SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Project contract no. 502527 ESPREME Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurrence in Europe Specific Targeted Research Project Research priority 1.6. Assessment of environmental technologies for support of policy decisions, in particular concerning effective but low-cost technologies in the context of fulfilling environmental legislation Workpackage 04 Atmospheric modelling of HM concentrations Start date of project: 1st of January 2004 Duration: 36 months Lead authors for this deliverable: Oleg Travnikov and Ilia Ilyin (MSC-E) Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (20022006) PU PP RE CO Dissemination Level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) MODELLING OF HEAVY METALS ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION IN EUROPE Oleg Travnikov and Ilia Ilyin Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East of EMEP May 2007 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. HEAVY METAL CHEMICAL TRANSPORT MODEL MSCE-HM 3 2.1. Brief model description 4 2.2. Emissions data 7 3. HEAVY METAL AIRBORNE POLLUTION LEVELS IN EUROPE IN THE BASE YEAR 2000 17 3.1. Air concentration and deposition fields and model evaluation 17 3.2. Uncertainties 27 4. REDUCTION OF HEAVY METAL ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITIONS IN EUROPE BY 2010 28 5. SENSITIVITY OF HEAVY METAL DEPOSITION IN EUROPE TO EMISSION REDUCTION IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 31 6. CONCLUSIONS 35 7. REFERENCES 36 2 1. INTRODUCTION The atmospheric transport can be considered as the most dynamic pathway of heavy metal dispersion in the environment. Such heavy metals and metalloids as Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, and As are emitted to the atmosphere from a variety of industrial and mobile sources, dispersed over hundreds of kilometres, and deposited to the ground contaminating remote ecosystems or contributing to adverse exposure of human health. The work package WP04 of the project was aimed at evaluation of the atmospheric dispersion of the selected heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb) in Europe and assessment of air concentration and deposition fields to support other activities within the whole chain of the project. Particularly, the main objectives of the work package included: Review and improvement of heavy metal chemical transport model (MSCE-HM); Calculation of concentration and deposition fields of As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb for the base year 2000 and 2010 scenarios (BAU, MFTR); Calculation of source-receptor reduction matrixes of the selected heavy metals for 2010 scenarios. This report contains description of activities undertaken by MSC-E within WP04 in accordance with the work-plan and overview of the major results obtained. In particular, Chapter 2 contains short description of the chemical transport model MSCEHM applied for the atmospheric dispersion modelling along with review of major modifications and improvements performed within the framework of the project. In Chapter 3 analysis of the modelling results for the base year 2000 is presented together with evaluation of the modelling results against measurements. Chapter 4 presents calculations of deposition reduction of the selected heavy metals by 2010 according to emission scenarios (BAU, MFTR) prepared in WP02. Chapter 5 illustrates calculations of the source-receptor reduction matrixes indicating sensitivity of heavy metal pollution levels in different parts of Europe with regard to emission reduction in European countries. 2. HEAVY METAL CHEMICAL TRANSPORT MODEL MSCE-HM The European-scale atmospheric transport model MSCE-HM is actively used for operational calculations of heavy metal transboundary pollution within the European region, in connection with the EMEP programme and other activities relating to the LTRAP Convention. Detailed description of the model is available in (Travnikov and Ilyin, 2005). The model formulation and performance was thoroughly evaluated within the EMEP/TFMM Workshop on the model review (ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2006/4). A brief model description is presented below. Besides, the main model improvements performed within the framework of the project included: Refinement and evaluation of input data (meteorological pre-processor, landuse etc.); Improvement of dry and wet deposition schemes; Refinement of chemical scheme of Hg transformations in the atmosphere; Development of model parameterization for As, Cr, Ni; Development of wind re-suspension scheme for heavy metals. The last point (wind re-suspension scheme) is considered in more details because of particular importance of this process for evaluation of heavy metal pollution levels. 3 2.1 Brief model description The EMEP/MSC-E regional model of heavy metals airborne pollution (MSCE-HM) is a three-dimensional Eulerian type chemical transport model driven by off-line meteorological data. The model considers heavy metal emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources, transport in the atmosphere, chemical transformations (of mercury only) both in gaseous and aqueous phases, and deposition to the ground. The computation domain of the model is defined on the polar stereographic projection and covers European region along with adjacent territories. The model operates in the regular EMEP grid, which covers the area from approximately 35°W to 60°E and from the North Pole to about 20°N, and includes Europe, partly the North Atlantic and the Arctic oceans, Northern Africa, and part of Middle East (see Figure 2.1). The vertical structure of the model is formulated in the sigma-pressure coordinate system. The model domain consists of 15 irregular sigma-layers and has a top at 100 hPa. The layers are confined by surfaces of constant and do not intersect the ground topography. Figure 0.1. The EMEP 50×50 km2 grid The atmospheric advection and the vertical transport are described in the model using mass conservative and monotone Bott’s advection scheme with fourth-order area-preserving polynomials (Bott, 1989a; 1989b, 1992). An implicit treatment of the vertical eddy diffusion is chosen in order to avoid restrictions on the integration time step because of possible sharp gradients of the pollutant mixing ratio. Such heavy metals as lead and cadmium and their compounds are characterized by very low volatility. It is assumed in the model that these metals (as well as some others – nickel, chromium, zinc etc.) are transported in the atmosphere only in the composition of aerosol particles. It is believed that their possible chemical transformations do not change properties of their particles-carriers with regard to removal processes. On the contrary, mercury transformations in the atmosphere include transitions between the gaseous, aqueous and solid phases, chemical reactions in the gaseous and aqueous environment. The chemical scheme of 4 mercury transformation in the atmosphere is based on the kinetic mechanism developed by Petersen et al. (1998). The original scheme was modified neglecting too slow reactions and replacing fast ones by appropriate equilibriums in order to accelerate the model performance for operational calculations. The physical and chemical transformations of mercury include dissolution in cloud droplets, gas-phase and aqueous-phase oxidation by ozone, chlorine and hydroxyl radical, aqueous-phase reduction via decomposition of sulphite complexes, formation of chloride complexes, and adsorption by soot particles in cloud water. Summary of all chemical transformations included to the model is presented in Table 2.1. Table 2.1. Summary of mercury transformations included into the model Hg (0gas ) O3(gas ) Hg (II)( part ) products Reactions and equilibriums 2.110-18exp(-1247/T) Units Reference cm3/(molec∙s) Hall, 1995 Hg(0gas ) OH(gas ) Hg(II )( part ) products 8.710-14 cm3/(molec∙s) Sommar et al., 2001 Hg(0gas ) Cl2(gas ) Hg(II )(gas ) 2.610-18 cm3/(molec∙s) Ariya et al., 2002 Hg(0aq ) O3(aq ) Hg(2aq ) products 4.7∙107 M-1s-1 Hg(0aq ) OH(aq ) 2.4∙10 Hg(2aq ) products Hg(0aq ) Cl(I )(aq ) Hg(2aq ) Hg(2aq ) 2SO32(aq ) Hg(SO3 )22(aq ) k or H products Hg(SO3 )22(aq ) Hg(0aq ) 9 2∙106 1.1∙10 [SO2(gas)] ·10 -21 4.4∙10 products f([Cl ]) HgnClm(dis ) HgnClm(soot ) 0.2 Hg(SO3 )22 (dis ) 0.2 Hg(0gas ) - Hg(SO3 )22 (soot ) Hg(0aq ) OH(gas ) OH(aq ) 1.82 10 7 M-1s-1 Lin and Pehkonen, 