Developing Satoyama Quantitative Evaluation Method Keywords: Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP), Satoyama Evaluation Procedure (SEP) Satoyama, Habitat, Landscape, Wise-Use, It is an obstruction tointroducing biodiversity offsets and 1. Introduction In Eastern Asia, human wise-use has ensured that Satoyama has been maintained as scenic landscapes and important banking in Japan. Therefore, we developed an evaluation method called ecosystems. In Japan, many Satoyama ecosystems have faced “Satoyama Evaluation Process (SEP)” based on the issues due to both direct impact from development projects fundamental “Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP)” concepts and indirect impact from disuse due to reduced use-value. As of “quality” x “area” x “time”. HEP is the most widely applied a countermeasure, projects for the re-establishment of lost in the USA will base on other many quantitative ecosystem nature have been undertaken in Japan as well as in Europe and evaluation methods all over the world. the US (Takeuchi, 1994). For example, Tanaka (2010) has HEP, we illustrate the validity of SEP. By comparison with proposed “Satoyama Banking,” a biodiversity banking concept specific to Japan. 2. Methodology When thinking about restoration of the nature in Japan, we We developed SEP and three 30-year conservation plans for have to consider the peculiarities of Japanese environments. one 6.4 ha Satoyama comprised of former paddy fields and According to Takeuchi (1994), natural regeneration capacity is second-growth forests in a suburb of Chiba City in Chiba very high compared to European countries. For example, in Prefecture, Japan. We evaluated these conservation results by Germany, the action principles to maintain healthy wetlands HEP and SEP. are preservation. On the other hand, in Japan, the action principles to maintain healthy second-growth nature such as wetlands are conservation. In other words, it is “Wise-Use”. In addition, it is clear that the Japanese citizens favor the landscape of the healthy second-growth nature with conservation. Anyway, more than 20 quantitative ecosystem evaluation methods have been developed in Japan purpose of evaluation of corporate green space due to the recent increase in biodiversity conservation awareness by which held the CBD COP10 in Nagoya. However, there is no comprehensive quantitative evaluation method incorporating habitat, landscape aesthetic value and human wise-use for Satoyama. Figure 1: Aerial photo of the pilot study area index”. In SEP, “Habitat index” is evaluated by the HSI model Table 1: Three 30-year Satoyama banking working draft plans 凡例 凡例 凡例 Storage reservoir Storage reservoir Wet grassland Wet grassland Dry grassland Storage reservoir Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field Dry grassland 凡例 Wet grassland Storage reservoir Not conserved Quercus serrata Plan 2:Conservation forforest paddy Dry grasslandCryptomeria japonica forest Uncontrolled field japonica forest Wet grasslandCryptomeria Uncontrolled conserved Quercus serrata forest Before Not activity Plan 1: No action Legend Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field forest Quercus serrata forest serrata Conserved Quercus conserved Quercus serrata forest forest Pleioblastus chino Makino region Not conserved Quercus serrata Dry grasslandchino Pleioblastus Makino region vegetation Pleioblastus chino Makino 凡例 Quercus Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field serrata forest Wet-paddy rice agriculture Wet Wet grassland grassland Dry Dry grassland grassland field Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field Storage reservoir Not conserved Quercus serrata forest Storage reservoir Uncontrolled Cryptomeria japonica forest forest Uncontrolled Cryptomeria japonica Pleioblastus chino MakinoBefore region activity Vegetation Not conserved Quercus serrata Quercus serrata forest 3.90 (ha) forest Uncontrolled Cryptomeria 0.80 (ha) japonica forest Pleioblastus chino Makino 0.25 (ha) region Quercus serrata forest 0.00 (ha) Dry grassland 0.83 (ha) Wet grassland 0.25 (ha) Wet-paddy rice agriculture 0.33 (ha) field Storage reservoir 0.03 (ha) Plan凡例 3: Conservation for paddy field and second-growth Storage reservoir forest Not conserved Plan 3 Quercus serrata forest Wet 1grasslandCryptomeria japonica Uncontrolled Plan Plan 2forest Uncontrolled Cryptomeria japonica fores 0.00 (ha) Dry grassland chino Makino 3.90 region(ha) 3.90Pleioblastus (ha) Pleioblastus chino Makino region Wet-Paddy rice agricluture field Quercus serrata forest 0.80Not (ha) 0.80 (ha) conserved Quercus serrata forest 0.00 serrata (ha) forest Quercus Cryptomeria0.25 japonica forest 0.25Uncontrolled (ha) (ha) 0.00 (ha) Pleioblastus chino Makino region 0.00 (ha) 0.00 (ha) 1.16Quercus (ha) serrata forest 0.16 (ha) 0.25 (ha) 0.09 (ha) 4.95 (ha) 0.16 (ha) 