A6-3-1 課程網頁國際化之建置-授課目標 系所:環境工程與管理系 學程:學士四年制 Course Descriptions of Undergraduate Program Department of Environmental Engineering and Management Code Credits Course Name Course Description The study of calculus has been of central importance to all college students. Modern calculus was developed in order to EM1001 2 Calculus solve problems in physics and chemistry. Many important laws were formulated in the language of calculus. In addition, calculus is also used to describe the natural and social phenomena. For environment field, calculus is a basic tool to learn how to solve environmental problems. This course introduces the basic concepts, principles and analytical tools of economics in order to fully understand economic issues as well as to utilize economic analysis in a decision-making process. This course is designed to be a EM1002 3 Economics one year course. The first semester will focus on microeconomics, focusing on how individuals make decisions. The subjects include consumer theory, producer theory, market economics, economic efficiency, and market failure. The second semester will focus on macroeconomics, including subjects such as national income, inflation, unemployed rate, exchange rate, etc. This course comprises three major parts: 1. Water chemistry. 2. Atmospheric chemistry. 3. Soil chemistry. Water chemistry introduces acid-base equilibrium, complex EM1003 3 Environmental Chemistry chemistry, oxidation-reduction reaction, solubility chemistry, biochemistry in water, water pollution and water treatment. Atmospheric chemistry includes particles in the atmosphere, gaseous inorganic air pollutants, organic air pollutants, photochemical smog and the endangered global atmosphere. In soil chemistry, the soil characteristics and soil pollution problems would be included. Code EM1004 EM1005 EM1008 EM1009 Credits 3 Course Name Course Description Introduction to Environmental Engineering The issues in this course included: water pollution, solid waste disposal, air pollution control, environmental impact assessment and environmental ethics. The present condition and fundamental calculation of environmental engineering should be realized and learned. 3 Introduction to Computers 3 Introduction to Environmental Management 2 Sampling and Analysis of Pollutants a. a quick review of basic statistics for DoE and data analysis b. a series of examples to promote students’ sensitivity in examining the quality of data of their own or the others. c. hands-on exercises using Excel and SPSS for DoE and data analysis The course introduces the contents of management science and their applications to pollution control and sustainable development. To understand the fundamental and quality control of pollutants analysis. To learn the analytical methods and skills of sampling and operation. To learn the design objectives and principles of experiments weight analytical methods(TS,SS,VS) volume analytical methods(acidity, salinity, hardness, DO, BOD, COD) and color comparison methods(color). EM1010 1 Lab.of Pollutant Analysis To practice the experiments of pollutants analysis To learn the analytical methods and skills. To learn how to organize a team work and to write the experimental reports weight analytical methods(TS, SS, VS) volume analytical methods(acidity, salinity, hardness, DO、BOD、COD) color comparison methods (color). EM2015 EM2016 3 3 Statistics Air Pollution This course introduces essential concepts and applications of statistics, including the introduction of statistics, statistic charts, sample survey and experiment design, randomness and probability, normal distribution and linear regression. This course introduces rules and regulations, Meteorology and air pollution, Sources and characteristics of air pollutants (particulate and gas), photochemical reaction, Control technology (cyclone, wet scrubber, bag house, electric stastiprecipator), mobile pollution. Code EM2017 EM2018 EM2020 Credits 1 3 3 Course Name Air Pollution Experiments Engineering Mathematics ( 1 ) Environmental Laws Course Description The goals of this course is to train to sample and analyze air pollutants actually and be able to analyze and explain the data. The contents include the introduction of sampling and analysis of air pollutants, QA/QC, quantitative analysis, opacity, TSP and dust, PM10, sulfate, odor, PSI calculation, HCs, O3, CO. Objective: This course provide an introduction to those branches of post-calculus mathematics with which engineers need to be familiar in order to carry on their work effectively. Content: (1) First order (linear and non-linear) differential equations, (2) Higher order (linear) differential equations, (3) Laplace Transform The course introduces the environmental laws of Taiwan. First, the international trend of environmental protection laws will be presented. Secondly, the environmental laws of air, water, waste, soil and other related ones in Taiwan will be also delivered. The course investigates various unit operations and processes for water treatment, including sedimentation, filtration, adsorption for physical treatment;coagulation and disinfection for chemical treatment;activated sludge, biofilm processes and anaerobic processes for biological treatment;and thickening, digestion and dewatering for EM2021 3 Wastewater Treatment sludge handling and management. The course not only introduces the principle of each treatment unit, also the basic mathematical technique and functional design method. A corresponding laboratory course is also provided at the same semester to allow students learning the topic from experiments. The students are encouraged to take both of the classes at the same time for complete learning. Code EM2022 Credits 1 Course Name Wastewater Laboratory Course Description The