Risks to Murray-Darling Basin Water Resources Program Project Summaries Project code: CP3 Project title: The effects of climatic changes on plant physiological and catchment ecohydrological processes in the high-rainfall catchments of the Murray-Darling Basin: A scoping study. Project timeline: March – November 2010 Contractors: CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Report Authors: Tim R. McVicar, Randall J. Donohue, Anthony P. O’Grady, and Lingtao Li Project objectives: The objective of this project was to undertake a scoping study on the potential impacts of climate change in the MDB on forest hydrology in the high yielding upper catchments, with a focus on plant physiology. This would build on earlier work undertaken by Roderick and Farquhar, and would provide a synthesis of information on the collective and cumulative impacts of climate, catchment processes and ecohydrology, on Basin catchments and water resources. The researchers were required to have a detailed understanding of plant physiology, including likely effects of climate change on evapotranspiration and tree water use, and the ability to consider the timescale of potential change in catchment water yield, as well as spatial scale from point-scale (individual tree) to landscape (sub-catchment) scales. The project was to provide estimates of potential effects of different climate scenarios on catchment water yields, based on current knowledge, as well as identifying the factors that are likely to most influence the climate: water yield relationship. Recommendations were to be provided on further work needed to clarify the water yield relationships and to provide greater confidence in forecasting climate change effects. The work might also include the development of models based on climate change scenarios to predict the likely impacts of climate change on forest evapotranspiration and water use, and hence impacts on water yield within the specified catchments. This project was to also take account of the work of two other MDBA-funded projects concerned with tree and forest water use, CP1 and CP2. Methods: The project team gathered available information in the form of a draft literature review. This was forwarded to participants prior to their attendance at an expert workshop held to review and assess what is currently known about plant physiology and forest hydrology under climate change, with a focus on eucalypts and the high rainfall upper catchments of the MDB. Using the information from the workshop and from follow-up discussions, a written report was presented to the MDBA outlining the state of knowledge and identified knowledge gaps regarding plant physiology and forest hydrology under climate variability. The project workplan was: 1 CP3 Project Summary 1. an assessment of previous relevant forest hydrology / plant physiology studies, with a focus on Australian studies, placing the findings (where possible) in the Budyko energy-limited /waterlimited framework. 2. based on the synthesis of current knowledge determine knowledge gaps and develop a series of key questions (formulated in consultation with MDBA) that need to be addressed to reduce these gaps. 3. refine the synthesis of previous knowledge, and to assist in developing approaches to address the previously identified key questions, organise a workshop with specialists invited from key government and academic organisations. One approach to be discussed in the workshop is how catchment functional characteristics can be determined from analysis of long-term datasets of streamflow, remotely sensed vegetation information, meteorological surfaces and atmospheric CO2 concentration. 4. provide an assessment of the likely impact, and where possible the potential magnitude of the impact, that vegetation functioning non-stationarity will have on the Basin’s water resources. 5. provide advice on how vegetation functioning non-stationarity could be included in water resource management models that underpin strategic water allocation decisions. Summary of key results: A key element of the project’s analytical framework is determining the climatological limit to evapotranspiration. There are two options: (1) in wet places evapotranspiration is limited by the available energy (energy-limited catchments); and (2) in dry places evapotranspiration is limited by available water (water-limited catchments). This distinction is important, as catchments respond to changes in climatic and ecohydrological conditions differently depending on the degree of energy or water limitation at annual or sub-annual timescales. The project considered five key aspects of climate induced change and their effects on vegetation water use, these were: changes in precipitation, potential evaporation, air temperature, radiative regime, and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Results showed that while air temperature is increasing, in the key runoff generating parts of the MDB evaporative demand is decreasing as a result of the combined impact of changes in net radiation, near-surface wind-speed, and vapor pressure deficit (related to relative humidity). The latter variables also influence evaporative demand. In the south-eastern Australian mountain ranges, winter is the time when most precipitation is received and when energy-limited conditions dominate, and hence is usually the period when much streamflow is generated. For these areas, while there maybe less precipitation in future, increased atmospheric CO2 concentration is likely to lead to an increase in the proportion of precipitation becoming runoff from these energy-limited catchments. The project also examined the likely impacts on vegetation functioning and water use due to changes in: water availability, air temperature, radiative regime, and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Over the longterm, natural vegetation biomass and cover are in balance with the long-term water availability and its variability, whereas over the shorter term, vegetation responds dynamically to a diverse array of environmental signals, including water deficits and air temperature. Results showed that the potential increased water use from forests due to higher air temperatures will mainly be offset by greater water use efficiency due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, although this might be offset somewhat by concomitant increases in biomass (including changes in leaf area and rooting depth). In order to unpack these effects and to model their likely overall impact on water yield, the project considered the MDB as comprising five zones as outlined in the following table (see next page). 