Understanding By Design Unit Template Title of Unit Curriculum Area Developed By Congruent Figures Mathematics - Geometry Molly Steffee Grade Level Time Frame 9th/10th/11th 12 days Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.CO.B.7 Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.SRT.B.4 Prove theorems about triangles Understandings Essential Questions Overarching Understanding Overarching Students will understand that they can use previous knowledge of angles and lines and problem solving skills to make conclusions about triangles and to determine if two triangles are congruent. Students will understand the importance of gathering all known information before starting to prove something is true. Students will understand how a proof is broken down into parts: the given, the body of the proof, and the end/what they are proving. Students will understand how to justify their conclusions via definitions and theorems. How do proofs connect to what we have learned so far? In what real world situation is this mathematics useful? What strategies can I use when solving a proof? Related Misconceptions Not understanding what conclusions they can make given certain information, or from conclusions they have already made, or from a given figure. Not understanding the differences between triangle congruence theorems (such as the difference between AAS and ASA) Not understanding how to justify the conclusions they make in the body of a proof. Not understanding how to correctly sequence their conclusions in their proof. Objectives Knowledge Skills Students will know… Students will be able to… Topical What is the difference between justifying your answer and proving something is true? When are proofs used? How can I use proofs to make conclusions from given information? -Students will know the different parts of a proof. -Students will know the Triangle Congruence Theorems and Postulates. -Students will know the different parts of a right triangle (hypotenuse, legs, one 90 degree angle) -Students will know the different parts of an isosceles triangle (legs, base, vertex angle and base angles). -Students will know which corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent. -Students will know how to make conclusions based upon given information. -Students will be able to prove two triangles are congruent based upon given information and Triangle Congruence Theorems/Postulates -Students will be able to conclude what parts are congruent on two congruent polygons -Students will be able to use what they have learned about triangles (specifically isosceles and right triangles) to solve for an angle or side. - Students will be able to explain the difference between the Triangle Congruence Theorems, -Students will be able to draw conclusions from two congruent triangles Assessment Evidence (Stage 2) Performance Task Description: Unit Test Goal Role Audience Situation Product/Performance Standards Students will demonstrate their understanding of Triangle Congruence Theorems and Postulates, and they will be able to use them to prove two triangles are congruent. Students will be able to draw conclusions from congruent triangles. Students will be able to use information about isosceles and right triangles to solve for a specific angle in the triangle. Students will be able to conclude what parts of congruent polygons are congruent. Unit Test Myself, Mentor Teacher (Tina Ely) Classroom Test; Regular Class Period Completed Test CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.CO.B.7 Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.SRT.B.4 Prove theorems about triangles Other Evidence Quizzes (2) – One quiz will be during the first week of the unit, and it will contain questions that will ask for student understanding of the Triangle Congruence Theorems. The other quiz will contain questions that ask students either to prove two triangles are congruent, or to prove two corresponding parts on a triangle are congruent. Exit Passes – See assessment activities for questions Learning Plan (Stage 3) Day in Unit Lesson Topic Lesson Learning Description of how lesson Assessment activities Objective 1 Congruent Figures – Naming congruent parts of a polygon SWBAT recognize congruent figures and their corresponding parts contributes to unit-level objectives This lesson ensures that students understand that congruent polygons have congruent corresponding parts (their matching sides and angles) This lesson will help them later in the unit, when they are asked to prove two triangles are congruent. Exit Slip: Given two polygons, students will be asked to find 3 pairs of congruent sides and 3 pairs of congruent angles. Exit Pass: Students will be given pairs of triangles, and will be asked if they can conclude that they are congruent. If they can conclude they are congruent, they have to justify their answer using SSS or SAS. Exit Pass: Students will be given pairs of triangles, and they will be asked to determine if two triangles are congruent (by using the two new Triangle Congruence Theorems they learned today). If the two triangles are congruent, they will have to justify their answer with a Triangle Congruence Postulate/Theorem. Meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to determine which corresponding parts of a congruent polygon are congruent. 2 Understanding the Triangle Congruence Postulates – SSS & SAS SWBAT determine if two triangles are congruent by using the SSS and SAS postulates. Partially meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to explain Triangle Congruence Postulates/Theorems, and will be able to use them to determine if two triangles are congruent. 3 Understanding the Triangle Congruence Postulate/Theorem – ASA and AAS SWBAT determine if two triangles are congruent by using the ASA Postulate and the AAS Theorem. Partially meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to explain Triangle Congruence Postulates/Theorems, and will be able to use them to determine if two triangles are congruent. Teaching Experiment: (Let the Chalk do the Talk) – I will give pairs of students one problem. The problem will contain 10 triangles, and they have to find pairs of congruent triangles, and explain why they are congruent by using Triangle Congruence Theorems/Postulates. 4 Using Congruent Triangles to make conclusions about their other parts (CPCTC) SWBAT determine which corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent. Meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to determine which parts of a congruent polygon are congruent. 5 Proof Introduction Day SWBAT explain the difference between the different parts of a proof. Students will also be able to make conclusions based upon given information and what they have learned so far in Geometry. This lesson ensures that students understand how to set up a proof. This will be helpful for the next two lessons in the unit, where students will be asked to prove triangles are congruent. Meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to make conclusions based on given information about a polygon, and they will be able to justify their conclusions using Theorems/Postulates we have learned thus far in Geometry. 6 Proving two triangles are congruent using SSS, SAS, AAS and ASA SWBAT prove two triangles are congruent (through flow proofs, paragraph proofs, or two-column proofs) by using TriangleCongruence Theorems. 7 Using CPCTC to prove that two parts of a triangle are congruent SWBAT prove two corresponding parts of a triangle are congruent, by first proving two triangles are congruent. Meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to prove two triangles are congruent (through flow proofs, paragraph proofs or two-column proofs) by using Triangle-Congruence Theorems. Meets the following unit objective: students will be able to determine which corresponding parts of a congruent polygon are congruent. 8 Right/Isosceles Triangles SWBAT determine the different parts of right and isosceles triangles. Students will also be able to explain and use the Meets the following unit objective: Students will be able to explain Triangle Congruence Postulates/Theorems, and will be Quiz: Students will be given pairs of triangles, and they will be asked if they can conclude the triangles are congruent. If they can conclude they are congruent, they will be asked to justify their answer by using one of the Triangle Congruence Postulates/Theorems. Exit Pass: Students will be given information about a figure, and they will have to make conclusions based upon the information they are given. Exit Pass Sample Question: Name three conclusions you make about the following figure: -A regular pentagon (It has equal angles, equal sides, 5 sides total, it’s a polygon) Exit Pass: Students will be given two triangles with given information about the triangles, and they will have to prove via a proof that the two triangles are congruent. Quiz: Students will be given 3-4 triangles with some parts known to be congruent, and they will be asked to prove the two triangles are congruent, or to prove corresponding parts on a triangle are congruent. Exit Pass: Question 1) Students will be given two right triangles, with the corresponding legs labeled as congruent, and they will be asked Hypotenuse-Leg theorem to prove that two right triangles are congruent. able to use them to determine if two triangles are congruent. to prove that the two right triangles are congruent. Students will be able to determine angle measures of isosceles and right triangles by using properties of isosceles and right triangles. 9 Review Review Review Review 10 Review Review Review Review 11 Test Test Test Test