PRETREATMENT PERMIT MODIFICATION Prepared By Sherry Bagwell Utility Plant Supervisor City of Winston-Salem, NC 1.0 INTRODUCTION This section is designed to assist the new pretreatment coordinator with information that is required to modify a permit. 1.1 REQUEST MODIFICATION The first step in any permit modification has to do with the submittal of a permit modification request either by the Control Authority (CA) or the Significant Industrial User (SIU). This section will be based on a request from the SIU (non- categorical) to increase permit limits and remove monitoring. Require this request to be in writing with an explanation for the increase/removal of the permit limits. Does their explanation support the need to increase limits or remove a permit limit? Poor housekeeping and sloppy production practices do not justify a permit limit increase. Verify data to justify change in permit limits. A copy of this letter may be sent to the State as an explanation for the modification. See Example A. 1.2 ALLOCATION TABLE Check the Allocation Table to determine if capacity for that pollutant(s) is available at your POTW. Deny permit modification if not available or contact the State for assistance. If capacity is available and your intent is to modify the permit, go ahead and make the change to your allocation table. Don’t forget to change the modification dates beside the name of the SIU and at the top of the Allocation Table. Also make a copy of the Allocation Table for the State. If you agree to remove a permit limit, this change must be reflected in the allocation table as well. Make sure that you still have capacity available after any permit modification. 1.3 PERMIT LIMIT CHANGES Modify or remove the permit limit or monitoring requirement from the limits page. Change the effective date at the top of the page. The effective date is the date which these limits will go into effect and will be used for compliance. Think ahead and estimate how long the modification process will take. The signature date of the modification must be prior to the effective date. Permit limits cannot be retroactive to an earlier date. Most municipalities use either the 1st or the 15th as the effective date just for convenience. See Example B. The maximum duration of a permit is 5 years, but permits may be issued for any length of time less than 5 years. If the permit was originally issued for 5 years, the expiration date CANNOT be changed. Any change within the effective period of a permit is considered a modification. An SIU permit issuance or renewal must contain a new application and starts a new compliance period for the SIU permit. A permit limit is not required if the annual pollutant average (lbs/day) is less than 5% of the Maximum Allowable Pollutant Loading (MAHL) unless it is a categorical standard. The MAHL can be found on your Allocation Table. See Example C. The last row on the bottom of the Allocation Table is the 5 Percent MAHL. If the wastewater discharge (lbs/day) is less than this value, a limit can be removed from the permit. Make sure you provide the justification in the cover letter to the State. Example: Zinc The 2002 average concentration for Zinc was 0.0055 lbs. This number was derived from 12 data points. The 5% MAHL for the Northside POTW is 1.234 lbs. Therefore the zinc limit can be removed from the permit. If you provide the data, this will make the permit modification process go much faster. 1/23/02 2/08/02 3/18/02 4/09/02 5/02/02 6/22/02 7/30/02 8/18/02 9/14/02 10/02/02 11/21/02 12/10/02 Zinc (mg/l) Flow (MGD) 0.182 0.200 0.327 0.229 0.139 0.117 0.097 0.189 0.256 0.333 0.114 0.175 0.0045 0.0037 0.0022 0.0038 0.0041 0.0029 0.0036 0.0024 0.0034 0.0022 0.0031 0.0038 Average 0.200 0.0033 Lbs. (8.34)(0.200 mg/l)(0.0033 MGD) = 0.0055 lbs/day 0.0055/bs/day is less than the 5% MAHL of 1.234 lbs/day 1.4 PERMIT HISTORY PAGE The permit history page is an on-going list of modifications and renewals. The history page is not a regulatory requirement but assists the SIU, you and the State in tracking the changes made to a permit. A permit issuance is related to a submission of a permit application, inspection, etc. A permit modification is a change to certain pages or parameters. Every time the permit is issued or modified, this information should be included on the history page. The effective date as stated above and the exact changes you made to the permit should be listed with a justification for the change. Example: “Increase copper limit due to change in chemical formulation.” (What you did and why) “Remove zinc limit because the average zinc concentration is less than 5% of the MAHL,” “ Reduce lead self-monitoring requirement from once per week to once per month.” It’s also a good idea to put the modified date at the top of the page for changes in special conditions. This is very helpful when the permittee does not understand the permit and which date applies to what pages. See Example D. 1.5 COVER PAGE The most overlooked portion of a permit modification is the cover page. Every permit modification must have a new cover page. The effective date on this page must be identical to the date in the history page and any modified page. The cover page should be signed and dated only by an authorized individual. The cover page must be signed and dated on or before the effective date of the modification. In addition, to avoid any possible interpretation that the permit modification is some form of contract, the SIU should not sign the cover page. See Example E & F. 1.6 APPEAL The permittee still has the right to appeal the permit modification even if they requested the modification. Most likely if the modification is granted, this is very unlikely. 