Repeated measures analyses and contrasts (Profile analysis): Example Questions and Outline Model Answers Question 1 Theory suggests that the acute phase of schizophrenia is characterised by a deficit in the process of disambiguating stimuli (and their associated responses) using the so-called “cognitive context”. In chronic schizophrenia, this specific deficit is no longer prominent, and patients are generally poor at cognitive tasks. To test the theory, groups of schizophrenic patients in either the acute (group=1) or chronic (group=2) phase of their illness were compared with a matched healthy control group (group=3). The subjects were each tested on 3 versions of the continuous performance test (Tasks 1 to 3). By varying the nature of the task, Task 3 was intended to measure the contextual disambiguation process and Tasks 1 and 2 were control tasks. Performance for all tasks was scored on a common scale. It was decided to carry out a repeated-measures analysis of these data with “Task” as the within-subjects factor and “Subject Group” as a between-subjects factor. (a) Inspect the resulting SPSS output (Part I) and discuss the findings in relation to the above theory, explaining which statistics one should report. (70% of marks for question) An a priori interaction contrast analysis was employed to test the specific pattern of data implied by the theory. An SPSS syntax file was constructed to create a repeated-measures contrast comparing the critical context task (task 3) with the average of the other 2 tasks (1 and 2). Three between-subjects contrasts were also constructed: healthy controls vs. the schizophrenic patient groups combined; acute vs chronic schizophrenia; healthy controls vs. acute schizophrenia. The syntax file (Part II) shows the LMATRIX subcommand for one of the contrasts. (b) Write down the LMATRIX commands needed for the other two between-subjects contrasts and comment on which two of the 3 between-subjects contrasts constitute an orthogonal pair. (10% of marks for question) (c) Inspect the printout (Part III) which gives the details of the interactions between the repeated-measures contrast and each of the between-subjects contrasts. Comment on the results obtained. (20% of marks for question) Printout for Question 1 Part I – Means and ANOVA/MANOVA printout Re port Subjec t Group healthy controls patient s with chronic sc hizophrenia patient s with ac ute sc hizophrenia Mean N St d. Deviat ion Mean N St d. Deviat ion Mean N St d. Deviat ion Continuous performanc e tes t 1 8.2477 30 2.4177 4.9046 27 2.0441 8.2623 27 Continuous performanc e tes t 2 8.8645 30 2.5839 5.8279 27 2.4725 8.1677 27 Continuous performanc e tes t 3 6.4648 30 1.5540 3.6577 27 1.3910 4.3607 27 2.9383 1.6898 1.8105 Multivariate Tests c Effect TESTTYPE TESTTYPE * GROUP Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root Value .478 .522 .917 .917 .124 .876 .142 .141 F 36.661 a 36.661 a 36.661 a 36.661 a 2.683 2.742a 2.798 5.712b Hypothesis df 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 Error df 80.000 80.000 80.000 80.000 162.000 160.000 158.000 81.000 a. Exact s tatis tic b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level. c. Design: Intercept+GROUP Within Subjects Des ign: TESTTYPE Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .033 .030 .028 .005 Ma uchly's Test of Sphericityb Measure: MEA SURE_1 Epsilona Approx . Mauchly's Chi-Squa Greenhous Huynh-Fe Lower-bo W ithin Subject s Effect W re df Sig. e-Geis ser ldt und TE STTYPE .732 24.966 2 .000 .789 .821 .500 Tests t he null hypothes is that the error c ovarianc e matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proport ional to an identity matrix . a. May be us ed to adjust t he degrees of freedom for the averaged tes ts of signific ance. Correc ted tests are dis play ed in the Tests of W ithin-Subjects Effects table. b. Design: Int ercept+GROUP W ithin Subject s Design: TE STTYPE Te sts of W ithi n-Subje cts Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Source TESTTYPE TESTTYPE * GROUP Error(TESTTYPE) Sphericity Ass umed Greenhous e-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Sphericity Ass umed Greenhous e-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Sphericity Ass umed Greenhous e-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Ty pe III Sum of Squares 373.359 373.359 373.359 373.359 54.950 54.950 54.950 54.950 603.790 603.790 603.790 603.790 df 2 1.577 1.643 1.000 4 3.154 3.286 2.000 162 127.753 133.076 81.000 Te sts of Betw een-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Transformed Variable: Average Ty pe III Sum of Source Squares df Int ercept 10714. 63 1 GROUP 414.739 2 Error 531.198 81 Mean Square 10714. 63 207.370 6.558 F 1633.826 31.621 Sig. .000 .000 Mean Square 186.680 236.723 227.254 373.359 13.738 17.420 16.723 27.475 3.727 4.726 4.537 7.454 F 50.087 50.087 50.087 50.087 3.686 3.686 3.686 3.686 Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .007 .012 .011 .029 Part II – Syntax Commands GLM cptest1 cptest2 cptest3 BY group /WSFACTOR = testtype 3 /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /MMATRIX = "context vs control" cptest1 -1 cptest2 -1 cptest3 2 /LMATRIX = "schizophrenic patients vs controls" group 1 1 -2 /WSDESIGN = testtype /DESIGN = group . Part III – Results for Contrast-by-Contrast Interactions Contra st Results (K Matri x)a Contrast L1 Contrast Estimate Hy pothesiz ed Value Difference (Est imat e - Hypothes ized) St d. Error Sig. 95% Confidenc e Interval for Difference Transformed Variable contex t vs control 2.760 0 Lower Bound Upper Bound a. Based on t he user-specified contrast coeffic ient s (L') matrix: sc hizophrenic patients vs c ontrols 2.760 2.647 .300 -2. 507 8.028 Test Results Transformed Variable: context vs control Sum of Mean Source Squares df Square Contrast 36.737 1 36.737 Error 2736.829 81 33.788 F 1.087 Sig. .300 Contra st Resul ts (K Ma trix)a Contrast L1 Contrast Es timate Hy pothesiz ed V alue Difference (Estimate - Hypot hesiz ed) St d. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Differenc e Lower Bound Upper Bound Transformed Variable contex t vs control 4.292 0 4.292 1.582 .008 1.144 7.439 a. Based on t he user-s pec ified cont rast coefficients (L') matrix : ac ute vs chronic pat ients Te st Results Transformed Variable: cont ext vs c ontrol Sum of Mean Source Squares df Square Contrast 248.638 1 248.638 Error 2736.829 81 33.788 F 7.359 Sig. .008 Contra st Results (K Matri x)a Contrast L1 Transformed Variable contex t vs control 3.526 0 Contrast Estimate Hy pothesiz ed Value Difference (Est imat e - Hypothes ized) St d. Error Sig. 95% Confidenc e Interval for Difference 3.526 1.542 .025 .458 6.594 Lower Bound Upper Bound a. Based on t he user-specified contrast coeffic ient s (L') matrix: pat ients with ac ute schizophrenia vs controls Test Results Transformed Variable: context vs control Sum of Mean Source Squares df Square Contrast 176.672 1 176.672 Error 2736.829 81 33.788 F 5.229 Sig. .025 Question1: MODEL ANSWER (again a pretty short answer can get full marks) (a) Part I output: Means Report -- The data appear to support the theory quite closely. The healthy controls and acute schizophrenics produce very similar mean performance on the two control tasks (test1 and test2; with mean scores around 8). The critical task (test3) at which acute schizophrenic patients are predicted to have specific difficulties is associated with lower performance in all groups, but is more impaired in the acute schizophrenics than the controls (means 4.4 and 6.5 respectively). The chronic schizophrenic patients are worse on all tests than either of the other 2 groups but show a similar relative profile across the tasks to that of the healthy controls, thereby not showing the specific deficit apparently present in the acute schizophrenics. (Students may illustrate this answer with an appropriately annotated profile plot of means across groups.) Multivariate Tests -- this is the summary of the MANOVA (or “profile analysis”) findings and shows both a significant main effect across tests (Testtype) and a significant TesttypexGroup interaction. The interaction is in keeping with theory and the specific pattern of means it implies (discussed above). It does not matter which MANOVA statistic one reports for Testype (all have same P value) or the interaction (all significant). Sphericity test -- This tests the often violated sphericity assumption/requirement of repeated measures ANOVA (also known as homogeneity of covariance -- but not “homogeneity of variance” or “homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices”). It is important to test for sphericity because: [1] there are more than 2 levels (more than 1 df) for the repeated-measures factor; [2] sphericity is oftenviolated in repeated-measures designs; [3] and non-sphericity can seriously bias the resulting ANOVA statistics. As the sphericity test is significant this means that sphericity is not present in the data. Tests of Within-Subjects Effects -- As sphericity is not present in the data, ANOVA cannot be safely used uncorrected. (ie do not report “Sphericity Assumed statistics”). As the violation of the sphericity assumption is quite severe (p<0.001) it is also not safe to use either the “Huyn-Feldt” or “Greenhouse-Geisser” corrections to the ANOVA statistics (i.e. they do not remove the biases created by nonsphericity). [An impressive student might additionally say: One might have decided in advance of doing the analysis that sphericity was not likely to have been obtained and go for the most conservative “lower-bound” adjusted ANOVA statistic; this preserves Type I error rates more effectively than the G-G of H-F corrections in the face of non-sphericity.] Choice of Statistic to Report In this situation (sphericity strongly violated) one can choose to report the MANOVA (profile analysis) statistics rather than the ANOVA results, because the MANOVA stats do not depend require sphericity (other additional assumptions required by MANOVA are less likely to be violated and are less serious when violated unless group sizes are grossly unequal). Profile analysis is appropriate because the DVs are all measured on the same scale. Alternatively one could investigate the predictions of the hypothesis via a priori single df contrasts, which (because they are 1 df only) cannot violate sphericity (this approach was taken in the later parts of the question). (b) LMATRIX = “acute vs chronic schizophrenic” group 1 -1 0 (if the final zero is missing this is OK) LMATRIX = “acute schizophrenic vs control ” group 1 0 -1 (any other number except 1 is also OK, although the zeros have to be zero) The orthogonal pair is formed of the contrast between controls and patients combined and the contrast between the 2 schizophrenic groups. (c) The repeated measures contrast is specified (and is constructed appropriately for the theory) by the MMATRIX command. The first interaction of a between-subjects contrast with this repeated-measures contrast shows that there is no significant difference between the controls and the schizophrenic patient groups combined in terms of the difference in performance between the critical contextual task (3) and the other two control tasks combined (1+2). The second betweenXrepeated contrastXcontrast interaction shows that the acute patients are significantly different from the chronic patients in terms of the task contrast concerned. The final contrast interaction shows that the acute patients are also significantly different from the controls in terms of the task contrast. When coupled with the inspection of means (to see the direction of the effects), these results are thus exactly in line with the theory: acute schizophrenics have a reduction in performance on the critical context dependent task (3) relative to control tasks (1 and 2), and this is significantly greater than the corresponding reduction shown by the either of the other two groups. Schizophrenics in general (i.e. both acute and chronic patients combined) do not show this specific relative deficit (compared with healthy subjects), and so the key performance profile is specific to the patients in the acute stage of the illness.