Lesson Plan: Conservation of Mass Summer 2006 David Vacco 441 Deike Bldg. Penn State Ice and Climate Exploration Dept. of Geosciences Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 dvacco@geosc.psu.edu Title: How fast is water flowing into the tank? Purpose: The purpose of this lesson plan is to lead students to the theory of Conservation of Mass as a means of predicting the flow of mass, and give them some intuition about the reason for needing such a law. Objectives: In this exercise, the students will: 1. Students will verbally state the Law of Conservation of Mass, and express the Law in equation form. 2. Students will quantify the concept of “flux”, and correctly demonstrate that conservation mass is the same as conservation of volume if the density is constant (incompressible fluid), by solving for the volume influx of water into the tank. 3. Explicitly state (via discussion) that all forms of measurement are simply a comparison to a reference quantity. Set up: Students will be presented with a tank of water that has a small hole in the bottom (figure 1). There will be water flowing into the (closed) tank from the top, and water flowing out of the hole in the bottom. The rate of water influx is to be slightly slower than the rate of out-flux, so that the volume of water in the tank decreases at a measurable rate (but slow enough that the students are in no rush to figure out what they are doing). Qin, to be calculated by the students Water filled tank tank H Qout, to be measured by the students W ~ 0.5 m Figure 1. The tank of water of study. The students will not be able to measure the influx of water (Qin), but can measure the volume of the tank, the flux out water out (Qout), and dH/dt. The height of water (H) in the tank will decrease at a measurable rate, slow enough that the students feel no pressure to rush. If they take too long, Qout can always be stopped until the tank fills up again. Student Activity: Calculate how fast water is flowing into the tank. You may NOT open the tank and directly measure the water flow. You may measure the volume of water in the tank, and the rate it is flowing out of the hole in the bottom. Steps: 1. The students will first have to articulate how to measure water flow rate. ** The goal is to lead them to explicitly verbalizing that measurable flux is volume per time, or mass per time. Since density is constant (here), they will be lead to measuring density * volume/time = mass flux out of the tank. 2. What else can they measure? The dimensions of the tank, and the change in water height in the tank over the same time period they measure the flow out. Since the area of the tank is constant, that will lead them to volume/time = Area * dH/dt. 3. During their discussing how to do this, ** I will pose the question: as the volume in the tank decreases, will Qout remain constant over time? The answer I am looking for is no, and why. Why is water flowing out of the tank at all? There is a force on the water at the hole in the tank in the form of pressure gradient. On the inside, the weight of the water is pressing, on the outside, nothing. This pressure gradient decreases through time as the volume of water in the tank decreases. Can we calculate the rate? YES!! This is a preview of something that will come later in class – conservation of momentum (i.e. force). ** The point of me asking is to lead them to the discovery that in order to accurately calculate the influx of water in the tank they must measure the change in volume of water in the tank during the same time period they measure the out-flux. 4. Next, the ultimate question of this lesson: how to calculate the influx in the tank? Thus the crux of the whole lesson: Change of volume in the tank per time = the flow rate in – flow rate out. Or much more formally stated: (1) Time rate of change of mass in a fixed volume = mass rate in – mass rate out. ** This is a verbal statement of the Law of Conservation of Mass, which the students just intuited quantitatively. Once they have calculated what they think is the water influx, we will remove the lid from the tank, and measure Qin to see if they got it right (which they did with my guidance). 5. Finally I will summarize the whole concept with a formal derivation. The verbal statement (1) is the Law, but how can we write in terms of measurable quantities? (2) Vol Qin Qout , t Where Q = mass flow per unit time (like kg/hour), = density, and ∂/∂t is the time derivative, which represents the continuous version of the discrete (and therefore measurable) Mass/t.