1999 -1 Petersen et al., 1998 -1 s Petersen et al., 1998 1 Lurie, 1971 1 Petersen et al., 1998 s Petersen et al., 1998 3 3.41·10-21Texp(17.72(T0/T-1)) M·cm3/molec Jacobson, 1999 Cl2(gas ) Cl(I )(aq ) [Hg (2aq )] Gårdfeldt et al., 2001 M·cm /molec Andersson et al., 2004 Ryaboshapko et al., 1.75·10-16Texp(18.75(T0/T-1)) M·cm3/molec 2001 -24 3 1.58·10 Texp(7.8(T0/T-1)) M·cm /molec Sander, 1997 - [SO2(gas)] is in ppbv - [Hg nCl m(dis ) ] [Cl (aq ) ] M s 1 1.76·10 Texp(9.08(T0/T-1)) O3(gas ) O3(aq ) ** 4pH * ** -23 HgCl2(gas ) HgCl2(aq ) * 2 -4 HgnClm(dis ) Hg(2aq ) Munthe, 1992 -1 -1 4.48·10-16 [Cl (aq ) ]2 6.03 10 14 [Cl (aq ) ]3 8.51 10 15 M·cm3/molec Lin and Pehkonen, 1999 [Cl (aq ) ]4 8.51 10 16 Model description of removal processes includes dry deposition and wet scavenging. The dry deposition scheme is based on the resistance analogy approach and allows taking into account deposition to different land cover types (forests, grassland, water surface etc.). Dry deposition of particles to vegetation is described using the theoretical formulation from Slinn (1982) and fitted to experimental data (Ruijgrok et al., 1997; Wesely et al., 1985). The parameterization of dry deposition to water surfaces is based on the approach suggested by Williams (1982) taking into account the effects of wave breaking and aerosol washout by seawater spray. Parameters of dry deposition of gaseous oxidised mercury are chosen as for those of nitric acid (zero surface resistance) because of similar solubility of these substances. Besides, dry deposition of gaseous elemental mercury to vegetation is considered. The deposition velocity of this form varies from 0 to 0.03 cm/s depending on surface temperature, solar radiation and vegetation type. The model distinguishes in-cloud and sub-cloud wet scavenging of particulate mercury and highly soluble reactive gaseous mercury. Based on empirical data from literature survey the wet deposition coefficient is taken as a function of precipitation rate as 3·10-4 R0.8 and 1·10-4 R0.7 1/s for in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging, respectively, 5 where R is precipitation rate in mm/h. Besides, the precipitation rate is scaled for convective precipitation according to Walton et al. (1988) to take into account fractional coverage of a grid cell with precipitating clouds. Regional modelling of heavy metal airborne pollution requires setting appropriate boundary condition at lateral and upper boundaries of the computation domain. These conditions are aimed at taking into account influence of emission sources located outside the domain. It is particularly important for Hg because of long residence time of this pollutant in the atmosphere. Contribution of the intercontinental transport to deposition of mercury in Europe is comparable (up to 40%) with contribution of regional sources (Ilyin et al., 2003). Therefore, setting the proper boundary concentrations of mercury species at the domain boundaries is principally important for assessment of realistic pollution levels. Available measurement data are too sparse to supply concentrations of mercury along the whole model boundary. To set the boundary conditions adequately we use modeling results obtained with the hemispheric model MSCE-HM-Hem (Travnikov and Ryaboshapko, 2002). Monthly mean concentrations of three atmospheric mercury forms – GEM, TPM, RGM – calculated at the EMEP domain boundaries are used as the regional model boundary conditions. Figure 2.2 illustrates distribution of gaseous elemental mercury concentration in the vicinity of the model boundary. Figure 2.2. Distribution of gaseous elemental mercury in the Northern Hemisphere. Rectangular shows the EMEP domain Boundary conditions are not so critical for As, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb modelling as for Hg because of significantly shorter residence time of these pollutants in the atmosphere. Besides, hemispheric modelling of these pollutants is not feasible because of lack of up-to-date emissions data at the hemispheric or global scale. Therefore prescribed boundary concentrations were used for As, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb. MSCE-HM model is driven by off-line meteorological data pre-processed by MM5 - Fifth Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (Grell et al., 1995). The pre-processor utilizes NCAR/NCEP re-analysis as the input information and provides 6-hour weather prediction data along with estimates of the atmospheric boundary layer parameters with the same spatial resolution as that of the transport model. Meteorological fields for 2000 were used for the base year calculations. 6 Calculations of pollution scenarios for future years (2010) require selection of meteorological data to be used in the model. There are two aspects governing such selection process. Firstly, the chosen meteorological dataset should as far as possible reflect average “climatological” conditions to avoid the effect of meteorological variability on the modelling results. Secondly, it impossible to use just average meteorological fields since the atmospheric transport modelling requires the fields to be strongly coupled in terms of equations of fluid mechanics. Therefore, it is more preferable to average modelling results obtained for several years instead of averaging the meteorological data itself. To investigate the effect of meteorological variability on the modelling results long-term calculations of atmospheric dispersion of some heavy metals have been performed for the period 1990-2003. Identical input parameters have been used for each year of the period except meteorological data. Heavy metal concentration in air and precipitation and total deposition were considered as main model output. Obtained results were averaged over the whole period and compared with annual means of each individual year. Besides, the overall average was also compared with averages over several years. Figure 2.3 presents an example of this analysis for Pb. Only annual and two-years average results with smallest deviation are presented in the figure. Analysis for other metals has very similar character. As seen from Fig. 2.3a, relative deviation of the model output parameters for individual years from the average over the period generally exceeds 15%. On the other hand, averaging even over two years leads to twofold reduction (down to 6-7%) of the deviation of modelling results due to meteorological variability. Besides, as seen from the figure there is a number of two-years combinations leading to similar levels of the deviation. Therefore it was decided to apply two-years averaging of all modelling results (over 1998 and 2001) for 2010 scenarios calculations. 35 15 10 0 a 1999 1994 1992 2002 1990 1991 1993 1998 1995 0 b 1991,1995 5 1997,1999 5 20 1995,1998 10 Total dep 25 1992,2002 15 Conc in prec 1992,1999 20 1997,1998 25 Conc in air 30 1995,2002 Total dep 1992,1998 Conc in prec 1998,2001 Conc in air 30 Relative deviation, % Relative deviation, % 35 Figure 2.3. Estimated deviation of Pb model output parameters due to the inter-annual meteorological variability for individual years (a) and average over two years (b). Bars present median deviation over the model domain; ranges show 90% confidence intervals 2.2 Emissions data Emissions data are among the most important input parameters for atmospheric dispersion modeling. Data on anthropogenic and natural emissions of heavy metals utilized in the modeling are described below. Particular attention is paid to parameterization of wind resuspension of particle-bound heavy metals from soil and seawater developed within the framework of the project (WP04). 