Are El Nino Events Becoming more Pervasive? by Todd P. Mitchell

Are El Nino Events Becoming more Pervasive?
by Todd P. Mitchell and J.M. Wallace
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean
University of Washington
Among the findings reported in the Summary for Policymakers of the
2001 Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change is that "Warm episodes of the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon ... have been more frequent, persistent
and intense since the mid-1970's compared to the previous 100-years."
A key piece of evidence in support of this finding is Trenberth and
Hoar's (1996; hereafter referred to as TH) analysis of a 113-year
long record of barometric pressure at Darwin, Australia, which
indicates El Nino-like conditions towards the end of the record. In
particular, they noted that Darwin sea-level pressure (SLP) remained
above the hundred year (1882-1981) mean for 22 consecutive seasonal
means starting in December 1989. As additional evidence they showed
that the means for periods extending from March 1977 and December 1989
until the end of the record (May 1995) were significantly above the
for the previous 1142 and 1295 months, respectively, of the time
In this short contribution we attempt to place the changes in Darwin
SLP noted by TH in context by comparing them with changes in two
other ENSO-related indices, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and
the Cold Tongue Index (CTI). Following Trenberth (1984), the
SOI is defined as the standardized difference between the
standardized SLP anomalies at Darwin (12 S,
131 E) and Tahiti (18
S, 150 W), based on station records. Following Deser and Wallace
(1990), the CTI is defined as the sea surface temperature (SST)
averaged over the equatorial Pacific (6 N-6 S, 180-90 W), minus the
globally averaged SST anomaly, based on the International Comprehensive
Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS: Woodruff et al. 1998). Monthly
time series of both indices are available on the Internet.
The second objective of this study is to assess the
extent to which a bias toward El Nino like conditions has persisted
during the 9 years since the publication of the TH paper.
Time series of Darwin and Tahiti SLP, the SOI and the CTI are shown
in Fig. 1. The Darwin series clearly shows the changes reported by
TH: the persistence of positive anomalies from December 1989 through
May 1995 and the prevalence of positive anomalies from 1977 through
1995. From 1996 until the end of the record, Darwin SLP averaged
slightly above normal, with an anomaly of 0.35 mb (with respect to a
1935-81 climatology): positive anomalies during the 1997-98 and
2002-03 El Nino events are partially canceled by three short episodes
of negative anomalies. One's overall impression that Darwin SLP has
become more positive during recent decades is little changed by the
updating of the record. [Could also cite Table 2 here.]
The changes in the Darwin time series through May 1995 noted by TH are
also evident if slightly less prominent in the SOI and CTI time
series through the same period, but both the SOI and CTI average to
near normal since May 1995. The updated ENSO frequencies and
from the long-term mean are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Hence, when these records are updated to November 2004,
the statistical significance of the tendency toward more El Nino-like
conditions toward the later part of the record decreases, as
documented in Tables 1 and 2. For the updated SOI and CTI time series,
statistical significance of the tendency toward El Nino-like
conditions is substantially less than that reported by TH, regardless
of the metric that is used to assess it. That the tendency toward
the low index (El Nino) polarity of the SOI is less prominent than
reported by TH is attributable to the lack of a downward trend in
Tahiti SLP, the opposing pole of the SO "seesaw"; as is clearly
evident in Figure I. The subtle contrasts between the
Darwin and Tahiti SLP time series are clearly revealed by resolving
them into orthogonal components: Tahiti minus Darwin SLP, an index of
the seesaw-like behavior inherent in the SO, and Darwin plus Tahiti
(D+T) SLP, indicative of the in-phase fluctuations at the two
stations. Trenberth (1984) and TH used this formalism to assess the
(i.e. non seesaw-like behavior) inherent in the Darwin and Tahiti SLP
time series. Here we use it to infer the structure of the
non-SO-related SLP variability at Darwin and Tahiti.
The (D+T) time series, included in Figure 1, exhibits a tendency
toward higher values toward the later decades of the record. This
common tendency toward higher SLP at Darwin and Tahiti has
contributed to the changes in Darwin SLP reported by TH. From the
corresponding covariance map (Fig. 2), constructed by
regressing the global SLP field upon the (D+T) time series, it is
evident that positive anomalies in (D+T) are indicative of above
normal SLP throughout the tropics and below normal SLP at higher
latitudes. This pattern projects strongly upon the Northern and
Southern Hemisphere annular modes (Gong and Wang 2000, Thompson and
Wallace 2000). Darwin and Tahiti SLP both tend to be above normal
when the annular modes are in their "high index" polarity, with
anomalously low pressure over the polar cap regions and
strong subpolar westerlies. Consistent with this result, the global
patterns formed by regressing SLP upon the indices of the annular
modes are characterized by positive values throughout the tropics
(Baldwin 2001). Both Northern and Southern Hemisphere annular modes
have exhibited pronounced trends toward their high-index polarity
(Hurrell (1995) and Thompson et al. (2000). It is noteworthy that the
Northern Hemisphere annular mode remained in its high index state
throughout much of the interval 1989-95, when Darwin SLP remained
above normal 22 consecutive winter seasons. In view of the strong
positive correlation between the index of the Northern Hemisphere
annual mode and Darwin SLP (0.09 in monthly data, 1950-Nov2004;
[Mike: r(TN+DN,NAM)=0.24]
it is evident that the changes in Darwin SLP reported by TH are
partially attributable to changes in the NAM. Based on the results
presented in Table 1, it is arguable whether a tendency toward more
El Nino-like conditions also contributed to these changes. [vague]
Table 1.
Fraction of the 3-month seasons from December 1989 onward in
which the anomalies were characteristic of the warm phase of the
ENSO cycle. Anomalies are with respect to 1935-81. Two-tailed pvalues
(in parentheses) are estimated with Monte Carlo simulations of the TH
ARMA model.
until May 1995
until Nov 2004
Darwin SLP
22/22 (0.0001) 21/22 (0.001) 18/22 (0.03)
45/60 (0.003 ) 39/60 (0.08 ) 31/60 (0.92)
[The 38 seasons since May 1995 experienced 23 Darwin warm seasons (61%)
and 18 SOI warm seasons (47%), which is more like the frequency of warm
ENSOs during the 1935-81 base period than during the 22 seasons
emphasized by TH.]
Table 2. Darwin SLP, SOI, and CTI t-values and p-values for the
difference of 1977-Nov2004 and 1950-76 means, and for the linear trend
1950-Nov2004. Statistics calculated for January-December averages of
variables. Degrees of freedom are for an effective sample size
of order 1 (Jones 1975, Kikkawa and Ishida 1988, Bretherton et al.
and are 35, 35, and 55 for Darwin, SOI, and the CTI, respectively.
The trend is estimated with the method of least squares, and the trend
standard error includes the variance of the trend residual
(Santer et al. 2000). The p-values are for two tails and the results
are qualitatively similar when the 12-mohth averages are taken for
August through July [I'm checking this.].
1977-Nov2004 minus 1950-1976
1950-Nov2004 trend
Figure Captions
FIG. 1. Monthly Tahiti and Darwin pressure anomalies (mb),
SOI (inverted, dimensionless), CTI (C), and D+T (dimensionless) time
series for 1935 - November 2004. Anomalies and standard deviations
are with respect to 1938-81, with the end year chosen to be the same as
in TH. All series filtered with an 11-point filter (Trenberth 1984),
and the first and last 6 months are omitted to remove possible endpoint
FIG. 2. NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (contours) and ICOADS/NCEP marine
real-time (shading) SLP anomalies regressed onto standardized (D+T)
(contour and shading intervals of 0.25 hPa per one standard
deviation of the index), based on unfiltered monthly data for
1950-2002. The reanalysis data are 2.5 degree latitude-longitude
resolution. The ICOADS (NCEP marine real-time) data span 1950-97
(1998-2002), and the original anomalies at 2 degree latitude-longitude
resolution have been averaged into 4 by 6 degree latitude-longitude
to reduce the noisiness.
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