EU - Safety Data Sheet - Aluminium Scrap

EU - Safety Information Sheet - Aluminium Scrap
Note 1: This Safety Information is applicable to Aluminium Scrap irrespective whether it is classified
as waste or product. As waste this Safety Information is only applicable to scrap classified as nonhazardous waste, as product the aforementioned non-hazardous waste would have met the conditions
set out in the Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November
2008 on waste [OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p.11.] particularly condition Art.6(1)(d) which requires that "the
use of the substance or object will not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts."
and the criteria set out in any related Commission Decision to be End-of-Waste.
Note 2: This Safety Information is applicable to Aluminium Scrap sorting, mechanical processing,
transport and thermal processing in a metal works. Smelters, re-melters, refiners or foundries may, in
compliance with applicable legislation, provide their own Safety Information Sheets for the castings,
ingots, sheets or coils produce.
Note 3: Regarding requests for Registration numbers, where a Safety Data Sheet is not required,
recyclers need only supply REACh Registration numbers if they are available.
Reference: Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACh) Article 32 explains the duty to communicate
information down the supply chain for substances on their own or in preparations for which a safety
data sheet is not required and demands that "Any supplier of a substance on its own or in a preparation
who does not have to supply a safety data sheet in accordance with Article 31 shall provide the
recipient with the following information:" inter alia "(a) the registration number(s) referred to in Article
20(3), if available, for any substances for which information is communicated under points (b), (c) or
(d) of this paragraph".
1. identification of the substance/preparation and of the
Date of Safety Information: February 2009
Identification of the substance or preparation: Aluminium Scrap
Chemical Formula, main constituent: Al
EC# : 231-072-3
CAS# : 7429-90-5
Molecular Formula : Al
Molecular Weight: 26.98
Percent: 70 – 100 %
Use of the substance/preparation
Use: Smelting/ Melting / Refining in Metalworks
Identification of the company: xxx
Emergency telephone number: xxx
Website of the company: xxx
Department of Safety: xxx
2. hazards identification;
Under normal handling conditions the solid metal scrap presents no significant health
Wet material should never be charged into a molten metal bath. Eye protection
should be used when cutting, grinding, machining or buffing product. Eye protection
should also be used with any other process that generates dust, fumes or chips.
Wash hands thoroughly after use, especially before eating.
Emergency Overview : Solid, odourless. Non-combustible as supplied.
Potential Health Effects: The following statements summarize the health effects
generally expected in cases of overexposures.
Skin: In typical uses not relevant. Dust or fume from processing can cause irritation.
Symptoms include redness, and itching.
Eyes: In typical uses not relevant. Small particles in the eyes may cause irritation,
discoloration, and damage. Dust or fume from processing can cause irritation.
Inhalation: In typical uses not relevant. Health effect from mechanical processing
(e.g. cutting, grinding, shredding..) and dust and fumes can cause irritation of the
upper respiratory tract, congestion of nasal mucous membranes, ulceration and
perforation of the nasal septum, and pharyngeal congestion. Inhalation of metal
fumes may give rise to metal fume fever (high temperature, metallic taste, nausea,
coughing, general weakness, muscle aches, and exhaustion). Limit values have to
be regarded.
Environment: Spill Procedures : Product is a non-hazardous solid. No special
precautions are required for spills of bulk material. Scrap metal can be reclaimed for
reuse. Follow regulations regarding disposal.
The product consists of metal which fully encapsulates all components.
Contamination is therefore likely to be minimal. Health effects from acute
overexposure can cause nausea, fever, chills, shortness of breath and malaise
(metal fume fever).
Carcinogenicity and Reproductive Hazard: Product as shipped: Does not present any
persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic or very persistent and very bioaccumulative
hazard. Dust and fume from mechanical processing can present a hazard
(depending on metal alloy content).
Medical Conditions Aggravated By Exposure to Product, Components or Compounds
Formed During Processing: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or impaired liver,
kidney, or pulmonary function. Asthma and chronic lung disease will be aggravated
by dust or fume from processing.
3. composition/information on ingredients;
Scrap metal comprises sorted and if commercially beneficial processed metal pieces
of the same alloy family, for example aluminium wrought alloys, or aluminium cast
alloys. The following alloys may be present in a consignment of scrap metal.
