Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions for registering and using Energinet.dks R&D Application Portal. The user must read
and accept these terms and conditions.
Access and user registration
This R&D Application Portal is intended for handling the official communication between
the ForskEL administration (including administrative officers) and the project
administrator as well as external reviewers.
Access to the R&D Application Portal, including the possibility of creating applications, will
only be granted to project administrators of projects for which funding is requested from
schemes managed by Energinet.dk.
The user must state the necessary correct and current information in connection with
signing up for this service. The user must maintain and immediately update the
information to ensure that it is always correct and up to date. If a user states information
which is false, imprecise, incomplete or no longer up to date, or if Energinet.dk has
reasonable grounds to assume that the information in a user profile is false, imprecise,
incomplete or no longer up to date, Energinet.dk is entitled to block or cancel said user’s
account and refuse any current or future use of this service.
Handling of passwords
Passwords issued are personal and must not be passed on to any other party.
The user must store user name and password safely and immediately notify the
ForskEL administration in case of suspicion of unauthorised use of access information.
Project application
Electronic project applications are legally binding, and the company, to which the person
responsible for the project belongs, as well as the other project participants confirm via
the application that they are willing to accept the responsibility of implementing the
Creation and submission of an application requires that the user has read and accepted
the rules for applications under the ForskEL programme.
Project room
For the purpose of communication with project partners for example or other members of
the project manager’s organisation, Energinet.dk will make project rooms available,
containing (among other things) document libraries and discussion forums.
A project room for each application will automatic be established with the generation of
any new application.
The project administrator is established as the administrator of the project room and can
then invite other participants.
In the project space, documents can be uploaded and discussions can be held in the
discussion forums.
The project rooms are an offer made available by Energinet.dk for the purpose of
alleviating the project management and coordination work of applicants.
Terms and conditions
The use of project rooms is optional and has no impact on the assessment of project
applications submitted.
The project administrator is responsible for ensuring that the project space is not used for
illegal purposes and that the content (in the form of discussions and uploaded material) is
not illegal or harmful to others.
Illegal material includes:
Content which is illegal, harmful, threatening, insulting, harassing, unlawful,
defamatory, vulgar, obscene, slanderous, in violation of privacy, hateful or
reprehensible from a racial, ethnic or other view.
Content which infringes on the patents, trade marks, trade secrets, copyright or other
rights of any other party.
Material containing program virus or other computer codes, files or programs
intended to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of computer
software, computer hardware or telecommunication equipment.
Users of project rooms must possess the rights to any material uploaded.
ForskEL and Energinet.dk will not gain ownership of the material and will not assess it.
Energinet.dk is not obligated to monitor the project rooms, but users must accept that
the project spaces may be monitored by Energinet.dk in order to prevent misuse and
shut down unused project spaces.
Project spaces deemed to be unused will be shut down after advance notification in the
form of an email to the project administrator.
Project spaces found to be used for illegal purposes will be shut down without warning
and may be reported to the proper authorities.
Monitoring will only be performed by website administrators from Energinet.dk’s
department of IT and infrastructure.
Administrative officers and reviewers will not have access to view material in the project
rooms allocated to applicants.
The evaluation of applications will only be based on the official project application and
appendices uploaded and submitted to the ForskEL administration via the applications
project site as well as information stated in the on-line data sheet form.
The use of the above facilities takes place at the user’s own responsibility, and Energinet.dk
shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, including loss of data or similar which may
arise as a consequence of using said facilities, and no claims for compensation can be made
against Energinet.dk as a consequence of operational disturbances, lack of updating of the
website or similar.