7 2.2.1 Anthropogenic emissions Spatially and temporally resolved anthropogenic emissions dataset has been prepared by the WP02 of the project for the dispersion modelling purposes. The dataset consists of daily gridded emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb with spatial resolution 50x50 km for the base year 2000 and two emission scenarios for 2010 (BAU+Climate and MFTR). Emission fluxes in each grid cell are disaggregated into three classes (h<50, 50<h<150, h>150 m) according to height of emission sources. Besides, emissions of Hg include separate data for three chemical species: gaseous elemental Hg (GEM), total particulate Hg (TPM), and reactive gaseous Hg (RGM). Spatial distribution of annual emission flux of all six heavy metals from anthropogenic sources in 2000 is illustrated in Fig. 2.4. Major areas with elevated emissions coincide for all the metals: high emission fluxes are in Belgium, Netherlands, Western Germany, Southern Poland, Northern Italy, Eastern part of Ukraine, and Western part of Russia. However, there are some differences in spatial distributions of various metals. Particularly, some metals are characterized by more even distribution of emission fluxes (e.g. Cr, Ni), whereas others have pronounced “hot spots” of high emissions over relatively low background (As, Cd, Pb). a b c d e f Figure 2.4. Spatial distribution of As (a), Cd (b), Cr (c), Hg (d), Ni (e), and Pb (f) anthropogenic emissions in Europe in 2000 8 2.2.2 Wind re-suspension of particle-bound heavy metals Wind re-suspension of particle-bound heavy metals (such as As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb) from soil and seawater appears to be important process affecting ambient concentration and deposition of these pollutants, particularly, in areas with low direct anthropogenic emissions. Recent data demonstrate significant decrease of heavy emissions in Europe during last decade. However, long-term historic emissions of these metals during previous centuries from industrial processes, fuel combustion, road transport etc. followed by atmospheric dispersion and deposition to the ground resulted in their accumulation in the surface soils all over Europe. Aeolian erosion of bare soils or human disturbed areas leads to suspension of dust particles containing heavy metals into the atmosphere. In mineral dust production models the process of wind erosion and suspension of dust aerosol from the ground is commonly parameterized as combination of two major processes: saltation and sandblasting (e.g. Gomes et al., 2003; Zender et al., 2003; Gong et al., 2003). The first process (saltation) presents horizontal movement of large soil aggregates driven by wind stress. Indeed, in natural soils small particles (below 20 m) never occur in free state, but are embedded in larger soil aggregates by cohesion forces (up to a few centimeters). These aggregates are too heavy to be directly suspended by wind in usual conditions. Instead, they are moved by wind stress close to the surface jumping from one place to another. When the saltating aggregates impact the ground they can eject much smaller particles (few micrometers), which can be easily suspended by wind and transported far away from the source region. This process is called the sandblasting. The saltation process is characterized by the critical wind stress value, over which movement of soil particles can be initiated. This critical wind stress can be described by the threshold wind friction velocity, which depends on the soil particle size, soil wetness, and protection of the erodible soil by roughness elements (drag partitioning). In order to characterize this threshold friction velocity (Ut*) in the model we used a simplified empirically based parameterization proposed by Marticorena and Bergametti (1995): 0.129 * , Ut (1.928 Re 0.092 1)0.5 U t* 0.129 1 0.858 exp 0.0617 Re 10 , where Ds 6 10 7 s g , a Ds5 / 2 Re 10 (2.1) Re 10 Re 1.755 Ds1.56 0.38 . Here Ds is the soil particle size, a and s are air and soil mass densities, respectively; g is the gravity acceleration. A parameterization of the threshold friction velocity dependence on soil wetness was proposed by Fécan et al. (1999) based on empirical data. According to this work the threshold is a function of volumetric soil moisture and clay content in soil. Taking into account that soil moisture data produced by the meteorological pre-processor (MM5) can contain significant uncertainties and require transformation from gravimetric to volumetric values, we have chosen to use a simplified approach suggested by Grini et al. (2005). It is based on rainfall events and implements the following assumptions: The dust production is stopped if precipitation during the last 24 hours exceeds 0.5 mm. 9 The period without the dust production (in days) is equal to precipitation amount (in mm) during the last 24 hours. The dust production is resumed if no rain has fallen in the last 5 days. A phenomenological drag partition scheme was also proposed by Marticorena and Bergametti (1995). It modifies the threshold friction velocity in order to take into account the effect of surface roughness elements hampering the transfer of wind momentum to the erodible surface. The scheme uses the soil roughness length (Z0) as a surrogate for the presence of these roughness elements. However, the large-scale roughness lengths commonly used in atmospheric transport models are deduced the standard deviation of the topography or from the vegetation height and cannot adequately represent the small-scale roughness to describe a surface process like aeolian erosion (Marticorena and Bergametti, 1997). For this reason drag partition parameterization was not included to the current version of the resuspension model. Ones the wind friction velocity exceeds the threshold value, the vertically integrated sizeresolved saltation flux is given in the following form (Gomes et al., 2003): Fh (Ds ) Ka * U Ut* U * Ut* 2 . g (2.2) The constant K in this expression reflects possibility of the limitation of soil aggregates supply because of depletion of loose material on the surface. Following Gomes et al. (2003) we adopted K = 1 for deserts and K = 0.02 for other erodible surfaces. In general the integrated saltation flux strongly depends on size distribution of soil aggregates occurring in natural conditions. The continuous multi-modal distribution can be presented by a combination of lognormal functions: dM 1 dDs Ds 2 ln D ln D j lnj j exp s2 ln2 js, j 2 , (2.3) where Ds, j is mass median diameter of the jth mode; and j is its geometric standard deviation. The sandblasting model for dust suspension was developed by Alfaro et al. (1997; 1998). Based on the wind tunnel experiments they derived that the aerosol particles released by sandblasting from the saltating aggregates of different natural soils can be sorted into three lognormal populations. Characteristics of the dust populations are presented in Table 2.2. Table 2.2. Characteristics of tree dust aerosol particle populations released by the sandblasting (Alfaro and Gomes, 2001) Mode 1 2 3 ei, kg m2/s2 3.61·10-7 3.52·10-7 3.46·10-7 i di, m 1.5 6.7 14.2 1.7 1.6 1.5 According to the sandblasting model the vertical dust flux can be presented in the following form (Alfaro and Gomes, 2001): 10 Fv ,i dM F (D ) (D ) dD h s i s Ds i 1, 3 , dDs , (2.4) s where the efficiency of the sandblasting process i is given by: i (Ds ) 6 s pi d i3 . ei (2.5) Here = 163 m/s2 is an empirical constant; pi is the fraction of kinetic energy of a soil aggregate required to release aerosol particles of mode i; di is the aerosol mass median diameter of mode i; and ei is binding energy of aerosol particles for mode i. The fraction pi of the aerosol modes release depends on the kinetic energy of an individual soil aggregate ec 100 s Ds3U *2 . 3 (2.6) A scheme of the dependence is presented in Table 2.3. The binding energies ei correspond to values presented in Table 2.2. Table 2.3. Fractions (pi) of the dust aerosol modes release as a function of the kinetic energy ec of an individual soil aggregate Mode 1 (p1) Mode 2 (p2) Mode 3 (p3) ec<e3 0 0 0 e3<ec<e2 0 0 1 e2<ec<e1 0 (ec-e2)/(ec-e3) 1-p2 e1<ec (ec-e1)/(ec-e3) (1-p1)(ec-e2)/(ec-e3) 1-p1-p2 An example of calculated relative fractions of the dust aerosol modes as a function of soil aggregates size are shown in Fig. 2.5a for given wind friction velocity. As seen from the figure sandblasting of larger soil aggregates, which have higher kinetic energy, releases smaller dust particles. Figure 2.5b presents an example of size distribution of the vertical dust flux for given wind friction velocity and size distribution of saltating soil aggregates. As seen the Mode 1 corresponds mostly to fine particles (below 2 m), where as two other modes present coarse particles (5-20 m). 