XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society

SGO/OTY Kokousmatkat v. 2004 (pidetyt esitelmät ja posterit)
XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 18-20, 2004, Oulu, Finland
(Ilya Usoskin)
Alanko, K., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula: (P) Streaming of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere and the
role of drifts.
Jämsen, T., A.-M. Elo, M. Lehtola, K. Mursula, M. Mutanen, S. Nurmenniemi, J. Peltoniemi, and I.G.
Usoskin: (P) The muon flux decrease during the solar flares of 19 Oct - 4 Nov 2003 observed with the
MUG-muon telescope.
Usoskin, I.G., O. Gladysheva, and G. Kovaltsov: (P) Cosmic ray induced ionization in the atmosphere:
numerical model.
Usoskin, I.G., N. Marsh, G. Kovaltsov, K. Mursula, and O. Gladysheva: (L) Latitudinal dependence of low
cloud amount on cosmic ray induced ionization.
Usoskin, I.G., S.K. Solanki, M. Schüssler, K. Mursula, and K. Alanko: (P) A millennium scale sunspot
number reconstruction: Evidence for an unusually active Sun since the 1940's.
1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004
(Elena Kozlovskaya, Ilya Usoskin, Jukka Yliniemi)
Alanko, K., I.G. Usoskin, K. Mursula, G. Kovaltsov: (P) A 2D stochastic simulation of galactic cosmic ray
transport in the heliosphere.
Alanko, K., I.G. Usoskin, K. Mursula, G. Kovaltsov: (P) Effective energy of cosmic rays measured by
neutron monitors and cosmogenic isotopes.
Behm, M., F. Bleibinhaus, E. Bleibinhaus, C. Chwatal, ALP2002 WG, CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L)
Accuration and resolution of a 3D seismic model of the Eastern Alps.
Bruneton, M., H. Pedersen, V. Farra, N. Arndt, I. Kukkonen, P. Vacher, and SSTWG: (L) Evolution of
Precambrian lithosphere in Finland as inferred from seismic surface wave and mantle xenoliths.
CELEBRATION 2000 WG and P. Sroda: (P) Crustal structure along Celebration 2000 trans-carpathian
seismic profiles.
Janik, T. and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Contrasts at lithospheric structure in the Trans European
suture zone (from NW to SE Poland) along TTZ&CEL03 seismic profiles.
Kozlovskaya, E., S.-E. Hjelt, J. Yliniemi, A. Ushakov, M. Pirttijärvi, and SSTWG: (P) 3-D inversion of Pand S-wave arrivals from local events recorded during the SVEKALAPKO deep seismic experiment.
Kozlovskaya, E., J. Peltoniemi, and J. Sarkamo: (P) The density distribution in the Earth along the CERNPyhäsalmi baseline and its effect on neutrino oscillations
Majdanski, M., M. Grad and POLONAISE WG: (L) P- and S-wave velocity structure of the east European
craton beneath Polonaise’97 P4 profile using tomographic and ray-tracing techniques.
Malinovsky, M. and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (solicited L) 3D seismic modeling of crustal structure
between East European Craton and the Carpathians Mts. In the Poland based Celebration 2000 data.
Malinowski, M. and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (P) Crustal section from Baltica across the TransEuropean Suture Zone to Upper Silesia, SE Poland. CELEBRATION 2000, profile CEL02
Pirttijärvi, M., E. Kozlovskaya, S. Elo, S.-E. Hjelt, and J. Yliniemi: (P) 3-D potential field modeling using a
block model
Solanki, S., I.G. Usoskin, M. Schüssler, and K. Mursula: (L) Solar activity over the last 1000 years: does it
correlate with climate? (solicited)
Sroda, P. and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (P) Variability of the crustal structure in the area of the EEC
margin and Malopolska block, SE Poland.
Ushakov, A., E. Kozlovskaya, and I. Sanina: (P) 3d crustal velocity structure of central and south Finland
by quarry blasts data collected during SVEKALAPKO experiment
Usoskin, I.G., O. Gladysheva, G. Kovaltsov, and N. Marsh: (P) Cosmic ray induced ionization of the
troposphere: Spatial and temporal changes.