1.7 LETTER TO SIU A transmittal letter to the SIU must accompany the permit modification. This letter should address the appeal process as well as how to manage the changes to the permit. Identify what permit modification pages are enclosed. See Example #1. Make a copy of this letter to send to the State Pretreatment Section as an explanation to the modification. 1.8 REVIEW MODIFICATION DOCUMENTS What to send to the Industry: Letter – See Section 1.7 Cover Page (Check to make sure signature date is on or before the effective date) Permit History Page (Check to make sure the history section has been updated and includes the new effective date) Limit Page, if applicable (Check to make sure the limit page has the same effective date as the cover page) Special Conditions, if applicable (Add effective date to the top of the page) What to send to the State for Approval (Timely Manner) All of the above AND Transmittal Letter to State Allocation Table Original letter from SIU concerning request to modify permit Data to justify change, if needed 1.9 CONTROL AUTHORITY INITIATES PERMIT MODIFICATION Can the Control Authority modify a permit without the request of the SIU? Yes, but understand the limitations. If you adopted the State SUO Model you MUST give at least a 60-day notice to the permittee for a modification. See Model Section 4.2(g)(2)(ii). Even if you didn’t adopt the model SUO, it’s a good idea to give the SIU 60-days notice if the limit was reduced or more stringent. This would give the SIU time to comply with the permit modification. You may want to consider adding the following statement in your SUO during your next SUO revision: “A permit may be modified at the request of the user or by action of the POTW Director. When a permit modification is initiated by the POTW Director, the POTW Director shall give a user sixty (60) days written notice if the limitation is more stringent than the existing permit limit.” However, under Section 4.2(i)(3) model ordinance, a request for a modification by the SIU shall constitute a waiver of the 60-day notice. You may want to suggest to the industry that they need to submit the request to speed up the process because you will need to provide a 60-day notice for the modification. If compliance is an issue, they will request the modification. 1.10 CHANGE OF NAME OR SALE OF COMPANY Industrial User permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation. A permit can not be reassigned, transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation. This implies that you can not transfer a permit, but this is not so. If the only change is a company name or sale of the company, a transfer may be allowed as a permit modification. Most SIUs or the attorney handling the sale of the property will call and ask how to transfer the permit. You need to ask enough questions to determine if any changes will take place. If so, send them an application. If no changes are to occur, request a letter of transfer. The letter should include a written certification by the new owner which: States that the new owner and/or operator has no immediate intent to change the facility’s operations, processes, or staff. Identify the specific date on which the transfer is to occur. Acknowledge full responsibility for complying with all terms and conditions of the existing permit. See Example #2. 1.11 PERMIT MODIFICATION FOR SALE OF COMPANY What is required for a permit modification for the sale of a company or name change where there will be no change in process? The only thing that is required is a cover page and history page. However, the transfer letter with the permit modification will provide additional documentation if the company fails to notify the CA of any future changes in operation. See Example #3. If a company fails to notify you of the sale of the company, a Notice of Violation should be issued. A permit transfer/modification still needs to be addressed. What to send to the Industry: Letter – See Example #3. Cover Page (Check to make sure signature date is prior to effective date) Permit History Page (Check to make sure the history section has the same effective date) What to send to the State for Approval (Timely Manner) All of the above AND Transmittal Letter to State Original letter from SIU concerning request to transfer permit due to sale An Allocation Table is not required if a permit limit was not changed. However, you should update your allocation table with new company name and effective date. 1.12 WHEN IS THE PERMIT EFFECTIVE The permit is