Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. UNCLASSIFIED June 2001 DOC ID : SP-1225 - Drilling Specification Environmental Management User Note: The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by TWM through STEP-OUT approval. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's EDMS. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback. Keywords: atmosphere, CFCs, effluent, emissions, energy, environment, fauna, flora, halons, land, materials, noise, resources, sewage, vibration, waste, water consumption. This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner. Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 Document Authorisation Document Authority Document Custodian Document Author Nick West TBA Julian Barlow Ref. Ind: TWM Ref. Ind: TWE/52 Ref. Ind: TWM/11 Date: 06/06/01 Date: 06/06/01 Date: 06/06/01 The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian. Version No. Date Version 1.0 June 2001 Author Scope / Remarks Julian Barlow TWM/11 Steve Williams TWB/Y SP-1225 Page ii June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................. 1 2. Scope .................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Deliverables ..................................................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Records ........................................................................................................ 2 2.2.2 Reports ......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 3 2.4 Emissions to Atmosphere................................................................................. 3 2.4.1 CFCs ............................................................................................................ 3 2.4.2 Halons .......................................................................................................... 3 2.4.3 Exhausts ....................................................................................................... 4 2.4.4 Flaring & Venting ....................................................................................... 4 2.5 Aqueous Effluents ............................................................................................ 4 2.5.1 Production Water.......................................................................................... 4 2.5.2 Sewage Effluent ........................................................................................... 4 2.5.3 Drainage Water ............................................................................................ 5 2.6 Accidental Releases to Land and Water ........................................................... 5 2.7 Use of Energy, Materials and Resources ......................................................... 5 2.7.1 Land Take..................................................................................................... 5 2.7.2 Water Consumption ..................................................................................... 6 2.7.3 Materials ...................................................................................................... 6 2.8 Waste Management .......................................................................................... 6 2.8.1 Waste Segregation ........................................................................................ 6 2.8.2 Waste Disposal ............................................................................................. 7 2.8.3 Discharge to the Waste pits .......................................................................... 7 2.9 Land Management ........................................................................................... 8 2.9.1 Well Handover ............................................................................................. 8 2.10 Performance Monitoring .............................................................................. 8 2.11 Review and Improvement ............................................................................ 8 2.12 Reporting Format ......................................................................................... 8 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Well Engineering Monthly and End of Well Environmental Report Appendix 2 TWM Waste Segregation Chart SP-1225 Page iii June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose Version 1.0 PDO’s HSE Policy (PL-38) commits the Company to comply with Omani law, to protect the environment and to prevent pollution. PDO’s HSE Policy is supported by a suite of Corporate Environmental Specifications that define the minimum environmental requirements. Well Engineering is required to comply with PDO’s Environmental Specifications. This document identifies the environmental requirements for Well Engineering in addition to those identified in the Corporate Environmental Specification to allow it to manage aspects of the business which have the potential to either be a hazard to human health or to harm the environment. SP-1225 Page 1 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 2. Version 1.0 Scope This Specification applies to all Well Engineering activities carried out by both PDO and its Contractors (i.e. drilling, workover, fraccing, well testing, workshops and associated camps). This Specification sets out the requirements for environmental management within Well Engineering Operations that are not adequately addressed in the Corporate Environmental Specifications. 