Commercial guidance on waste and recycling

Waste and Recycling Storage Guidance for Commercial Premises
Commercial premises produce ‘Controlled Waste’ and have a ‘Duty of Care’
for the waste they produce. This means that arrangements must be made for
the safe storage, collection and disposal of commercial waste. (Further
information can be found in Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act
The contractor engaged to collect commercial waste and the site which the
waste is taken to for disposal must be authorised through waste management
licensing, by the Environment Agency.
The Duty of Care begins with ensuring that waste is packaged in suitable
containers so that it cannot fall out, blow away or escape from the receptacle.
Measures must also be taken to prevent unauthorised removal, including by
vandals. Failure to secure commercial waste in such a way may result in
legal proceedings being taken under Section 47 of the Environmental
Protection Act 1990.
The City Council’s Waste Management Service can specify the number and
type of receptacles for a business to use to avoid nuisance to others. The
Council also has the power to enforce the removal of the receptacles from the
highway. It is therefore in developers interests to plan adequate waste
storage within development proposals and make suitable collection
arrangements. (Further information can be found in Section 47 of the
Environmental Protection Act 1990).
The guidance given here from the Council’s Waste Management Service, in
collaboration with other Council Services, is to help ensure developers
allocate suitable, workable space for the storage of waste and recyclables and
have given due consideration for the servicing of waste collection and
recycling. All facilities should be well-designed and form an integral part of the
development proposals.
Sheffield City Council Guidance
 All waste receptacles must be stored within the development and off the
highway and public land.
 Development proposals must show how the waste storage area is
accessed and where the waste receptacles will be placed to facilitate
 To facilitate emptying bins may be placed on the highway on the day of
collection but measures must be taken with the service provider engaged to
minimise the time the bins are on the highway.
 If bins need to be placed on the highway to facilitate emptying, they must
be placed in an area that does not cause any access issues or hazards to
pedestrians and other highway users.
 Development proposals must therefore show how it is intended to
accommodate the waste arising from any commercial premises (and must be
separate from waste generated from any residential properties occupying the
same site).
 A management plan must show how the proposals ensure that waste is
stored securely to prevent other businesses or persons depositing their waste;
people gaining physical access into the bins/ skips (such as rough sleepers)
and how waste will be contained to prevent litter nuisance. Containers that
have lockable lid mechanisms should be considered.
 In accordance with Building Regulations 2000 H6, waste storage areas
should have an impervious floor and provision for washing down and draining
the floor into a system suitable for receiving effluent.
 The Council is committed to Environmental Excellence, sustainable
development and promoting sustainable waste management. Measures
should be taken to reduce the amount of waste produced. Space should be
provided to segregate at least one material the waste stream for recycling.
There are currently services for glass and paper recycling operating around
Sheffield City Centre.
 The development may be subject to Planning Conditions which limit the
times for servicing if it is close to or includes residential accommodation.
Calculation of Waste Storage Capacity
When considering the amount of storage space needed for waste, the
information below is intended as a guide only, given each individual
development will have different systems for operating and therefore different
levels of waste generated. All of the information provided assumes that
approximately one third of the space allocated will be dedicated to the storage
of segregated material for recycling.
 Offices
2600 litres of waste storage for every 1000m2 gross floor space.
 Retail
5000 litres of waste storage for every 1000m gross floor space.
 Restaurants/ Fast Food Outlets
10000 litres of waste storage for every 1000m2 gross floor space
 Hotels
7500 litres of waste storage for every 1000m2 gross floor space
Dimension Guidance
The following are approximate measurements for standard waste receptacles,
this list is not exclusive and different waste collection contractors may provide
slightly different sized receptacles and other receptacles such as skips or
Adequate height must be allowed for the lids to open fully, this would need a
room height of 2.3 metres. And a minimum 500mm band around each
receptacle should be provided to allow for rotating receptacles if more than
one is needed.
240 litre bin
360 litre bin
660 litre bin
1100 litre bin
Waste Collection Vehicles
 There is a need to ensure that servicing vehicles can readily access waste
receptacles without contravening parking restrictions or causing an
 Refuse collection vehicles should not be expected to reverse more than 12
metres to gain access to refuse containers.
 The access dimensions of the waste collection vehicle and different
operators may vary but as a general guide, a 32 tonne waste collection
vehicle is 12.5 metres in length, 3.2 metres in width and 4.2 metres in height.
 If the development has any land where litter accumulates and becomes
unsightly, the owner may be subject to a Litter Control Notice. This Notice
may require the land to be cleared regularly and maintained to a specified
standard. (Further information is in Section 94 of the Environmental Protection
Act 1990)
 Where a litter problem can be clearly attributed to certain types of
business, such as mobile vendors or market stalls, again a Street Litter
Control Notice may be issued. This Notice as well as the action above, may
require the provision of receptacles for waste, to be maintained at the
expense of the business or for the undertaking of regular litter inspections, to
clear any litter on land up to 100m away. (Further information can be found in
Section 94 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990)