Supporting information to accompany Single-Step Process to Produce Functionalized Multiresponsive Polymeric Particles Antoine Bousquet1, Emmanuel Ibarboure1, Valérie Héroguez, 1Eric Papon, 1 Christine Labrugere,2 Juan Rodríguez-Hernández1,3* 1 Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO), CNRS, Université Bordeaux I, ENSCPB. 16, Avenue Pey Berland, 33607, Pessac-Cedex. 2 Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB-CNRS), 87, Av. Albert Schweitzer 33600, Pessac. 3 Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros (ICTP-CSIC) C/ Juan de la Cierva n°3 28006 Madrid Fax: (34) 91 564 48 53; Tel: (34) 91 258 75 05; E-mail: Estimation of the amount of diblock copolymer encapsulated. 1) First, it is necessary to create a reference plot in which are plotted the % of block copolymer P1 in the mixture (see below) and the intensity of the C=O signal. The reference plot was constructed by analyzing the IR spectra obtained from mixtures prepared with reference particles (i.e. containing only S and DVB) and diblock copolymer P1 at different weight percent (from 5 to 30%). The aromatic signal at ~ 1600 cm-1 was set to 1 in all the spectra and the intensity of the C=O signal (at 1730cm-1) for the different mixtures is plotted. The values of the intensity obtained for the C=O signal: 0 0,152 0,289 0,605 0,933 Percentage of diblock copolymer P1in the mixture 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 1,0 Intensity of the C=O signal Intensity of the C=O signal 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 % of diblock copolymer in the blend The values obtained can be adjusted to a line with an equation: y=0,00806 x 2) Once the reference plot has been constructed, the value of the intensity of the C=O signal obtained in the IR spectra (again the aromatic signal at 1600cm-1 has to be set to 1) can be introduced in the equation depicted below. As a result we are able to estimate the composition of the particle, i.e. real percentage of diblock copolymer within the particle obtained. The values obtained were: Particles P1/30 P1/20 P1/10 P1/5 Percentage of diblock copolymer introduced in the feed prior to polymerization 30 20 10 5 Intensity of the C=O signal Percentage of diblock copolymer (P1) in the particles 0,266 0,152 0,084 0,061 8,86 5,1 2,8 2,0 3) Knowing the % of diblock copolymer P1 encapsulated within the particles and the % of diblock copolymer P1 introduced initially in the feed, we are able to determine de efficiency of the encapsulation process as: Encapsulation efficiency = (% of diblock in the particle)/(% of diblock in the feed prior to polymerization)*100 Thus, by using this equation we can construct the following table: Particles P1/30 P1/20 P1/10 P1/5 Percentage of diblock copolymer introduced in the feed prior to polymerization (A) 30 20 10 5 Percentage of diblock copolymer (P1) in the particle (%) (B) 8,86 5,1 2,8 2,0 Encapsulation efficiency (%) E=B/A 29,5 25,5 28 40