Regulation on Principles of Transfer Between Associate Degree and

April 24, 2010, Saturday
Number: 27561
Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles required
to be followed by the undergraduate and associate degree students for undergraduate transfer between
the undergraduate programmes under the structure of the faculties, higher schools, conservatories or
vocational higher schools at the higher education institutions or to the equivalent undergraduate
programmes at the other higher education institutions, and double major, minor and credit transfer
between the higher education institutions.
ARTICLE 2- (1) This Regulation covers provisions related to all kinds of undergraduate transfer,
double major and minor programmes and credit transfer among the associate degree and
undergraduate programmes at the higher education institutions.
ARTICLE 3- (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of Sub-paragraph e of Paragraph 1
of Article 7 of the Law on Higher Education numbered 2547.
ARTICLE 4- (1) Under the Regulation,
a) Double Major Programme: shall mean the programme which enables the students, who meet
the success requirement and the other requirements, to take courses simultaneously in two
graduate programmes of the same higher education institution and to get two separate
b) Exchange Programme: shall mean the programme which provides for the students, who are
enrolled at one of two domestic or foreign higher education institutions, to have short term
education at another institution and for the courses, taken from an institution, to be recognized
as equivalent at the other higher education institution, within the framework of the
protocol drawn up between the two domestic or foreign higher education institutions.
c) Graduate Programme: shall mean the higher education programmes where the faculties,
higher schools, conservatories, vocational higher schools or departments draw up associate
degree and undergraduate diplomas to the students who meet the determined qualifications,
d) Level: shall mean each of the associate degree or undergraduate programmes,
e) Equivalent Undergraduate Programme: shall mean the undergraduate programmes of which
names are the same or of which at least eighty percent of contents is determined by the
relevant Boards of Directors to be the same,
f) Different Types of Point: shall mean the seven types of point, including Quantitative (SAY)
Type of Point (YGS -1 and YGS -2), Verbal (SOZ) Type of Point (YGS -3 and YGS -4),
Equiponderant (EA) Type of Point (YGS -5 and YGS -6), Math-Science (MF) Type of Point,
Turkish-Math (TM) Type of Point, Turkish-Social Sciences (TS) Type of Point, Foreign
Language (DIL) Type of Point as from 2010; and the seven types of point, including EA-1,
SAY-1, SOZ-1, EA-2, SAY-2, SOZ-2 and DIL, and the equivalent of SAY-1 to SAY Type of
Point, of SOZ-1 to SOZ Type of Point, of EA-1 to EA Type of Point, of SAY-2 to MathScience Type of Point, of EA-2 to Turkish-Math Type of Point, of SOZ-2 to Turkish-Social
Sciences Type of Point, of DIL to Foreign Language Type of Point among these types of
point in and before 2009 by considering the tests, which are availed of for calculating the
points used in the placement of the higher education programmes in the Student Selection and
Placement system.
g) Grade point average: shall mean the point average weighted according to the credits of all
courses, excluding the preparatory year, the student has taken until the semester in which
he/she wishes to be transferred that the they want to transfer,
h) Related board of directors: shall mean the faculty board of directors in the faculties at the
higher education institutions, the higher school board of directors at the higher schools,
conservatory board of directors at the conservatories, the vocational higher school board of
directors at the vocational higher schools,
i) Adaptation programme: shall mean the programme which is made up of the additional courses
and practices for purposes of complying with the curriculum of the transferred undergraduate
programme in case of transfer between the undergraduate programmes,
j) Quota: The number of students which is set and announced in advance,
k) Internal undergraduate transfer: shall mean a student’s transfer to other equivalent
undergraduate programmes at the same higher education institution he/she is enrolled,
l) Inter-institutional undergraduate transfer: shall mean the transfer from a university, a higher
technology institution or a vocational higher school founded by a foundation without being
affiliated to a university to another equivalent university, higher technology institution or
independent vocational higher school founded by a foundation,
m) Transcript: shall mean the document on which the names, credits and final grades of the
courses taken within the period of study are altogether written.