2.1 Definition This Specification addresses the environmental risks arising from Well Engineering activities. 2.2 Deliverables 2.2.1 Records Records shall be maintained to document the implementation of this Specification. These include: 2.2.2 Monthly Environmental Report End of Well Environmental Report Environmental Incident report (Well Engineering HSE&S 24-hour Incident Notification Form) Location Survey Report Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form Waste Consignment Note Reports PDO staff Well Engineering environmental performance shall be reported to CSM/2 on a monthly basis PDO staff and Contractors: SP-1225 Environmental performance shall be reported monthly (by 10 th of the month) to TWM/11 using the Monthly Environmental Report (ref Appendix 1) Rigs, Well Test Units, Frac Units, Hoists shall provide details of chemicals used and waste generated at each well in the End of Well Environmental Report (ref Appendix 1) Any non-compliances with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported per procedure ref PR 1444 “Well Engineering Management”. Environmental incidents shall be reported in accordance with HSE/97/01“Accident investigation and follow up”. Sightings of the Arabian Oryx shall be reported to the White Oryx Project Field manager of the MRME via CSM/2. Page 2 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 2.3 Version 1.0 Responsibilities The Senior Well Engineer is responsible for ensuring that well designs and wellsite activities comply with the requirements of this Specification. As Contract Holder for drilling rigs, the Senior Well Engineer is also responsible for communicating this Specification to Contractors, and for ensuring that the requirements of this Specification are adhered to within the scope of their contracts. In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with this Specification, the Senior Well Engineer shall seek step-out approval The Company Site Representative (Drilling, Well Test, Frac and Hoist Supervisor) is responsible for ensuring that activities comply with the requirements of this Specification. In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with this Specification, the Drilling Supervisor shall seek step-out approval Contractors are responsible for ensuring that activities undertaken within the scope of their contracts are managed in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. 2.4 Emissions to Atmosphere Well Engineering operations have the potential to generate the following atmospheric emissions: Venting Flaring Exhausts Fugitive Emissions Halons CFCs Odours The requirements for managing emissions to atmosphere are identified in the Corporate Environmental Specification, SP 1005 “Emissions to Atmosphere”. In addition the following requirements shall apply to Well Engineering activities. 2.4.1 CFCs CFCs contribute toward global warming and depletion of the ozone layer and as a consequence CFCs and HCFCs shall be phase out and the use of HFCs minimised within PDO operations. Within Well Engineering emissions to atmosphere are relatively high as the majority of the losses are caused by the leakage from damaged equipment during moves. Well Engineering Contractors shall actively pursue the replacement of equipment with refrigerants of a lower Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Where the Well Engineering Contractor maintains or repairs equipment containing CFCs, CFC recovery and recycling equipment shall be used. Where the maintenance and repair services are conducted by a 3rd party, the Well Engineering Contractor shall ensure that recovery / recycling equipment is being used. Reports on CFC inventory, emissions to atmosphere, CFCs recovered and reused shall be provided on a monthly basis as per the reporting requirements (Section 2.2.2). 2.4.2 Halons Halons shall not be used within Well Engineering operations. SP-1225 Page 3 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 2.4.3 Version 1.0 Exhausts Many of the mobile units in the interior are powered by generators fuelled by crude oil. The burning of crude oil has the potential to generate considerable smoke, however this shall be controlled by the following: 2.4.4 Equipment (e.g. centrifuges) shall be fitted to ensure that the generators burn with as clean a flame as practically possible using crude oil as a fuel. smoky stacks shall be minimised by conducting optimum engine utilisation/maintenance Flaring & Venting Flaring and venting of hydrocarbons contribute towards global warming and as such should be minimised to levels as low as practically possible. Flaring is conducted by the Well Testing Units as part of the testing process of wells. The testing proposal is prepared by the PFAT and submitted to Well Engineering who prepare a programme to carry out the testing in line with the proposal. The quantity flared is influenced by the proposal produced by the PFATs and is therefore outside the direct control of the Well Engineering Department. However Well Engineering has a responsibility to minimise the quantity flared wherever practicable and therefore shall challenge the proposal where required to ensure that flaring is minimised whilst providing the results required by the PFATs. At the location the Well Test Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that venting and flaring is minimised during the testing operation. 