2/6/2016 687274019 1/11 The Eigen Values of Linear Circuits Recall the linear operators that define a capacitor: LCY vC t iC t C 1 L iC t vC t C C Z d vC t dt t i t dt C We now know that the eigen function of these linear, timeinvariant operators—like all linear, time-invariant operartors—is exp j t . The question now is, what is the eigen value of each of these operators? It is this value that defines the physical behavior of a given capacitor! For vC t exp j t , we find: iC t LCY vC t d e j t C dt j C e j t Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 2/11 Just as we expected, the eigen function exp j t “survives” the linear operation unscathed—the current function i t has precisely the same form as the voltage function v t exp j t . The only difference between the current and voltage is the multiplication of the eigen value, denoted as GYC . i t LCY v t e j t GYC e j t Since we just determined that for this case: i t j C e j t it is evident that the eigen value of the linear operation: i t LCY v t C d v t dt is: GYC j C C e j 2 !!! So for example, if: v t Vm cos ot Re Vm e j e j ot we will find that: Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 3/11 LCY Vm e j e j ot GYC o Vm e j e j ot C e j C Vm e Therefore: iC t Re C Vme j V e 2 2 m j e j ot j 2 e j t e j t o C Vm cos ot C Vm sin ot 2 o Hopefully, this example again emphasizes that these realvalued sinusoidal functions can be completely expressed in terms of complex values. For example, the complex value: VC Vme j means that the magnitude of the sinusoidal voltage is VC Vm , and its relative phase is VC . The complex value: IC GYC VC C e j 2 V C likewise means that the magnitude of the sinusoidal current is: Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 4/11 IC GYC VC GYC VC C Vm And the relative phase of the sinusoidal current is: IC GYC VC 2 We can thus summarize the behavior of a capacitor with the simple complex equation: IC j C VC IC j C VC C e j2 V C VC C Now let’s return to the second of the two linear operators that describe a capacitor: 1 vC t L iC t C C Z t i t dt C Now, if the capacitor current is the eigen function iC t exp j t , we find: Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 L e C Z j t 1 C t e 5/11 j t dt 1 j t e j C where we assume i t 0 . Thus, we can conclude that: 1 j t LCZ e j t GZC e j t e j C Hopefully, it is evident that the eigen value of this linear operator is: GZC 1 j C j 1 j 3 2 e C C And so: 1 VC IC j C Q: Wait a second! Isn’t this essentially the same result as the one derived for operator LCY ?? A: It’s precisely the same! For both operators we find: VC 1 IC j C Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 6/11 This should not be surprising, as both operators LCY and LCZ relate the current through and voltage across the same device (a capacitor). The ratio of complex voltage to complex current is of course referred to as the complex device impedance Z. Z V I An impedance can be determined for any linear, time-invariant one-port network—but only for linear, time-invariant one-port networks! Generally speaking, impedance is a function of frequency. In fact, the impedance of a one-port network is simply the eigen value GZ of the linear operator LZ : I V Z I V LZ i t v t Z Z GZ Note that impedance is a complex value that provides us with two things: Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 7/11 1. The ratio of the magnitudes of the sinusoidal voltage and current: V Z I 2. The difference in phase between the sinusoidal voltage and current: Z V I Q: What about the linear operator: LY v t i t ?? A: Hopefully it is now evident to you that: GY 1 GZ 1 Z The inverse of impedance is admittance Y: Y 1 I Z V Now, returning to the other two linear circuit elements, we find (and you can verify) that for resistors: Jim Stiles LRY vR t iR t GYR 1 R LRZ iR t vR t GZR R The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 8/11 and for inductors: 1 LLY v L t iL t GYL LZL iL t v L t GZL j L j L meaning: ZR 1 R R ej0 YR ZL and j 1 j L L e 2 YL Now, note that the relationship Z V I forms a complex “Ohm’s Law” with regard to complex currents and voltages. Additionally, ICBST (It Can Be Shown That) Kirchoff’s Laws are likewise valid for complex currents and voltages: I n n 0 V n n 0 where of course the summation represents complex addition. Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 9/11 As a result, the impedance (i.e., the eigen value) of any oneport device can be determined by simply applying a basic knowledge of linear circuit analysis! Returning to the example: I C Z V I L V R And thus using out basic circuits knowledge, we find: Z ZC Z R Z L 1 j C R j L Thus, the eigen value of the linear operator: LZ i t v t For this one-port network is: GZ 1 j C R j L Look what we did! We were able to determine GZ without explicitly determining impulse response gZ t , or having to perform any integrations! Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 10/11 Now, if we actually need to determine the voltage function v t created by some arbitrary current function i t , we integrate: 1 v t 2 1 2 G Z I e j t d 1 R j L I e j t d j C where: I j t i t e dt Otherwise, if our current function is time-harmonic (i.e., sinusoidal with frequency ), we can simply relate complex current I and complex voltage V with the equation: V Z I 1 j C R j L I Similarly, for our two-port example: C V1 L V2 Jim Stiles R The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS 2/6/2016 687274019 11/11 we can likewise determine from basic circuit theory the eigen value of the linear operator: L21 v1 t v2 t is: G21 so that: Z L ZR ZC Z L Z R j L R 1 j L R j C V2 G21 V1 or more generally: 1 v2t 2 j t G V e d 21 1 where: V1 v t e 1 j t dt Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS