M.Sc. FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY PAPER-IV (COMPULSORY) 1. MAX. MARKS: 100 INTRODUCTION: History and significance of environmental degradation, impact of the modern life style on environmental quality, resource depletion, environmental conservation and sustainability, poverty and environmental degradation, environmental education, institutions for the protection of environment, interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies, concept of green chemistry, environmental segments. Energy resources and their environmental consequences, fossil fuels nuclear energy, synthetic chemical fuel, emission from thermal units, nuclear waste and its disposal. 2. ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION: Importance of air, nature and composition of atmosphere, temperature and pressure profiles of different layers of the atmosphere, common air pollutants and their sources, oxides of C, N, and S, hydrologic cycle, green house effect and global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, vehicular emissions, particulate matter and aerosols, air borne lead, acid rain and its impacts, photochemical smog, photochemistry of the atmosphere, role of hydroxyl radicals, indoor air quality. 3. WATER POLLUTION AND WATER TREATMENT: Importance of water, physical and chemical properties of water, criteria for water quality, BOD, and COD, sources of water pollution (industrial, agricultural, municipal and natural), fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, heavy metals, bio-accumulations, and bio-implification, primary, secondary and advanced treatment of water. 4. LAND POLLUTION: Importance of soil, nature and composition of soil, macro and micro-nutrients in soil, soil erosion, pH of soil and nutrients availability, ion-exchange in soil, sources of soil pollution (industry, agrochemicals, mining, municipal waste, littering) reclamation of soil. 5. CHEMICALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND THEIR IMPACT: Chemical speciation, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, aflatoxins, PCB’s, pesticides and detergents, house hold chemicals, solvents, impact of chemicals on human health, crops and vegetation, buildings and monuments, aquatic life, biodiversity, visibility. 6. MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND LEGISLATION: Principle, applications of analytical techniques for monitoring of pollution with special reference to GC, HPLC, UV-Vis and IR spectrometry, legislation aspects of environmental pollution, international standards regarding environmental pollution. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. J. W. Moore and E.M. Moore, Environmental Chemistry, Academic Press, New York. S. K. Benerji, Environmental Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Delhi. S. K. Benerji, Environmental Chemistry, Tata Publishers, Delhi Staneley E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Brooks, California. Neil . P.O. Environmental Chemistry, Chapmann, London. P.O. Heil, Environmental Chemistry, Chapmann London. T. G. Spiro and W.M. Stringliant, Chemistry of the Environment, Printice Hall. T.F. Yen, Environmental Chemistry, Printice Hall. Dara, A text of Environmental Chemistry and pollution control, Paramount Books. Girard, Chemistry and Environmental perspective. G.W. Vanloon, Environmental Chemistry (A global perspective) Oxford University Press. R.P. Wayne, Chemistry of Atmosphere, Oxford University Press. D.W. Comell, Basic concepts of Environmental Chemistry. Tayagi, Text book of Environmental Chemistry, paramount books. A.Kumar, Environmental Chemistry, Willey Eastern, New Delhi.