 10 mgd and the West Side Plant has an average
design flow capacity of 30 mgd. The plants are operated and maintained by KGI
Bridgeport Company under an existing operations contract. The liquid processing train
at both plants has been upgraded to provide biological nitrogen removal through a
single stage anoxic zone MLE process. The solids processing trains have not been
upgraded and equipment is nearing the end of its useful service life. Both the East and
West Side Plants have similar solids process trains where thickened, blended sludge is
hauled off site. The West Side Plant also receives an average septage flow of 800,000
gallons/month. The East Side Plant does not currently accept any septage.
The WPCA is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to perform, but not limited to
the following tasks:
A. Low Level Nitrogen Removal Study
Evaluate and identify treatment processes that can be implemented to achieve low level
(5 mg/l or less) of effluent total nitrogen discharged per day. The study shall evaluate
and identify the necessary process upgrades to remove nitrogen to the level required in
the Long Island Sound TMDL and General Permit for Nitrogen discharges by utilizing
a treatment plant specific study for each facility. The study is not intended to be a full
facility plan but a process based evaluation of potential enhancements. The WPCA has
previously prepared and submitted to the CT DEP a report entitled “Nitrogen Facility
Plan 2003 Report.” This report, and the detailed modeling incorporated within it, is to
be the starting point for this study.
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
The study shall include the following tasks:
a. Evaluate the existing flows and loads
b. Evaluate future flows and loads
c. Evaluate existing NPDES and General Permit compliance
d. Identify sampling requirements to determine existing performance
e. Identify future process needs to achieve the TMDL for Long Island Sound nitrogen
f. Review and screen potential technology alternatives
Aeration system modifications
Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Processes
Side stream treatment
Nitrification/denitrification reactors or filters
g. Perform detailed evaluation of selected alternative(s)
h. Develop screening matrix or other decision tool
i. Prepare economic analysis (capital and O&M) including “do nothing” alternatives
Select one or more processes for detailed evaluation at each facility
k. Prepare conceptual layout of alternatives
l. As part of the Bridgeport WWTP nutrient removal upgrades, mathematical
modeling of the Bridgeport West Side plant was undertaken using GPS-X, a
dynamic wastewater treatment plant simulator. Data from the pilot plant study
conducted on-site in 2000 were used to develop and calibrate the plant model.
Following the completion of the plant upgrades, verification of the model
calibration with full scale plant data was done. Model results indicated that the
original calibration undertaken in 2000 could accurately predict plant behavior
four years later. The model has been extensively used in the MLE design,
accurately predicting performance at varying operating temperatures. The model
was delivered and staff were trained in its use. Additionally a calibrated model of
the East Side Plant was also developed in GPS-X. The model has been used to
evaluate the impact of the industrial discharges on the nitrogen removal
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
capabilities of the plant, particularly at low temperatures. All respondents are
advised that all modeling anticipated in this study will require the use of this
model and its designer. Contact information for the firm is as follows:
Primodal (US) Inc.
800 W. South St. Suite #3
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(269) 762-4780
Attn. Evangelina Belia, Ph.D.
m. Compare/evaluate purchase or sale of nitrogen credits in combination with the
proposed improvements to achieve the most cost effective recommendation
n. Prepare a detailed report that:
i. Provides recommendations and conclusions
ii. Selects one or more processes or technologies
iii. Evaluates need for pilot testing
iv. Provides detailed site plan and schematics
v. Provides cost estimates
vi. Proposes a schedule for implementation
B. Sludge Processing System Evaluation
Evaluate the exiting sludge processing equipment at both facilities and identify
improvements to the operational efficiency of these processes. The study shall
identify and evaluate sludge processing improvement needs at both facilities by
evaluating the following:
a. The adequacy of existing sludge processing equipment
b. Review of existing plant operational data
c. Evaluate the capacity for present and future sludge production
d. Evaluate existing facilities to establish the condition of all components of the
existing solids processing systems
e. Develop alternatives for sludge processing and disposal and evaluate these
alternatives on the basis of life-cycle cost and non-cost criteria
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
f. Identify and screen options for sludge thickening
g. Identify and screen options for sludge dewatering
h. Develop alternative process trains for sludge thickening with off-site disposal
of thickened sludge (existing practice) and sludge thickening/ dewatering and
off-site disposal of dewatered sludge
i. Develop process schematics for each alternative
j. Prepare conceptual level construction cost estimates (including but not limited
to process equipment, electrical, instrumentation and HVAC/ odor control), and
operation, maintenance, transportation and disposal cost estimates suitable for
comparing the alternatives
k. Prepare a detailed report that:
i Provides recommendations and conclusions
ii. Selects one or more processes or technologies
iii. Evaluates need for pilot testing
iv. Provides detailed site plan and schematics
v. Provides cost estimates
vi. Proposes a schedule for implementation
Interested consultants should prepare a qualifications statement (RFQ) limited to 10
pages (12 font) suitably bound. Five copies are to be provided. This RFQ shall contain
the following:
1. Background statement on the firm, discipline capabilities, location of local office
in which the project is to be managed, and financial stability of the firm.
2. A proposed project team, inclusive of professional background, experience and
percentage of time proposed to be devoted to this study.
3. Qualifications and availability of those individuals who will be assigned to the
4. List of 5 similar projects in the 10 - 30 mgd treatment plants size, reference
names, telephone numbers and addresses worked on within the past five years.