0.08 Total mode 3 mode 2 mode 1 -1 -1 0.8 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 0.4 0.2 180 200 0.06 -2 U* = 0.5 m/s 0.6 0.0 160 a dFv/dDp, kg m s Dp Modes fractions (pi ) 1.0 0.04 0.02 0.00 220 Ds, m U* = 0.5 m/s 0.1 b 1 10 100 Dp, m Figure 2.5. Fractions of dust aerosol modes as functions of soil aggregates size (a) and size distribution of vertical dust flux (b) 11 In general the size distribution of the dust suspension flux strongly depends on the size distribution of soil aggregates. As it was mentioned above, at the moment there is no spatially resolved Europe-wide dataset applicable to characterize the properties of erodible soils in Europe. However, in some cases one can neglect distinctions between different soil types. Indeed, Figure 2.6 shows the dust suspension flux as a function of the wind friction velocity for different dust particle modes and soil populations from Table 2.1. As seen from the figure the vertical dust flux of the coarse Modes 2 and 3 strongly depends on the soil populations (Figs.2.6b and c). The difference can reach two orders of magnitude. On the other hand, for the fine mode, which is the most important from the point of view of the long-range atmospheric transport, the vertical dust flux only slightly depends on the soil type (Fig. 2.6a). One can hardly expect that dust particles of the coarse modes can significantly contribute to the long-range transport of heavy metals in Europe. Therefore, in the first approximation it is possible to restrict further consideration only by the fine particles mode and neglect distinctions between different soil populations. 10 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.001 0.2 0.4 U*, m/s a 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.2 Mode 3 Sa CS FS ASS 1 2 2 0.1 Mode 2 Sa CS FS ASS 1 Fv, kg/m /s 2 Fv, mg/m /s 1 10 Mode 1 Sa CS FS ASS Fv, kg/m /s 10 0.6 0.8 U*, m/s b 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 U*, m/s c Figure 2.6. Vertical dust flux as a function of the wind friction velocity for different soil populations and dust particle modes: (a) – mode 1; (b) – mode 2; (c) – mode 3 Implementing the discussed above assumptions we performed calculations of the dust suspension flux in Europe and adjacent territories in 2000. The dust suspension was estimated for the following types of land cover: deserts and bare soils; agricultural soils (during the cultivation period); urban areas. To estimate particle-bound heavy metal emission with dust suspension from soil it is necessary to know content of these metals in erodible soils. For this purpose we used detailed measurement data on heavy metals concentration in topsoil from the Geochemical Atlas of Europe developed under the auspices of the Forum of European Geological Surveys (FOREGS) []. The data cover most parts of Europe (excluding Eastern European countries) with more than 2000 measurement sites. The kriging interpolation was applied to obtain spatial distribution of heavy metal concentration in soil. For Eastern Europe as well as for the rest of the model domain (Africa, Asia) we used default concentration values based on the literature data (Table 2.4). Table 2.4. Default concentrations of heavy metals in soil Metal As Cd Cr Ni Pb Soil concentration, mg/kg 5 0.2 50 15 15 Reference Beyer & Cromartie, 1987 Nriagu, 1980a Shacklette et al., 1970 Nriagu, 1980b Reimann and Cariat, 1998 12 The resulting spatial distributions of Pb, Cd, As, Cr, and Ni concentration in topsoil of Europe and adjusted territories are presented in Figure 2.7. These concentrations reflect both natural content of these metals in the Earth’s crust and accumulation of anthropogenic depositions during long-term period of human industrial activity. a b c d e Figure 2.7. Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentration in topsoil of Europe and adjacent territories: (a) – Pb; (b) – Cd; (c) – As; (d) – Cr; (e) - Ni Description of sea-salt generation and wind suspension from the sea surface has also been included into the model. For this purpose we applied the empirical Gong-Monahan parameterization of the vertical number flux density (Gong, 2003): 2 dFn 1.373U103.41R p A (1 0.057 R p3.45 ) 10 1.6 exp( B ) , dR p where A 4.7(1 Rp )0.017Rp 1.44 , B 1 log R p 0.433 (2.7) . Here Rp is the sea-salt aerosol radius; U10 is wind speed at 10 m height; and = 30 is an adjustable parameter that controls the shape of the sub-micron size distribution. The size distribution of the vertical sea-salt aerosol mass flux based on this parameterization is shown in Fig. 2.7a for different wind speeds. Figure 2.7b illustrates dependence of the integral sea-salt aerosol flux on wind speed at 10 m height for different cut-off aerosol diameters. In the following calculations we used the cut-off value of aerosol diameter equal to 10 m, since larger particles can hardly be transported far from the ocean coastal areas. 13 1.E-06 U = 5 m/s U = 10 m/s U = 15 m/s 1.E-07 2 1.E-09 Fm, kg/m /s -2 -1 dFm/dDp, kg m s m -1 1.E-08 1.E-10 1.E-11 1.E-09 Dmax = 10 um Dmax = 20 um Dmax = 30 um 1.E-10 1.E-12 1.E-11 1.E-13 0.1 a 1.E-08 1 0 10 Dp, m b 10 20 30 40 50 U10, m/s Figure 2.7. Sea-salt aerosol mass flux as a function of particle size (a) and dependence of the sea-salt flux on wind speed at 10 m height for different cut-off aerosol diameters (b) In order to estimate suspension with sea-salt aerosol we used the emission factors derived from the literature (Table 2.5). These emission factors depend on measured heavy metal bulk concentration in seawater and on the estimated enrichment factor of the heavy metal in seasalt particles comparing to its bulk concentration in seawater. The sea-salt enrichment is commonly connected with elevated concentrations of heavy metals in the sea surface microlayer. Table 2.5. Emission factors of heavy metals for suspension with sea-salt aerosol Metal As Cd Cr Ni Pb Emission factor (g/kg) 300 40 80 180 4000 Reference Nriagu, 1989 Richardson et al., 2001 Nriagu, 1989 Nriagu, 1989 Richardson et al., 2001 Estimates of re-suspension of particle-bound heavy metals from soil and seawater were performed for Europe and adjacent territories in 2000. Spatial distributions of the mean annual re-suspension flux of Pb, Cd, As, Cr, and Ni are presented in Fig. 2.9. In general, the re-suspension fluxes from soil are significantly higher than those from seawater for all the metals. High re-suspension fluxes were obtained from desert areas of Africa and Central Asia because of significant dust production in these regions. Elevated fluxes are also characteristics of some countries of Western, Central, and Southeastern Europe, which are conditioned by combination of relatively high concentration in soil and significant dust suspension from urban and agricultural areas. Aggregated values of lead re-suspension from soil in different European countries are presented in Figure 2.10a along with total anthropogenic emissions based on official data. As seen the estimated contribution of lead re-suspension is comparable or even higher than anthropogenic emissions in such countries as Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, the United Kingdom etc., where observed concentration of this metal in soil considerably exceeds its natural content in the Earth’s crust (Fig. 2.10b). The most probable reason for this is long-term accumulation of historical depositions. 14 Poland Top soil 0 15 Kazakhstan Romania United Kingdom Poland Turkey Spain Greece Germany Slovakia Bosnia&Herzegovina Macedonia Slovakia Macedonia 0 Bosnia&Herzegovina Hungary Netherlands Hungary 2500 Netherlands Croatia Switzerland Croatia d Switzerland Belgium 10 Czech Rep. 20 Czech Rep. 30 Bulgaria 40 Belgium Crust Bulgaria 60 Serbia&Montenegro a Serbia&Montenegro b Kazakhstan Romania United Kingdom 50 Turkey Spain Greece Portugal Ukraine France Italy Russia Pb total emissions, t/y c Germany Portugal Ukraine France Italy Russia Pb soil concentrations, mg/kg a b e Figure 2.9. Spatial distribution of annual re-suspension flux of heavy metals in Europe in 2000: (a) – Pb; (b) – Cd; (c) – As; (d) – Cr; (e) – Ni 3000 Re-suspension 2000 Anthoropogenic emissions 1500 1000 500 Figure 2.10. Lead total anthropogenic emissions and re-suspension from soil (a) and average topsoil concentration (b) in some European countries Contrary to lead, cadmium re-suspension from soil insignificantly contributes to total emission of this metal in most European countries (Fig. 2.11a). The exceptions are France, Italy and Greece. The reason for this is in relatively low cadmium concentrations measured in European soils. Only in a few countries of Europe (France, Italy, Greece, Belgium etc.) mean topsoil concentration noticeably exceeds cadmium natural content in the crust (Fig. 2.11b). 