objectives of this course are to train students various laboratory skills for unit operations and processes. Students are divided into several groups to learn teamwork and writing skill for laboratory report as well. The experiments include sedimentation and adsorption for physical treatment; jar test for coagulation and disinfection for chemical treatment; BOD kinetics and activated sludge pilot plant operation. This course is provided to the senior students as the first EM3031 3 Graduation Project ( 1 ) part of Graduation Project. The students are required to select a research topic for Graduation Project (I), such as, pollution controls, waste minimization, economics, resources, and energy management. Students are required to write a formal report and submit to their advisors for approval and grading. This course is provided to the students at the third year as the second part of the Graduation Project. This course is a continued course from the previous course of Graduation EM3032 3 Graduation Project ( 2 ) Project (I). The students are required to select a research topic similar to the Graduation project (I), such as, pollution controls, waste minimization, economics, resources, and energy management. Students are required to write a formal report and submit to their advisors for approval. Environmental impact assessment (EIA): The purpose of the course is to explain 1.The importance and regulatory requirement of EIA and strategic environmental assessment(SEA) towards sustainable development 2. The procedure and substantive requirement, and 3. How to do an EM3033 3 Enviroment impact Evaluation EIA (or SEA). The content includes 1. Evolution of the EIA system here and abroad, 2. Laws and regulations relating to the requirement of procedure and substantive matter, 3. Environmental index and indicator, 4. Screening and scoping methods, 5. Technical details of impact prediction and 6. Case study. Code EM3034 EM3035 EM4049 EM6047 Credits 3 3 2 2 Course Name Course Description Solid Waste Management The objective of this course is to provide students to understand the solid waste management issues. The subjects of the course will include: the definition of solid waste; introduction to Waste Treatment and Disposal Act and Resource Recovery and Reuse Regulation; waste source and property; collection and transportation; pretreatment (resource recovery and reuse, waste minimization); storage and treatment; incineration treatment; landfill disposal; solidification; biotreatment; hazardous waste engineering and management. Environmental Management System This course provides the basic spirit and practice of ISO 14000. Teaching content contains introduction of guidelines, environmental commitment and policy, environmental planning, implementation, measurement and evaluation, review and improvement. In addition, it includes environmental management system, environmental performance evaluation, environmental auditing, life cycle assessment, environmental labelling and environmental aspects in product standards and the like. Model Making Techniques The Environmental Management program requires students to serve as an intern for a period of 60 days in an enterprise to learn how the real world get environmental management done. Students will practice what they have learned in school for productive use and explore the career interest. Fundamental Mathematics This course is to enhance the freshmen's fundamental ability in high school mathematics. It intends to review topics regarding (1) the number system and its application, (2) logarithmic and exponential function, (3) trigonometric functions, (4) vector, (5) plane analytical geometry, (6) matrix and algebraic equations, and other options. EM1006 2 Environmental Physics The application of physics in the environmental engineering and management including mechanics, electronics, magnetics, thermodynamics and optics. The major applications are in the area of engineering, instrument analysis and pollution control and monitoring. Code EM1007 Credits 2 Course Name Environmental Science Course Description The objective of this course is to provide the students to understand the fundamental issues in environmental science. The course addresses what the environmental problems are, how these problems impact the environment, and the means society has chosen to deal with these problems. The topics include the basic concept of environmental science, air pollution, the climate issue and the dissipation of air pollutant, air pollution control, water pollution, growth mathematics, solid waste, hazardous waste and radiation, risk analysis, soil and groundwater pollution and control, noise pollution and control, and environmental impact assessment. EM1012 3 Environmental Microbiology This course is an introduction to the general concepts of environmental microbiology. The course will emphasize basic fundamentals of microbiology and microbial ecology which will be described in the context of environmental engineering applications. The course present the basic applications of computers in EM1013 EM1014 3 2 Computers in Environmental Engineering Survey of Environment Problem in Taiwan environmental engineering. To improve the students’ ability to analyze environmental problems, term projects are required after each tool/software being introduced. These computer tools include geographical information system, air quality model, script language and linear programming solver. This course aims to introduce the economic, resources profile and the environment problems in Taiwan. The topics are listed as follows: Economic: economic sectors situation, industrial structure change, economical development... Resources: energy, water resource, land, natural resource... Environment: air pollution, water pollution, solid waste, soil pollution, land use, ecology... Code EM1016 EM2019 EM2023 EM2027 Credits 3 3 3 3 Course Name Soil and Groundwater Contamination Survey and Remediation Engineering Mathematics ( 2 ) Water Supply Engineering Industrial Processes EM2028 3 Fluid Mechanics EM2029 3 Noise and Vibration Control Course Description This course will introduce the theory and application of the soil and groundwater remediation technique to student. The contents are divided two parts. First section begins with the nature of soil, groundwater and pollutants, then introduce the mechanism of chemical fate and transport in the underground. Second part introduces the principles, application and design for remediation techniques. Objective: This course provide an introduction to those branches of post-calculus mathematics with which engineers need to be familiar in order to carry on their work effectively. Content: (1) Linear algebra, (2) System of linear differential equations and 1.Water supply plan and related laws and regulations 2.Water resources, water quality and water quantity 3.Water intake systems 4.Water piping systems 5.Water pumping systems 6.Water purifying systems 7.Water distribution systems The course introduces the mass balance of materials, waste flows, as and well as the close-loop recycling. It also discusses the issues of environmental concerns associated with the manufacturing process, including refinery and petrochemical industry, steel mill, cement mill, and electronic industry. The course investigates various fields in fluid mechanics, including fluid statics, elementary fluid dynamics, fluid kinematics, finite control volume analysis, differential analysis of fluid flow, similitude, dimensional analysis, viscous flow in pipes and open-channel flow. The course not only introduces the principle of each field of fluid mechanics, also the basic mathematical technique and calculated method. part I: principle of noise、law、measuring and control of noise, part II: principle of vibration、law、measuring and control of vibration Code EM2030 EM3036 Credits 3 3 Course Name Environmental Statistics Hydrology Course Description This course introduces the practical theorems of statistics. Students are proposed to be capable of applying these theorems in environmental problems. The course will introduce the theorems in inferential statistics, including different statistic estimation and test techniques. Detailed study of the hydrologic cycle including precipitation, precipitation losses, and rainfall/runoff processes. Concepts relating to streamflow, urban drainage, river and reservoir routing, hydrologic measurement, subsurface flow, and water quality are also addressed. Unit hydrograph theory, watershed modeling, and analysis and design of drainage structures. This class intends to provide students with an introduction to environmental problems and issues. The educational settings are concerning with the connections between human societies, ecosystems and the geophysical environment. Mankind’s activities to and impacts on the environment are varying in kind and scope. Many pollution EM3037 3 Environmental Sociology problems are collective phenomenon of individual activities. Conversely, environment influences our emotion and conditions our behavior. Thus, the interaction between human and the environment in both directions is one major topic of the course. The scope of the course includes global change, pollution problems in local area, environmental issues at community, conservation of ecosystem, depletion of energy and resources, impact of technology innovation and the balance between economic development and environmental protection. Code EM3038 Credits 3 Course Name Environmental Hygiene Course Description 1.To understand the content and spirit of environmental hygiene 2.Teaching content includes toxicology, epidemiology, occupational hygiene and safety, food and drinking water safety and hygiene, air pollution and quality, waste treatment and management, pest control, injury control, electromagnetic radiation, standard and monitoring, energy and the environment, disaster response, and a macroscopic view of earth environment This course illustrates how to apply MATLAB in solving EM3039 3 Programming for Environmental Systems environmental problems. The eighteen-week lesson can be divided into three complementary sessions: Session 1, Fundamental feature of MATLAB: Students will understand basic operational tools, built-in functions, the concept of Array, and the use of Files. Session 2, Students will learn problem-solving methodology in engineering, science, statistics, and mathematics. The use of looping and sub-routine is explained herein. Session 3, Students will familiarize programming skill through various stand-along cases. Most cases are related to environmental issues. EM3040 EM3042 3 3 Ecological Engineering and Methods The issues in this course include: principle of water quality natural-purification, water quality natural-purification ecological engineering, water quality natural-purification plan, conservation of river ecology system and biodiversity, river landscape ecology, ecological planning and design of river corridor, remediation engineering of landfill site, methods and safety. The present condition and fundamental calculation of ecological engineering will be realized and learned. Geographic Information Systems Objective: This course provide an introduction to those branches of post-calculus mathematics with which engineers need to be familiar in order to carry on their work effectively. Content: (1) Linear algebra, (2) System of linear differential equations and Code EM3043 Credits 3 Course Name Management for Environmental Policy Course Description The objective of this course