FOT version 4.0.1: Changes since edition 4.0 2009.1022 The order of the object types RAILWAY and SYSTEM LINE are exchanged in the object catalogue on p. 3.0.2 – 3.0.4 and in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.1 to be consistent with the order used in the description of the object types on p. and on p. There is made a change in the description of Exception 2 and Exception 4, such as it is possible for the object types in the group of BUILDING AREA and object type ROAD CENTRE LINE to have common geometry where ROAD CENTRE LINE crosses another object in the edge of the Building Areas. For the Exception 2 the wording is changed: o The line objects below must always have a common point 2D point when intersecting objects of the same type as themselves, or one of the other objects in this group. As a result of the 2D intersection, they must not have a common point with other line objects Changed in to: o The line objects below must always have a common 2D point when intersecting objects of the same type as themselves, or one of the other objects in this group. As a result of the 2D intersection, they must not have a common point with other line objects unless the rules for common geometry between line and surface require it. For the Exception 4 the wording is changed: o The line objects below must always have a common 3D point at an intersection and break when they intersect an object of the same type as themselves. As a result of a 3D intersection, they must not have a common point with other line objects. Changed in to: o The line objects below must always have a common 3D point at an intersection and break when they intersect an object of the same type as themselves. As a result of a 3D intersection, they must not have a common point with other line objects unless the rules for common geometry between line and surface require it. The Scheme in the Appendix M on p. 4.13.1 is adjusted such as common geometry is allowed between the object types BUILDING and RUNWAY. As RUNWAY with Runway Type=Place at some airports will have common geometry with the edge of a hangar (BUILDING). Common geometry between FOREST and objects with 2D or 3D are changed to 2D/3D Common geometry between FENCE-All others and objects with 2D are changed to 3D Common geometry between CHURCHYARD and CRASH BARRIER are 3D, must be 2D Common geometry between CHURCHYARD and OTHER SMALL STRUCTURE are 3D, must be 2D/3D Appendix L p. 4.12.1 is changed such as ROAD CENTRE LINE inside RUNWAY is legal. This authorization however is only legal for ROAD CENTRE LINE which crosses RUNWAY. ROAD CENTRE LINE may never be made inside, along a RUNWAY. Appendix N is changed such as it is now adjusted the objects and the attributes in FOT4.0.1. A new illustration is inserted in the description of both ROAD CENTRE LINE and RUNWAY to illustrate how ROAD CENTRE LINE can be registered inside RUNWAY. BUILDINGS The object type ‘BUILDING_BBRPOINT’ is given the object code %KG4 %U92 cf. the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.1. The attribute ‘Area quantity’ which appears in the object catalogue on p. 3.0.3 and in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.1 is renamed ‘Area quality’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. The attribute ‘Location_BBRpoint’ which appears in the Object catalogue on p. 3.0.3 and in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.1 is renamed ‘Placing_BBRpoint’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. Under the description of BUILDING p. the text is changed from “Level difference in roof structures included if they are>=” to “Horizontal difference in roof structures included if they are>=”. BUILDING AREA On the pages and are written the unfinished expression ‘The h’ which is changed to ‘The height is at terrain level’. Under the description of the object types COMMERCIAL AREA p., LOW BUILDING AREA p. and HIGH BUILDING AREA p. the wording is changed from: o “Limitation occurs at ROAD CENTRE LINEs or on other BUILDING AREA surfaces. Where these object types are not found, ROAD EDGE, FENCE, BOUNDARY LINE, HARBOUR or other object types are used, which form the border of the surface's area.” to: Within AREA TYPE POLYGON with AREA TYPE=3: The delimitation is made at ROAD CENTRE LINE. Where this is not found, another BUILDING AREA object type, TECHNICAL AREA, ROAD EDGE, FENCE, BOUNDARY LINE, HARBOUR or other object types are used, which form the border of the surface's area. Where TECHNICAL AREA and one of the BUILDING AREA object types are coterminous on each side of a ROAD CENTRE