60 Cd total emissions, t/y Re-suspension Anthoropogenic emissions 40 Switzerland Bosnia&Herzegovina Portugal Netherlands Hungary Azerbaijan Czech Rep. Greece Belgium 0.8 Top soil Crust 0.6 0.4 Switzerland Netherlands Portugal Azerbaijan Hungary Belgium Czech Rep. Greece Kazakhstan Slovakia Bosnia&Herzegovina b Serbia&Montenegro Romania Bulgaria United Kingdom Italy Ukraine Turkey France Spain Germany Poland 0 Moldova 0.2 Russia Cd soil concentrations, mg/kg a Kazakhstan Moldova Serbia&Montenegro Romania United Kingdom Italy Bulgaria Turkey Ukraine Spain France Poland Germany Russia 0 Slovakia 20 Figure 2.11. Cadmium total anthropogenic emissions and re-suspension from soil (a) and average topsoil concentration (b) in some European countries 2.2.3 Natural emission of Hg Available data on the natural emission of Hg are rather uncertain. To take into account natural emission of Hg we used global estimates by Lamborg et al. (2002). Spatially resolved natural emission fluxes ware obtained by distribution of the total values of natural emission over the globe depending on the surface temperature for emissions from land and proportional to the primary production of organic carbon for emissions from the oceans. The temperature dependence was described by an Arrhenius type equation with empirically derived activation energy about 20 kcal/mole (Kim et al., 1995; Carpi and Lindberg, 1998; Poissant and Casimir, 1998; Zhang et al., 2001). Evasion of Hg from geochemical mercuriferrous belts (Gustin et al., 1999) was assumed to be 10 times higher then that from background soils. Monthly mean spatially resolved data on the ocean primary production of carbon (Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997) were utilised to distribute the natural Hg emission flux over the ocean. Based on this methodology, it was estimated that approximately 10% of the overall global natural emissions (177 tonnes/year) were emitted from the EMEP domain. Besides, re-emission of previously deposited Hg was taken into account using approach suggested by Ryaboshapko and Ilyin (2001). In this work the current anthropogenic reemission flux for Europe is estimated to be on the order of 50 tonnes per year. This value was 16 distributed over Europe based on estimates of relative cumulative deposition. For this purpose Hg deposition in Europe accumulated during last century was estimated using the regional transport model, and a simple box model considered soil as a reservoir with two output fluxes – re-emission and hydrological leaching – was applied. Natural emission and re-emission of Hg from the Mediterranean Sea has been corrected in accordance with estimates performed in CNR-IIA using the MECAWEx model (see Appendix ##). 3. HEAVY METAL AIRBORNE POLLUTION LEVELS IN EUROPE IN THE BASE YEAR 2000 The described above MSCE-HM model has been used for calculation of ambient air concentration and deposition fields of As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb in Europe in the base year 2000. The main aim of these calculations was evaluation of a reference pollution levels for estimates of future reduction scenarios and evaluation of the model performance against measurements from the EMEP monitoring network. Results of these modelling activities are presented below. 3.1 Air concentration and deposition fields and model evaluation Arsenic Spatial distribution of calculated As concentration in the ambient air and annual deposition in Europe in 2000 are presented in Fig. 3.1. Spatial patterns of both concentrations and deposition fluxes to significant extend reflect the emission field (see Fig. 2.4a). Elevated concentrations and deposition levels were obtained for Western and Central Europe and in some areas of Eastern and Southern Europe. Besides, high concentrations of As in air are characteristics of Africa deserts areas due to significant natural emission and re-suspension of As with mineral dust. On the other hand, depositions of As in these areas are low because of insignificant annual precipitation amount and low roughness of the ground surface that restrict wet and dry depositions, respectively. a b Figure 3.1. Spatial distribution of As mean annual concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 17 Evaluation of modelling results against available measurements is presented in Figs. 3.2 and 3.3. Figure 3.2 shows scatter plots of modelled vs. observed concentrations of As in air and precipitation. As seen the model demonstrates good correlation with measurements for air concentrations and somewhat worse correlation for concentration in precipitation. Nevertheless, most modelling results agree with observations within a factor of two. 1 Dmod = 0.72 Dobs Rcorr = 0.37 1 Model, g/L 3 Model, ng/m Cmod = 1.24 Cobs Rcorr = 0.85 0.1 0.1 As As 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 3 Observed, ng/m a 0.1 Observed, g/L b 1 Figure 3.2. Scatter plots of modeled vs. observed As concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively Figure 3.3 demonstrates comparison of modelled and measured values at individual sites of the EMEP network. It also shows contribution of different source types (such as anthropogenic sources, natural emission and re-suspension, non non-European sources evaluated via boundary conditions) to modelled concentrations. As seen contribution of natural sources and re-suspension is quite significant for As background levels in Europe. At most sites this contribution is comparable or even exceeds that of anthropogenic sources. Air concentration, ng/m 3 1.5 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 1.0 0.5 Concentratio in prec, g/L NO99 NL9 a NO42 IS91 GB91 GB90 FI96 GB14 DK31 DK8 DK10 DK5 DK3 0.0 0.4 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 0.3 0.2 0.1 SE5 SE51 NO99 NO95 NL91 NO94 NL9 GB91 GB90 FR90 GB14 FI96 FI93 FI92 FI53 FI17 FI9 DK31 DK8 DE9 DK20 b DE4 DE1 0.0 Figure 3.3. Comparison of modelled vs. measured As concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modelled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively 18 Cadmium Modelled concentration and deposition fields of Cd in 2000 are shown in Fig. 3.4. According to the current estimates contribution of wind re-suspension to ambient levels of Cd is insignificant as it was mentioned in Section 2.2. Therefore concentration and deposition patterns are mostly defined by anthropogenic emissions. Contrary to the above mentioned case of As no elevated concentrations were obtained in Africa. The most significant Cd depositions are characteristics of some Western, Central and Southern European countries, such as Germany, Poland, Italy, etc. a b Figure 3.4. Spatial distribution of Cd mean annual concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 Figures 3.5 and 3.6 illustrate comparison of modelled and measured concentrations in air and precipitation at sites of the EMEP monitoring network. Correlation of predicted and observed values is significant in both cases (correlation coefficients are 0.56 and 0.53) and majority of the model-measurement pairs agree within a factor of two. The model tends to underestimate observations by 15-30%, possibly, because of underprediction of wind re-suspension and emission from natural sources. As seen from Figs 3.5b and 3.6b the underestimation of measured concentrations in precipitation is more pronounced for Northern European sites located in Scandinavia. It can be also connected with peculiarities of scavenging of aerosolbound substances by frozen precipitation under winter conditions. Cmod = 0.88 Cobs Rcorr = 0.56 Dmod = 0.71 Dobs Rcorr = 0.53 0.1 Model, g/L 3 Model, ng/m 1 0.1 0.01 a 0.01 Cd 0.01 0.1 3 Observed, ng/m Cd 0.01 1 b 0.1 Observed, g/L Figure 3.5. Scatter plots of modelled vs. observed Cd concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively 19 Air concentration, ng/m 3 0.8 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 0.6 0.4 0.2 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK2 NO99 NL9 NO42 LV16 LV10 IS91 LT15 GB91 GB90 GB14 DK8 DK31 DK5 CZ3 DK3 0.20 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 CZ1 CZ3 DE1 DE4 DE9 DK8 DK20 DK31 EE9 EE11 FI8 FI9 FI17 FI22 FI53 FI92 FI93 FI96 FR90 GB14 GB90 GB91 IS2 IS90 LV10 LV16 NL9 NL91 NO1 NO39 NO41 NO55 NO56 NO92 NO93 NO94 NO95 NO99 SE5 SE51 SE97 Concentration in prec, g/L a CZ1 AT2 0.0 b Figure 3.6. Comparison of modelled vs. measured Cd concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modelled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively Chromium Chromium is an intrinsic component of the Earth’s crust widely appearing natural soils. Therefore contribution of natural sources to ambient levels of Cr is quite significant. Particularly, high air concentrations of Cr were obtained for desert areas of Africa and Central Asia due to elevated Cr suspension with mineral dust (Figure 3.7a). Atmospheric transport of Cr from African natural emission sources significantly affects pollution levels in Southern Europe where elevated Cr depositions were predicted (Figure 3.7b). a b Figure 3.7. Spatial distribution of Cr mean annual concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 20 Modelled concentrations of Cr in air and precipitation are in good agreement with available measurements (Fig. 3.8). The correlation coefficients between modelled and observed values are high and exceed 0.85 and 0.6 for concentrations in air and precipitation, respectively. Only few modelled values deviate from appropriate measurements more than by a factor of two. Contribution of natural sources to modelled concentrations is not very large at the considered monitoring sites (Fig. 3.9) since most of them are located in Central, Western and Northern Europe far form regions with major mineral dust emission. 