is to provide students to understand the environmental management, domestic environmental policy and global environmental protection topic. The subjects of the course will include : Environmental management and policy;Environmental economics;Risk assessment;Ecological balance;National environmental policy;Environmental impact assessment; Sustainable development;the issue on environmental protection and International Conventions .. etc. The objective of this course to provide student to understand EM3044 3 Resource Recycling and Recovery the resource recovery issues for solid waste. The subjects of the course will include: the definition of solid waste, waste treatment and disposal regulation, waste property, waste classification and pretreatment, resource recovery regulation, waste minimization and resource recovery technology. This course will bring the students to understand instruments analysis in environmental engineering and EM3047 EM3048 3 3 Instrumental Analysis management field, and be a basic background for advanced course. The subjects include Quality Assurance/Quality Control concept, Separation Method, Atomic Spectroscopy, Molecular Spectroscopy. The course introduces the control technology of particulate matter and gaseous air pollutants, including cyclone, ESP, Air pollution control and bad house, absorption, adsorption, wet scrubber and their design approach design. Code EM3066 EM4050 Credits 3 3 Course Name Treatment and Design for Hazardous Waste Green Enterprise Course Description The objective of this course is to provide students to understand the management skill and treatment technology for hazardous waste. The subjects of the course will include: the definition of hazardous waste; Waste composition and property; collection and transportation; storage and treatment; incineration treatment; landfill disposal; solidification; waste spill control technology; soil and groundwater pollution mechanism(regulation); soil and groundwater sampling and analytical methods; pollution control technology. The environmental issues have become a major concern for all business in the last decades. Although it is difficult to inter-relate human effects within the complex processes of ecological system, public and business awareness of environmental problems has certainly risen as scientific knowledge has advanced and as environmental problems have been aggravated. A new era in business-environment relationship has arrived. This course will focus on the discussion of the international environmental issues and their effect on the domestic business. EM4051 EM4052 3 3 Water Regeneration Technology The issues in this course included: industrial wastewater recycle and reuse, sewage recycle and reuse, seawater utilization, dual water supply system, rain water recycle and reuse technology, electrolysis, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. The present condition and fundamental calculation of water regeneration technology should be realized and learned. Applications of Environmental chemistry This course is to introduce the applications about the environmental engineering chemistry. This course comprises 1.Basic principles of environmental chemistry,2.Basic concepts and applications of Equilibrium chemistry,3.Basic concepts and applications of Organic chemistry 4.Fundamentals of process kinetics and applications, 5.Basic concepts and applications of Colloidal chemistry and Coagulation chemistry. Code EM4053 Credits 3 Course Name Environmental Auditing and Practice Course Description This subject aims at the understanding of the guidelines and regulations of ISO 14000 and related environmental laws. ISO 14000 has been used to evaluate the environmental performance and environmental management system. Especially, the inspection of environmental performance and its feedback plan on the standard procedure are the essential element and the central spirit. Teaching content includes ISO 14001 guidelines analysis, related environmental laws and regulations, the spread of environmental management systems, life cycle analysis, design for the environment, clean production, environmental impact assessment, environmental economics and accounting and environmental management auditing and the like. EM4054 EM4055 EM4056 EM5032 3 2 3 1 Environmental Toxicology English for Environmental Engineers Energy engineering and management Engineering Ethics This course is to introduce the principles; mechanistic and management about the environmental toxicology. This course comprises :Introduction Environmental toxicology, Toxic-kinetic, Carcinogenic compound, Developmental toxicology, Environmental hormone, Pesticides, Heavy metal, Dioxin, Polychorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Polyaromtic hydrocarbons(PAHs). This course is designed to train the students who are major in environmental engineering, science, and management. All teaching materials of the course provided will be in English. The course includes students’ correct pronunciation and explanation of s The topics of this course include the introduction to energy and environment, fossil fuels, battery, renewable energy, as well as energy management. Let the students understand the essential topics of engineering ethics and improve their ability to make correct decision while facing the ethic dilemma by offering the lecture courses provided by engineering professionals. Code EM6048 Credits 3 Course Name Course Description Environmental Economy and Natural Resources Management This course introduces the principle of environmental economics to students. Students will understand how to use environmental economics to deal with the problems about pollution prevention and nature resources conservation. 填表人:__________ 日期:______ 單位主管:__________ 日期:______