n) Common programme: The programme which is composed of the courses that the students,
who are accepted to a faculty, a higher school or a vocational higher school, take at the same
higher education institution before being transferred to an associate degree or an
undergraduate programme,
o) International common undergraduate programme: shall mean the international common
education programme conducted by the higher education institutions in the associate degree
or undergraduate programmes by establishing cooperation with the higher education
institutions and other organisations abroad,
p) Base point: shall mean the entrance point of the lowest scored student placed with a central
exam by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM) at an undergraduate
programme of a higher education institution,
q) Minor programme: shall mean the programme which enables a student enrolled in an
undergraduate programme to receive a document not standing for a diploma (minor
programme certificate) through taking limited number of courses towards a specific subject
within the scope of another undergraduate programme at the same higher education
institution, provided that he/she fulfils the stipulated conditions,
r) Undergraduate transfer: shall mean a student enrolled at a higher education institution student
to be entitled to continue studying in other equivalent undergraduate programmes within the
framework of the principles in this Regulation,
s) Higher Education Student Database (YOKSIS): shall mean the central database in which the
information of the students studying at any associate degree, undergraduate and postgraduate
programmes at all higher education institutions are kept within the structure of the Council of
Higher Education.
General Principles
ARTICLE 5- (1)Transfers between the undergraduate programmes of the different higher education
institutions or between the undergraduate programmes at the same higher education institution may
only be made within the framework of the numbers and transfer conditions announced in advance.
For the placements made by OSYM, quota limitation shall not be applied for the
undergraduate transfers to the undergraduate programmes having no quota limitation.
ARTICLE 6- (1) Undergraduate transfers may not be made in the first semester and the last semester
of the associate degree programmes, in the first two semesters and the last two semesters of the
undergraduate programmes.
Undergraduate transfers without any quota limitation may be made from daytime education to
evening education in the same undergraduate programme at the same higher education institution.
However, those students transferred to second education undergraduate programmes shall pay a fee of
evening education.
Undergraduate transfers from the evening education undergraduate programmes at the higher
education institutions can only be made to the evening education undergraduate programmes.
However, those students, who have passed to an upper grade by ranking in the first 10% of their class
as regards achievement, from the evening education undergraduate programmes may realise
undergraduate transfer to the daytime education undergraduate programmes on quota-available basis.
Undergraduate transfers may be made from one open or distance education undergraduate
programme to another one. In order to be transferred from open and distance education programmes
to formal education undergraduate programmes, the student’s grade point average in the programme
where he/she studies shall be required to be 80 or over out of 100 or his/her central placement point in
the year of his/her enrolment shall be required to be equal to or higher than the base point, in the year
of enrolment, of the undergraduate programme of the university that he/she wishes to be transferred.
Undergraduate transfers may be made from the daytime or evening education undergraduate
programmes to the open or distance education undergraduate programmes.
Application and Evaluation
ARTICLE 7- (1) Applications for undergraduate transfers between the undergraduate programmes
shall be made only within the period announced.
The criteria to be used for evaluation of the undergraduate transfer applications and the
minimum conditions needed for undergraduate transfer shall be determined by the university senates.
The commissions formed by the relevant board of directors shall make the preliminary
evaluation regarding the applications, within the framework of the principles determined by the
senate. The applications shall be evaluated according to the criteria determined by the university
senate in consideration of the candidates’ grade point averages, central placement points for transfer
to the programmes of different types of point and success in the common courses of the programme
they wish to be transferred, if any, and the transfer shall be ensured according to the allocated quota.
Procedure of transfer placement to bachelor degree programmes is made on the decision of
relevant board of directors of higher education institutions.
Enrolment freeze shall not pose an obstacle for benefiting from the right of undergraduate
For the conversion of the final grades received according to four-point grading system to
hundred-point grading system or vice versa, the conversion tables determined by the Executive Board
of Higher Education or the equivalents made up by the universities may be used. The method of
equivalent to be applied shall be determined by the senate of the university.
Announcement of the Results and Adaptation Programme
ARTICLE 8 – (1) The evaluation results of the applicants for undergraduate transfer to each
undergraduate programme shall announced on the web page of the relevant higher education
institution. The decision about those entitled to undergraduate transfer shall be notified to them in
In case there is sufficient number of candidates satisfying the success criterion, substitute
candidates shall be announced as many as the number of quota. In case no application is filed from the
principal candidates within the determined period, the substitutes shall be invited in turn.
By considering the courses taken by the student in the previous semesters and those of the
programme to which he/she is transferred, the relevant commissions shall determine in which
semester or grade he/she will be adapted, according to the principles determined by the senate;
determine an adaptation programme consisting of the additional courses, if any, required to be taken
by him/her and the courses he/she is required to be exempted from.
The new status of the students transferred under this Regulation shall be processed in the
higher education student database (YOKSIS) by the Student Affairs Department Directorate no later
than within 15 days after registration procedure is completed and transfer and adaptation procedures
are finalised.
Undergraduate Transfer between Internal Programmes
Internal undergraduate transfer quotas and base point requirement
ARTICLE 9 – (1) Undergraduate transfer may be made within the quotas set by the relevant board of
directors to the equivalent undergraduate programmes within the own structure of a faculty, a higher
school, a conservatory or a vocational higher school or within the structure of another faculty, higher
school, conservatory or vocational higher school.
In which periods and to which degree programmes the quota of under-graduate transfer
between intra-institutional programmes is going to be stated is determined by the relevant board of
directors in a way that would start from the second and include the fifth semesters and without
exceeding the fifteen percent of the annually announced student quota that is foreseen in OSYM
guidebook. Students who are studying at a department in foundation universities with a scholarship
are considered to have renounced their rights when they take intra-institutional transfer. In higher
education institutions where there is the procedure of transferring to degree programmes after the
common programme, the quota determined by the senate is the basis for these degree programmes.
In company with the last four years’ base points of the relevant degree programme and if
available, the clauses determined by the senate about under-graduate transfer between intrainstitutional programmes the quota of under-graduate transfer between intra-institutional programmes
are announced on the institution’s web page at least 15 days before the deadline of the application.
Programme’s intra-institutional quotas can be determined separately for the degree
programmes which are in same faculty, college, conservatory or the programmes within the
vocational school and the degree programmes which are within other faculties, colleges,
conservatories or degree programmes within the vocational schools.
For undergraduate transfer application between the intra-institutional degree programmes
which are at the same level but accept students with various central placement scores it is essential
that the student’s score that he got from the central exam and the shouldn’t be less than the lowest
base score starting from the year he took the exam and related to the equivalent intra-state degree
programmes that he applies to transfer.
For undergraduate transfer application between the intra-institutional degree programmes
which admit students using an aptitude test it is required to succeed in aptitude test apart from other
Transfer from common programmes to degree programmes
ARTICLE 10 – (1) The quota for the students placed at the common programme want to transfer into
a degree programme is determined a week before the registration period the latest by the senate in a
way that the quota for each degree programme is not less than thirty.
To be able to transfer into degree programmes, each student who completed the common
programme successfully are asked to make a number of choices in accordance with the number of
degree programmes in the common programme.
In higher education institutions which there is the procedure the common programme prior to
degree programmes, students who completed the programme successfully are placed in degree
programmes that are foreseen in OSYM guidebook for the common programmes they were placed
through a central or aptitude test, by accepting the score which is calculated by average of students’
grade point average in the common programme and their central placement score as the basis. On
condition that the applicants have the same score, the one who has the higher placement score is of
first priority. The university senate determines which of these criteria to be carried out.
Before the diploma programme selection, the time that is spent apart from the preparatory
class is included in the study period.
The transfer to diploma programmes accepting candidates with different field scores can be
possible for candidates’ who placed in the common programme with a field score, depending on the
provisions of the regulations related to intra-institutional under- graduate transfer.
Undergraduate Transfer between Inter-institutional Programmes
Undergraduate Transfer between Inter-institutional Programmes
ARTICLE 11 – (1) Undergraduate transfer between inter-institutional programmes is carried out
between higher education institutions’ equivalent programmes and depending on the quota announced
by the Council of Higher Education.
For undergraduate transfer between inter-institutional programmes, it is necessary for students
to have a score of 60 out of 100 in each semester of the programme they are enrolled.
The students who do not meet the requirements of the second subsection but whose central
placement score is enough or more than necessary for the programme they want to transfer can apply
for the under-graduate transfer. These applications are evaluated only after the placement of the
students who meet the requirements of the second subsection has been finished and if there are
vacancies in the quota.
Higher education institutions’ quota and schedule for application and evaluation processes for
under-graduate transfer are announced on the website of Higher Education Council.
In programmes that give associate degree, the quota and schedule for application and
evaluation processes for under-graduate transfer are announced in January for the second semester
and in July for the third semester.
6) In programmes that give under-graduate degree, for students of second and third grades of four
years’ ones second, third and fourth grades of five years’ ones and second, third, fourth and fifth
grades of six years’ ones the quota and schedule for application and evaluation processes for undergraduate transfer are announced in July.
Every year on a regular basis, for second, third, fourth and fifth grade students, interinstitutional under-graduate transfer quotas are determined by Higher Education Council on a basis
that two quotas where the degree programmes’ OSYM general entrance quota is 50 or less than 50;
three where the number is between 51 and 100 and four where the number is 101 or more. However,
The related board of directors in faculties, colleges, vocational schools can determine additional
quotas without exceeding the difference in the number of the students to have already left or been
discharged from the programme and the ones who placed in the programmes in this semester through
the under-graduate transfer programme. In the event of determining the additional quota, the quota
should be reported to the Higher Education Council on 30 June until the end of the business day the
latest. As for the additional quota for associate degree programmes to be practised in second semester
are to be reported to the Council of Higher Education on December 31 until the end of the business
day the latest.
For transfer to higher education institutions where the courses are given in a foreign language
partially or totally, it is required to be successful in the proficiency exam of the institution or during
the application process to submit a document showing that the candidate has the score determined as
required by the institution.
The students who want to transfer to open-plan or distance education programmes in which
there is no quota limit apply to the related higher education institution on the last day of the first week
in September until the end of the business day the latest.
The transfer students are exempt from the courses they have taken in their previous diploma
programme and their grade point averages are determined according to the courses they take from the
higher education institution where they completed the diploma programme.
ARTICLE 12 – (1) The results of the inter-institutional undergraduate transfer evaluation shall be
announced on the website of the related higher education institution in a way that includes the names
and scored of all candidates whose application are valid.
Pre-evaluation shall be carried out by the committees formed by the related board of directors
and it depends on the basis that the university senate determined. Applications are evaluated looking
at the candidates’ grade point averages and depending on the basis determined by the university
senate, then the transfer is performed on the basis on the quota.
Principal and substitute candidates shall be determined in the event of having applications that
meet the requirements. Instead of the principal candidates who do not apply in the given time on the
schedule, the spare candidates’ applications are assessed. The adjustment programmes of the students
who get the right to transfer are planned in a way that would enable these students start the new
academic semester with other students.
Undergraduate Transfer from Other Higher Education Institutions
ARTICLE 13 - (1) The students, who are continuing their associate or under-graduate degree in
higher education institutions related to Turkish Armed Forces and Turkish National Police Academy,
can transfer to other higher education institutions depending on the related provisions of the issue
given in their institutions’ own regulations.
The ones who are discharged from these institutions due to the activities lack of academic
success or indiscipline stated in the 10th item of Higher Education Institutions Student Discipline
Regulation and published in Official Journal which is issued in 13/ 1/ 1985 and numbered 18634,
cannot apply for the transfer.
If the students described in the first subsection are discharged from these institutions not
because of the reasons given in second sub-section, they can apply for the transfer other higher
education institutions after two years following their being discharged. These applications are
evaluated according to intra-institution under-graduate transfer.
Undergraduate Transfer from Foreign Higher Education Institutions to Domestic Higher
Education Institutions
ARTICLE 14 - (1) The quota for the transfer from the foreign institutions can be determined by
universities’ senates. In the event of determining a quota which will not exceed the half of the quota
for inter-institutional transfer of each programme, the quota and the determined requirements are
reported to Higher Education Council on 30 June until the end of the business day the latest. On the
web page of Higher Education Council, the quotas, the requirements and evaluation schedule of all
higher education institutions are announced.
For undergraduate transfer from foreign higher education institutions to domestic higher
education institutions, students are required to meet the requirements stated in the second subsection
of 12th item in this regulation.
Students from foreign higher education institutions can apply for domestic institutions without
being obliged to have succeeded in all the courses they took on condition that they have the sufficient
base point required for the related grade of the degree programme that they want to transfer. These
kinds of applications are evaluated by the university senate in a way that they are the exception of
foreign institution transfer quota.
In applications for under-graduate transfer from foreign higher education institutions to
domestic higher education institutions it is required that the institution is accepted as one which is
certified to give associate or under-graduate degree and the degree programme that the student got
courses should be accepted as the equivalent of the related domestic degree programme.
In evaluation of the applications of the students to have started their higher education abroad
and want to carry on in domestic institutions, the minimum points of Student Placement Examination
carried out by Student Selection and Placement Centre and the equivalents of this exam and
equivalent points are announced by the Council of Higher Education together with the quota and the
Foreign students
ARTICLE 15 - (1) The quota of the foreign students who are nationals of the foreign countries
determined by the Council of Higher Education shall not be subject to the limitation specified in
Paragraph 1 of Article 14 of this Regulation.
Double Major, Minor and Inter-institutional Credit Transfer
Double major programme
ARTICLE 16 - (1) Double major programmes may be opened between the undergraduate
programmes conducted at the same higher education institution, upon the proposal of the related
departments and faculty boards, with the approval of the senate.
Acceptance of the students to the second major undergraduate programme shall be made upon
the proposal of the related department in which that programme is being conducted and with the
approval of the Faculty Board of Directors.
Enrolment shall not be made in more than one second major undergraduate programme at the
same time. However, it may be enrolled in a second major undergraduate programme and a minor
programme at the same time.
The student in the second major undergraduate programme may realise undergraduate transfer
to the second major undergraduate programme when he/she fulfils the requirements in line with the
provisions for internal transfer in the major undergraduate programme.
Achievement in a talent exam shall also be required for the student acceptance in the double
major undergraduate programme accepting students with the talent exam.
(Amendment: Official Gazette – 16.08.2011 - 28027) The courses required to be taken by the
student in the double major programme and their credits shall be determined upon the proposal of the
related departments and faculty boards, with the approval of the senate, in consideration of the Higher
Education Field Qualifications determined by the Council of Higher Education. The related double
major undergraduate programme should be drawn up so as to enable the student to have the learning
outcomes defined according to the knowledge, skills and competences required to be achieved in
minimum at the end of the programme.
Application period
ARTICLE 17 – (1) The student may apply to the second major undergraduate programme, no earlier
than at the beginning of the third semester of his/her first major undergraduate programme and no
later than at the beginning of the fifth term of his/her first major undergraduate programme.
Those students whose grade point average in the major undergraduate programme at the time
of application is at least 70 out of 100 and who are in the top 20% of the relevant class ranking in the
major undergraduate programme may apply for the second major undergraduate programme.
In order to apply for a double major undergraduate programme, the student shall be required
to successfully complete all courses taken in the first major undergraduate programme until the
semester of application.
In order to graduate from the double major programme, the student’s grade point average
shall be required to be at least 70 out of 100. During the whole double major study, it may drop until
65 out of 100 for once only. The student will be dismissed from the second major undergraduate
programme if his/her grade point average drops below 65 out of 100 for the second time.
The graduation diploma shall be awarded to the student studying the second major
undergraduate programme, only if he/she graduates from the first major undergraduate programme
The courses, which are taken in the first major programme by the student studying in the
double major second undergraduate programme and the equivalence of which are approved, shall be
indicated in the transcript.
The education period of the students who are entitled to graduate from the first major
undergraduate programme, but could not complete the second major undergraduate programme may
be extended for maximum two semesters by the decision of the board of directors of the faculty where
the second major undergraduate programme takes place.