2.5 Aqueous Effluents The requirements for managing aqueous effluents are identified in the Corporate Environmental Specification SP 1006 “Aqueous Effluents”. In addition the requirements for managing the following aqueous effluent applicable to Well Engineering operations are identified: 2.5.1 Production Water Sewage Effluent Drainage Water Production Water Production water is used for drill water on a number of rigs. Whilst this is an efficient use of a “waste product” from the oil it contains concentrations of oil and therefore has the potential to impact the environment if discharged directly to the water pit. To minimise the impact an oil water separator system shall be used to separate the oil prior to discharging to the water pit. In the event that oil is discharged to the environment it should be removed and disposed as per the requirements of SP-1009 “Waste Management“. 2.5.2 Sewage Effluent The remote nature of the Well Engineering operations in the interior dictates that sewage effluent cannot be discharged directly to the sewage infrastructure available within the PDO camps. In the past untreated sewage effluent was discharged directly to open sewage lagoons, however this practice is no longer acceptable and shall be phased out by November 2001. SP-1225 Page 4 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 In order to effectively mange sewage effluent and minimise the impact on the environment the following requirement shall be met: Camp locations should, wherever possible, be located such that the sewage effluent discharges can be connected to permanent sewage treatment facilities. The camp sites supporting units operating in Central Oman (Burhaan, Barik and Qarn Alam) shall, if practicable, be sited within the former SBG (“1000 man”) camp. Camp locations shall be fitted with a pre-cast concrete septic tank and soakaway for sewage effluent (where ground conditions are suitable). Well sites shall install a septic/soakway system (typically a 30” conductor, or similar, buried behind the offices and accommodation). Where ground permeability conditions do not permit the installation of a soak-away pit, holding tanks shall be installed. The effluent from the holding tank will be transported to an approved sewage treatment plant (STP). The Senior Well Engineer is responsible for ensuring that adequate sewage treatment facilities are in place prior to moving on location. 2.5.3 Drainage Water Drainage water from the well sites shall be directed towards the waste pits (either directly to the waste pit or to the cellar where it is pumped to the waste pit). Drainage water from permanently installed washing facilities (e.g. vehicle wash bays) shall be directed via an oil water interceptor prior to discharge to the sewage system. 2.6 Accidental Releases to Land and Water SP-1007 “Accidental Releases to Land and Water” addresses accidental releases to land and water (hydrocarbons and chemicals) and focuses on minimising the effect on soil, groundwater and the marine environment generated by PDO activities, products and services. Environmental incidents that result in leaks or spills on land and water shall be managed in accordance with: 2.7 PR 1287 “Contingency Plans, Vol 2, Well Engineering Operations” Use of Energy, Materials and Resources SP 1008 “Use of Energy Materials and Resources” addresses the use of: Energy - fuel and electricity used for “work related” activities Materials (chemicals and its associated packing materials). Resources (land take and freshwater consumption). In addition, the following requirements shall apply specifically to drilling activities: 2.7.1 Land Take The land take of Well Engineering operations is managed by minimising the size of the well location. In addition to this the following shall be shall be undertaken: equipment shall be stored on the rig location, wherever practicable land take and water use shall be minimised by using a combi waste / water pit SP-1225 Page 5 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 2.7.2 Version 1.0 Water Consumption Well Engineering operations consume a considerable amount of water in undertaking its activities and as such shall follow water conservation practices?. Water quality Hierarchy In order to make effective use of water resources water shall be used, wherever practicable in the following of preference: 1 2 3 4 Production water Saline WSW water Water from RO facility Fresh WSW water Water resources from fresh water aquifers that supply local communities shall not be exploited. Management of Water Pits At the well site, water conservation practices shall be followed to minimise unnecessary wastage of water resources. However water conservation practices shall not jeopardise the water reserve required to address potential well control problems. 2.7.3 Materials The Well site Well Engineer or ADSV is responsible for chemical management at the rig site. Efficient use shall be made of chemicals and realistic quantities shall be requested when placing orders in order to minimise wastage. In addition the following shall be undertaken: manage chemical stock on the First in First Out (FIFO) principle separate hazardous and non hazardous chemical protect Big Bags against UV light by covering with tarpaulin request re-bagging if packaging is damaged prior to backloading / use include copy of TREM or SHOCK card with backload manifest unused chemicals shall be re-palletised and returned to the Supply Department. 