Usoskin, I.G., N. Marsh, G. Kovaltsov, K. Mursula, O. Gladysheva: (L) Latitudinal dependence of low
cloud amount on cosmic ray induced ionization.
Usoskin, I.G., K. Mursula, K. Alanko, G. Kovaltsov: (P) Cosmic ray modulation and global heliospheric
parameters: Non-linear relations.
Yliniemi, J. and T. Tiira: (P) P-wave velocity model from wide angle measurements using vibroseis source
during FIRE-project in Finland.
Conference-Workshop of Geodynamics of Central Europe, Zakopane/Tatra Mountains, Poland, May 15-20
(Elena Kozlovskaya, Jukka Yliniemi)
Czuba, W., P. Środa, M. Grad, A. Guterch, A. Tokarski, M. Rauch, G.R. Keller, E. Hegedüs, J. Vozár and
CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Crossing the Carpathians from the TESZ to the Pannonian basin along the
CELEBRATION 2000 seismic profile CEL04.
EUROBRIDGE Seismic WG and POLONAISE WG, Reporter T. Janik: (L) Deep lithospheric structure of
the western part of the East European Craton beneath EUROBRIDGE ’95 – 97’ and POLONAISE 97’
Grad, M., A. Guterch, G.R. Keller, T. Janik, E. Hegedüs, J. Vozár, A. Ślączka, T. Tiira, J. Yliniemi and
CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Lithospheric structure beneath trans-Carpathian transect from Precambrian
platform to Pannonian basin - CELEBRATION 2000 seismic profile CEL05.
Hrubcová, P., P. Środa, A. Spičak and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) CELEBRATION 2000: Crustal and
uppermost mantle structure of the Bohemian Massif.
Janik, T., M. Grad, A. Guterch, R. Dadlez, J. Yliniemi, T. Tiira, E. Gaczyński and CELEBRATION 2000
WG: (L) Contrasts of lithospheric structure in the Trans European Suture Zone (from NE to SE POLAND)
along TTZ & CEL03 seismic profiles.
Kozlovskaya, E. and 3DCM WG: (L) 3D density model of the crust of southern and central Finland.
Krysiński, L., M. Grad and POLONAISE WG: (L) 2-D gravity modelling of the seismic data in the light of
the phenomenological density-velocity relation.
Majdański, M., M. Grad and POLONAISE WG: (L) P- and S-wave velocity structure of the East European
Craton beneath POLONAISE'97 P4 profile using tomographic and ray-tracing techniques.
Malinowski, M. and CELEBRATION WG: (L) 3D tomographic imaging in the area of SE Poland based on
CELEBRATION 2000 data.
Malinowski, M., A. Żelazniewicz, M. Grad, A. Guterch, T. Janik and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L)
Crustal structure of the transition from Baltica to Palaeozoic Europe in SE Poland from CELEBRATION
2000 seismic experiment, profile CEL02.
Malinowski, M., E. Hegedüs and CELEBRATION WG: (L) Crustal structure of the western part of the
Pannonian basin based on 2D raytracing result along CEL07 and CEL08 profiles.
POLONAISE WG, Reporter M. Grad: (L) POLONAISE'97 - seismic penetration to the lithosphere of the
Trans-European Suture Zone.
Środa, P. and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Variability of the crustal structure in the area of the EEC
margin and Małopolska Block, SE Poland.
Środa, P., W. Czuba, M. Grad, A. Guterch, A. Tokarski, M. Rauch, G.R. Keller, E. Hegedüs, J. Vozár and
CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Crustal structure along CELEBRATION 2000 trans-Carpathian seismic
profile – from East European Craton to Pannonian basin, profile CEL01.
Yliniemi, J. and FIRE WG: (L) Deep seismic soundings in Finland: From SVEKA to FIRE.
AGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004
(Alexander Kozlovsky)
Kozlovsky, A., A. Koustov, V. Safargaleev, and N. Östgaard: (L) Responses of dayside auroras and
ionospheric plasma flows to a solar wind pressure pulse.
SuperDARN Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada, May 24-28, 2004
(Alexander Kozlovsky)
1 esitelmä
IAU Symposium 223 "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity", Pulkovo Obs., St. Petersburg, 1419 June 2004
(Ilya Usoskin)
Usoskin, I.G.: (L) Reconstruction of solar activity from proxy data: Use of physical modelling.