The students, who do not take courses from the double major programme for two consecutive
semesters, shall be dismissed from the second major undergraduate programme.
The evaluation of the courses taken in the second major programme by the students, who have
been dismissed from the double major programme, shall be determined by the senate.
With a Senate decision, new requirements may be introduced in addition to those stated in this
Regulation with respect to the double major programmes and the stipulated minimum final grades
may be increased.
Minor Programme
ARTICLE 18 – (1) The higher education institutions may prepare minor programmes, by
determining their principles and application conditions upon proposal by the related boards of
directors and with approval of the university senate.
Only a document of achievement (minor certificate) shall be drawn up in the field of
education for those who complete the minor programmes. These documents shall not stand for
Quotas of the minor programmes shall be determined by the board of directors deciding to
open the related programme.
The applications shall be evaluated by the relevant board of directors where that programme
is conducted.
Application period
ARTICLE 19 – (1) The student may apply for a minor programme no earlier than at the beginning of
the third semester of the major undergraduate programme and no later than at the beginning of the
fifth semester of the major undergraduate programme.
Those students who have successfully completed all credited courses in the undergraduate
programme take until the semester of application may apply for a minor programme.
The student’s grade point average in the major programme shall be at least 65 out of 100
during the application.
ARTICLE 20 – (1) The student, whose application for a minor programme is accepted, must, within
the scope of the minor programme, take and pass the courses determined by the decision of the senate.
These courses shall be agreed by the related departments and submitted to the approval of the related
faculty boards and the university senate.
In order to study a minor programme, the student’s grade point average in the major
programme must be at least 60 out of 100. The student who cannot fulfil this requirement shall be
dismissed from the minor programme.
An additional period of maximum one semester shall be granted with the decision of the
related board of directors to the students who are entitled to graduate from the major programme, but
could not complete the minor programme.
ARTICLE 21 – (1) The academic standing of a student in the minor programme shall not affect
his/her graduation in the major programme.
A minor programme student may request to withdraw from the programme in any semester of
the education process. The student who has dropped out the minor programme is not allowed to
register for the same minor programme again.
The student, who does not take the courses for two consecutive semesters from the minor
programme, shall be dismissed from this programme.
The evaluation process of the courses taken in the minor program by the students who are
dismissed from the minor program shall be determined by the Senate.
With the Senate decision, new conditions may be introduced in addition to those stated in this
Regulation with respect to the minor programmes and the stipulated minimum final grades may be
Exchange programmes and taking course as a special student
ARTICLE 22 – (1) The credits of the courses or practices taken by the student, who is enrolled at a
higher education institution in Turkey or abroad, from another equivalent higher education institution
as a special student or within the scope of the national and international student exchange programmes
may be accepted in place of the obligations in the enrolled undergraduate programme with the
decision of the related board of directors.
The period spent by the student as a special student and in the exchange programme shall be
included in his/her education period.
The total credits of the courses taken as a special student or by participating in the exchange
programme cannot be more than one third of the total credits of the programme he/she is enrolled in.
The special students or the ones in the exchange programmes shall pay the tuition fee to the
higher education institution programme they are enrolled in.
The students who will attend the summer schools as special students shall pay the summer
school fee to the higher education institution where they take the course.
In order for the students studying in the programmes, where the medium of instruction is
Turkish, to take courses also from the programmes where the medium of instruction is a foreign
language shall be required to certify that their foreign language level is proficient.
Simultaneously studying at the higher education institutions
ARTICLE 23 – (1) Associate degree or undergraduate student enrolment and study cannot be
realised in the same semester in the different higher education institutions providing formal education.
The students enrolled in, or the graduates of, any formal vocational higher school programme
at the higher education institutions may be enrolled in the open education associate degree
programmes which are conducted with the open education system and do not have any quota
limitation, provided that the programmes are different from the associate degree programme in which
they are studying or from which they have graduated.
