Optical properties of small polarons from dynamical mean-field theory S. Fratini Laboratoire d'Etudes des Proprietes Electroniques des Solides - CNRS BP 166, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France S. Ciuchi Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita dell'Aquila, via Vetoio, I-67010 Coppito-L'Aquila, Italy In many classes of compounds, including the crystalline organic semiconductors, the carriers can be strongly coupled to the lattice degrees of freedom, leading to the formation of polarons. Here we study the optical properties of small polarons in the framework of the Holstein model, by applying the dynamical mean-field theory. This approach allows to enlighten important quantitative and qualitative deviations from the standard treatments of small polaron theory, that should be taken into account when interpreting experimental data. In particular, characteristic features emerge in the adiabatic regime (i.e. when the lattice dynamics are slow compared with the electron motion) at intermediate values of the electron-lattice interaction strength, which are distinctive of the polaron crossover, and for which analytical expressions are provided.