2.8 Waste Management SP 1009 “Waste Management” defines categories of waste and acceptable means of disposal. In addition, the following requirements shall apply specifically to Well Engineering activities. 2.8.1 Waste Segregation Waste shall be segregated as identified in the TWM Waste Segregation Chart (Appendix 2). To effectively manage the different waste streams and ensure that the waste is properly controlled the following is required: Interior Camps Domestic Kitchen Waste Skip Non-Hazardous Waste Skip SP-1225 Page 6 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 Interior locations Non-Hazardous Waste Skip Hazardous Waste Skip Scrap Metal Skip Waste Oil Tank Recyclable Goods Adequate skips are required to be available on site to ensure that the wastes are properly managed and stored at the location. The exact waste skips required is dependant upon the operation being carried out and the nature of the wastes generated (e.g. at the rig site all of the skips identified above shall be available at the location). The waste containers shall be covered in order to keeps camels away. Problems encountered with the waste management contractors should be referred to the CSR, the Area Services Supervisor (OxO/16). Caustic Drums Caustic Drums shall be emptied completely and washed out with water. The drum shall then be either punctured with holes in the base or flattened and then placed in the scrap metal skip. Casing and Tubing The Wellsite Well Engineer shall ensure that: 2.8.2 Protectors are re-installed on unused casing and tubing. Steel pallets and protectors of used tubing are stacked at the side of the location for collection by the Logistics Department. Steel pallets and protectors of used tubing shall not be placed in the scrap metal bins. Waste Disposal All wastes generated shall be removed from the location and be accompanied by a Waste Consignment Note. No waste shall be burnt or buried. 2.8.3 Discharge to the Waste pits The waste pits at the drilling site shall only be used for disposing: water based drilling mud and cuttings with Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPH < 10,000 mg/kg (i.e. only discharges with less then 10% hydrocarbon content by weight are allowed). brines brought up from ‘downhole’. and neutralised acids (ref SP - 1222 “Acid Washing”) Zinc bromide shall not be discharged to the drilling waste pit but must be disposed as a chemical waste. Where calcium bromide is discharged to the waste pit precautions shall be taken to prevent animal and bird access. Oil Based Mud (OBM) Oil Based Mud (OBM) shall not be discharged to the waste pit. On rigs where OBM is used special measures shall be put in place in order to ensure that cuttings generated are not discharged to the waste pit. SP-1225 Page 7 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 Chemical Waste Waste or surplus chemicals shall not be discharged to the waste pit. Lab chemicals from either mud/cement testing or mud logging operations shall not be sent to the waste pit or septic tank. 2.9 Land Management SP 1012 “Land Management” addresses the selection and preparation of mobile campsites and well locations as well as other assets/infrastructure. It also addresses the surface requirements of well locations for transfer of custodianship, and for abandonment and restoration. The Well Engineering End of Well / Monthly Environmental Waste Report (ref Appendix 1) shall be completed at the end of each well and attached to the Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form. 2.9.1 Well Handover The procedure for managing the transfer of the well location is detailed in PR-1444 Well Engineering Management Procedure,s4.7.4.3. In addition the following minimum requirements shall be adhered to prior to moving off the location 2.10 No rubbish on rig/camp locations No oil floating on waste/water pit Back fill rig site septic pit (if present) when moving off Cellar safe: grating installed, valve handles/gauges installed Performance Monitoring Compliance with this Specification shall be monitored through workplace supervision, and periodic site inspection. Environmental performance shall be monitored by analysis of the information provided in the required (see Section 2.14). 2.11 Review and Improvement Any user of this document who wishes to provide constructive feedback, or who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to immediately notify the Document Custodian using the form provided in PR 1444 “Well Engineering Management”. This document shall be reviewed as necessary by the Document Custodian, but no less frequently than every four years. Triggers for full or partial review of this Specification are listed in PR 1444 “Well Engineering Management”. 2.12 Reporting Format PDO Staff: Environmental performance shall be reported to TWM/11 monthly using the TWM End of Well/Monthly Drilling/Well Test Waste Report (ref Appendix 1). Contractors: There are no routine reporting requirements against this Specification. SP-1225 Page 8 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Appendix 1: Version 1.0 Environmental Report Form ..