2 CP3 Project Summary Zone Description The extremely high yield zone (EHYZ) This zone encompasses the energy-limited locations (i.e., annual average precipitation P is greater than annual average potential evaporation). The very high yield zone (VHYZ) This zone encompasses all areas that contribute the upper 25% of total MDB runoff and includes the EHYZ. The southern high yield zone (sHYZ) The HYZ encompasses all areas that contribute the upper 60% of total MDB runoff. The southern HYZ contains those areas south of the 32nd parallel of latitude and includes the EHYZ and the VHYZ. The northern high yield zone (nHYZ) The nHYZ encompasses all areas of the HYZ that are north of the 32nd parallel of latitude. This does not include the EHYZ or the VHYZ. The whole Murray-Darling Basin Includes all of the above zones. The sensitivity of runoff in each zone was modeled to changes in five key ecohydrological parameters using analytical techniques applied at an annual time-step. The five ecohydrological drivers were: 1. annual precipitation (P; mm.y-1); 2. annual potential evaporation (using Penman’s formulation, Ep; mm.y-1); 3. catchment-average rooting depth (Zr; mm); 4. average rain depth (α; mm–one of the variables governing precipitation intensity);and, 5. atmospheric CO2 concentration (C; ppm). The sensitivity of runoff in each zone to each parameter is shown in the table below. Parameter and units P in mm.y-1/mm.y-1 Ep in mm.y-1/mm.y-1 Zr in mm.y-1/mm α in mm.y-1/mm C in mm.y-1/ % ΔC EHYZ VHYZ 0.73 -0.42 -0.40 23.5 0.08 0.61 -0.29 -0.44 30.6 -0.16 sHYZ 0.43 -0.16 -0.38 34.1 -0.22 nHYZ 0.32 -0.09 -0.33 29.2 -0.19 All MDB 0.13 -0.03 -0.13 16.1 0.02 The figures show that the relative sensitivity of runoff to different ecohydrological factors varies widely across the landscape. For example, in the energy-limited area of the MDB (the EHYZ), a 100 mm per year precipitation increase is predicted to result in a 73 mm per year increase in runoff. In contrast, for the nHYZ, a 100 mm per year precipitation increase is simulated to only provide a 32 mm per year increase in runoff. If precipitation were to decrease by 100 mm per year for these two areas, then runoff is predicted to decrease by 73 mm per year and 32 mm per year, respectively. An increase in precipitation causes an increase in runoff in all zones, and an increase in potential evaporation results in a decrease in runoff (hence these coefficients have a negative sign as might be expected). To provide an indication of the relative importance of each variable to runoff (broadly reflective of water yield) in each zone, the sensitivity coefficients were multiplied by their observed natural variability in each yield-zone. The following table shows summaries for each zone of the estimated changes in runoff in response to the observed level of variation in the five key ecohydrological variables. All units are 3 CP3 Project Summary mm.y-1. Numbers are given for a 12% increase in C (the observed change over the study period) and for a 100% increase in C (estimate of mid-century levels). All figures are +/- (the variable could in future be above or below its long-term average), except for changes in CO2 which is assumed to increase for the foreseeable future. Parameter P Ep Zr α C +12% + 100% EHYZ 253 46 124 31 +1 +8 VHYZ 190 22 97 38 -2 -16 sHYZ 102 12 68 34 -3 -22 nHYZ 56 7 36 26 -2 -19 All MDB 18 3 13 16 0 -2 As might be expected, the figures show that the variation in runoff due to the natural variability in annual precipitation (P) has the largest influence on water resources in the MDB. This analysis also shows that natural variation in annual rates of potential evaporation (Ep) is, at most, ~20% of that of precipitation (see the EHYZ figures). Considering the natural variability of average rain depth (α) calculated from daily gridded data over south-east Australia, this variable has minimal long-term impact on water resource generation in the higher yield areas. However, it should be noted this is an assessment of longterm trends of annual data, and, of course, there are many isolated events that produce important quick flow and base flow (via recharging aquifers) that are important to filling the major water supply dams. Changes in rooting depth (Zr), caused by, for example bushfire, forestry activities (including both clearing and re-growth) and re-afforestation (including plantations), will impact on the runoff generated from the catchments. The relative importance of changes in rooting depth relative to variability of precipitation impacting runoff generation varies from between 75% (in the nHYZ) to approximately 25% (in the EHYZ). Of the five variables studied, change of rooting depth is the only variable that can be directly altered by human activity via land management practices. These figures show that all key variables, other than increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, exhibit natural variability that can either increase or decrease runoff generation. As atmospheric CO2 concentration is extremely likely to continue to increase, the project’s current data-driven hypothesis suggests that this will result in increased runoff generation from the energy limited EHYZ, and decreased runoff from the other zones due to changes in vegetation water