17th Int Basement Tectonics Ass. Conf. 2004 “4-D Framework of the Continental Crust – Integrating
processes through time”, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, June 27 – July 3, 2004
Grad, M., G. Guterch, POLONAISE’97 and CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Huge contrast of the
lithospheric structure in the transition from precambrian craton across Tesz and Carpathians to the
Pannonian basin in central Europe.
1st International Symposium on Space Climate, 20-23 June 2004, Oulu, Finland
(Ilya Usoskin, Alexander Kozlovsky)
Kovaltsov, G., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula: (P) Sunspot activity during the Maunder minimum: The
upper limit.
Kozlovsky, A. and B. Kiselev: (P) A model equation for the sunspot activity.
Starodubtsev, S., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula: (L) Long-term variations in cosmic ray fluctuations.
Usoskin, I.G.: (L) Long-term solar cycle evolution: New facts and old myths.
Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference, Singapore, 5-9 July 2004
(Ilya Usoskin)
Marsh, N., I. Usoskin, G. Kovaltsov, K. Mursula, and O. Gladysheva: (L) Latitudinal dependence of low
cloud amount on cosmic ray induced ionization.
Usoskin, I.: (Invited L) Cosmogenic nuclides and solar variability.
Usoskin, I.: (Invited L) Long-term modulation of galactic cosmic rays.
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2004, Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004
(Ilya Usoskin) (IU istunnon D1.2 Heliospheric cosmic ray... pj.)
Alanko, K., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula: (P) Streaming of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere and the
role of drifts.
Berdyugina, S. and I.G. Usoskin: (L) Persistent active longitudes in the surface magnetic activity on the
Bösinger, T., B. Damtie, and I.G. Usoskin: (L) Establishing space research capability in Ethiopia.
Usoskin, I.G. and S. Berdyugina: (L) Magnetic activity cycles on the Sun and stars.
Usoskin, I.G., O. Gladysheva, and G. Kovaltsov: (P) Cosmic ray induced ionization in the troposphere:
Numerical model.
Usoskin, I.G., G. Kovaltsov, K. Mursula, and K. Alanko: (L) Cosmic ray modulation and global
heliospheric parameters: Non-linear relations.
Usoskin, I.G., N. Marsh, K. Mursula, O. Gladysheva, G. Kovaltsov: (L) Low cloud amount vs. cosmic ray
induced ionization: One-to-one relation.
Starodubtsev, S., I.G. Usoskin, and K. Mursula: (P) Long-term variations in cosmic ray fluctuations.
32nd Int Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, August 20-28, 2004 l
Bleibinhaus, F., E. Brueckl, A. Gosar, M. Grad, E. Hegedus, P. Hrubcova, G.R. Keller, F. Sumanovac, J.
Yliniemi, ALP2002 WG: (L) ALP 2002 Experiment-2D raytracing modeling and seismic tomography of
selected profiles.
Grad, M., CELEBRATION2000 WG: (L) Trans-Carpathian profiles from precambrian platform to
Pannonian Basin – crustal structure from Celebration 2000 Seismic experiment.
Guterch, A., M. Grad, G.R. Keller, R. Dadlez and POLONAISE’97 WG: (L) Large lithospheric differences
in the Trans-European Suture zone in Poland from Polonaise’97 seismic experiment.
Guterch, A., M. Grad, G.R. Keller, A. Spicak, E. Brueckl, E. Hegedus, J. Vozar, H. Thybo and
POLONAISE’97, CELEBRATION2000, ALP2002 WGs: (L) Large seismic experiments in the area
between East European Craton and younger orogens of Central Europe.
Sroda, P. CELEBRATION 2000 WG: (L) Crustal properties across East European Craton margin in SE
19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 2004
(Ilya Usoskin)
Usoskin, I.G., N. Marsh, K. Mursula, O. Gladysheva, G. Kovaltsov: (P) The latitudinal dependence of low
cloud amount on cosmic ray induced ionization
European Seismological Commission XXIX General Assemly, Potsdam, Germany, September 12-17, 2004
Bleibinhaus, F., M. Behm, W. Chwatal, E. Brueckl, TRANSALP and ALP2002 WGs: (L) Crustal structure
of the Eastern Alps from ALP2002 – preliminary results.