5. Short description of your approach to the needs of the project and a general time schedule
for completing each phase. The anticipated scope of the study is shown below.
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
The RFQ is to be received no later than 2:00 PM on June 19, 2008
Department of Public Purchases
City Hall – Room 324
45 Lyon Terrace
Bridgeport, CT 06604
The proposals are to be sealed in an envelope to be clearly identified on the exterior as
“RFQ-WPCA Nitrogen Enhancement/Sludge Study – WPB 1386”
Please address all written comments/questions to:
Mr. William E. Robinson
Manager Treatment and Field Operations
Fax (203) 576-7005. Verbal requests will not be accepted.
The WPCA will select firms they wish to further interview based on the RFQ proposals
received. These selected firms will be requested to provide a formal detailed proposal
(RFP) including project approach, design cost estimates and detailed billing
information/rates. The RFP is to be limited to 15 pages total (12 font) and are to be
suitably bound. Five (5) copies are to be furnished. The selection criteria used in the
selection of the firm will include, but is not limited to the following nor are the
following necessarily in the order of importance:
Understanding of Scope of Services
Proposed Approach to Providing Services
General Technical Competence/In House Abilities
Detailed billing information
Specific Experience on Similar Projects
Previous Performance Record
Resident Engineering Capability
Knowledge of WPCA’s Facilities and Operations
Approach to D/M/WBE Utilization
Design Cost Fees
Conflicts of Interest
Staff assigned to the project and the location of said staff
At the time of the submittal of the RFP all respondents are to prepare and submit two detailed
design cost proposals indicating the proposed billing costs for the staff, including all markup and
fees anticipated to perform the work. The respondent is to provide one stand alone proposal for
the Nitrogen Removal Study and a separate cost proposal for the Upgrading of Sludge
Processing. These detailed cost proposals are not to be bound into the RFP but are to be
contained in sealed envelopes delivered at the date specified for the RFP. The WPCA will not
open these envelopes until the selection of a consultant(s) is complete. These detailed cost
proposals will be used to negotiate a project cost with the selected consultant(s).
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
The proposal must describe the proposed qualifications, experience and approach to
providing the requested services. The proposal should address the team’s capability to
perform all or most aspects of the possible project, such as planning, environmental
evaluations, architectural design, and mechanical, electrical, civil engineering and
structural designs. The following aspects must be detailed in the proposal:
Approach used to provide the services
Current workload
Qualifications and experience of sub-consultants proposed
Familiarity with WPCA procedures and requirements
Inclusion of specific D/M/WBE’s in the consultant team to meet goals
Current or pending litigation(s)
Responders must be capable of complying with the City of Bridgeport’s requirements
including design and general liability insurance. In addition, responders must complete
and include the attached Debarment Certification, and enclose a copy of their Certificate
of Authorization to engage in the practice of Professional Engineering and Land
Surveying issued by the CT State Department of Consumer Protection. Sole
proprietorships and architectural firms must enclose a copy of the registration
certificate of the officer/partner who would be in charge of the project. The work will
be performed in accordance with the City of Bridgeport’s standard consultant
The RFP is to be received no later than 2:00 PM on
Department of Public Purchases
City Hall – Room 324
45 Lyon Terrace
Bridgeport, CT 06604
The proposals are to be sealed in an envelope to be clearly identified on the exterior as
“RFP-WPCA Nitrogen Enhancement/Sludge Study.”
Please address all written comments/questions to:
Mr. William E. Robinson
Manager Treatment and Field Operations
Fax (203) 576-7005. Verbal requests will not be accepted.
The selected firm shall ensure that any appropriate licenses or certifications required by
the State of Connecticut are maintained for the duration of the project.
WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal
The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, to award any
part or parts, or total proposal, and to waive any informality or technical defects, if it is
deemed to be in the best interest of the WPCA.
Any contract awarded under this request for proposals is expected to be funded in part
by the State of Connecticut. This procurement will be subject to the requirements
contained in Section 22a-482-4(h), (i), and (o) of the regulations of Connecticut State
Agencies, including MBE/WBE participation. The State of Connecticut will not be a
party to this request for proposals or any resulting contract.
The selected firm shall ensure that any appropriate licenses or certifications required by
the State of Connecticut are maintained for the duration of the project.
The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, to award any
part or parts, or total proposal, to one or multiple consultants, and to waive any
informality or technical defects, if is deemed to be in the best interest of the WPCA.
1) Circulation of this RFQ for comments for a 2-week period review. This written
question/comment period is to end on June 2, 2008. All written
comments/questions regarding this RFQ are to be directed to:
Water Pollution Control Authority
695 Seaview Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06607
Attention: Mr. William E. Robinson
Manager Treatment and Field Operations
Fax (203) 576-7005. Verbal requests will not be accepted.
2) All written comments received will be formally answered. Issuance of this written
response will be done by fax to all recipients of the RFQ. Issuance of this written
response will initiate the two week period for interested parties to prepare their
submittals. Submittals are to be received by the time and date indicated in other
sections of this document.
3) WPCA will then review all responses and short list several respondents.
4) Short listed respondents will then be interviewed and requested to prepare a formal
5) WPCA review.
6) WPCA will select a consultant(s).
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WER2008RFQ Nitrogen Removal