1 10 Dmod = 1.06 Dobs Rcorr = 0.63 Model, g/L 3 Model, ng/m Cmod = 0.95 Cobs Rcorr = 0.86 1 0.1 0.1 Cr 0.1 1 3 Observed, ng/m a Cr 0.01 0.01 10 0.1 Observed, g/L b 1 Figure 3.8. Scatter plots of modelled vs. observed Cr concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively Air concentration, ng/m 3 3 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 2 1 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK2 NO99 GB91 NO42 GB90 GB14 FI96 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 0.3 0.2 0.1 NO99 NO93 NL9 GB91 GB90 GB14 FR90 FI96 FI93 FI92 FI53 FI9 DK31 DK8 DE9 DE4 0.0 DK20 b DK31 0.4 DE1 Concentration in prec, g/L a DK10 DK8 DK5 DK3 0 Figure 3.9. Comparison of modelled vs. measured Cr concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modelled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively 21 Mercury Mercury significantly differs from other heavy metals by the fact that it appears in the atmosphere in different physical and chemical forms. The bulk Hg form in the atmosphere (up to 95%) –gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) – is characterized by long residence time (months to year) and can be transported at the global scale. On the other hand, Hg depositions are mostly defined by short-lived forms (reactive gaseous and particulate), which originate in the atmosphere from direct anthropogenic emissions or from oxidation of the elemental form. Predicted spatial distributions of GEM concentration and annual Hg deposition in Europe in 2000 are presented in Fig. 3.10. Long residence time of GEM leads to significant levelling its concentration in the atmosphere. It relatively slightly varies from industrial to remote regions (Fig. 3.10a). Elevated concentrations are in areas with high anthropogenic emissions and over Mediterranean Sea because of significant natural emission from seawater. Spatial pattern of Hg depositions considerably differs from that of air concentration because they define by short-lived species and more strongly connected with anthropogenic emissions (Fig. 3.10b). As seen from Figs. 3.11 and 3.12 modelling results for Hg fairly well agree with observations. However, one should mention relatively small number of monitoring sites measuring Hg in Europe. Contribution of non-European sources to air concentration of total gaseous Hg is very large because of long residence time as it was mentioned above (Fig. 3.12a). Contrary to air concentrations, Hg depositions are more significantly affected by anthropogenic sources. Besides, contribution of European natural emissions is very low because it is expected that Hg is emitted from natural sources in elemental form and mostly flows out the European region. a b Figure 3.10. Spatial distribution of elemental gaseous Hg concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 22 5 50 Dmod = 1.10 Dobs Rcorr = 0.93 Model, ng/L 3 Model, ng/m Cmod = 1.01 Cobs Rcorr = 0.24 2 10 1 Hg Hg 0.5 0.5 2 1 2 3 Observed, ng/m a 5 2 10 Observed, ng/L b 50 Obs 1.5 1.0 Calabria 20 Anthrop Natural Bound Obs 15 10 5 SE5 SE2 SE11 b NO99 0 DE1 Sicily SE2 NO99 NO42 IE31 FI96 DK15 DK10 DE9 Neve Yam 0.5 0.0 a Bound NL91 2.0 Natural DE9 Anthrop Concentration in prec, ng/L 2.5 Antalya TGM concentration, ng/m 3 Figure 3.11. Scatter plots of modelled vs. observed Hg concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively Figure 3.12. Comparison of modelled vs. measured Hg concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modelled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively 23 Nickel Spatial distributions of modelled Ni air concentration and deposition in Europe are shown in Fig. 3.13. High concentration and deposition fluxed were predicted in Western and Southern Europe in such countries as Germany, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy etc. Besides, elevated concentrations are also characteristics of desert areas in Africa. a b Figure 3.13. Spatial distribution of Ni mean annual concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 Comparison of modelled Ni concentration in air and precipitation with measurements is presented in Figs. 3.14 and 3.15. Correlation between predicted and observed values is very high for air concentration (0.89) and lower for concentration in precipitation (0.57). Besides, the model tends to overestimate measurements by 15-30%. Particularly, it is characteristic for some Danish, British and Dutch sites. Since contribution of natural emission and resuspension is not significant this overprediction can be connected with some overestimation of anthropogenic emissions in these countries. 10 Dmod = 1.16 Dobs Rcorr = 0.57 1 Model, g/L 3 Model, ng/m Cmod = 1.29 Cobs Rcorr = 0.89 1 0.1 0.1 Ni a 0.1 1 3 Observed, ng/m Ni 10 b 0.1 1 Observed, g/L Figure 3.14. Scatter plots of comparison of modeled and observed Ni concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively 24 Air concentration, ng/m 3 4 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 3 2 1 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK2 NO99 GB91 NO42 GB14 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 SE5 SE51 NO99 NO95 NO94 NO93 NO92 IS2 NL9 GB91 GB90 GB14 FI96 FR90 FI93 FI92 FI53 FI17 FI9 DK31 DK8 DE9 DE4 0.0 DK20 b FI96 1.2 DE1 Concentration in conc, mg/L a DK31 DK8 DK10 DK5 DK3 AT2 0 Figure 3.15. Comparison of modeled vs. measured Ni concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modeled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively Lead Contribution of natural emissions and re-suspension to Pb pollution levels in Europe is significant (see Fig. 2.10), particularly, in industrial and urban areas where accumulation of Pb in topsoil has taken place during long time period. Therefore spatial patterns of Pb air concentration and deposition in Europe reflect both influence of direct anthropogenic sources and re-suspension. High deposition levels are characteristics of areas with significant anthropogenic emissions in Western Germany, Southern Poland, Northern Italy, Eastern Ukraine etc. a b Figure 3.16. Spatial distribution of Pb mean annual concentration in ambient air (a) and annual deposition (b) in Europe in 2000 25 Figures 3.16 and 3.18 demonstrate evaluation of modelling results for Pb against measurements. As seen from the figures modelled concentrations both in air and precipitation underestimates observed ones by 20-25%. Nevertheless, correlation is significant in both cases and in most cases discrepancy between predicted and measured values does not exceed a factor of two. As for cadmium, the model tends to underpredict Pb concentrations in precipitation measured at Scandinavian sites (Figs. 3.17b and 3.18b). 