\..\FORMS\Env Report - Monthly & End Well version 6.xls MONTHLY ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT From: Send To: Copy: TWM/111 TWM/11 (SWE),(WE), (Drilling Contractor Base) TWM MONTHLY WASTE REPORT REPORT FOR: (RIG/WTU/FRAC/CTU/INTERIOR BASES) The following information need to be send to TWM/11,TWM/111 both at the end of a well (BBB) and every month.(AAA) It is mandatory to attach the completed end of well waste report (BBB) to the Well Loacation Custodianship Transfer form (issue:01/00) when it is sent to the customer. Monthly reporting only (AAA) is required for interior contractor locations. The information forms the basis for Environmental monitoring, annual reporting to stake holders and satisfies the ISO-14001 standard. GENERAL HEADER DATA FOR AAA and BBB Rig/Well Test Unit/Frac/Interior Base Report Date Well: (Name/Nr) Report Type: (End of Well/Monthly) Type: (Multilatrl..leg / Horizontal only / Vert) New or work over Date Started Asset Area Date Released Meters drilled (month) Soil Protection Score Meters drilled (end of well) Monthly DO NOT CHANGE UNITS! AAA) MONTHLY DATA 1 ENERGY CONSUMPTION 1.1 Crude Oil Burned (Unit & Camp) 1.2 Diesel Consumed (Unit ) 2 Electricity Consumed from Asset (Camp ) 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Volume Unit m3 m3 kWh NON HAZARDOUS DOMESTIC WASTE Total domestic waste generated (rig and camp site): Domestic waste disposed to land-fill at: Domestic waste buried at camp site: Coordinates where the waste is buried at camp site - (Northing, Easting): Domestic waste taken by Third Party? MT MT MT MT NON HAZARDOUS INDUSTRIAL WASTE General Industrial waste Scrap steel waste Returned wooden pallets for re-use Meters of hole drilled with WBM this month Volume of cuttings in waste pit this month Volume of WBM in waste pit this month MT MT pce m m3 3 m HAZARDOUS WASTE: Lube oil/greases disposed of to: Hazardous Waste skip contents Contaminated oily sand (spills) disposed to: Waste tyres disposed to: Batteries disposed to: Chemical waste (liquid)disposed to: Chemical waste (solid)disposed to: Meters of hole drilled with OBM this month OBM cuttings disposed of to: m3 MT MT pce pce 3 m MT m 3 m OTHER WASTE Clinical waste disposed to (clinic): NORM classed materials disposed to: Other waste Other waste kg MT MT 3 m SP-1225 disposed to disposed to Page 9 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 SP-1225 June 2001 Page 10 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 10.29 POTABLE WATER CONSUMPTION Campsite consumption Rig site consumption Monthly consumption per man/day (Rig+Camp combined) Version 1.0 m3 3 m litre SEWAGE DATA Rig site sewage disposed via pre-installed septic soak away Campsite sewage disposal via pre-installed septic soak away Campsite sewage discharged in Sewage Treatment Plant Campsite sewage disposed with vacuum truck from holding tank Sewage waste removed from camp site to: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 3 m WELL TEST WASTE (for well test units/frac only) Gas flared: Oil disposed at (Oil/Condensate) Oil flared: Produced water disposed at: Produced water disposed in waste pit Other waste disposed in waste pit: Specify (above)other waste: Estimate of oil contamination to flare pits: scm m3 3 m m3 3 m MT m3 MONTHLY CFC INVENTORY Installed in equipment: R-11 In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-11 Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-11 Recovered/recycled: R-11 Installed in equipment: R-12 In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-12 Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-12 Recovered/recycled: R-12 Installed in equipment: R-22 In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-22 Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-22 Recovered/recycled: R-22 Installed in equipment: R-502 In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-502 Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-502 Recovered/recycled: R-502 Installed in equipment: R-134a In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-134a Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-134a Recovered/recycled: R-134a Installed in equipment: R-404a In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-404a Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-404a Recovered/recycled: R-404a Installed in equipment: R-407 In stock on camp/rig site for repairs: R-407 Leaked to atmosphere this month: R-407 Recovered/recycled: R-407 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg Halon Installed in permanent fire fighting system PRINT NAMES CLEARLY: Prepared by: Position: Signature: Approved By: (WASTE CUSTODIAN) Checked By: Position: Signature: TWM field retention times: Monthly reports = 1 year End of Well = Contract duration SP-1225 Page 11 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 END OF WELL WASTE STATEMENT FOR HANDOVER TO THE ASSET TEAM From: Send To: Copy: TWM/111 TWM/11 (SWE),(WE), (Drilling Contractor Base) TWM END OF WELL WASTE REPORT REPORT FOR: (RIG/WTU/FRAC/CTU/INTERIOR BASES) The following information need to be send to TWM/11,TWM/111 both at the end of a well (BBB) and every month.