Water Quality Improvement Plan


European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters)

Regulations 2006

S.I. No. 268 of 2006

Regulation 6 Action Programme

Clarinbridge/ Kinvara Bay, Co. Galway.

Date Designated: 1994 under the Quality of Shellfish Waters Regulations (S.I.

No. 200 of 1994, as amended by S.I No. 459 of 2001). These

Regulations have now been replaced by the European

Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations, 2006

(S.I. No. 268 of 2006).

Boundaries: All points east of a line drawn between Kilcolgan Point on

Tawin Island, and Eddy Point on Island Eddy, and continued on to the Mainland at Doorus, to the High Water Mark. Attached map shows the boundary of the Designated Shellfish Area, discharge points, and aquaculture licensed sites. The area shown on the attached map corresponds to the area shown on the Map of Record associated with S.I. No. 268 of 2006.

Sampling and Analysis: Sampling point is within a 50m radius of 135 980E, 213

277N (Lat. 53 09 58.8 N, Long. 8 57 28.6 W).

Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) has been tasked by the Minister for

Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (CMNR) with undertaking the sampling and monitoring regime required under the Directive and the Regulations. This is carried out in conjunction with the Marine Institute (MI).

Responsibilities of Public Authorities:

The Minister for CMNR is primarily responsible for ensuring implementation of the terms of the Directive and the implementing Regulations. For this purpose the Shellfish

Waters Management Committee (SWMC) has been established by the Minister for CMNR (see section on “Review of

Programme” below).

Regulation 4 of S.I. No. 268 of 2006, inter alia, places an obligation on every public authority that has functions, the performance of which may effect shellfish waters, to perform its functions in a manner that promotes compliance with the

Directive and the Regulations, and to take such actions that will secure compliance with the Directive and the Regulations and

with this action programme. The “prescribed public authorities” are those listed in Schedule 1 to S.I. No. 268 of

2006 and are consulted by the Minister for CMNR in establishing and reviewing this action programme, and in investigating any instances where the designated waters fail to comply with mandatory standards. Some of the “prescribed public authorities” are also represented on the SWMC.

Description of Area: The designated area of Clarinbridge/Kinvara Bay covers an area of 2,700ha, in the south-eastern corner of Galway Bay on the West Coast of Ireland. The catchment of the

Clarinbridge/Kinvara Bay basin lies on the western fringe of the central carboniferous plain of Ireland. The general characteristics of the area are that for the most part, it is low lying and composed of good arable land with cattle rearing and milk production as well as some tillage. The southern fringe of the catchment borders on the Burren and Slieve Aughty mountains, while its eastern fringe lies adjacent to parts of the

Shannon catchment. The water bodies of the catchment reflect the geological make up of the area in that they naturally have a high nutrient content and generally lie within a mesotrophiceutrophic range. Another characteristic of the area is the presence of a number of turloughs and underground river systems one of which enters the sea at Kinvara. The principal freshwater inputs into the designated area are the Clarin, classed as moderately polluted by the EPA, Kilcolgan, , classed as slightly polluted, Ballynamanagh River, an unnamed stream and an unnamed underground river none of which are classified by the EPA.


Marine activities in the area include sailing, diving, windsurfing and angling.

There are 15 section 4 licences within the catchment, and of these, 6 are deemed to be significant. There are three IPPCs in the area. These have good monitoring programmes and are unlikely to be a threat to water quality.

Population: The population of the catchment is approximately 23,000, and the principal centres of population on the coast are

Clarenbridge (pop. 364), Kilcolgan (pop. 230), and Kinvara

(pop. 850). Principal centres of population inland of the designated area, but still within the catchment are Gort

(population 1,776), Loughrea (4,004), Oranmore (1,446),

Ardrahan (375), Craughwell (358) and Athenry (2,154). The remainder (approximately 11,000) live outside centres of population.

Sewage Collection Systems:

The Electoral Districts bordering the Designated Area of

Clarenbridge cover an area of 12,720 hectares and the population of these areas is 6,719. Of these, 850 live in the area serviced by Kinvara sewage collection system.

Septic Tanks: The remaining 5,869 who live in the Electoral Districts along the shore of the designated area do not have sewage collection systems. Instead, waste water disposal is effected by septic tanks. This represents a population density of 0.46 people per hectare. The geology of the area is primarily limestone - classified as a good aquifer by the Geological Survey of


Development: The area surrounding the designated area of Clarinbridge/

Kinvara is within the commuter belt for Galway city, and as such the demands for housing in the area are great. As well as housing for local workers, the area is a popular holiday destination for tourists and the demand for holiday accommodation in the area is high. There is also a demand for small, light industrial units in the area.