10 Dmod = 0.79 Dobs Rcorr = 0.62 3 Model, ng/m Cmod = 0.75 Cobs Rcorr = 0.72 Model, g/L 10 1 1 Pb Pb 0.1 0.1 1 10 3 Observed, ng/m a 1 Observed, g/L b 10 Figure 3.17. Scatter plots of comparison of modeled and observed Pb concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000. Red solid line delineates 1:1 ratio, red and green dashed lines show deviation by a factor of two and three, respectively Air concentration, ng/m 3 20 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 16 12 8 4 b SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK2 NO99 NL9 NO42 LV16 LV10 IS91 LT15 GB91 GB90 FI96 GB14 DK31 DK8 DK10 DK5 DK3 DE9 DE8 DE7 DE5 DE4 DE3 CZ3 DE1 AT5 CZ1 4 Bound Natural Anthrop Obs 3 2 1 0 CZ1 CZ3 DE1 DE4 DE9 DK8 DK20 DK31 EE9 EE11 FI8 FI9 FI17 FI22 FI53 FI92 FI93 FI96 FR90 GB14 GB90 GB91 IS2 IS90 LV10 LV16 NL9 NL91 NO1 NO39 NO41 NO55 NO56 NO92 NO93 NO94 NO95 NO99 SE5 SE51 SE97 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK7 Concentration in prec, g/L a AT4 AT2 0 Figure 3.18. Comparison of modeled vs. measured Pb concentrations in air (a) and precipitation (b) in 2000 at monitoring sites of the EMEP network. Circles show observed values; bars present model predictions. Contribution of European anthropogenic, natural and non-European sources to modeled values are presented by green, blue and orange bars, respectively 26 3.2 Uncertainties Detailed analysis of the MSCE-HM model uncertainty has been performed based on sensitivity study (Travnikov and Ilyin, 2005). As an example of this study, Figure 3.19 illustrates estimated uncertainties of the main output variables for Pb caused by inaccuracies of input parameters. The most significant uncertainties are introduced by anthropogenic and natural emissions along with re-emission and exceed 30% on average. High uncertainty of natural emission and re-emission leads to their contribution to the overall uncertainty at least comparable with the anthropogenic one. Meteorological parameters and characteristics of removal processes also cause considerable model uncertainty. Eant Eant Eant Enat Enat Enat Meteo Meteo Meteo Vd Lwet Lwet Lwet Vd Vd Kz Cbound Cbound Cbound Kz Kz Pb in air LWC 0 a 20 40 Uncertainty, % Pb in precipitation LWC 60 0 10 20 30 Uncertainty, % 40 Total Pb deposition LWC 50 b 0 10 20 30 Uncertainty, % 40 50 c Figure 3.19. Uncertainty of Pb concentration in air (a), in precipitation (b) and of total Pb deposition flux (c) due to inaccuracy of main input parameters. The error bars show 90% confidence interval The estimated overall uncertainties of the main model parameters are presented in Table 3.1. It was expected that the model uncertainty includes contributions of all model parameters except anthropogenic, natural emissions and re-emission. The range indicates 90% confidence interval of the uncertainty variation over the model domain. The intrinsic model uncertainty of particle-bound heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb) varies from 20% to 65% over the domain with average values 43%, 40% and 33% for concentration in air, concentration in precipitation and total deposition, respectively. The intrinsic model uncertainty of Hg differs for different outputs. It does not exceed 20% on average for TGM concentration (the range 16-22%) but reaches 40% for total deposition and 50% for concentration in precipitation (the ranges 20-57% and 29-74% respectively). Table 3.1. Model intrinsic uncertainty of the main model output parameters Uncertainty, % Output parameter As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb Hg Air concentration 43 (22-64) 19 (16-22) Concentration in precipitation 40 (20-57) 53 (29-74) Total deposition 33 (19-49) 39 (20-57) 27 4. REDUCTION OF HEAVY METAL ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITIONS IN EUROPE BY 2010 Airborne pollution levels with As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb in Europe have been also evaluated for 2010 based on BAU and MFTR emission scenarios. Emissions data for these scenarios were prepared in WP02 of the project. Calculations of heavy metal atmospheric dispersion according to these scenarios have been performed in WP04 and delivered to other workpackages of the project. Below we present a short description of the modelling results. To evaluate reduction of heavy metal depositions between 2000 and 2010 and to avoid effect of meteorological variability calculations of the atmospheric dispersion in 2000 was repeated using the same meteorological data as for the year 2010 (see Section 2.1). Besides, natural emissions, wind re-suspension and boundary conditions were assumed unchangeable. Figure 4.1 presents comparison of estimated total deposition of heavy metals to European countries in 2000 and two emission scenarios for 2010. As seen the most significant deposition reduction was predicted for Cd, Pb and Ni (about 20% and 30% for BAU and MFTR, respectively). It can be explained both by considerable expected reduction of anthropogenic emissions of these metals and low or moderate contribution of natural emission and resuspension. The lowest reduction was estimated for As and Cr (below 8% and 15% for BAU and MFTR, respectively), which are significantly affected by the wind-re-suspension. Deposition reduction of Hg was also predicted to be insignificant (8% and 18% for BAU and MFTR, respectively) because of large contribution of the intercontinental transport from other continents. This contribution can be expected to be unchangeable or even increasing during considered period because of considerable growth of Hg emissions in Asia. 0.6 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 BAU MFTR b MFTR 0.10 0.05 0.00 BAU MFTR 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 e 2.0 2000 BAU MFTR 16 Ni 4.0 2.0 0.0 2000 4.0 c Total deposition, kt/y 0.15 Cr 0.0 BAU 6.0 Hg Total deposition, kt/y Total deposition, kt/y 0.2 2000 0.20 d 0.4 0.0 2000 a 6.0 Cd Total deposition, kt/y As Total deposition, kt/y Total deposition, kt/y 2.0 Pb 12 8 4 0 2000 2000 Anthropogenic BAU BAU Natural MFTR f 2000 BAU MFTR MFTR Boundary Figure 4.1. Estimated total deposition of heavy metals to European countries in 2000 and 2010 according to BAU and MFTR emission scenarios Decrease of heavy metal depositions considerably varies from one part of Europe to another depending on emission reduction in particular countries. Spatial distributions of As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pg deposition reduction in Europe between 2000 and 2010 according to BAU 28 and MFTR emission scenarios are presented in Figs. 4.2-4.7. The most significant deposition reduction is expected in Western and Central Europe for al the metals. However, magnitude and spatial pattern of the reduction varies between different metals. a b Figure 4.2. Spatial distribution of As deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios a b Figure 4.3. Spatial distribution of Cd deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios 29 a b Figure 4.4. Spatial distribution of Cr deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios a b Figure 4.5. Spatial distribution of Hg deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios a b Figure 4.6. Spatial distribution of Ni deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios 30 a b Figure 4.7. Spatial distribution of Pb deposition reduction in Europe in 2010 with regard to 2000 in accordance with BAU (a) and MFTR (b) emission scenarios 5. SENSITIVITY OF HEAVY METAL DEPOSITION IN EUROPE TO EMISSION REDUCTION IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Bulk modelling activity within WP04 of the project was connected with calculations of source-receptor matrices of heavy metal deposition sensitivity to emission reduction in different European countries. This kind of matrices define a link between emission reduction in each European country and heavy metal deposition to each grid cell (or even to each land use type within a grid cell) of the model domain. The main aim of these calculations was support of the optimization modelling of emission reduction in Europe for policy-oriented applications. For this purpose calculation of atmospheric dispersion of the selected heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb) have been repeatedly performed reducing each time emission in one of European countries by 10%. This sort of calculations has been performed for all European countries and for two emission scenarios of 2010 (BAU and MFTR). Consideration of two scenarios with distinct emissions allows taking into account possible non-linear dependence of deposition on anthropogenic emission reduction. Obtained modelling results have been delivered to other work-packages for further use in the full chain of the project. Below a short analysis of the obtained results are presented. To characterize response of heavy metal deposition to emission reduction in each particular country we calculate the following sensitivity coefficient S .c. Dij / Dij E k / E k , (5.1) where Dij is deposition of a