The students enrolled in, or the graduates of, any formal undergraduate programme of the
higher education institutions may be enrolled in the open education undergraduate or associate degree
programmes which are conducted with the open education system and do not have any quota
limitation, provided that the programmes are different from the undergraduate programme in which
they are studying or from which they have graduated.
The students or graduates of the formal vocational higher school programmes who are also
enrolled in the open education associate degree programmes shall prefer either the open education
associate degree programme or the formal vocational higher school to be graduated, for the
procedures of vertical transfer to the undergraduate programmes.
The military service procedures of the male students who will be enrolled in a formal
education programme as well as an open education programme shall be carried out according to their
status in the formal education. Enrolment of such students in the open education programmes shall not
grant any right related to the military service procedures. The students, who drop out the formal
education programme after enrolment in the open education programme shall benefit from all student
services, including the military service procedures, provided that they certify this status of them.
Special Cases
ARTICLE 24 – (1) In case those assigned to the substantive and permanent public services at the
public institutions and organizations are appointed permanently to another place, themselves and their
dependants may be transferred regardless of quota in each grade or semester, except for the last grade
or the last two semesters, of the equivalent undergraduate programme no later than within one month
as from the beginning of each academic year, provided that their central placement point during
entrance in the undergraduate programme they are enrolled in are higher than the base point, as of the
year of placement, of the undergraduate programme at the higher education institution they will be
transferred at that year.
For the undergraduate transfer from the higher education institutions abroad, in case the
student’s father or mother returns to Turkey due to his/her end of office if he/she is a public officer or
returns permanently if he/she is an employee, studying at least one year, excluding the foreign
language year, and passing all of the final exams are sufficient for the undergraduate transfer
application. The relevant board of directors of the higher education institution with which the
undergraduate transfer application is filed shall consider the students applying through this method,
out of the scope of the international undergraduate transfer quota.
The applications of the children of the foreign diplomats serving in Turkey for the higher
education institutions shall be evaluated by the board of directors of the higher education institution
being applied, regardless of any quota requirement. In case of acceptance of the application, the
required adaptation programme shall be prepared for each student.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
ARTICLE 25 – (1) In order to prevent semester loss by the students who have participated in the
exchange programmes and successfully completed the courses taken at the higher education
institution, a protocol providing for the course adaptation before exchange shall be signed between the
two higher education institutions.
The students who are enrolled in an international common undergraduate programme at a
higher education institution in Turkey and dismissed from the higher education institution abroad due
to academic failure may realise undergraduate transfer to an equivalent undergraduate programme at
his/her own higher education institution or another higher education institution under the transfer
requirements in this Regulation on the basis of their final grades in the higher education in Turkey.
Undergraduate transfers from an international common undergraduate programme to other
international common programmes conducted in the same field within the structure of the same
university or another university, from the international common undergraduate programmes to the
other undergraduate programmes in Turkey or from an undergraduate programme in Turkey to the
international common undergraduate programmes shall be realised according to the provisions of this
In case the students placed in the undergraduate programmes with the vertical transfer fulfil
the requirements of graduation from the undergraduate programmes, their undergraduate grade point
averages shall be calculated via the courses taken in the adaptation programme and the courses taken
from the undergraduate programme.
In case of inter-institutional undergraduate transfer by the special students or the students
participating in the exchange programmes, only their courses accepted at the undergraduate
programmes in which they are enrolled may be transferred.
Repealed regulation
ARTICLE 26 – (1) As of the date of entry into effect of this Regulation, the Regulation Concerning
Principles of Undergraduate Transfer at Levels of Associate Degree and Undergraduate Among
Higher Education Institutions published in the Official Gazette dated 21.10.1982 and numbered 17845
has been repealed.
Double major and minor programmes available
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 – (1) For the double major and minor programmes launched to be
implemented before the effective date of this Regulation, the principles determined by the related
higher education institution at the opening of the programme shall be applied.
ARTICLE 27 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation related to the inter-institutional undergraduate
transfer shall enter into effect on 01.06.2010, the other provisions thereof shall enter into force at the
date of its publication.
ARTICLE 28 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be enforced by the Chairman of the
Council of Higher Education.