NOTES ON OVERLAND FLOW By Ric Soulis, et. al 1.1 Flat CLASS 3.3 Overland flow is generated if the depth of the ponded water goes above a hard-coded limit of 10 cm (in APREP). Excess water is put directly into runoff (in ICEBAL and TMCALC). 1.2 Sloped CLASS 3.3 1.2.1 Definitions B = Area L(iv ) = length of stream segment ‘i' in the grid Q (i ) = flow entering a channel of length L(iv ) from both banks. Dd L(vi ) = Drainage Density B = slope n = Manning’s n S = storage h = height above max ponded water (S = Bh) q* = Manning approximation of the kinematic wave velocity 1.2.2 Derivation Starting with Manning’s equation for the kinematic wave velocity q* 2/3 h n (1) units: LT-1 In the code: Equation (1) is calculated directly to simplify the writing of equations (15) and (29), which are calculated later in the code. Q (i ) is the flow entering a channel of length L(iv ) from both banks. Assuming a stream is not on the grid-square boundary, which doesn’t happen because the grid square is really just an approximation of a mini-sub-watershed, we can assume that two hill-slopes are contributing to the flow entering the channel. Q (i ) q * h L(vi ) 2 velocity area of one 2 banks (2) (area of one bank = area of flux boundary at one bank – a diagram would be useful) units: L3T-1 Substituting (1) into (2) Q (i ) 2 5 / 3 (i ) h Lv n (3) Summing over the channels in the grid, Q Q ( i ) 2 L(vi ) Q 2 Dd B 5/3 h n (4) 5/3 h n (5) Calculating the flow per unit horizontal area qover Q 2 Dd 5 3 h B n (6) (equation 7 in Ric’s article in the 2000 AO paper) Now considering the variation in storage: t1 t1 t0 t0 S t1 St 0 Qdt qover Bdt (7) t1 An explanation of why St1 St0 Qdt to St1 be the storage at the end of time step, t1 , and Sto be the storage at the beginning of time step, t o . Additionally, storage refers to the volume of water on the Let land surface beyond the ponding limit, so Q refers to flow Assumption: because of the model dynamics, we assume that all water (rain, snowmelt) is dumped onto the land surface prior to runoff. Therefore, the storage at the beginning of the time step will always be greater than the storage at the end of the time step. In reality, the flow could be doing a lot of things within a time step. Here are a few options: Qo Q1 Q1 Qo Qo, Q1 to t1 time to Constant flow t1 time to Linear decline t1 time Linear incline Qo Q1 Qo, Q1 to t1 Non-Linear Decline time to t1 time Non-Linear Figure 1: Types of flow The areas under the curves represent how much water constitutes overland flow. Unconstrained overland flow assumes constant flow throughout the time step. Constraining the flow by available water simple limits the overland flow by what is available. Using manning’s approximation of the kinematic wave velocity, we may assume that the flow decreases predictably from the beginning of the time step to the end Qo Predictable curve (Manning approx of Kinematic wave) Q1 to t1 time Figure 2: Manning approximation of a kinematic wave – Predictable curve. The flow cumulated over the time step (which is the area under the curve) represents a decrease in storage. t1 Therefore: St1 St0 Qdt , where the negative sign is because the flow is being to removed from storage. Table 1: an explanation of the evaluation of the storage change in overland flow Getting back to equation (7) t1 t1 t0 t0 S t1 St 0 Qdt qover Bdt (7) Hence dS q over B dt (8) and S qover t 0 Bt S u (unconstrained change in storage) d hB q over B dt (10) (9) dh q over dt S u qu (12) B (unconstrained Manning’s overland flow) (11) 2 Dd 5 3 dh h dt n and (13) h qover t 0 t 2 Dd 5 / 3 h0 t hu (14) n (unconstrained Manning’s overland flow) and h Note that hu qu In the code: Equation (14) can be simplified using equation (1). hu 2 Dd q * h0 t (15) 1.2.3 Unconstrained Flow vs. Constrained Flow Within the model, it is important to constrain the amount of flow that goes to the stream. With unconstrained flow, we assume a constant flow rate throughout the timestep, making it possible to calculate more overland flow than is physically available or possible. Constrained by Available