RESOLUTION: Responsible Investment and Fossil Fuel Divestment WHEREAS: Ninety-seven percent of respected climate scientists find conclusive evidence that climate change is real, serious, and caused by humans. Therefore, it is both reasonable and imperative that AFSCME Council 75 act to avoid climate risks; and WHEREAS: The climate crisis is a serious threat to future generations in Oregon and around the world; and WHEREAS: Climate change is causing extreme weather – more wildfires, droughts, and flooding from heavy storms and rainfall. Air quality is deteriorating, water supplies are strained, and rapid species extinction is occurring. Sea-level rise threatens buildings and infrastructure, and warmer, more acidic oceans are reducing fish stocks. Droughtstricken agricultural regions mean less crop and livestock production and rising food costs. Warming temperatures are causing the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. These effects of climate change are taking a heavy toll on human health. Continued warming may trigger abrupt and irreversible changes; and WHEREAS: The United States Environmental Protection Agency, in its Guide to Climate Impacts in the Northwest1, projects that increased warming will threaten the environmental and economic health of the Northwest, through decreased mountain snowpacks and the subsequent lower river flows that provide water, through the loss of our prized salmon, and through increasing wildfires that threaten our forests and our timber industry; and WHEREAS: AFSCME Council 75 workers respond to public health risks like the spread of infectious diseases and extreme weather events, such as forest fires and flooding. AFSCME Council 75 workers are charged with overseeing increasingly scarce natural resources and protecting human health and the environment through the regulation and enforcement of laws meant to prevent, minimize, and limit pollution; and WHEREAS: 1 Responsible investments are those that support a sustainable future. AFSCME Council 75 wants a future where all citizens have the chance to live healthy lives free from the ecological and economic threats associated with extreme climate changes. Because the economic costs of climate change are predicted to be as high as 20 percent of annual global gross domestic product, responsible investments should exclude fossil fuel companies which contribute the most to these impacts; and WHEREAS: For the purposes of this resolution, a “Fossil Fuel Company” shall be defined as any of the two hundred publicly-traded companies with the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves as measured by the gigatons of carbon dioxide that would be emitted if those reserves were extracted and burned, as listed in the Carbon Tracker Initiative’s “Unburnable Carbon” report2; and WHEREAS: Governments worldwide are increasingly regulating carbon emissions making fossil fuel assets riskier long-term investments. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: AFSCME Council 75 fully supports and is encouraged by the Oregon Investment Council’s addition of Environmental, Social and Governance language to its investment beliefs; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: AFSCME Council 75 urges the State of Oregon and the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System to expand investment options for AFSCME Council 75 workers beyond those currently available in order to include deferred compensation plans that are divested from holdings in the Fossil Fuel Companies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: AFSCME Council 75 urges the State of Oregon and the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) to develop and implement a plan for the complete divestment of its holdings from Fossil Fuel Companies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: AFSCME Council 75 will continue to partner with environmental groups and community organizations and other public sector unions to promote fossil fuel divestment. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: 2 AFSCME Council 75 will support locals working on climate change divestment issues. These activities shall include, but are not limited to, providing legislative assistance, assisting in access to elected officials, and publicly acknowledging the health, environmental, economic and social justice benefits of fossil fuel divestment. Submitted by: ____________________________ Karen Williams, President AFSCME Local 3336 ____________________________ Eric Feeley, Secretary AFSCME Local 3336