Math 5 E Lesson Model

5 E Lesson Instructions
Lesson Objective(s): The student will
students using
connections to
prior knowledge.
The teacher engages the student by connecting with past learning or
real-world connections. This is the “hook” that engages the student in
the concept. The teacher can also use these questions to identify
students’ prior knowledge (KWL).
What students will Provide hands-on opportunities for exploration. Students investigate
do to EXPLORE a math concept. Students share their thinking and ask questions.
the concept
Teachers observe and listen, ask probing questions to redirect, and
provide sufficient time.
Teachers turn - use students questions, thinking and observations to
direct the focus to the intended lesson (textbook could come in here).
understanding of
the concept.
Here is where students are given an opportunity to apply the concept.
Time to take it to the abstract. Tie the exploration and explanation to
math formulas or other related concepts.
These can be either formative (used throughout the lesson) or
summative (sum up the learning)
You may not use all these steps in the same day. Lessons can extend for more than one
period. Also students may be given multiple opportunities to experience explore and
explain before elaboration or evaluation. A lesson could look like this:
Engage, Explore/Explain, Explore/Explain, Explore/Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate.
Skyrman Grant
Adapted by Teena Staller 2007
5-E Lesson Template
Lesson Objective(s): The student will
ENGAGE students
using connections to
prior knowledge.
What students will do
to EXPLORE the
extend understanding
of the concept.
Skyrman Grant
Adapted by Teena Staller 2007