Bogdanova, S. and Eurobridge seismic group (rep: M. Grad): (L) Geodynamic implications of the
Eurobridge seismic profiling in the East European Craton.
Guterch, A., M. Grad and POLONAISE’97, CELEBRATION2000, ALP2002 and SUDETES2003 WGs:
(L) Huge contrast of the lithospheric structure in Central Europe from new seismic experiments.
Hock, S., A. Gosar, K. Millahn, ALP2002 WG: (L) 3D crustal structure of the border area between Austria
(Carinthia) and Slovenia derived from ALP2002 data.
Vavrycuk, V., P. Hrubcova, M. Broz, J. Malek, ALP2002 WG: (L) Azimuthal variation of PG velocity in
the Moldanubian, Czech Rep: observations based on multi-azimuthal common-shot experiment.
11th Int Symp on Deep Structure of the Continents and their Margins, Quebec, Canada, Sept 1 – Oct 1, 2004
Francsik, T., A. Kovacs, E. Hegedus, R. Csabafi, I. Torok, I. Kantor, CELEBRATION200 GW: (P) Te
dimensional seismic modelling of crustal structure in the Pannonian Basin on Celebration 2000 and Alp
2002 data.
Heikkinen, P., I. Kukkonen, E. Ekdahl, S.-E. Hjelt, A. Korja, R. Lahtinen, J. Vuollo, J. Yliniemi, R. Berzin
and FIRE WG: (L) FIRE-4 transect in Lapland, northern Finland: Crustal reflection images and comparison
with POLAR velocity data.
Koivisto, E., P. Heikkinen, I. Kukkonen and FIRE WG: (L) High-resolution seismic reflection survey
conducted in the Outokumpu oreprovince, eastern Finland.
Kukkonen, I., P. Heikkinen, E. Ekdahl, S.-E. Hjelt, A. Korja, R. Lahtinen, J. Yliniemi, R. Berzin and FIRE
WG: (L) FIRE transect: new imagnes of the crust in the Fennoscandian shield.
Kukkonen, I., P. Heikkinen and FIRE WG: (video) Fire-echoes from the Earth’s crust.
Yliniemi, J., T. Tiira and FIRE WG: (P) Wide angle measurements using vibroseis as the source of the
energy during FIRE-project in Finland.
COST Workshop, Trieste, Italy Oct, 2004
(I. Usoskin)
Usoskin, I.G., (L) Heliospheric modulation of Galactic cosmic rays.
Usoskin, I.G., (L) Cosmic ray induced ionization of the troposphere and relation to the cloud cover
Composition and Evaluation of the Lithosphere in Finland, Turku 10.-11.11.2004
(Elena Kozlovskaya, Jukka Yliniemi)
Heikkinen, P., I. Kukkonen, E. Ekdahl, S.-E. Hjelt, A. Korja, R. Lahtinen, J. Yliniemi, R. Berzin and FIRE
WG: (L) FIRE trancects: New images of the Precambrian crust.
Kukkonen, I., A. Korja, R. Lahtinen, P. Heikkinen and FIRE WG: (L) Thermal modelling of crustal
stacking and exhumation during the palaeproterozoic orogenic growth of the central Fennoscandian shield.
Pirttijärvi, M., E. Kozlovskaya, S. Elo, S.-E. Hjelt and J. Yliniemi: (L) 3-D geophysical crustal model in
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 December 2004
Guterch, A., M. Grad, G. Keller, E. Brueckl, E. Hededus, A. Spicak, J. Vozar and POLONAISE’97,
CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2000 and SUDETES 2003 WGs: () Data from massive seismic experiments in
Central Europe produce lithospheric transects from East European Craton through the TESZ, Bohemian
Massif and Carpathians to the Pannonian Basin and Eastern Alps.
Usoskin, I.G., N. Marsh, K. Mursula, O. Gladysheva, and G. Kovaltsov: (P) Low cloud amount and cosmic
ray induced ionization: Correlated latitudinal variations.