Wrought alloys
1000 series Al >99.0
2000 series Al >80, <1 Fe 2-6 Cu 0-1.5 Mg <1 Ni <1 Bi <1 Pb
3000 series
4000 series
5000 series
6000 series
7000 series
8000 series
Al >90, <1 Mn <1 Mg
Al >80, <12 Si
Al >90, <1 Mn 1-6 Mg <1 Cr
Al >90, <1 Si <1 Cu <1 Mn <1 Mg
Al >90, <1 Mg <5 Zn
Cast alloy families with generic chemical analysis
Al >80, <3 Cu <12 Si <1 Fe <2 Zn
Al >80, <4 Cu <6 Si
Al >80, <6 Mg <1 Si
Al >80, <13 Si <1 Fe
Al >80, <1 Mg <13 Si
Al >80, <11 Cu <1 Mg <3 Si
Al >80, <2 Cu <2 Mg <13 Si <1 Fe
Al >80, <2 Cu <1 Mg <6 Si
Al >80, <1 Cu <13 Si <1 Fe
Al >80, <5 Cu <7 Si <1 Fe <1 Mn
Al >80, <4 Cu <6 Si <1 Mn
Al >80, <4 Cu <10 Si <1.3 Fe
Al >80, <1 Mg <8 Si
Al >80, <4 Cu <2 Mg <11 Si <1.2 Fe
Al >80, <3 Cu <8 Si <1 Mn
Al >70, <2 Cu <2 Mg <20 Si <1.5 Ni <1 Cr <1 Co
Al >70, <2 Cu <2 Mg <25 Si <1.3 Ni <1 Cr <1 Co
Al >70, <5 Cu <1 Mg <18 Si <1.2 Fe <1 Mn
Al >80, <1 Mg <6 Zn <1 Cr
Note: Ni and Pb may be present as a trace element at a little over 0.1% in most
alloys, when not intentionally added.
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Component information: Percentages of each constituent will vary with the alloy mix.
Unless the alloy mix is known, the processor and metalworks should assume that all
potential ingredients are present.
4. first-aid measures;
First Aid: Eyes
In typical uses not relevant. Dust or fume from processing: Flush eyes with plenty
water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician.
First Aid: Ingestion:
Ingestion of significant amounts of metals are unlikely. Seek medical help if large
quantities are ingested.
First Aid: Skin
In typical uses not relevant. Dust or fume from processing: Wash skin with soap and
water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician if irritations persists.
First Aid: Inhalation:
In typical uses not relevant. Dust or fume from processing: Remove to fresh air. If
unconscious or severely injured, check for clear airway, breathing and presence of
pulse. Consult a physician
5. fire-fighting measures;
Solid scrap metal does not present a significant fire hazard under normal handling and
storage conditions. Very finely divided particles may burn in air. Metal may react
with acids, bases or oxidizers.
Extinguishing Media: Use carbon dioxide, dry chemical extinguishing agents or dry
sand. Do not use halogenated fire extinguishers. Do not use water as an extinguishing
agent around molten metal as water reacts violently with molten metal.
Fire fighting equipment: Use approved breathing apparatus, flame resistant clothing;
hats, boots and gloves.
Fire and Explosion Hazards: Fresh, very finely ground metal may be pyrophoric. Dust
is moderately flammable or explosive by heat, flame or chemical reaction with
powerful oxidizers, metal oxides, acids, salts, bases. Exothermic reaction with water
and finely divided powder possible with flammable gas evolution.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Molten metal may react violently with water.
Fine particles, dust, or fumes may be flammable or explosive.
6. accidental release measures;
When dealing with finely divided powder or dust wear appropriate respiratory and
protective equipment. Isolate spill area, provide ventilation and vacuum up spill and
place recovered material in a closed container for proper disposal. Take care not to
raise dust. Use non-sparking tools.
For bulk material, if light, collect or sweep up and containerize for reclamation or
disposal. For heavy bulk material use mechanical handling equipment to collect and
Dispose of in accordance with regulations.
7. handling and storage;
Handling and Storage: Product should be kept dry. Avoid generating dust. Avoid
contact with sharp edges.
Requirements for Processes which Generates Dusts and Fines: If processing of
these products includes operations where dust or extremely fine particulate is
generated, obtain and follow the safety procedures and equipment guides. Provide
grounding and bonding where necessary to prevent accumulation of static charges
during dust handling and transfer operations.
Packaging: Steel bonds and steel wires.
Other precautions: Do not storage product near by acidic or oxidizing material.
8. exposure controls/personal protection;
Bulk Scrap Material does not present a significant health hazard under normal
handling and storage conditions. Minimise manual handling wherever possible. Use
good housekeeping and sanitation practices.
Typically no special protection is required during use of the product beyond that
required for the process operation being employed.
Ventilation System:
A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee
exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally
preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source,
preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Handle finely divided powders
in a controlled environment and use a high efficiency particle respirator if exposed to
Skin Protection:
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Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or
coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact.
Personal protective Equipment:
Respiratory protection: In typical uses not relevant.
Eye protection: Wear safety glasses/goggles/visor as appropriate to avoid eye injury.
Skin protection: Wear cut resistant and impervious gloves to avoid repeated or
prolonged skin contact with residual oils and to avoid any skin injury.
Other precautions: In typical uses not relevant.
Exposure Guidelines which may be relevant during Processing (Welding, Cutting,
For dust: VME: 5 mg/m3, TRGS 900: 10 mg/m3, VLA-ED: 10mg/m3
For iron: Iron-Oxide during welding, exposure limits for Fe203 (as Fe-ExposureLimit)
VLA-ED: 5 mg/m3, VME: 5mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 5mg/m3, VEMP: 5mg/m3;
TWAEV: 5mg/m3, OEL-TWA: 5mg/m3, VMES: 3mg/m3, MAKJ: 6mg/m3
For Aluminium (7429-90-5):
VLA-ED: 5mg/m3, VMES: 3mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 5mg/m3; VEMP: 5mg/m3;
TWAEV: 5mg/m3, OEL-TWA: 5mg/m3, OEL-STEL: 10mg/m3; VLA-ED: 5mg/m3;
VMES: 3mg/m3; VLES: 24mg/m3; MAKT: 6mg/m3; MAKK: 30mg/m3.
For Silicon (7440-21-3):
VME: 10mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 10mg/m3; VEMP: 10mg/m3; TWAEV: 10mg/m3,
VLA-ED: 10E,4R mg/m3; OEL-TWA: 5R/10(total) mg/m3, VMES: 3mg/m3
For Copper (7440-50-8):
VME: 1mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 1mg/m3; VLA-ED: 1mg/m3; VLE: 2mg/m3; VEMP:
1mg/m3; OEL-TWA: 1mg/m3; TWA-EV: 1mg/m3; OEL-STEL: 2mg/m3.
Copper Fume:
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) - 0.1 mg/m3 (TWA) - ACGIH Threshold
Limit Value (TLV) - 0.2 mg/m3 (TWA)
For Iron oxide 1309-37-1):
VLA-ED: 5mg/m3, VME: 5mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 5mg/m3; VEMP: 5mg/m3;
TWAEV: 5mg/m3, OEL-TWA: 5mg/m3, VMES: 3mg/m3; MAKJ: 6mg/m3
For Manganese (7439-96-5):
VLA-ED: 0,2mg/m3, VME: 1mg/m3, TLV-TWA: 0,2mg/m3; AGW: 0,5Emg/m3;
VEMP: 1mg/m3; TWAEV: 0,2 mg/m3, OEL-TWA: 1mg/m3; VECD: 3mg/m3; VLAED: 0,2mg/m3; OEL-STEL: 3mg/m3; VMES: 0,5i mg/m3; MAKK: 2Emg/m3
For Vanadium (7440-62-2):
VME: 0,05mg/m3, AGW: 0,05Amg/m3; TLV-TWA: 0,05mg/m3; VLA-ED:
0,05Rmg/m3; VEMP: 0,05Rmg/m3; NIC-TLV: 0,01Emg/m3; TWAEV: 0,05mg/m3,
OEL-STEL: 0,15mg/m3, VMES: 0,05Amg/m3; MAKT: 0,06Amg/m3; MAKK:
AGW: Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert – Germany since 2006
MAKJ: Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration Jahresmittelwert - Austria
MAKK: Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration Kurzzeitwert - Austria
MAKT: Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration Tagesmittelwert - Austria
OEL-TWA: Occupational Exposure Limit –Time Weighted Average - Alberta
OEL-STEL: Occupational Exposure Limit – Short Term Exposure- Ontario
TLV-TWA: Threshold Limit Value - Time Weighted Average - USA
TRGS 900: Technische Regel Gefahrstoffe 900- Germany
TWAEV: Time Weighted Average Exposure Value - Ontario
VECD: Valeur d´Exposition de Courte Duree- Quebec
VEMP: Valeur d´Exposition Moyenne Ponderee - Quebec
VLA-ED: Valor Limite Ambiental Exposicion Diana - Spain
VLE: Valeur Limite d´Exposition - France
VLES: Kurzzeitgrenzwert - Switzerland
VME: Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration - Switzerland
VMES: Valeur Moyenne d´Exposition - France
9. physical and chemical properties;
Melting Point: 660.1 Deg. C
Boiling Point: 2476 Deg. C
Solubility in H2O: Insoluble.
