Soil Carbon The Department of the Environment and Heritage, through the Australian Greenhouse Office’s National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS), has worked with State and Territory Governments and CSIRO to develop a capacity for analysing changes in soil carbon. This is done primarily for the purpose of reporting greenhouse gas emissions. The NCAS soil carbon program is a hybrid of inventory and process model. The inventory is used to define a ‘base’ condition with climate and management input being primary drivers of modelled change to the base condition. The steps in developing this capability were: Provide a base map of soil type, clay content and soil carbon reflecting a substantially unmodified condition. This required the development of a map of boundaries of soil types to which clay and soil carbon content were attributed (Webbnet Land Resource Services Pty. Ltd., 2002). While the analytic measurement of clay is generally consistent, the analytic methods (e.g. wet, chemical, dry combustion etc.) will yield different carbon contents. To standardise the soil carbon maps, correlations of results to a single method equivalent (dry combustion) were derived (Skjemstad et al., 2000). Calibration and verification of the model was done in two stages. Initially model calibrations for the RothC model (as used in the NCAS FullCAM model) (Richards and Evans, 2004) were completed against a selection of research sites (Skjemstad and Spouncer, 2002). Model sensitivity was then completed and is reported in Janik (2002). Subsequent verification was completed across 88 ‘paired sites’ (before and after a land use change) across Australia (Skjemstad and Spouncer, 2003). Land use management data was compiled, corresponding to the mapped soils units, to allow for the modelling of the handling of organic matter that may or may not be incorporated in soil carbon. Data on crop growth was also collected (Swift and Skjemstad, 2002). Land cover change data is drawn from analysis of 14 (1972-2005) Landsat Satellite images in time-series (Caccetta et al., 2003). Monthly 1km ‘grids’ of climate conditions since 1970 was prepared to provide the climate drivers to the model (Kesteven et al., 2004) The national model is run at 25m resolution in monthly time-steps, taking input data from the soils mapping, land use and management, land cover change and climate datasets. Results are reported in terms of both greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stock changes. Reporting is done through the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory prepared under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines and submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Reporting categories include: Forest land remaining Forest land Land converted to Forest Forest land converted to Cropland Forest land converted to Grassland Grassland remaining Grassland Cropland remaining Cropland 1 Testing has shown that it is only the Forestland conversion to Cropland and Grassland that have significant impacts on soil carbon stocks. Australia reports ‘0’ emissions against other categories. The Forest land conversion to both Cropland and Grassland includes all deforestation on these land uses that has occurred since 1972, when the land cover change record commenced. Table 1 shows the cumulative areas and soil carbon stock changes in these areas of land since 1990. Table 1 Year Area Reported C Stock Change in Soil 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 10,835,879 11,293,601 11,719,649 12,124,093 12,514,305 12,870,910 13,224,008 13,548,446 13,859,607 14,177,365 14,557,985 14,938,784 15,259,340 15,556,871 15,882,379 4,928,797 2,004,488 2,897,911 1,556,567 1,102,088 2,168,372 2,866,663 1,480,221 5,158,127 2,464,017 3,387,580 508,677 1,365,802 2,967,336 1,423,024 2 Biomass The Department of the Environment and Heritage, through the Australian Greenhouse Office’s National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS), has worked with the Australian National University and CSIRO to develop a capability for continental monitoring of biomass stock and stock change (Richards and Brack, 2004). Biomass stock changes are then used to calculate the associated carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis is through a method that is a hybrid of remote sensing, ecosystem modelling and empiricism. The age of the area of forest extent and change at a 25m resolution area monitored through remote sensing (Landsat satellite) time-series (Caccetta et al., 2003). Fourteen national snapshots are available to define the current sequences of change. This information can also be used to determine the age of forest areas, and therefore their rate of biomass accumulation. Forest areas by growth stage are linked to a time-series forest productivity index that determines the forest ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere via photosynthesis (Kesteven et al., 2004). The pattern of biomass accumulation and maximum biomass carrying capacity has been determined from available measurement data (Raison et al., 2003). Crop biomass is modelled using crop yield data that is converted to whole plant estimates, and then subjected to crop management practices (e.g. burning of stubble). The national model is run at 25m resolution in monthly time-steps, taking input data from the soils mapping, land use and management, land cover change and climate datasets. Results are reported in terms of both greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stock changes. Reporting is done through the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory prepared under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines and submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Reporting for biomass change is done under the categories of Forest land remaining Forest land, Land converted to Forest land, Forest land converted to Grassland and Forest land converted to Cropland. Table 2 shows the changes in C stocks, and area affected as accumulative total since 1990. Table 2 Year Area Reported C Stock Change in Biomass 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 26,620,219 27,160,165 27,660,214 28,134,809 28,594,277 28,999,534 29,401,285 29,774,377 30,148,603 30,529,425 36,643,929 30,978,206 29,234,740 28,115,046 27,175,962 23,926,484 24,693,800 25,674,246 25,772,642 24,136,950 3 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 30,988,634 31,448,020 31,888,435 32,269,017 32,665,985 24,033,414 25,858,923 26,711,204 22,291,346 26,275,041 References Caccetta, P.A., Bryant, G., Campbell, N.A., Chia, J., Furby, S., Kiiven, H.J., Richards, G.P., Wallace, J., Wu, X., 2003. Notes on Mapping and Monitoring Forest Change in Australia Using Remote Sensing and Other Data. In, 30th International Symposium of Remote Sensing and the Environment, Hawaii, October 2003. Janik, L., Spouncer, L., Corell, R., Skjemstad, J., 2002. Sensitivity Analysis of the Roth-C Soil Carbon Model (Ver. 26.3 Excel © ). National Carbon Accouting System Technical Report 30, Australian Greenhouse Office. Kesteven, J., Landsberg, J., URS Consulting, 2004. Developing a national forest productivity model. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No.23, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Raison, R.J., Keith, H., Barrett, D., Burrows, W., Grierson, P.F., 2003. Spatial Estimates of Biomass in 'Mature' Native Vegetation. National Carbon Accouting System Technical Report 44, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Richards, G., Brack, C., 2004. A continental biomass stock and stock change estimation approach for Australia. Australian Forestry 67, 284-288. Richards, G., Evans, D., 2004. Development of a carbon accounting model (FullCAM Vers. 1.0) for the Australian continent. Australian Forestry 67, 277-283. Skjemstad, J., Spouncer, L., 2002. Estimating Changes in Soil Carbon Resulting from Changes in Land Use. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 36, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Skjemstad, J., Spouncer, L., 2003. Integrated Soils Modelling for the National Carbon Accounting System. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 36, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Skjemstad, J., Spouncer, L., Beech, T.A., 2000. Carbon Conversion Factors for Historical Soil Carbon Data. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 15. Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Swift, R., Skjemstad, J., 2002. Agricultural Land Use and Management. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report 13, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra, Australia. Webbnet Land Resource Services Pty. Ltd., 2002. Pre-clearing Soil Carbon Levels in Australia. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 12, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra. 4