1 PILOT PLANT DISTILLATION COLUMN: EXPERIMENTATION AND SIMULATION A. Aucejo*, N. Martínez, M. C. Burguet, M. Sanchotello, J.B.Montón Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universitat de València, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain. Tel. 34 963544319; Fax: 34 963544898; e-mail: antonio.aucejo@uv.es Abstract A set of multicomponent distillation experimental data with a non-ideal system: water + 1propanol + 2-propanol in a pilot-scale column (tray bubble-cap column) is presented to fill the gap of such data in literature. In this paper, working at total reflux, it has been studied the topology of the ternary mixture and the overall geometric efficiency has been estimated. Experimental composition profiles along the column height in continuous mode are reported. The simulation results obtained using the equilibrium stage model corrected with the estimated overall geometric efficiency have been compared with the experimental data. Very good agreement was obtained. Keywords: Pilot plant columns, efficiency, residue curve maps, simulation, n-propanol, isopropanol, water. 2 1. Introduction. The distillation is still the separation process most used in the chemical industry, in spite of its great power consumption. The recent studies tend, indeed, to reduce everything possible this consumption and to improve the knowledge of the operation, optimizing their structure and work conditions. In these studies the simulation programs appear as a powerful tool due to the facility and speed whereupon allows to introduce changes in the operating conditions and to analyze the simulated results. However, the use of simulators without a critic analysis of the basic data (thermodynamic as well as operational) and the results, can lead to decisions far away of the wished objective. The currently available tools to simulate distillation columns are generally based on the concept of equilibrium stages. The equilibrium stage model assumes that the liquid and vapor phases that leave each stage are in thermodynamic equilibrium. This model can lead to some erroneous conclusions. The non-equilibrium stage models seems to be a more realistic approach, however they are computationally intensive and also requires much more input information. Alternatively, one usual way to correct the weakness in the equilibrium stage model is the application of efficiency values. The overall efficiency for distillation columns was defined by Lewis [1] as a relationship between the theoretical and real plates required to perform a specified separation. Murphree [2] defined the plate efficiency relating the behavior of a real plate with that of and ideal plate, through the contact degree between the vapor and liquid phases. After the Murphree efficiency definitions, several methods for efficiency estimation have been developed; however, there are still some difficulties to use the available efficiency correlations. Moreover, the difficulty of the simulation results analysis becomes bigger by the little existing information of experimental data obtained in industrial or pilot plant columns. In front of the plentiful bibliography of thermodynamic data (equilibrium, heat of mixture, activity coefficients, etc) it is remarkable the small amount of papers you can find where a real column was used. A well designed and executed pilot-plant program is a powerful tool 3 that can help process engineers to optimize their designs and can help to guide the plant operation engineers toward a successful startup. The aim of this work is to do a comparative study between the experimental results obtained in a column of 30 real trays with those predicted with a commercial simulation program, using an average geometric efficiency. For this study a ternary system, whose thermodynamic equilibrium was studied by our group in previous works [3, 4], has been selected. The system is formed by water (1), 1propanol (2), and 2-propanol (3). It does not present ternary azeotrope and has two binary minimum boiling azeotropes: one in the water + 1-propanol binary system, with a boiling point of 87,6 C and the second in the water + 2-propanol binary system, with a boiling point of 78,9 C. We have carried out simulations with Aspen HYSYS® v3.2 of Aspen Technology Inc., using the binary interaction parameters correlated from experimental data obtained for all binary systems involved. In the cited papers, it was established that UNIQUAC model estimates with sufficient precision the equilibrium data and the best values of the model interaction parameters were calculated. 4 2. Experimental Section. 2.1. Chemicals The chemical system selected for the experiments performed in this research was a ternary mixture of water, 1-propanol and 2-propanol. 