Exercise CO2.1: Open the file CO2 Exercises.xls and select tab

Exercise CO2.1:
Open the file CO2 Exercises.xls and select tab Exercise CO2.1.
You have been asked to calculate CO2 emissions from fuel combustion for the Statisland residential
sector using the Sectoral Approach as outlined in the Revised 1996 IPPC Guidelines for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
This is a six step-process. On the first tab of the Excel workbook, you will find a table taken from the
Revised 1996 IPPC Guidelines that allows you to follow each of these steps in turn. The steps are as
1. Estimate sectoral fuel consumption
2. Convert the consumption data to a common unit (terajoules – TJ)
3. Multiply the consumption data by the fuel-specific carbon emission factor
4. Calculate and correct for the fraction of carbon stored (see hint below)
5. Correct for carbon unoxidised
6. Convert from tonnes of carbon to tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Also provided on the first tab are:
Data taken from the Statisland Energy Statistics publication
Tables of country-specific net calorific values
Default carbon emission factors taken from the Revised 1996 IPPC Guidelines
Assumptions regarding carbon oxidised taken from the Revised 1996 IPPC Guidelines
Using the data provided, complete the table to calculate CO2 emissions from fuel combustion for the
residential sector of Statisland.
Hint: “Carbon stored” refers to fuels which are not combusted, but are used for non-combustion
purposes that do not result in immediate CO2 emissions, e.g. making plastics, or using bitumen to
surface roads. In general, we can assume that fuels in the residential sector are used for combustion
Exercise CO2.2:
Staying in the same Excel workbook, select tab Exercise CO2.2.
The Government of Statisland is conducting a study into the CO2 intensity of the electricity
generation sector. As part of this study, you have been asked to calculate an indicator that shows
approximate CO2 emissions per kWh of electricity output, i.e.
As your supervisor has only asked for an approximate estimate, we can make some simplifications to
the calculation. Rather than using the fuel-specific six step process as outlined in the previous
exercise, we will use a simplified calculation based on country-specific average emission factors.
Further instructions are given in the excel workbook. Follow these instructions to complete the
Exercise CO2.3:
Staying in the same Excel workbook, select tab Exercise CO2.3.
The Government of Statisland has realised that their electricity generation sector is relatively CO2
intensive (because of your calculations in exercise CO2.2).
They have asked for suggestions on how to lower the average emissions per unit of electricity output
to 300 gCO2 / kWh (or less) by 2020, by changing the shares of the various types of electricity
An overview of the current electricity generation sector in Statisland has been provided in the excel
Edit the values in the "Suggested Share of Elec. Output" column to obtain the desired level of CO2
emissions per kWh.
As in the real world, there are restrictions on how much electricity generation each source can
provide. If you enter a value that is outside the accepted range in this scenario, a pop-up message
from a “Statisland colleague” will appear advising you on the limitations.