(AAA) It is mandatory to attach the completed end of well waste report (BBB) to the Well Loacation Custodianship Transfer form (issue:01/00) when it is sent to the customer. Monthly reporting only (AAA) is required for interior contractor locations. The information forms the basis for Environmental monitoring, annual reporting to stake holders and satisfies the ISO-14001 standard. GENERAL HEADER DATA FOR AAA and BBB Rig/Well Test Unit/Frac/Interior Base Report Date Well: (Name/Nr) Report Type: (End of Well/Monthly) Type: (Multilatrl..leg / Horizontal only / Vert) New or work over Date Started Asset Area Date Released Meters drilled (month) Soil Protection Score Meters drilled (end of well) End of Well DO NOT CHANGE UNITS! BBB) END OF WELL DATA DRILLING FLUIDS (FROM SECTION MUD REPORT,CORRECT FOR LOSSES) 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 Total WBM drilled cuttings discharged to Waste Pit Total Water based mud discharged to Waste Pit Composition of Water based Mud system discharged in waste pit Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Mud chemical name: Liquid additive: Liquid additive: Liquid additive: Fraction of Crude % Av. Retort % Crude on cuttings: %: Cement slurry discharged Class: Mix water discharged: Cement additive name: Cement additive name: Cement additive name: Cement additive name: Cement additive name: Cement additive name: Acid (spent) discharged: Type: % Strength: Bleach discharged: Type: Conc: Brine discharged Type: Estimate of water used for cleaning discharged to waste pit: Total volume of fluid in the WASTE pit (at time of rig release): Estimate of Drill water used during this program: Estimate of Dehydration water used during this program: Estimate of Drill water in the WATER pit ( at time of rig release ): pH of liquid left in Waste pit (at time of rig release) SP-1225 Page 12 SHOC REF. Quantity m3 3 m MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT 3 m 3 m 3 m 3 m m3 MT 3 m MT MT m3 3 m 3 m 3 m m3 m3 MT m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Version 1.0 Quantity DRILLING WASTE/CNSUMPTION OIL BASED MUD/ UNDERBALANCED Oil based mud recycled: Drilled cuttings disposed to: OBM or UB: Type of oil based mud: Oil based mud contamination to waste pit: m3 m3 m 3 DO NOT CHANGE UNITS! 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 14.12 SHOC REF. OTHER WASTE Dry mud chemicals (rejected/dumped etc) discharged to waste pit: Quantity MT MT MT MT m3 Dry cement discharged to waste pit: Dry cement chemicals discharged to waste pit: Other chemicals discharged to waste pit - specify type Other chemicals discharged to waste pit - specify type OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Sewage discharged on rig site: (base on pot. water consumed) Sewage discharged on campsite: (base on pot. water consumed) Has (open) sewage pit been backfilled? Is the location constructed with a combi Water/Waste pit: Is the Waste pit fenced: Is the Waste pit lined: Has floating oil been skimmed off the waste pit surface. Are the gratings on the cellar in place? Cellar empty? Location cleared of rubbish? (at time of rig release) Other relevant info: Next location after Rig move m3 m3 Yes/No/na Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No PRINT NAMES CLEARLY: Prepared by: Position: Signature: Approved By: (WASTE CUSTODIAN) Checked By: Position: Signature: TWM field retention times: Monthly reports = 1 year End of Well = Contract duration SP-1225 Page 13 June 2001 Drilling Specification – Environmental Management Version 1.0 Appendix 2 TWM Waste Segregation Chart TWM WASTE SEGREGATION ON WELL SITE twm/11 issue 11/99 SP-1225 Page 14 June 2001 2) WASTE REPORT (MONTHLY / END OF WELL) 1)SIGNED MODIFIED(Nov 99) WASTE CONSIGNMENT NOTE Tires Oily/greasy gloves Old Air Conditioners Parts (freon recoverred) Batteries Paint Tins & Paint Brushes ( ORANGE ) Spray cans ( Aerosol Cans ) Solvent Bottles & Tins Old Oil Filters Hydraulic Hoses Oily Rags Grit blasting waste/residues Bags of Hazardous Mud Chemicals Mud Lab Chemical Waste Pipe Dope Buckets & Brushes SCRAP STEEL Welder's Scrap Metal WASTE Clean pierced Caustic drums Empty 42 gal. Oil drums (punch holes!) Wire Slings ( Drilling Line ) ( BLUE ) Metal Binders ( from WWS ) Shaker Screens Tin Cans Electric Cable (e-line) Any other metal articles WASTE OIL TANK Waste Lubricants Paint Thinners ( GREY ) Dirty/used motoroil Solvents DOMESTIC Yellow Bags (Rig owned = black) - Paper Waste Contr's = yellow - Aluminium Cans Black Bags (AT CAMP) - Food Scraps - kitchen Waste CLINICAL WASTE (PLASTIC CLINIC BAG) Medical Waste (SHARP CONTAINER) Sharps RECYCLE GOODS Casing/Tubing protectors (Mate pin/box then backload to supply) Wooden pallets Scrap Bits (Leave intact send to supply) Paper/cardboard (Yellow bags) Used print cartriges (Internal mail to HES/2) ON LOCATION TO BE ENFORCED BY RIG MANAGERS VERIFIED BY DSV & WSWE HAZARDOUS WASTE RESPONSIBILTY CONTROLS ALL PERSONNEL ARABIC ACHIEVABLE BY Skips to be partitioned as per infonote 334 to aid segregation ENGLISH COLOUR CODE SKIP WASTE STREAM NON HAZARDOUS All plastics e.g. bags, drums, bottles (General Rubbish) Packaging Material Non metal rope Used Gloves Empty non-hazardous chemical sacks (YELLOW ) (e.g. bags of salt, bentonite, CaCo3 etc) Scrap wood Rubber ( No Tires ) Fan Belts ( Rubber Belts ) Glass PVC ( Plastic Pipe ) Flourescent tubes and light bulbs Dry cell batteries(non-recyclable)