Water There are two ways in which the overland flow can be constrained in this version of sloped CLASS 3.3. The first is that flow is constrained by the available water. Within the code, constraining the flow by the available water is done by using either the amount of water available (h), or the amount of flow calculated (-∆hu). Overland flow = min(h, -∆hu) (16) (constrained by available water) Constrained by Physically Possible Flow Constraining overland flow by physically possible flow requires further manipulation of equation (13). To simplify the manipulation of equation (13), we say that A 2 Dd and b = 5/3 n b dh A h dt (17) dh A dt hb (18) Integrating equation (18) provides 1 1b h At C 1 b (19) 1 1b At h = h0 and t = t0, C h0 At 0 1 b (20) Substituting (20) back into (19) gives 1 1b 1 1b h At h0 At 0 1 b 1 b 1 1b 1 1b h At t 0 h0 1 b 1 b 1 1b h1b 1 b At t 0 h0 1 b h01b At t 0 1 b (21) (22) (23) 1 h h01b At t 0 1 b 1b 1 At t 0 1 b 1b h01b 1 h01b 1 At t 0 1 b 1b h0 1 h01b (24) h h0 h (25) Substituting (23) into (24) gives At t0 1 b h h0 h0 1 h01 b 1 1 b 1 At t0 1 b 1 b h h0 1 1 h01 b 1 At t0 h0b 1 b 1b h h0 1 1 (26) h0 Substituting t t t 0 into equation (25) gives 1 b 1b Ah t 1 b 0 h h0 1 1 h0 Substituting A (27) 2 Dd and b = 5/3 into equation (27) gives n 1 5/3 15 / 3 2 Dd h0 t 1 5 / 3 h h0 1 1 n h0 3 / 2 4 D h 2 / 3 t d 0 h h0 1 1 n 3 3/ 2 1 h h0 1 2/3 4 D h t d 0 1 3 n (28) Equation (28) represents overland flow constrained by physically possible flow. In the code: Equation (28) can be simplified. Normalizing equation (14), the unconstrained Manning’s overland flow, to avoid division by numbers close to zero in the code results in Nhu hu 2 Dd 2 / 3 h0 t h0 n (29) Substituting equation (29) into equation (28) gives: 3/ 2 1 h0 1 1 2 Nhu 3 (30) 1.3 Implementation – Sloped CLASS 3.3 The code for overland flow is implemented directly into WATROF. 1.3.1 Overland flow FORTRAN code C C C C C C C C * * * * * * * DO 100 I=IL1,IL2 IF(FI(I).GT.0.0) THEN IF(ZPOND(I).GT.ZPLIM(I))THEN Calculate the depth of water available for overland flow. Units: L DOVER(I)=ZPOND(I)-ZPLIM(I) C C Calculate the flow velocity at the beginning of the timestep (based on kinematic wave velocity) Units: LT-1 VEL_T0(I)=DOVER(I)**(2./3.)*SQRT(XSLOPE(I))/(MANNING_N(I)) Eqn (1) in spec doc C C C C C + C PART 1 - OVERLAND FLOW (MODELLED USING MANNINGS EQUATION). CALCULATED USING THREE PARAMETERS "XSLOPE, MANNING_N AND DD" XSLOPE = AVERAGE SLOPE OF GRU MANNING_N = MANNING'S 'N' DD = DRAINAGE DENSITY TWO OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE TO CONSTRAIN THE FLOW Calculate a normalized unconstrained overland flow to avoid numerical problems with a division of small DOVER(I) values. NUC_DOVER(I) = -2*DD(I)*VEL_T0(I)*DELT Eqn (29) in spec doc Constrained Overland Flow - Limited by physically possible flow DODRN(I)=DOVER(I)*(1.0-1./((1.0-(2./3.)*NUC_DOVER(I)) **(3./2.))) Eqn (30) in spec doc IF(RUNOFF(I).GT.1.0E-08) THEN TRUNOF(I)=(TRUNOF(I)*RUNOFF(I)+(TPOND(I)+TFREZ)* 1 DODRN(I))/(RUNOFF(I)+DODRN(I)) ENDIF RUNOFF(I)=RUNOFF(I)+DODRN(I) IF(DODRN(I).GT.0.0) 1 TOVRFL(I)=(TOVRFL(I)*OVRFLW(I)+(TPOND(I)+TFREZ)* 2 FI(I)*DODRN(I))/(OVRFLW(I)+FI(I)*DODRN(I)) OVRFLW(I)=OVRFLW(I)+FI(I)*DODRN(I) ZPOND(I)=ZPOND(I)-DODRN(I) ENDIF ENDIF 100 CONTINUE Table 2: Overland code for sloped CLASS 3.3 1.3.2 Variable definition ZPOND : depth of ponded water ZPLIM : ponding limit DOVER : sub-area (C,G,CS,GS) water available for overland flow MANNING_OVR : unconstrained depth of sub-area (C,G,CS,GS) water contributing to overland flow XSLOPE MANNING_N E_HILL_LEN DELT DODRN TOVRFL OVRFLW : effective slope of the hill : manning’s n : effective hillslope length (Ls) : delta time : constrained depth of sub-area (C,G,CS,GS) water contributing to overland flow : temperature of overland flow : total constrained GRU/Tile overland flow (C+G+CS+GS) 1.3.3 Options for Constraining the Flow The above code contains both versions of the sloped CLASS 3.3. If the flag iwfoflw (in WATROF) is set to 1, then the new sloped CLASS 3.3 is used. Otherwise the 2000 AO paper implementation is used.