1-Propanol (>99,7 % molar) and 2propanol (>99,7 % molar) were purchased from Panreac. The used water was previously degassed distilled water. These products were not subjected to further purification, because a high quality is not necessary for this work, which tries to recreate the conditions of an industrial plant 2.2. Experimental procedure Experiments were carried out, at atmospheric pressure, in a pilot distillation column. A flowsheet of the pilot column is given in Figure 1. The column (252 PC-50 Labodest model, manufactured by Fisher) is made of Pyrex glass 2 mm. thick, which has a nominal diameter of 5 cm and consist of 30 bubble cap trays (divided into three sections). The column was properly insulated by a silvered vacuum jacket to minimize the heat losses. The boiler has a capacity of 1.5 L. It is heated by means of an electrical resistance and has a heat flow control system. The column is fitted with extensive measurement equipment such that all the required operating conditions can be registered. The temperature of the trays 3, 8, 13, 18 and 26 as well as the relevant streams (feed, distillate, and residue) is measured using PT-100 resistance elements. The system has measurement and control units and it is possible to set the values of the most important operation parameters, as well as an alarm system and automatic stop if some dangerous operation happen (interruption of the refrigeration water, for example). The distillate flow is regulated by means of an automatic reflux dividing valve placed in the column top and the bottoms flow is adjusted by means of a liquid-level control system in the boiler. The distillate and the bottom products can be mixed and sent (feedback) again to the feed system by means of a diaphragm pump, although in this case it has been preferred to take away the distillate and bottom products and to feed the column with a previously prepared mixture. In this way, the stationary conditions of the column are more stable. 5 The experiments, performed under total reflux, started filling the boiler with mixtures of water, n-propanol and iso-propanol at different compositions. The column was allowed to reach steady-state, indicated by a constant-temperature profile along the column. Once the column reaches the steady-state and after two hours operating in this way, small liquid samples (0.2 cm3) of trays, bottom and distillate products were withdrawn. The composition of these samples is measured off-line with a gas chromatograph (GC). To start up the experiments in the continuous process, the boiler was filled with the mixture with similar composition than the feed stream. The electric immersion heater was switched on and the column was operated at total reflux. Once the plates were filled with liquid and steady-state reached the reflux regulator (an automatic reflux dividing valve), and the boiler liquid-level controller were connected. At the same time, it was begun to introduce the feed stream and to extract distillate and bottom products. The feed is introduced in the selected stage by gravity fall from a reservoir. The feed stream is heated until a temperature close to its boiling point. The feed flow is regulated by means of a flowcontrol valve and it is measured with a rotameter. In these conditions it was waited again (three hours or more) until steady-state (constanttemperature profile along the column). Samples of the trays, bottom and distillate products were withdrawn and analyzed by GC. 2.3. Column hydrodynamics. One advantage of working with a pilot plant made of glass is that we have the chance of seeing the hydrodynamic behaviour of the column for different operation conditions. To establish the range of the most appropriate vapour flow rate to carry out this work, several experiments were performed with the mixture under study. The vapour flow rate was increased until the flooding, which is noticed by the increase of total tray pressure drop as well as by the increase of the liquid level in the tray that can extend onto the tray above and will progress to the point of filling the column. The results obtained in this hydrodynamic study give a flooding flow rate of 0.041 kmol/h. On the other hand, the minimum vapour flow rate was determined visually when no vapour flows in the top column. According to the literature [5], the vapour flow rate is usually set at 60 to 80% of flooding. When the vapour flow rate was approximately 60% of flooding, the behaviour of trays was correct, but 6 the time required to reach the steady-state was very high (more than 10 hours). Whereas if the vapour flow rate was set at 80% of flooding, the steady-state was reached in not more than 2 hours. 3. Results and Discussion. 3.1. Experiments at total reflux. 3.1.1. Feasibility and product distribution. Operation at total reflux has no industrial importance, but by means of this kind of operation, the feasible separations of ternary mixtures can be determined very easily and the efficiency of the trays can be evaluated. The knowledge of the form and topology of the residual curves (RC) allows making a study in depth of the rectification as has been shown in numerous papers [6, 7]. This experimental study can be made in a very precise way with distillation columns working at total reflux. Some commercial simulation programs have implemented an option to represent the residual curves on a diagram (for ternary or quaternary systems) or to calculate a numerical table of their evolution. This is the case, for example, of DISTIL version 5.0, under licence of Aspentech. The usefulness of the RC maps lies in the fact that the composition profiles of continuous distillation columns approximate the composition trajectories of the RC. The topology of the system under study can be easily deduced from the number and nature of the pure components and azeotropes (singular points). In Table 1 these data are shown. To start from these data it is easily infered that this ternary system presents a distillation boundary and two associated regions, as it is shown in Figure 2. 3.1.2. Comparison of simulated profiles with experimental data. Owing to the importance that the exact knowledge of the distillation curves shape has, it is very suitable to have information about the similarities between the distillation curves estimated by the simulator and the real ones obtained in the column. 7 To evaluate the simulated results, the obtained profiles were compared with the experimental data. The simulation was undertaken with DISTIL using UNIQUAC model. In Figure 3 the simulated and experimental data are shown. The discontinuous lines represent the estimation obtained using the parameters of the simulator data base, while the continuous lines are the residual curves with the parameters calculated from the experimental equilibrium data [3, 4]. The experimental points corresponding to the composition of different trays along the column, working at total reflux and in steady-state, have been also drawn. It can be observed that the experimental points agree very well with the residual curves predicted by the simulator. The existence of the two distillation regions, as has been indicated by the system topology, appears clearly. The distillation curves are pointed at different vertex depending on the feed composition. 3.1.2. Average geometric efficiency. It is common to assume that the vapour and liquid phases are in equilibrium with each other in the computer-based simulation and design of distillation columns. Real distillation processes, however, almost operate away from equilibrium. In fact, the degree of separation actually attained depends on the rates of mass transfer between vapour and liquid phases. One of the purposes of this paper is to explore the relationships between the equilibrium composition profile (calculated with ideal stage model) and the composition trajectories (experimental profiles obtained working at total reflux) in tray columns to determine the average efficiency of the column. To estimate the global efficiency of the column, two experiments, at total reflux, were carried out for different compositions loads in the boiler working at the optimum vapour flow rate ( 80% flooding). For this purpose, the plate efficiency, defined as the change in real compositions in the liquid phase divided by the change predicted by the equilibrium [7], as can be seen in Figure 4, has been determined, according to the equation: 8 3 AB AC x i 1 3 x i 1 x n real 2 n 1 n 1* x where: AB = vector module representing the real plate separation AC = vector module representing the equilibrium separation xn+1 = real liquid composition of plate n+1 xn = real liquid composition of plate n x n 1* ≡ (1) 2 n ideal ideal liquid composition of plate n+1 Finally, the global column efficiency was calculated as an average value of the individual tray efficiencies previously estimated. In all experiments the obtained value was around 60 %. Figure 5 shows the experimental and calculated with equilibrium composition profiles for the two experiments. 3.2. Continuous process. 3.2.1. Accomplishment of the experiments. Five different experiments have been carried out changing the column operation conditions. The time needed for the column to reach the steady-state and for the all measured variables to stabilize lasted for at least two hours. The feed and distillate flow and the compositions of these streams where determined experimentally, whereas the bottom flow and composition where calculated by performing a mass balance on each of the components. Specified and measured variables for the different experiments are summarized in Table 2. All the experiments where carried out with a relux ratio of 10. In Figure 6 the obtained complete profiles, once the column reached the steady-state, have been represented for the five experiments of Table 2. In this figure it can be seen clearly that compositions of feed, distillate and bottom fulfill the mass balance (within 9 experimental error < 5 %). Also it is clear that the tray composition profiles always stay within one of the distillation region. Depending on the feed composition, the bottom product was pure water (experiment 5) or to pure 1-propanol (experiments 1, 2, 3 and 4). 3.2.2. Comparison of simulated profiles with experimental data. In order to compare the simulated and experimental results, it has been represented in figures 7 and 8 the composition profile of two experiments (as an example). The simulation of the distillation process was carried out with a commercial process simulator (Aspen HYSYS® v3.2 of Aspen Technology Inc.), which can simulate the operation of distillation columns, among other process units. Rigorous distillation calculations were carried out assuming ideal equilibrium stages model. To evaluate the simulated results, and to compare with the experimental data, it was necessary to use the average tray efficiency in the rigorous solution of the distillation column obtained with HYSYS simulator. The operation variables, which must be specified to carry out the simulation, are the number of equilibrium stages, temperature, pressure, flow, compositions and inlet plate of the feed, and column pressure drop. In order to make the HYSYS simulation the freedom degrees of the column have been consumed by the operational reflux ratio and one composition of the bottoms. The average efficiency of the column has been set on 60 % (estimated previously). The simulation output provides information on the temperature, flow rate, and composition of overhead and bottom streams. As can be observed in figures 7 and 8 the shape of estimated and experimental profiles is similar, but the simulation results would not be extrapolated to industrial scale. 