heavy metal to a grid cell (i,j); Ek is emissions flux in kth country; and Dij and Ek are changes of appropriate values. For illustration purposes the sensitivity coefficient was averaged over two emission scenarios. Figure 5.1 illustrates spatial distribution of the sensitivity coefficient of Pb deposition to emission reduction in three countries located in different parts of Europe – Spain, Germany, 31 Russia and Ukraine. As seen the highest sensitivity characterizes depositions to own territory of the countries. Besides, spatial pattern of deposition sensitivity depends on location of a country. Spain is located aside of major European territory, therefore, emission reduction in this country mostly affect its own territory and southern part of France. Reduction of Pb emissions in Germany leads to decrease of depositions in surrounding countries such as France, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic etc. Emissions reduction in Russia mostly effect its own territory but also neighbouring countries – Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. On the other hand, reduction of Pb emissions in Ukraine significantly effect depositions in southern part of Russia. a b c d Figure 5.1. Spatial distribution of the sensitivity coefficient of Pb deposition in Europe to emission reduction in some European countries: (a) – Spain; (b) – Germany; (c) – Russia Frequency distribution functions of the sensitivity coefficient values for Pb, Cd, and Hg emissions reduction in these countries are presented in Fig. 5.2. As seen the distributions have a multi-peak shapes for all the countries. A peak of the sensitivity coefficient close to unity indicate high sensitivity of depositions to the country’s own territory. This peak is relatively big for Russia because of large territory of the country. Other maximums present lower sensitivity of deposition to other areas. In general, Cd depositions are characterised by the highest sensitivity because they more depend on anthropogenic emissions then other 32 metals. Mercury depositions are the least sensitive to anthropogenic emissions reduction in Europe because of significant contribution of global sources. 1.5 1.5 Cd Hg Pb Frequency 1.2 Germany 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.6 a 0.0 0.0001 1 Sensitivity coefficient 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Sensitivity coefficient b 1.5 1.5 Cd Hg Pb 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0001 Cd Hg Pb Ukraine 1.2 Frequency Russia Frequency 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.0001 c Cd Hg Pb 1.2 Frequency Spain 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.001 0.01 0.1 Sensitivity coefficient 0.0 0.0001 1 d 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Sensitivity coefficient Figure 5.2. Frequency distribution functions of the sensitivity coefficient of heavy metal deposition over territory of Europe to emission reduction in some countries: (a) – Spain; (b) – Germany; (c) – Russia; (d) – Ukraine To characterize effectiveness of heavy metal emissions reduction in European countries from the viewpoint of decrease of atmospheric depositions we computed the medians as well as 5% and 95% percentiles of the sensitivity coefficient frequency distributions for emission reduction in each European country. Figure 5.3 shows this kind of statistical parameters for all six heavy metals considered in the project. As seen from the figure heavy metal depositions in Europe are the most sensitive to emissions reduction of Ukraine and Russia. Among the countries significantly affecting depositions are also Germany, Poland, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. However, one should keep in mind that general statistics characterizes situation in Europe as a whole, whereas deposition sensitivity in particular regions varies significantly. 33 Russia 34 1.E-01 1.E-01 Finland Portugal 1.E-01 Albania Albania Portugal Macedonia Estonia Lithuania Croatia Norway Slovenia Bosnia&Herz. Latvia Ireland Luxemburg Rep.Moldova Finland Denmark Greece Slovakia Switzerland Bulgaria 1.E-01 Luxemburg Ireland Luxemburg Norway Albania Estonia Latvia Macedonia Croatia Bosnia&Herz. Slovenia Sweden Lithuania Greece Rep.Moldova Denmark Serbia&Mont. Bulgaria Sweden Serbia&Mont. Luxemburg Albania Estonia Portugal Macedonia Norway Latvia Lithuania Croatia Ireland Finland Bosnia&Herz. Denmark Slovenia Rep.Moldova Sweden Switzerland Greece Serbia&Mont. Austria Netherlands Turkey Belgium Belarus Slovakia Hungary Bulgaria Spain CzechRep. Romania France UK Poland Germany Italy 1.E-01 Estonia Macedonia Estonia Portugal Croatia Latvia Bosnia&Herz. Ireland Lithuania Rep.Moldova Finland Slovenia Bulgaria Norway Denmark Greece Serbia&Mont. Sweden Belgium Turkey Austria Turkey Hungary Belarus Romania Netherlands CzechRep. Spain Belgium Italy UK France Germany Poland Russia Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient Portugal Albania Luxemburg Ireland Lithuania Macedonia Croatia Norway Denmark Bosnia&Herz. Finland Latvia Switzerland Slovenia Rep.Moldova Sweden Greece Bulgaria Estonia Serbia&Mont. Austria Netherlands Slovakia Hungary Belgium Romania Turkey CzechRep. UK Belarus Spain Italy France Poland Germany Russia Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient 1.E-01 Macedonia Norway Lithuania Portugal Latvia Albania Luxemburg Ireland Slovenia Rep.Moldova Croatia Bosnia&Herz. Denmark Finland Slovakia Austria Sweden Serbia&Mont. Belarus Slovakia Austria Spain Belarus Netherlands CzechRep. Switzerland UK Romania Italy France Slovakia Hungary Germany Poland Russia Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient b Bulgaria Greece Switzerland Russia Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient a Hungary Turkey Hungary Austria Belgium CzechRep. d Switzerland CzechRep. Belgium Spain Poland UK France Germany Italy Romania Netherlands e Spain Belarus Romania France UK Poland Germany Italy Russia Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient c Netherlands Turkey f Ukraine Sensitivity coefficient 1.E+00 1.E-02 As 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-02 Cd 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-02 Cr 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-02 Hg 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-02 Ni 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-02 Pb 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 Figure 5.3. Sensitivity coefficient of heavy metal deposition in Europe to emission reduction in different European countries for: (a) – As, (b) – Cd, (c) – Cr, (d) – Hg, (e) – Ni, (f) – Pb. Dots present medians of the frequency distribution functions; ranges show 90%-confidense intervals over the European territory 6. CONCLUSIONS Modelling activities related to evaluation of atmospheric dispersion of six selected heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb) in Europe have been performed within framework of WP04 of the project. Particularly, the chemical transport model MSCE-HM has been reviewed and improved. Major model parameterisations have been revised as well as all required input data have been prepared for modelling process. New parameterisation of particle-bound heavy metal wind re-suspension from soil and seawater has been developed. Heavy metal airborne pollution levels in Europe have been evaluated for the base year 2000. The modelling results have been compared with available measurements. It was obtained that discrepancies between modelled and observed values mostly do not exceed a factor of two. Besides, the intrinsic model uncertainty was estimated to be not higher than 50%. Reduction of heavy metal deposition in Europe between 2000 and 2010 has been estimated based on BAU and MFTR emission scenarios. It was obtained that the reduction varies both for different heavy metals and in different parts of Europe. The highest deposition reduction was predicted for Cd, Pb and Ni (about 20% and 30% for BAU and MFTR, respectively); the lowest – for As and Cr (below 8% and 15% for BAU and MFTR, respectively). The value of deposition reduction depends on reduction of anthropogenic emissions, contribution of natural sources and wind re-suspension, and influence of the intercontinental atmospheric transport. Source-receptor matrices of heavy metal deposition sensitivity to emission reduction in different European countries have been computed. 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