0.09 (ha) 0.00 (ha) 1.16 (ha) 1.16 (ha) 0.03 (ha) 0.03 (ha) 0.03 (ha) 3. The study area and objects of HEP. The study area is 6.39 ha Satoyama comprised of abandoned “Landscape index” is evaluated by average of “Landscape former paddy fields and second-growth forests in a suburb of from ground level” and “Ecological network status”. Chiba City in Chiba Prefecture. The potential natural “Landscape from ground level” is evaluated by average of vegetation is Camellietea japonica vegetation. Since February eight-angle landscape from some readily-accessible location 2015, a NPO has reestablished a 0.4 ha wet-paddy rice on ground level. “Ecological network status” is evaluated by a agriculture field and a little Quercus serrata region in the map of the ecological network on regional biodiversity study area. strategy such as existence or non-existence the map and We developed three 30-year Satoyama banking working quantitative or qualitative conservation target on the map. draft plans in the study area. “Plan 1: no action” is to leave the “Wise-Use index” is evaluated by the average of “primary study area untouched. “Plan 1” is no-action plan. “Plan 2: industry potential” and “tertiary industry potential”. As in the conservation for paddy field” is to rehabilitate 1.16 ha case with HEP, SEP evaluated “the potentials of primary and wet-paddy rice agriculture field. “Plan 3: conservation for tertiary industries” not the “actual activities of them” under paddy field and second-growth forests” is to rehabilitate 1.16 each cover type. For example, under SEP, we evaluated that ha wet-paddy rice agriculture field and 5.23 ha Quercus dry grassland doesn’t have “primary industry potential” and serrata region. wet-paddy rice agriculture field does has “primary industry potential”. 4. Results and Discussion 4-1. Methods of SEP SEP is very similar to HEP. The only different point is how to evaluate “quality.” SEP evaluates “quality” with not only “Habitat index” but also “Landscape index” and “Wise-Use Finally, we evaluated index of quality, “SSI (Satoyama Suitability Index),” by average of “Landscape index” and “Wise-Use index”. “Habitat index”, Figure 2: Mathematical formula for SSI In this study, we calculated the Cumulative Habitat Unit Table 2: How to evaluate of SSI on SEP Large category Habitat Small category HSI model How to evaluate By HSI model of HEP By average of eight-way landscape from some readily-accessible location on ground level. 1.0:Conserved nature or cultural artifact such as shrine 0.5:Not conserved nature 0.0:Artifact Ex.) Landscape from ground level 0.625 Landscape By a map of the ecological network on regional biodiversity strategy such as existence or non-existence and quantitative or qualitative conservation target on the map. 1.0:Mapping of the ecological network with quantitative conservation target on regional biodiversity strategy 0.5: Mapping of the ecological network with quantitative conservation target on regional biodiversity strategy 0.0:the Map is nothing SSI Ecological network status Potential the primary industry Wise-use Potential the tertiary industry Ex.) 1.0:Area having potential the primary industry 0.0:Area having not potential the primary industry Ex.) 1.0: Wet-paddy rice agriculture field, Quercus serrata forest, Cryptomeria japonica region forest 0.0: Dry grassland, Storage reservoir, Pleioblastus chino Makino region and so on 1.0:Area having potential the tertiary industry 0.0:Area having not potential the tertiary industry Ex.) 1.0: Wet-paddy rice agriculture field, Quercus serrata forest, Cryptomeria japonica region forest, Storage reservoir 0.0: Dry grassland, Pleioblastus chino Makino region and so on 4-2. Evaluating conservation results of the 3 plans in (CHU) used in HEP for the 3 plans. CHU is the index for the accordance with HEP methods. concept of “quality” x “area” x “time”. A HSI model for the We evaluated conservation results of the 3 plans by HEP. We two species has been developed by JEAS and KAMIGO. So selected Rana japonica as indicator species for wetlands such we adapted these models for the pilot study area. The HSI as wet-paddy rice agriculture fields and Sasakia charonda as model is the index for the concept of “quality” in HEP. indicator species for second-growth forests such as Quercus In the results, the “Plan 2: conservation for paddy field” serrata region. The two indicator species are chosen as the produces 10.88 CHU [ha/30year] for Rana japonica by target species in this area by Chiba City and obtained from comparison with “Plan 1” (10.88 [ha/30year] = 39.89 Red Data Books of Chiba Prefecture. [ha/30year] – 29.01 [ha/30year]). The 10.88 CHU [ha/30year] has the potential to offset some impact from development projects such as destroying 0.36 ha healthy (HSI=1.0) in Japan. Even when biodiversity offsets are mandated by law, Table 3: CHU [ha/30year] of the 3 plans by HEP Satoyama over 30 years (10.88 [ha/30year] = 1.0 [HSI] x 0.36 [ha] x 30 [year]) (Table 4). Also, “Plan 3: conservation for paddy field and second-growth forests” produces the same Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Rana japonica 29.01 39.89 39.89 Sasakia charonda 12.95 12.95 74.96 CHU for Rana japonica and 62.01 CHU for Sasaki charonda by comparison with with “Plan 1” (62.01 [ha/30year] = 74.96 [ha/30year] – 12.95 [ha/30year]) [ha/30year] (chart 2). The Table 4: How much the biodiversity offsets potential of 10.88 CHU [ha/30 year]? CHU [ha/30year] 62.01 CHU [ha/30year] has the potential to offset the impact of some development projects such as destroying 2.06 ha 10.88 healthy (HSI=1.0) Satoyama over 30 years (62.01 [ha/30year] = 1.0 [HSI] x 2.06 [ha] x 30 [year]). 4-3. Evaluating conservation results of the 3 plans in Quality [HSI] Good (HSI=1.0) Normal (HSI=0.5) Bad (HSI=0.1) Area [ha] Time [year] 0.36 30 0.72 30 3.63 30 Table 5: CSU [ha/30year] of the 3 plans by SEP Plan 1 accordance with SEP methods. Table 5 shows the conservation results of the 3 plans by SEP. CSU Plan 2 54.88 77.25 Plan 3 136.42 In the results, the “Plan 2: conservation for paddy field” produces 10.88 CSU (Cumulative Satoyama Unit) [ha/30year] Table 6: How much the biodiversity offsets potential of 22.37 CSU [ha/30 year]? with “Plan 1” (22.37 [ha/30year] = 77.25 [ha/30year] – 54.88 CSU [ha/30year] [ha/30year]) (chart 2). The 22.37 CSU [ha/30year] has the potential to offset the impact of some development projects 22.37 such as destroying 0.75 ha healthy (SSI=1.0) Satoyama over 30 years (22.37 [ha/30year] = 1.0 [SSI] x 0.75 [ha] x 30 Quality [SSI] Good (HSI=1.0) Normal (HSI=0.5) Bad (HSI=0.1) Area [ha] Time [year] 0.75 30 1.49 30 7.50 30 [year]) (Table 6). Also, “Plan 3: conservation for paddy field and second-growth forests” produces the CSU [ha/30year] Table 7: each index on the three plans with “Plan 1” (81.54 [ha/30year] = 136.42 [ha/30year] – 54.88 Plan 1 [ha/30year]). The 81.54 CSU [ha/30year] has the potential to offset the impact of some development projects such as Plan 2 Plan 3 Habitat 0.35 0.51 0.70 Landscape 0.35 0.35 0.75 Wise-use 0.00 0.21 0.98 SSI destroying 2.72 ha healthy (HSI=1.0) Satoyama over 30 years (81.54 [ha/30year] = 1.0 [HSI] x 2.72 [ha] x 30 [year]). subtotal 0.23 0.36 0.81 The evaluation results of “landscape” and “Wise-Use” of “Plan 3” are higher than “Plan 2”. Since, the common how conserve of Satoyama should not be changed. conservation targets such as broad-leaved deciduous forest 2. Difference of the results is smaller than HEP due to and wet-paddy field have high points on the “Landscape difference of evaluator’s professional ability. Everyone can index” and “Wise-Use index” one the SEP. In fact, the SEP evaluate “Landscape index” and “Wise-Use index”easily. gets into line the common conservation of Satoyama in Japan. 3. SEP advocates drawing up regional biodiversity strategies, since, “Landscape from ground level” is evaluated by these 5. Conclusions This study illustrated three good points and three bad points strategies. In addition, SEP advocates that biodiversity offsets be the main engine for conservation of nature. of SEP in comparison with HEP. The bad points of SEP are; The good points of SEP are; 1. The indices of SEP's evaluation results lack clarity.. SEP 1. SEP gets into the common conservation target of Satoyama methods do not clearly indicate the key factor of the evaluation results. Hence, similar to HEP, it is necessary to consider the results for each of the individual factors when using SEP. 2. Requiring great care than HEP. 3. Potentially de-emphasising “Habitat index”. We developed SEP to evaluate Satoyama “quality” with “Habitat”, “Landscape” and “Wise-Use”. The character of SEP is general versatility due to easy evaluation of “Landscape” and “Wise-Use”. General versatility is very important. For example, in the USA, the quantity of credits from each wetland mitigation bank is evaluated on the basis of the ratio of “restoration”, “enhancement” and “preservation”. SEP also advocates drawing up regional biodiversity strategies. Literature Sources Takeuchi K (1994) Spirit of the environmental creation (Japanese language). Tokyo: Tokyo University, pp200. Tanaka A (2006) Theory and Practices for Habitat Evaluation Procedure in Japan (Japanese language). Tokyo: Asakura, pp280. Tanaka A (2010) Novel biodiversity offset strategies: Satoyama Banking and Earth Banking. Conference of International Association for Impact Assessment 2010. JEAS (Japan Association of Environment Assessment ・ Seminar Study Group Natural Environmental Impact Assessment Study the first working) (2006) HSI (Habitat suitability index) model: Great purple emperor, Japan, pp12. KAMIGO HEP teem (2007) KAMIGO Environmental Impact Statement. Pp342. development