Appearance and Odor: Silvery-white, metallic element, no odor.
Specific Gravity: 2.699 g/cc
10. stability and reactivity;
Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use and storage.
Hazardous decomposition products: metal oxide fumes. Gas evolution when exposed
to acid.
Incompatibilities / Conditions to Avoid: Avoid dispersion of dust in air, may be
flammable or explosive. Avoid contact with strong Oxidizing agents, halogens,
alkalis, acids, bases
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11. toxicological information;
Chronic toxicity: In typical uses not relevant.
Comments: If paints and coatings have been applied to this material, fumes and dusts
produced by mechanical or thermally disturbing the coating could result in illnesses.
Health effects
Inhalation: In typical uses not relevant. Do not exceed exposure limits relevant during
Eyes contact: In typical uses not relevant.
Skin contact: In typical uses not relevant.
Ingestion: In typical uses not relevant.
12. ecological information;
Available data on this metal does not indicate any undue hazard to the environment
under anticipated transport from the exit of the scrap yard, storage and use at metal
works operated in an environmentally sound manner.
13. disposal considerations;
This Scrap metal is prepared especially for Recycling. This scrap metal is a nonrenewable resource that should always be recycled.
Other than storage pending recycling, other Waste Treatment operations are not
acceptable under normal conditions.
14. transport information;
Solid scrap metal may be transported in most any convenient and robust container
when in small quantities. Drums, big bags, or loose in a container, or loose in bulk
transport by road, rail, inland-waterway or on high seas.
Personnel should not enter closed containers or poorly ventilated areas as oxygen
may be depleted in particular by finely divided and wet metal scrap.
15. regulatory information;
Solid Metal Scrap is non-hazardous, fine particles of aluminium powder would not be
expected to be present in quantity.
Classification and Labelling Information:
Annex I Index# (1) : 013-001-00-6
Substance Name in Annex 1 : + Aluminium powder (pyrophoric)
Classification : F; R15-17
Risk Phrases : + R15 : Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases.
: + R17 : Spontaneously flammable in air.
Safety Phrases
: + S2 : Keep out of the reach of children.
: + S7/8 : Keep container tightly closed and dry.
: + S43 : In case of fire, Never use water.
Symbol(s) and Indication(s) of Danger : + F : Highly flammable
Specific Concentration Limit(s) : Not available
Annex I Index# (2) : 013-002-00-1
Substance Name in Annex 1 : + Aluminium powder (stabilised)
Classification : F; R11-15
Risk Phrases : + R11 : Highly flammable.
: + R15 : Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases.
Safety Phrases : + S2 : Keep out of the reach of children.
: + S7/8 : Keep container tightly closed and dry.
: + S43 : In case of fire, Never use water.
Symbol(s) and Indication(s) of Danger : + F : Highly flammable
Specific Concentration Limit(s) : Not available
16. other information.
Product is used for recycling in metal works such as smelters, re-melters, refiners or
foundries to produce castings, ingots, sheets or coils.
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