LINE, the BUILDING AREA object type is not bounded by ROAD CENTRE LINE but it is extended in such a way that it is bounded by TECHNICAL AREA. Outside AREA TYPE POLYGON with AREA TYPE=3: The delimitation is made at ROAD EDGE. Where this is not found, another BUILDING AREA object type, TECHNICAL AREA, FENCE, BOUNDARY LINE, HARBOUR or other object types are used, which form the border of the surface's area. The picture in the example p. under the description of the object type TOWN CENTRE is changed in such a way that that the borders of respectively TOWN CENTRE and HIGH BUILDING AREA are extended so they will meat TECHNICAL AREA. In addition to this a black line which represents the ROAD CENTRE LINE is added to the legend. TRAFFIC The attribute ‘Road centre line type’ which appears in the object catalogue on p. 3.0.3 and in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.1 plus on the pages, and is renamed ‘Road centre type’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. The attribute ‘To and from access’ which appears in the object catalogue on p. 3.0.3 and in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.2 is renamed ‘Access way’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. The picture on top in the example p. is replaced with a picture, where there is added ROAD CENTRE LINE in the car park and to the list of signs are added ORANGE=ROAD CENTRE LINE and PINK=ROAD CENTRE LINE Path. The paragraph on top of page is moved in front of the last paragraph just before the marked text: “But not:”. The picture on p. is adjusted in that way that the delimitation of the bus bay is identical with ROAD EDGE. In the description of ROAD CENTRE LINE p. is added:“ROAD CENTRE LINE are registered in all parking spaces with a metalled covering and at gravel covering parking space with a surface >2.500 m2. The road class depends on the local conditions but will typical be Local roadxx or Other road. In the scheme on p. “Unknown” is changed to “All surfaces” for the three types Other road, Road, misc. and Path, misc. for the object type ROAD EDGE. In the description of the registration of the object type ROAD EDGE for the attribute TYPE=Internal road and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Unmetalled p. “allotment garden areas” is added to the sentence “Unmetalled roads with a length of > 20 metres on internal areas, e.g. farms, parks, churchyards and industrial estates.” So that the sentence is changed to “Unmetalled roads with a length of > 20 metres on internal areas, e.g. farms, parks, churchyards, allotment garden areas and industrial estates.” On page some words were missing: The paragraphs: o o If bicycle/pedestrian paths cross a central reservation, the objects will be captured along the bicycle/pedestrian path edges. If bicycle/pedestrian paths cross a central reservation, the object is captured without a break. Are changed to: o o If bicycle/pedestrian paths cross “through” a central reservation, the objects will be captured along the bicycle/pedestrian path edges. If bicycle/pedestrian paths cross “over” a central reservation, the object is captured without a break. Because of inconsistencies between ROAD CENTRE LINE and ROAD EDGE the following description on p. is changed from “Unmetalled FOREST roads are not captured as TYPE=Thoroughfare, but as TYPE=Internal road.” to “Unmetalled FOREST roads are not captured as TYPE=Thoroughfare. For the attribute ‘Road class’ for the object type ROAD CENTRE LINE the description of the attribute value Path, misc. p. and p. is changed from: “Internal paths in green areas, parks, churchyards and access from roads to buildings, although not on housing estates.” to “Internal path (laid-out path or path with lighting in the shape of MAST) in a green area, park and access from road to building is registered. Furthermore is registered similar significant path, which makes the connection to Main path. Path, misc. is not registered on housing estates.”