To have planning permission granted for one-off housing, it is necessary to show that the soil conditions on the site are suitable for the purpose. There must be adequate percolation to make the use of a septic tank efficient, and these tanks must be sited an adequate distance from water courses to minimise the risk of contamination of water bodies.

There are approximately 55,000 cattle and 80,000 sheep within the catchment. Sheep numbers in the Western region have been reduced by 15% between 1995 and 2004, reducing their potential impact on water quality. Cattle numbers have decreased by 3% in the same interval. With the advent of decoupling of headage payments this number is expected to fall further in the immediate future.

More generally, S.I. No. 788 of 2005 (European Communities

(Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters)

Regulations 2005) will significantly enhance measures for the protection of waters from potential pollution from agriculture.

Shellfish Activity: There are six oyster beds within the designated area: the

Clarenbridge Oyster Co-Op, St. Georges, a public bed, Island

Eddy, Pollagh and Crushua. There are 11 active shellfish licences extending to 26ha in total, excluding the beds.

Native and Pacific oysters, and mussels are the most important shellfish species harvested within the designated area.

Average production of native oysters for the period 2000-2003 was 7 tonnes p.a. Pacific production between 2001 and 2004 averaged approx 175 tonnes pa. Mussel production for 2000 to

2004 period averaged 155 tonnes p.a. Some dredging for clams also takes place.

Classification :

Shellfish beds in the area are classified ‘A’(clams), ‘A’ and ‘B’

(oysters) , and ‘B’ (mussels) in accordance with the European

Communities (Live Bivalve Molluscs) (Health Conditions for

Production and Placing on the Market) Regulations, 1996 (S.I.

No. 147 of 1996).

Summary of Total Discharges (all types) in relevant catchment area relating to

Designated Shellfish Area.

Discharge Type No. Discharging directly into area









No. Discharging in a 5km radius




No. Discharging in a 5-10Km radius




No. Discharging in a 10-20Km radius




Section 4

Section 16









Treatment Plant










Other 3 * 1** Nil Nil

* 3 pipes discharging intermittently into Clarin River.

** A WW pipe from a housing estate in Craughwell, discharging into a tributary of the Kilcolgan River.

Assessment of Compliance

Results from sampling over the past 12 months shows that the area is in compliance for parameters 1-9. Organohalogen levels have been below the limit of detection.

In the past 12 months 100% of samples have been below the Guide value of 300 fc per 100ml of flesh. The waters are therefore compliant.

Notwithstanding this, levels of fcs in the past have intermittently fluctuated above the

Guide level. The proposals for Kinvara Sewerage Scheme and Clarinbridge

Sewerage Scheme should further consolidate compliance in this respect.

Risks /Actions regarding Discharges

Type: Untreated Sewage





Level of treatment


Pop. Equ.





Galway County



Court Hotel



Secondary Not Stated Galway County


Secondary Not Stated Galway County


Risks/Actions and Timescale

Type: Section 4 Discharge Licence



Brothers of



Level of treatment


Pop. Equ.


60m 3



Galway County


Issue: Lack of treatment.

Action : Preliminary Report on

Kinvara Sewerage Scheme under examination in DEHLG.

Construction of new secondary

WWTP is due to commence in 2008.

Indicative date for completion is


Type: Unlicensed Discharge



Morans of the


Level of treatment

Not known

Pop. Equ.




Not Stated Galway County


Risks/Actions and Timescale

Issue: Unlicenced discharge, unknown potential impact.

Action: BIM to clarify position with Galway Co Co.

Risks/Actions and Timescale

Issue: There have been minor breaches of discharge parameters, but Galway Co Co are satisfied that the Licensee is doing everything they can to get their discharges in line with their licence .

Action: Monitoring is ongoing.

BIM to liaise with Galway Co Co on monitoring results.

Issue: Proximity to designated area.

Action: BIM to liaise with Galway

Co Co re ongoing monitoring.

Issue: Lack of Monitoring Data

Action: BIM to clarify with Galway

Co Co the position re ongoing monitoring and results.

Galway Bay

Golf &

Country Club


Paddy Burkes

The Marine


Athenry Golf








Type: Other



3 pipes discharging intermittently into the

Clarin river at


Level of treatment

Not known

Not Stated Galway County


Not Stated Galway County


Not Stated Galway County


Not Stated Galway County


Issue: Monitoring of adherence to discharge licence conditions.

