Doc - Field Station Department

College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
Safe guarding Mathare River and Kabete Field Station Dam
The Upper Kabete Field Station Farm boarders Mathare River. The Field Station has a large
fresh water dam along the Mathare River. The irrigation dam has been operation ever since the
Field Station Farm was acquired from the original owners. It has not experienced any problems
until recently when heavy construction activity on either side of the river bank started. Due to
debris dropping into the river, there has been blockage of the river flow downstream. On 15th
April 2013, there was complete blockage of the flow of the river downstream, which caused
heavy flooding of the pump house. The blockage was later unblocked. However the
developments have continued unabated and pose a really danger of blocking the Mathare River
and polluting the fresh water dam. It is in this regard that the University embarked on preserving
the freshness of the Mathare River and to check that the dam does not become polluted. The dam
is important for production in the Field Station which used for teaching and research.
Executing Agency:
University of Nairobi
National Environment Management Authority
(NEMA), Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA), Urban Rivers Restoration, Ministry
of Environment and Natural Resources
Maintenance Department, UoN
National Priority Theme(s)
1. Measures to mitigate against water, air, noise and
other forms of pollution.
2. Development and implementation of climate
change adaptation and mitigation initiatives such as
energy saving, water harvesting,
3 Trees planting
4. Protection of riverbanks by enforcing riparian
5. Promotion of environmental protection and
conservation through partnerships with stakeholders
Aim of the project
Centre of excellence for riparian conservation and
utilization. The project will support long-term
capacity building and skills enhancement for
Mathare River Riparian users and students in
sustainable riparian conservation and utilization
Estimated Starting Date:
March 2015
Estimated Duration of Project:
2 months
Estimated Total Costs):
KES 1.1 Million
The Dam has existed since the 1940s and is used by the College mainly for irrigation of
crops in the Field Station. The farm is also important for teaching and research purposes.
In 2013, the pump house was flooded due to backflow of water caused by the
blockage/obstruction of Mathari river about 30 metres downstream by a contractor of
residential houses in the Mathari River valley. The water pump was damaged as a result
of being submerged in water. This caused the College a loss of KES 2.5 million worth of
the water pump. The cost is higher if loss of farm production since the pump was
destroyed is taken into account.
A site visit by NEMA was done on September 18, 2014 in response to the Principal’s
(CAVS) letter to the Director General (NEMA) dated 18th August, 2014 requesting
NEMA to visit Kabete Field Station to view/assess environmental risks and property
damage caused by activities associated with the on-going residential houses construction
next to the dam and along Mathari River, and to give a way forward.
A further site visit inspection was done by NEMA and WRMA on September 23, 2014
and it was established that indeed there were various up coming developments
neighbouring the dam and Mathare River that are likely to interfere with the dam and
river both downstream and upstream..
Remedial measures were suggested by NEMA and WRMA which included
Environmental Restoration Orders to the developers, University to take measures to
protect steep slopes along the spillway, clear the debris along the river channel and sets
an environmental team to work with neighbours in managing the dam and river as they
are important resources.
The Dam has existed since the 1940s and is used by the College mainly for irrigation of
crops in the Field Station. The farm is also important for teaching and research purposes.
The Mathare River runs around the Field Station and supplies the dam.
Two noticeable barriers, a metal grill barrier and a concrete bridge have been erected
across the river channel downstream the pump house. There is likelihood of flooding
similar to that of 2013 due to detention of construction and other types of debris which
will obstruct water flow in the river.
Metal grill barrier and narrow culverts erected across the Mathari River
Considerable dumping of construction waste and other debris on the steep valley sides
and river channel is taking place downstream
Construction waste thrown into the Mathari River valley
2.4 Destruction of the protective riverrine vegetation along the dam as well as creeping soil and
rock fragments. There is fear of pollution and sedimentation of the dam which could
affect water availability for the Field Station and other users downstream, as well as the
scenic beauty of the Uni-Biopark that the College has developed adjacent to the Mathari
Soil and construction debris from the construction sites creeping into the dam
The project would serve multiple functions:
a) To safeguard the dam and Mathare River against pollution and likelihood of
eutrophication and thus preserve the dam for irrigation and recreational
b) A contribution by the College to the National Climate Environment Action
plan through tree planting to reduce GHG emissions and hence mitigation of
global warming and climate change and prevention of pollution
c) Be a learning site for experiential learning for both undergraduate and post
graduate students in environmental studies
d) Be a demonstration site for technology transfer, in riparian conservation and
e) The establishment of the Uni-Biopark as a recreational facility
The objectives of the project are to:
a) Develop and implement a conversation plan to preserve and conserve the Mathare
River and the irrigation dam at the Field Station
b) Use the project as a demonstration site for experiential learning for both students
in environmental conservation
c) Carry out an outreach programme involving stakeholders a long the Mathare
River in riparian conservation
d) Contribute to National Environmental conservation.
Targeted beneficiaries
The College relies on the irrigation dam for production in the Field Station. The project
will safe guard the water quality and guard against pollution of both the dam and river for
continued production and research at the Field Station. It will also reduce flooding and
avoid damage of the pumps.
The project will provide an on-site demonstration on riparian conservation
The project is also targeting stakeholders a long the Mathare River in its conservation.
Expected results
The following results are expected from the project:
a) Pump house established and pump installed at the College of Agriculture and
Veterinary Sciences for irrigation to be used for teaching and research
b) River channel cleared and flooding reduced
c) Experiential training in aspects on riparian conservation at CAVS enhanced
d) Stakeholders engaged in Mathare River conservation.
e) Reduction of water pollution along the Mathare River and the dam
Expected impact
The impacts of this project are expected to be:
Reduced flooding a long the Mathare River
Reduced pollution of the River and Dam
Stakeholders trained on riparian management
Reduced pollution of surface and ground water
Reduced GHG emissions which abates global warming and climate change
Activities and implementation plan
Objective1: Assessment of the damage and looming dangers for Mathare River and dam
Activity 1: Site visit by NEEM and WRMA (Done between September 13 and 18th see attached
NEEMA report)
Activity 2: Development of remedial measures (Developed by NEMA – see attached report)
Activity 3: Carry out an environmental impact assessment of the construction activities at the
dam (Not yet done but could be done by doctoral students form WMI and LARMAT under
faculty supervision to enhance experiential learning)
Objective 2: Implementation of remedial measures
Activity 1: Clear the river channel to avoid blockage thus flooding (on course)
Activity 2: Secure the irrigation pumps against flooding (work on going)
Activity 3: Plant trees a long the Mathare River (establishment of the Uni-Biopark along the
Activity 4: Protection of the steep slopes a long the spillway (on going)
Activity 4: Engagement of stakeholders on the Mathare River conservation (not started)
Objective 3: Development of long term measures to protect the riparian
Activity 1: Participatory development of a management plan for the riparian zone as a way of
preventing activities which could negatively impact on its ecological integrity
Activity 2: Develop a training manuals for both stakeholders and students on riparian
Irrigation Dam
Inside the Pump House showing the damaged water pump
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Tree planting a long the Mathare River in the Uni-Biopark
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