. The above is also added on page regarding ROAD EDGE. The illustration p. is changed so that it reflects the new description. There have occurred some inconvenient restrictions in SURFACE_ROAD EDGE in some of the descriptions on the pages,, and The conditions referred to concerns all objects with the mentioned TYPE independent of their surface. The headlines is changed in this way: TYPE=Driveway and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Metalled or Unmetalled Is changed to: TYPE=Driveway TYPE=Other road and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Metalled or Unmetalled Is changed to: TYPE=Other road TYPE=Main path and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Metalled or Unmetalled: Is changed to: TYPE=Main path TYPE=Road, misc. and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Unknown Is changed to: TYPE=Road, misc. TYPE=Path, misc. and SURFACE_ROAD EDGE=Unknown Is changed to: TYPE=Path, misc. The description of how ROAD CENTRE LINE is registered internal on industrial sites p. is changed from “ROAD CENTRE LINES which are internal on industrial sites that are also access roads to/from public roads with a length of > 20 m that are access roads to/from address points are registered.” To “ROAD CENTRE LINE which is internal on an industrial site is registered for a road which is access road leading from a public road to an address point while the length is of > 20 m.” The illustration p., which shows the registration of ROAD CENTRE LINE which is internal on an industrial site, is changed so that it reflects the new description. The attribute ‘Fence type’ which appears in the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.2 is renamed ‘Barrier type’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. TECHNICAL The yellow line at the photo in the example p. concerning TECHNICAL AREA is changed in to a dot-and-dash line so that the underlying fence becomes visible. In addition to this the legend is adjusted to be consistent with the change. The yellow line which represents TECHNICAL AREA-Power distribution facility on the photo p. is adjusted in that way that it is identical with the pink line, which represents FENCE-Wire. In addition to this the pink line is changed in to a dot-and-dash line so both lines become visible. Furthermore the legend is adjusted to be consistent with the change. The illustration p. is supplemented with ROAD CENTRE LINE marked with black lines. To illustrate the registration of ROAD CENTRE LINE on parking area ROAD CENTRE LINE is added to the picture in the example p. In addition to this the legend is adjusted to be consistent with the change. NATUR Because it is not legal to use BOUNDARY LINE to delimitation of NATUR surfaces the description concerning SCRUB_VEGETATION on page is changed from: “SCRUB_VEGETATION will normally be delimited by BUILDING, ROAD EDGE, PARKING, FENCE or BOUNDARY LINE.” to “SCRUB_VEGETATION will normally be delimited by BUILDING, ROAD EDGE, PARKING or FENCE.” On top of p. the sentence is inserted: “Inside FOREST BOUNDARY LINE (BOUNDARY LINE TYPE=Other) is only registered along ROAD CENTRE LINE.” The sentence “Not captured in private gardens or in industrial sites or railway areas.” is reworded: “TREEGROUP is not captured internally in private properties, industrial sites, railway areas and farm building areas.” The description of SCRUB VEGATATION on p. is changed from “Area primary covered with cultivated bushes and trees which have the character of forest” to “Area primary covered with cultivated bushes and trees which don’t have the character of forest”. Under the description of TREE p. the text is changed from “Only large trees are captured (trunk diameter > 20 cm or when the tree is supported by beams)” to “Only large trees are captured (trunk diameter > 20 cm or when the tree is supported by poles)”. HYDRO To the text about registration of JETTY_BATHINGBRIDGE p. is added: “Branches at a narrow JETTY_BATHINGBRIDGE must also abide the rules for minimum size in order to be captured. Branches at a wide JETTY_BATHINGBRIDGE are included in the registration regardless of their length.” The photo in the example p. is exchanged with a photo where the branches are not captured. In addition to this the list of signs is adjusted to be consistent with the change. The multiplicity for the attribute ‘Direction’ for the object type STREAM CENTRE LINE is changed from [1..1] to [0..1] as the node numbers for both the registration and the abolition of the object in the data base are unknown it is also not possible to specify a direction in relation to these. ADMINISTRATIVE The object type PLACE NAME is given the object code %KG2 %U92 cf. the DSFL code list on p. 4.9.5. The values of the attribute ‘Town type’ on p. are rearranged such as the values clearly correspond to the words ‘Town’ ‘Building area’ and ‘Not allocated’. The object type NAME which appears in the object catalogue on p. 3.0.3 and in the table on p. is renamed PLACE NAME to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification. The attribute ‘Name’ which appears in the table on p. is renamed to ‘Place name’ to be consistent with the naming used in the rest of the specification.