Math Unit Template El Rancho Unified School District Topic/Main Idea: MULTIPLE REPRESENATIONS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS Objectives/Concept/Skill (DOK): Students will be investigating connections between the four representations of data: graphs, tables, patterns, and equations. Students will be able to analyze a given situation and create the graph, table, pattern, and equation. CCSS: HSA-CED.A.2 & HSA-REI.D.10 Timeline: 9 DAYS Connections to earlier and next grade levels: PRIOR: Evaluating expressions Graphing linear equations Input/output tables CPM Algebra Connections Chapter 3 FUTURE: Systems of Equations & Inequalities In-depth meaning of y=mx+b (CPM Ch.7) Performance Task/Activity (DOK): Grade 11 Performance Task: Thermometer Crickets: Sound Bit that would be helpful: Helpful Cricket Chirp Calculator: Relevance/Rationale: Multiple representations help students see a problem from different perspectives. SBAC Assessment Item References: Grade 11 Performance Task: Thermometer Crickets: Academic Vocabulary: Growth factor, y=mx+b, slope-intercept form, yintercept, starting point, slope, x-intercept, zero slope, undefined slope Textbook References (i.e., Homework Resources): CPM Algebra Connections (Ch.4), CPM Extra Practice/Parent Guide, Kuta Software website Materials/Manipulatives: Graph paper, pencil, ruler, pencil, CPM resource pages, CPM textbook Mathematical Practices ____ 1. __x_ 2. ____ 3. __x_ 4. Makes sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with Mathematics. ____ 5. __x_ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Explanation: Students must understand the meaning of slope and y-intercept and how it relates to the multiple representations. Confusing such information can give different outcomes. Lesson Topic: LOL (Learning Finding Connections Between Representations We will discover connections between all of the representations of a pattern: a table, a graph, a geometric presentation, and an equation. We will also look at different ways to represent the connections. We will demonstrate our findings through posters. CPM 4-1 HW: 4-2 thru 4-7 Seeing Growth in Different Representations We will write linear algebraic rules relating the figure number of a geometric pattern and its number of tiles. We will identify connections between the growth of a pattern and its linear equation. We will visualize this by color coding our discoveries on our handout. CPM Resource Page 4.1.2 *students must keep for next day’s lesson* .pdf CPM 4-8 thru 4-11 HW 4-13 thru 4-17 Connecting Linear Rules and Graphs Y=mx+b Objective with Language): We will connect linear geometric patterns with patterns in a graph, specifically focusing on how a geometric pattern grows and how the size of figure zero can be determined from information in a graph. We will visualize this by color coding our discoveries on our handout. We will develop new connections between multiple representations of patters and identify rules for these patterns using slope/intercept form of an equation. We will then apply this understanding of m as growth factor (slope) and b as figure zero or the starting point of the pattern (Y-intercept) to write a rule from a graph or table. Resources (Instructional Strategies, Textbook References, etc.): CPM Resource page 4.1.2 .pdf CPM 4-18 through 4-19 HW 4-21 through 4-25 CPM 4-26 through 4-28 HW 4-32 through 4-36 What are the connections We will apply our understanding of growth, figure zero and connections between multiple representations to situations to generate a complete pattern. We will apply our understanding of growth and figure zero to new contexts in order to generate complete representations. CPM 4-37 HW 4-39 through 4-45 and 4-47 through 4-48 CPM 4-49 through 4-52 HW CPM 4-54 through 4-58 Graphing a line without an x->y table We will apply our knowledge of m as growth factor and b as figure zero or the starting value of the pattern to create graphs quickly without using an X->Y table. We will also apply our knowledge of slope and figure zero when given a graph to create a rule without using an X->Y table. Optional resources; Worksheets/ Graphing%20Lines%20in%20SlopeIntercept%20Form.pdf Worksheets/Writing%20Linear%20Equations.pdf Completing the Web – (Optional) We will practice moving from one representation of a pattern to another. We will create a graph, a table and a rule to represent a pattern. CPM 4-59 through 4-61 HW 4-62 through 4-65 Line of Best Fit We will learn how to graph line of best fit. We will collect data and present our findings on graph paper, and the job would be to create the line of best fit. neFit.htm (graphing calculator optional)