Describing Constant Velocity

Physics 11
Describing Constant Acceleration Lab Activity
Describe constant acceleration using a motion diagram, graphical and mathematical analysis.
Develop an operational definition of constant acceleration.
Outcomes Met:
Identify the frame of reference for a given motion and to distinguish fixed and moving frames.
Identify and investigate questions that arise from practical problems and issues involving motion.
Analyse word problems, solve algebraically for unknowns, and interpret patterns in data.
1. Use an inclined air table, spark timer and sheet of
paper to generate a motion diagram for a puck
moving at constant acceleration.
2. Using a ruler, determine the interval on the motion
diagram that displays constant acceleration.
3. Mark the first distinguishable dot in that interval as
“0” (or reference point).
4. Measure the distance from “0” to the next dot.
5. Measure the distances to each successive dot from
the reference point. Be sure to account for the
precision of your ruler by using the appropriate
number of significant digits.
6. Create a position-time table of your measurements.
Data Analysis:
1. Create a position-time graph of your data. Be sure
to properly scale and label the axes. Entitle your
2. Use a flexible ruler (or a steady free hand) to draw
the curve of best fit that appropriately models this
3. Find the average velocity between each two
successive time intervals. This will represent the
instantaneous velocity since the position-time graph
is parabolic. Draw a tangent line at t = 0.05s.
4. Make an instantaneous velocity-time table of your
5. Create an instantaneous velocity-time graph of your
6. Draw the line of best fit and find its slope. This slope
represents the constant acceleration of the puck.
Summary Questions:
1. What is the constant acceleration of the puck? (Be
sure to include a direction in your answer)
2. How do you know that your line of best fit
appropriately models the instantaneous velocity-time
3. Suppose the puck was allowed to accelerate at the
rate you measured for 4.5 s. What would be its final
velocity at that time. Show the worked solution to
this problem.
4. Suppose the puck was allowed to accelerate at the
rate you measured and reached a velocity of 10.0
m/s. How long would the puck take to reach this
velocity. Show the worked solution to this problem.
5. Write an operational definition of constant
acceleration using the air table experiment as
Lab Report Submission
Students should include the following items in their lab report:
1. Title/Date(s) of lab activity
2. Purpose
3. Theory of the concept of constant acceleration. This section would include:
a. Define instantaneous velocity and acceleration.
b. Define parabola.
c. Explanation of relevant equations and statistics used.
4. Brief overview of procedure (not as outlined verbatim).
5. Data analysis. This section would include:
a. Data table of position and time.
b. Graph of position vs. time. Be sure to scale and label axes. Always include origin (0,0) on the graph.
Graph should be include a descriptive title (do not use ‘position vs. time graph’)
c. Graph of the quadratic regression equation.
d. Tangent lines and three examples of calculations for slopes of tangent lines.
e. Data table of instantaneous velocity and time.
f. Graph of instantaneous velocity and time.
g. Graph of linear regression equation.
6. Answers to the summary questions.
7. Description of sources of error (never use ‘human error’ as an example; be specific)
8. Conclusion (the operational definition of constant acceleration and the actual constant acceleration of the puck would
be included here)
Due Date: ________________________________