use. In energy-limited catchments there can be no increase in evaporation (as this is already limited by available energy), so a hydrological response of increasing runoff is expected. In contrast, for the remaining water-limited zones, it is expected that there will be an ecological response as vegetation will optimally adapt to use the increased water availability. This ecological response is likely to invoke a hydrological response causing reductions in runoff due to increased canopy interception and/or increased plant water use due to improved rooting system of efficiency. In considering these results in relation to long-term water resource management planning, it is important to keep in mind that the data shown in the tables above are indicative only. Estimates of the sensitivity of runoff to changes in key ecohydrological parameters are reliable to different levels. The current assessment of their reliabilities is: precipitation and potential evaporation are deemed to be ‘very high’; rain depth and rooting depth are ‘medium-high’; and the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration response is ‘low’. The lowest reliability model is one key area where future research should be focused if this analysis is to be extended. Other issues that should be considered beyond this initial scoping study include changes in the seasonality of precipitation and potential evaporation; reducing the time-step of the modeling from steady-state so that changes in water storages (soil water and groundwater) can be accounted for; and vegetation disturbances due to: (a) herbivory (b) mortality and (c) fire regime changes, which are unlikely to occur in isolation. 4 CP3 Project Summary Comparisons with other projects: Results from this project broadly match those of the related projects CP1 and CP2, and all three projects discussed each others’ results prior to completing their final reports to the MDBA. Changes in land use and vegetation type (through afforestation) would be expected to have a significant effect on catchment water yields in energy-limited areas due to changed rooting depth, but little effect in water-limited catchments as found in CP1. Even in the former, their overall impact on MDB water resource would be related closely to the proportion of each catchment planted. Projects CP2 and CP3 both point to the significant impact on catchment water yield following bushfires. Knowledge gaps identified: The project team recommended that in order to improve the reliability and value to water resource planning and management of the research performed in this scoping study, further research be conducted in the following areas: 1. Increase the certainty of the streamflow response modelling to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration- this is of paramount importance. This is especially the case as CO2 -induced changes in vegetation functioning are likely, changing the reliability of base flow generation in times of drought from the higher water yielding areas. It is anticipated that this could be done via analysis and modelling of time series gauged streamflow, climate surfaces and remotely sensed databases. In concert, suitable physiological modelling activities should be pursued, as a multiple lines of evidence approach will be needed to reconcile this impact. 2. Adapt the energy-limited / water-limited framework used here (i.e., the Budyko framework) to a monthly time-step. This will mean that changes in water storages (soil water and groundwater) will need to be accounted for. Using a monthly time-step also means that the impact of changes in precipitation and potential evaporation seasonality on runoff generating processes will be better captured. 3. Perform a meta-analysis of changes to the water balance from existing international FACE (free air CO2 enrichment) experiments. In addition, opportunities to monitor ecohydrological changes within an Australian ecosystem should be realised through a connection with a FACE experiment being installed within an Eucalypt woodland by the University of Western Sydney. 4. Improve the understanding and characterisation of the dynamics of the high water yielding areas of the MDB, and possibly more widely to include all southeast Australia (as similar dominating weather systems and ecohydrological processes exist either side of the Dividing Range), via analysis of the: i. storage capacity of the alpine and sub-alpine landscapes (including the important sphagnum bogs); ii. likelihood of tree encroachment in the alpine and sub-alpine landscapes; iii. observed ecohydrological responses of montane forests to the climate dynamics and weather extremes; and iv. observed variability and change of rain depth and (where possible) sub-daily rainfall intensity Implications for policy: The major findings of this project show the relative importance to water yield of rainfall vs evaporation, the effect of changes in rooting depth and rainfall intensity, and the potential impact of increasing CO2 concentration on vegetation water use efficiency. All, but especially rainfall, rooting depth and CO 2, are likely to have a significant impact on the water yield from the energy-limited catchments of the MDB 5 CP3 Project Summary which are the major source of the Basin’s managed water resources. These factors will need to be considered in planning the future capture and management of water in the MDB, and the respective roles and opportunities in energy-limited and water-limited regions. Recommended Communication Approach: The Final Report should be made widely available in electronic format as it contains much valuable discussion of the modelling used and of the detailed results obtained. The project team should be encouraged to present their findings at workshops and conferences, and it would be useful to have them present at a forum with the related projects CP1 and CP2, as there are clear synergies between the three studies. 6 CP3 Project Summary