project proposal Project number MAT/02/TR/ Project title Strengthening the capacity for sustainable groundwater management Project beneficiary Geotechnical Services and Groundwater Department-General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works / Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Contact details: Name of Responsible Person: Ümit ERDEM Position: Deputy Head of Geotechnical Services and Groundwater Department Address: DSI Genel Müdürlüğü, Jeoteknik Hizmetler ve Yeraltısuları Dairesi Başkanlığı, 06100 Yücetepe/ANKARA-TURKEY Telephone: +90-312-4178300/2822 Fax: +90-312-4250328 Water and Soil Department –General Directorate of Environment Management – Minister of Environment and Forestry Contact details: Name of Responsible Person: Recep ŞAHİN Position: Department Head Address: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü, Su ve Toprak Yönetimi Dairesi Başkanlığı Eskişehir Yolu A Blok Lodumlu/ANKARA-TURKEY Telephone: +90-312-285 25 43 Fax: +90-312-285 58 75 Project counterpart: General directorate of State Hydraulic Works / Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Contact details: Name of Responsible Person: Mehmet Güllü Position: Deputy of General Director of State Hydraulic Works Address: DSI Genel Müdürlüğü, 06100 Yücetepe/ANKARATURKEY Telephone: +90-312-418 34 14 Fax: +90-312-425 03 28 General Directorate of Environmental Management–Ministry of Environment and Forestry Contact details: Name of Responsible Person: Musa DEMİRBAŞ Position: General Director Address: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı,Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir Yolu A Blok Lodumlu/ANKARATURKEY Telephone: +90-312-285 10 40 Fax: +90-312-285 58 75 Regional Union of Cooperatives Contact details: Name of responsible person: Semai KAYA Position: The President of Regional Irrigation Cooperatives Address:Sulama Birliği Başkanlığı Afyon/Türkiye Telephone:0 272 21531 91 Fax:0 272 213 92 66 Project purpose: Strengthening of capacity for Sustainable Groundwater Management. To protect the Groundwater from over exploitation. To protect the Groundwater from pollution. To strengthen the legal and institutional infrastructure of DSİ and MoEF for the proper implementation of Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 in the context of 2000/60/EC Water Framework Directive Relevance for Accession Accession Partnership Turkey, dated on 14 April 2003, page 14, ”Short Term” part, under the “Environment” subtitle. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy and given the numerous and increasing pressures on our groundwater resources, it is vital that effective legislative instruments address the problems effectively and help secure these resources for future generations. The WFD expands the scope of water protection to all waters and sets 2 clear objectives that “good status” must be achieved for all European waters by 2015 and that sustainable water use is ensured through out Europe. This project on relevance Ensures active participation of all stake holders including NGO and Local communities, in groundwater management activities. Ensures reduction and control of pollution from agriculture, industrial activity etc. Balances the interests of the environment with those who depend on it. Improvement of water quality has been assigned as a priority, since starting transposition and implementation of the acquis related to water quality is a short-term priority, and completing the transposition of the acquis and strengthening the institutional, administrative and monitoring capacity, including data collection, to ensure environmental protection is a medium term priority of the Accession Partnership 2003. Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances which is declared under Article 22.3 “Water Quality” in National Program 2003. Progress Report, dated on 6 October 2004, page 115, 22. part, under the “Environment” title Description of the problem and desirable situation Planning of water management, realising the use of groundwater in an effective and productive way will also provide the protection of natural resources. We don’t have any legislation about Groundwater Pollution Control Directive yet. The Selected Pilot Region “Afyon Çöl Plain” is approximately 100km2. In that region there are 1 town and 56 villages. The total population is 93.000. Catchment Area is 512 km2. The Plain is a closed basin, which was formed by tectonic depletion. There is no big stream in the plain. The biggest river named as Haydarlı Creek and it is dried in summer time. Surface water infiltrates to ground and forms groundwater. Alparslan Lake, located at south part of the area is fed by groundwater. In previous studies approximate groundwater reserve is 15x106 m3/year. There exist some active faults and earthquake risk is very high and static levels are affected by these active faults. In terms of meteorological conditions and groundwater extraction decrease in static levels has been observed for 10 years. 3505 ha area is irrigated with 98 operation wells, which belong to 14 Groundwater Irrigation Cooperatives. Because of the fact that there is no regular stream in the area drinking and irrigation water requirements are met by groundwater. In terms of meteorological conditions and groundwater extraction decrease in static levels has been recently observed. This condition has caused that groundwater quality changes and domestic water requirement can be met. People in the area make their living mainly from agriculture. The reason in decrease of groundwater level might be extractions of agricultural purposes. In order to evaluate groundwater reserve a detailed hydrogeology survey must be done. In addition, by the means of quality observation points the prevailing groundwater quality should be brought into light and by this evaluation, planning of groundwater management is aimed. Brief summary of institutional setting 1-Ministry of Environment and Forestry-General Directorate of Environmental Management- Department of Water and Soil Management General Directorate of Environmental Management is responsible for all kinds of measurement, monitoring, analysis, inspections and control regarding environmental pollutions, and inspection of activities which cause environmental pollution by domestic and industrial pollutants. Department of Water and Soil Management is responsible; -to ensure the coordination of compliance with water quality standards under the EU Water Directives with related institutions, -to determine the aims and scope for the protection of fresh water, groundwater and soil and to route disposal for preventing pollution, -to determine the classification of quality of water resources and to identify appropriate and rational usage of the resources -to determine the criteria relating with soil quality and water resources and to implement and monitor for gathering and evaluation of data -to give water discharge permit for installations, monitoring discharges and wastewater treatment plants, approving projects concerning wastewater treatment plants for industrial installations, -to prepare contingency plans for protection of water resources and to provide integrated management of water and soil resources at water basins , 2.Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources-General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works-Geotechnical Services and Groundwater Department The investigation, usage, protection and registration of the groundwaters are subject to the provisions of this Law. According to the numbered of 167 Groundwater Law which was brought into the force in 1960, is intended law to protect groundwater recources and to encourage the public to use groundwater with maximum benefit in the country economy. In Article 1 of law defines that - The groundwaters are the general territorial waters of the country and they are under the control and ownership of state. According to this law groundwater becames under the decree and possesion of the State . State Hydraulic Works have 25 Regional Directorates in 25 cities and City Head Quarters in 81 City . In addition 18 of Regional Directorates have Drilling Head Quarters. Procedures and control of any nature (required to be performed) are done by DSI on behalf of the State -Applying grounwater investigation by running hydrogeological and geophisical surveys and drilling the required exploratory wells in all plains and basins within the country, -Declare the areas where groundwater investigations have been completed and proven satisfactory for groundwater exploitations as groundwater exploatations areas and offer the results of investigations for public use, -To take all necessary protective measures to protect groundwater reservoir in the areas where groundwater explotations have been started, -Training of personel who are to engage in drilling and granting them licence, -All investigations, design, planning general supervision,with groundwater , -Investigation of specific hydrogeological problems and development of karst springs and karst investigations are realized, -Environmental isotopes and artificial isotopes, dyes and other tracers are used in these experiments, -Evaluation of water chemistry data in hydrogeological investigations, investigations of water chemistry problems and protection of wells from coorosion etc. realized, 3.Regional Union of Irrigation Cooperatives. -The cooperatives supply water for effective irrigations in plains. -The organization ensure distribution of irrigation water, defines the cost of irrigation water, collects and pays the payment of irrigation water -Every cooperative has to hire at least an irrigation technician. 1. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works-Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2. Regional Irrigation Union of Cooperatives 3. Local Governments and villages Desirable project results (maximum of 5 results) 1.Having a proper Groundwater Management and Groundwater Monitoring. Activities enabling to achieve the desirable project results 1.1 Transposition of legistation to Council Directive 80/68/EEC on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances which is declared in National Program. 1.2 Realization of Groundwater Management Plan under the scope of 2000/60/EC “Water Framework Directive” and providing the sustainability of groundwater. 1.3 Sharing the groundwater together with NGO, Cooperatives and governmental organizations. In management plans to give rights on making decisions about usage of groundwater by stakeholders is planning. 2. Co-operation between Geotechnical Services and Groundwater Department of State Hydraulic Works Under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and Water and Soil Department of General Directorate of Environment Management under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. DSI will study the project central and Regional in both, but MoEF is in central. 2.1Depending on economically water use the protection of quality and quantity of water and earth sources, and providing the agricultural sustainability. 2.2 Depending on economically water use, minimizing the agricultural inputs. 2.3 Educational works about protection of water quality, economically water use Risks Seismicity and tectonic structure of area. Estimated total budget: 400.000EUR (2 years) Related ongoing and/ Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Turkey or expected projects (MATO1/TR/9/3): The aim of the Project was to support Turkey with the implementation of the WFD. In this project legal and administrative analysis was performed. However, the final report of the project still needs major revisions. The implementation of the Nitrate Directive (91/676/EC) in Turkey with a view to reducing the water and soil nitrate pollution coming from agricultural sources(PPA04/TR) The main purpose of the project is to set the right institutional and organizational conditions for implementation of the Nitrate Directive. Transform projects related to irrigation methods which can be carried out in the next stages can be developed by considering the data obtained after completion of this project. Then sustainability of groundwater quality and quantity management will be ensured. Miscellaneous: Name of responsible person: Birol ÖZER Position: Section Head Address: DSI Genel Müdürlüğü, Jeoteknik Hizmetler ve Yeraltısuları Dairesi Başkanlığı, 06100 Yücetepe/ANKARA-TURKEY Telephone: +90-312-4178300/2332 Fax: +90-312-4250328 Name of responsible person: Özgür ÇAKMAK Position: Environmental Engineer Address: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı,Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü, Su ve Toprak Yönetimi Dairesi Başkanlığı Eskişehir Yolu A Blok Lodumlu/ANKARA-TURKEY Telephone: +90-312-287 99 63/2405 Fax: +90-312-285 58 75 Regional Union of Irrigation Cooperatives Contact details: Name of responsible person: Semai KAYA Position:The head of Regional Union of Groundwater Irrigation Cooperatives. Address: Sulama Kooperatifleri Bölge Birliği Başkanı Afyon/Türkiye Telephone:0 272 21531 91 Fax:0 272 213 92 66