Action: BIM to follow up with

Galway Co Co re ongoing monitoring and results.

Issue: Proximity to designated area

Action: BIM to liaise with GCC re ongoing monitoring and results.

Issue: New Licence. Building only occupied in late March 2007.

Action: BIM to arrange with

Galway Co Co the provision of information re ongoing monitoring.

Issue: Monitoring of adherence to discharge licence conditions.

Action: BIM to follow up with

Galway Co Co re ongoing monitoring and results.

Type: Section 16 Discharge Licence



Athenry Coop Mart

Level of treatment

Discharge to sewer

Pop. Equ.




Not Stated Galway County


Risks/Actions and Timescale

Issue: Lack of Monitoring Data

Action: BIM to arrange with

Galway Co Co the provision of information re ongoing monitoring.

Pop. Equ.




Not known Galway County


Risks/Actions and Timescale

Issue: Lack of information on source and type of discharges.

Action: BIM to advise Galway Co

Co of location of discharge points and monitor follow-up by GCC.

Discharges assessed as not having an impact on water quality in designated area

Discharge ref.

Cold Chon

Hygeia Chemicals Oranmore

Byrne Mechanical

Oyster Creek

Pilgrimage Trust

Oyster Manor Hotel

Star Guide

Dun Ard Housing Estate

Ballygarriff nursing Home

Kilconnell Dairies

Donnellys of Barna

12 Pins Hotel

Park Lodge Hotel

Paidricins of Furbo

Spiddal Holiday Homes



Oranmore Dairies

Loughrea WWTP

Athenry WWTP


Mutton Island WWTP

Discharge pipe from housing estate in Craughwell





Section 4 (Depuration


Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 4

Section 16






Reason for Discounting

Has been connected to Galway Sewer

Has been connected to Galway Sewer

Distance from Water Courses

Low impact on receiving waters

No Breaches of Licence Parameters

No Breaches of Licence Parameters

Has been connected to Galway Sewer

Distance from Water Courses

Distance from Water Courses

Distance from Water Courses

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Dilution in Galway Bay

Has been connected to Galway Sewer

Distance from Water Courses

Distance from Water Courses

Distance from Water Courses

Dilution in Galway Bay

Distance from Designated Area

Other Actions:

● The Clarinbridge Sewerage Scheme is included in the WSIP to start construction in 2007. Progress on the scheme is tied in with the Galway Main

Drainage Stage 3 Scheme, which in included in the WSIP to start construction in 2007 and for which Preliminary Reports and an EIS is being prepared.

● It is understood that Galway County Council has undertaken to check the operation and effectiveness of septic tanks in environmentally sensitive areas.

BIM will request regular reports from Galway Co. Council on progress of this work in relation to the designated area including timeframes for completion.

A project is being undertaken jointly by Galway County Council, and representatives of the local shellfish co-op, BIM and DCMNR to try to identify possible sources of faecal coliforms in the waters of the designated area. A preliminary monitoring programme has been initiated to determine which if any of the freshwater inputs into the designated area are carrying significant faecal coliform loads.

Continued monitoring of water quality in the designated area.

Continued liaising between relevant agencies to ensure that the information is up to date, accurate and available to all interested parties.

Review of Programme

This action programme will be managed by the SWMC consisting of representatives of the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, the Minister for Agriculture and

Food, BIM, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the M.I. Other public authorities, as relevant to the particular geographical area encompassed by the programme, may also be represented.

This programme will be reviewed every six months. Comments, suggestions etc. can be relayed to the Coastal Zone Management Division, Department of

Communications Marine and Natural Resources, Leeson Lane, Dublin 2, tel:

6782000, fax: 6782159, or e-mail foreshore@dcmnr.gov.ie..


IPPC – Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence issued by the

Environmental Protection Agency under the Environmental Protection Agency Act,


Section 4 – a licence issued by the relevant local authority under Section 4 of the

Local Government (Water Pollution Act), 1977 for the discharge of trade effluent or sewage effluent to waters.

Section 16 - a licence issued by the relevant local authority under Section 16 of the

Local Government (Water Pollution Act), 1977 for the discharge of any trade effluent or other matter (other than domestic sewage or storm water) to a sewer.

CSO – Combined Storm Overflow.

WSIP – Water Services Investment Programme.

DEHLG – Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

DCMNR – Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.

26 May 2006