4. Conclusions. The study of the process in pilot equipment will be always an interesting option (and sometimes essential) that will allow to know the hydrodynamic behavior of the column to set the optimum mass transfer conditions, to estimate the overall column efficiency and to understand more accurately the results of the simulation. Simulation predict qualitatively the 10 influence of the operation variables on the column performance but are not accurate enough for design purposes. Acknowledgements Financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, through Project no. CTQ2004-04477/PPQ References [1] W. K. Lewis. J. Ind Eng Chem. 1922, 4, 492- [2] E. V. Murphree. Ind Eng Chem, 1925, 17, 747- [3] C. Gabaldon; P. Marzal; J. B. Montón; M. A. Rodrigo. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 1176-1180 [4] C. Gabaldon; P. Marzal; J. B. Montón; M. A. Rodrigo. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 1379-1382 [5] C. R. Branan. Rules of thumb for chemical engineers. Gulf Professional Pub. 2002 [6] J.G. Stichlmair, J.R. Fair. Distillation. Principles and Practice, Wiley-VCH, New York, 1998 [7] M.F. Doherty, M.F. Malone. Conceptual Desing of Distillation Systems, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001 11 Figure captions Figure 1. Diagram of the pilot plant column. Figure 2. Distillation boundary and associated regions for the water (1) + 1-propanol (2) + 2-propanol (3) system. Figure 3. Residue curve map for the water (1) + 1-propanol (2) + 2-propanol (3) system: ○, ●, , □, ∆, ▼, ▲, experimental results for different composition load in the boiler: ( data base; ( ) estimated results obtained using the parameters of the simulator ) estimated results obtained using the parameters calculated from the experimental equilibrium data [3, 4] Figure 4. Illustration of the difference between the change in real composition ( AB ) and that one predicted by the equilibrium ( AC ). Figure 5. Experimental and calculated (with equilibrium) composition profiles for two experiments. Figure 6. Experimental composition profiles in the continuous process: (●) Exp. 1; (○) Exp. 2; (▲) Exp. 3; (∆) Exp. 4; (□) Exp. 5; The big points represent the feed composition of each experiment Figure 7. Composition profile for experiment number 2. Experimental points: (■) water; (▲) 1-propanol; (●) 2-propanol. Simulated results: ( ) Figure 8. Composition profile for experiment number 4. Experimental points: (■) water; (▲) 1-propanol; (●) 2-propanol. Simulated results: ( ) 12 LEGEND 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 5 1 1 6 7 1 2 1 8 1 2 9 10 2 11 1 12 1 13 15 14 16 17 18 20 19 PT 100 Column Bubble cap column Condenser Feed vessel Reflux valve Intermediate receiver Distillate cooler Manometer Immersion heater Distillation control device Temperature control device Safety cooler Distillate receiver Mixing chamber Reboiler Cooling water safety device Residue product cooler Residue receiver Distillate pump Residue pump 13 1-Propanol (96.60 ºC) 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 Region I Region I (87.62 ºC) 0.4 0.8 0.2 (78.91 ºC) 1.0 2-Propanol (81.70 ºC) 0.0 Region II Region II 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water (100.00 ºC) 14 1-Propanol 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1.0 2-Propanol 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water 15 1-Propanol 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 C n+1* B 0.6 A 0.4 n+1 n 0.8 0.2 1.0 2-Propanol 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water 16 1-Propanol 0.0 1.0 1 2 2* 0.2 0.8 3 3* 1 0.4 4* 0.6 2 0.6 2* 3 0.4 3* 4* 0.8 0.2 1.0 2-Propanol 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water 17 1- Propanol 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 1.0 2- Propanol 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water 18 1.0 0.8 0.6 xi 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 25 30 35 Tray number 1.0 0.8 0.6 xi 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 Tray number 35 19 Table 1. Boiling point temperature and nature of the pure components and azeotropes T (ºC) Point Type Water (W) 100 Node Stable 1-Propanol 96.6 Node Stable 2-Propanol 81.7 Saddle Water + 1-Propanol 87.62 Saddle Water + 2-Propanol 78.91 Node Unstable Pure components: Azeotropes: 20 Table 2. Experimental results for the continuous process with water (1) + 1-propanol (2) + 2-propanol (3) ternary system. Experiment number 1 2 3 4 5 Feed Inlet stage 10 10 10 14 14 Temperature (ºC) 85 Molar flow (kmol/h) 85 -2 85 -2 2.267·10 85 -2 2.140·10 85 -2 4.770·10-2 2.838·10 2.615·10 Water (1) 0.5088 0.5327 0.5887 0.5854 0.1016 1-propanol (2) 0.1380 0.1399 0.2064 0.2964 0.1260 2-propanol (3) 0.3532 0.3274 0.2049 0.1182 0.7724 Molar flow (kmol/h) 5.7·10-3 5.1·10-3 6.5·10-3 8.03·10-3 6.07·10-3 Water (1) 0.1935 0.1580 0.0555 0.0132 0.0030 1-propanol (2) 0.3469 0.3907 0.5834 0.7005 0.7014 2-propanol (3) 0.4596 0.4513 0.3611 0.2863 0.2956 2.268·10-2 2.105·10-2 1.617·10-2 1.337·10-2 4.163·10-2 Water (1) 0.7102 0.7315 0.8691 0.9291 0.1559 1-propanol (2) 0.0073 0.0083 0.0195 0.0537 0.0346 2-propanol (3) 0.2825 0.2602 0.1114 0.0172 0.8095 Mole Fraction Distillate Mole Fraction Bottoms* Molar flow (kmol/h) Mole Fraction * Values obtained by mass balance