modified upon the effective date. However, the SIU has 30 days to comment and so does the State. If no written comments are received within this time period, the modification is effective. The State will send you a letter with the approval of the modification and/or what areas need additional modification. See Example # 4. If the State’s comments are received after the 30 days, the comments may be viewed as recommendations rather than requirements. However, be extremely thorough in evaluating these “recommendations”; usually, the comments from the State staff serve to correct an error or strengthen a permit. Do not casually ignore these comments simply because the 30 day comment period has passed. If the State or the SIU comments on the modification within the 30-days, the existing permit remains in effect until all issues are resolved. May 26, 2003 Ms. Sherry Bagwell Utility Plant Supervisor Manson Meads Complex 2799 Griffith Road Winston-Salem, NC 27103-6499 Dear Ms. Bagwell: The purpose of this letter is to request an increase in our TSS discharge limit from 500 mg/l to 1,000 mg/l. A review of TSS data collected during recent years indicate that inherent process variability due to uncontrollable changes in raw materials and stringent process cleaning requirements directly affects TSS contained within our plant effluent. This has resulted in exceedances of the current limit of 500 mg/l. Other exceedences have occurred on shut down days when process cleaning is most likely but hydraulic discharge flows are low, or when the mill is operating but the refinery is not. These operating conditions are not typical, but are necessary at times. Raising our permitted discharge limit will not increase the SS discharges from the facility, but will instead recognize the expected discharge concentration from the facility under certain operating conditions. If you need any additional information please contact me at 555-5555. Thank you for your help and consideration given to our request. Sincerely, Environmental Director PART I. B. 1. 1 EFFLUENT LIMITS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Receiving POTW Name: North WWTP Receiving POTW NPDES#: NC0055555 Effective Date for These Limits: July 1, 2002 Expiration Date for These Limits: June 30, 2007 Pipe #: 01 Change Effective Date Of Permit Permit Limits Can NOT Be Retroactive This discharge shall be limited and monitored as specified below. Pollutants and prohibitions not regulated or enumerated below shall be discharged in accordance with the City of Winston-Salem's Sewer Use Ordinance. (limits are determined on a case by case basis) Limited Parameter Effluent Limitation in mg/L Daily Monthly Maximum Average Flow 0.027 MGD Sample Type Composite (C) or Grab (G) ^^ Monitoring Frequency (**) by by ABC City Company Metered (*) 1/Month TSS 1000 C 1/Month 1/6 Mos. 1/6 Mos. Cadmium 0.03 C 1/Month 1/6 Mos. Chromium 1.00 C 1/Month 1/6 Mos. Copper 0.75 C 1/Month 1/6 Mos. pH 5 - 10 G 1/Month 1/6 Mos. * Flow measurement: See Part III. Special Condition A for additional requirements. ** 1/ month is defined one sample collected in each calendar month 1/ 6 mos. is defined as one sample collected from January 1st through June 30th and one sample from July 1st through December 31st ^^ Composite sample is herein defined as a maximum of 24 hours Part I Permit #2003 Page –2Modified 8/1/02 Part I. Specific Conditions A. Good Idea to Add Modification Date Here Basic Information Receiving POTW Name POTW NPDES #: Industry: Permit Number: Pipe Number: Original Permit Effective Date: Permit Expiration Date: Categorical Information: B. North WWTP NC0055555 ABC Company 2003 01 July 1, 2002 June 30, 2007 N/A Permit Modification History: July 1, 1997 Permit # 2003 Issued Expires June 30, 2002 May 1, 1998 Remove zinc limit and self-monitoring requirement. Zinc levels below detection limit for 2 years. Zinc is less than 5 % of the MAHL August 15, 2001 Increase Copper Limit to 0.75 mg/l due to Change in Chemicals July 1, 2002 Permit # 2003 Issued Expires June 30, 2007 August 1, 2002 Increase flow limit to 0.027 MGD due to Increase in Production Modification On-Going List Of Modifications & Renewals INDUSTRIAL USER PRETREATMENT PERMIT (SIUP) To Discharge Wastewater Under the Industrial Pretreatment Program PERMIT # 2003 is issued in compliance with the provisions of City of Winston-Salem Sewer Use Resolution, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, any applicable federal categorical pretreatment regulations, all other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the City of Winston-Salem. The following industry, hereafter referred to by name or as the permittee: ABC Company 500 Main Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from the facility located at the above listed address into the sanitary sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment facility of the City of WinstonSalem listed below: North WWTP 2801 Griffith Road Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103 NPDES # NC0055555 in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and all other conditions set forth in Modification Parts I, II, and III of this Industrial User Pretreatment Permit. Date This permit and the authorization to discharge shall become effective on AUGUST 1, 2002. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on JUNE 30, 2007. Signed: Director Date: If Permit Is A 5 Year Permit You Can NOT Change the Expiration Date SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (SIUP) To Discharge Wastewater Under the Industrial Pretreatment Program PERMIT # 2003 is issued in compliance with the provisions of City of Winston-Salem Sewer Use Resolution, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, any applicable federal categorical pretreatment regulations, all other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the City of Winston-Salem. The following industry, hereafter referred to by name or as the permittee: ABC Company 500 Main Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from the facility located at the above listed address into the sanitary sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment facility of the City of WinstonSalem listed below: North WWTP 2801 Griffith Road Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103 NPDES # NC0055555 in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and all other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III of this Industrial User Pretreatment Permit. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall become effective on AUGUST 1, 2002. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on JUNE 30, 2007. Signed: Director Date: Make Sure This Date Is Before This Date October 2, 2002 Mr. XXXX Vice President My Company P.O. Box 555 Winston-Salem, NC 27117 RE: Permit Modification Dear Mr. XXXX: This letter will serve as official notification that the Industrial Waste Control Section hereby modifies Industrial User Pretreatment Permit #1190. This modification is per your request and based on your letter dated August 31, 2002. Please attach the enclosed “Cover Sheet”, “Modification Information”, “Schematic and Monitoring Location” and “Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements” to the corresponding existing permit. All other conditions and limitations shall remain in effect until the permit expiration date of June 30, 2004. If any parts in the permit modification are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. Unless such demand is made, this modification shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 765-0134. Thank you for your continued cooperation and assistance in the implementation of the City of Winston-Salem’s Pretreatment Program. Sincerely, Sherry Bagwell Utility Plant Supervisor / IWC cc: NC Pretreatment Group August 12, 2002 Jane Doe Pretreatment Coordinator City of Winston-Salem 2799 Griffith Road Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Re: ABC Company Permit #1190 Dear Ms. Doe: The purpose of this letter is to notify you of the ownership change that will be occurring on or about November 1, 2002, concerning ABC Company located at 500 Main Street, WinstonSalem, NC. The new owner will be XYZ Company. The new corporate address will be 260 Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27402. The telephone number is 336-555-2314. There will be no immediate change in the day-to-day operation of this facility. XYZ Company accepts full responsibility for Permit # 1190 and will comply with all the terms and conditions of the existing permit. XYZ Company is aware that a change in process must be approved by the City of Winston-Salem prior to any operational change. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (336) 555-04567. Very truly yours, Vice President, Law and Environmental Affairs September 27, 2001 Mr. Industry Environmental Manager Company XYZ 500 Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27105 SUBJECT: Permit Modification Dear Mr. Industry: This letter will serve as official notification that the City of Winston-Salem, Industrial Waste Control Section hereby modifies Industrial User Pretreatment Permit #1109 issued to ABC Company on July 1, 2001. It is my understanding that the change in name is an administrative change only and XYZ Company has no immediate plans to change the operation and/or process in the Winston-Salem facility. If operations are modified, XYZ Company shall notify the Industrial Waste Control Section thirty (30) days in advance of any such modification. Failure to provide advance notification for operational changes will render Permit # 1109 void. With this modification XYZ Company accepts responsibility with all limits, conditions and monitoring requirements of permit #1109. Please attach the enclosed “Cover Sheet” and “Modification Information” to your existing permit. This modification becomes effective October 1, 2001 and is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statues 143.215.1 and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission and the City of Winston-Salem Sewer Use Resolution. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 765-0134. Sincerely, Sherry E. Bagwell Utility Plant Supervisor / IWC Cc: NC Pretreatment Group