Supplementary Material for Irlich et al. Online Appendix S1. Methodological effects on the slopes of the rate-temperature relationships The effects of grouping, respirometry method and wing status on the slope of the metabolicrate temperature relationship, and the effect of field-collected or laboratory-colony status were investigated here. Approach It is widely known that activity of individuals during trials may confound estimates of standard metabolic rate (Chown and Nicolson 2004). Closed-system respirometry often fails to account for activity and usually results in higher estimates of metabolic rate than real-time, open (flow-through) or similar methods (Lighton and Fielden 1995). It was reasoned that higher temperatures would result in a higher probability of activity and therefore that for closed system methods slopes of the rate-temperature relationship would be steeper. Likewise, it was reasoned that where individuals were measured in groups, rather than individually, steeper rate-temperature slopes would also be found owing to increasing opportunities for disturbance of the whole group at higher temperatures or a greater proportion of the group being active. Previous studies have also noted that flying insects have higher metabolic rates than non-volant ones (Reinhold 1999), but no investigations of consistent variation in ratetemperature relationships have been undertaken. In a similar vein, the difference between field and laboratory-acclimated animals in the development rate analyses was investigated because laboratory adaptation/acclimation has been commonly reported (Chown and 1 Terblanche 2007). In all cases generalized linear models assuming a normal distribution with a log-link function to examine differences among the groups defined above were used. Results The mean slope of the metabolic rate-temperature relationship was significantly higher in studies where animals were examined in groups (as activation energy: 0.76 ± 0.20 eV (S.D.)) than where single individuals were used (0.62 ± 0.15 eV, χ2 = 12.10, df = 127, p<0.001). After excluding studies that examined groups of individuals, the data base contained 91 species, in 8 orders and 22 families, of which 30 species were collected in the southern hemisphere and 61 in the northern hemisphere. Respirometry method likewise had an effect on the slopes of the rate-temperature relationships, with open system methods resulting in a shallower slope estimates and activation energies than closed system methods (0.65 ± 0.15 eV and 0.56 ± 0.14 eV, respectively, χ2 = 8.30, df = 89, p<0.005). This distinction was therefore included as an independent categorical predictor variable in subsequent analyses. The ability to fly had no significant effect on the estimated slope of the metabolic rate-temperature relationships (χ2 = 2.97, df = 89, p>0.05). Of the 506 species data for 377 species were from field-collected animals and data for 129 species were from laboratory-reared animals. No significant difference was found in the slopes of the development rate-temperature relationship between field collected and laboratory reared animals (Field: 0.67 ± 0.18, Laboratory: 0.69 ± 0.17 eV, χ2 = 0.70, df = 504, p>0.05). Of the field collected animals 67 species were collected in the southern and 310 in the northern hemisphere. Literature Cited 2 Chown, S. L., and S. W. Nicolson. 2004. Insect physiological ecology. Mechanisms and patterns. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chown, S. L., and J. S. Terblanche. 2007. Physiological diversity in insects: ecological and evolutionary contexts. Advances in Insect Physiology 33:50-152. Lighton, J. R. B., and L. J. Fielden. 1995. Mass scaling of standard metabolism in ticks: a valid case of low metabolic rates in sit-and-wait strategists. Physiological Zoology 68:4362. Reinhold, K. 1999. Energetically costly behaviour and the evolution of resting metabolic rate in insects. Functional Ecology 13: 217-224. 3 Online Appendix S2. Calculation of the interspecific rate-temperature relationships Six approaches were adopted for calculating the interspecific rate-temerature relationships: 1) For each species a metabolic or development rate measurement together with the specific experimental temperature was selected at random from the available data. These values were then used to determine an interspecific slope. This process was repeated a thousand times. The mean slope with its corresponding confidence intervals of this randomization was used for further investigation. 2) The slopes were calculated such that a metabolic or development rate value at the experimental temperature closest to the MAT for each species was used as the dependent variable and temperature closest to MAT for each species as the independent variable. 3) Metabolic or development rate at the MAT for each species was determined by interpolation of the intraspecific rate-temperature relationship to provide the independent variable, and MAT was used as the independent variable. 4) Same procedure as in 2, but with TWQ. 5) Same procedure as in 3, but with TWQ. 6) For each species the median experimental temperature was selected. However, if no median was available, due to an even number of experimental temperatures, the temperature closest to MAT was selected. 4 Online Appendix S3. Species used for the intraspecific metabolic rate-temperature analyses Activation energies (in eV, given as -E) were obtained from a least-squares linear regression of the natural logarithm of metabolic rate (ln μW/g¾) against the inverse absolute temperature (1/kT). The metabolic rate (Met Rate) at the lowest experimental temperature is also given (in μW/g¾). These are the metabolic rate-temperature relationships of the animals that were measured individually and used for analyses together with the temperature range (in ºC) and body mass (in mg) used. Note that the temperature range is the range selected for this study and not necessarily the range investigated by the authors (see Methods). MAT = mean annual temperature (in ºC); TWQ = temperature of warmest quarter (in ºC). Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 5.0 25.0 10.3 17.3 Chaabane et al. 1999 244.69 Met Rate 5.415 Activation energy -0.619 Coleoptera 4167.50 6.399 -0.524 20.0 35.0 23.8 30.9 Duncan and Dickman 2001 Carabidae Coleoptera 567.80 6.146 -0.346 20.0 40.0 23.8 30.9 Duncan and Dickman 2001 Cicindela longilabris Cicindelidae Coleoptera 118.00 6.589 -0.612 15.0 30.0 3.8 Hippodamia convergens Coccinellidae Coleoptera 17.00 4.455 -0.674 0.0 40.0 15.8 Bothrometopus elongatus Curculionidae Coleoptera 1.80 6.008 -0.457 2.5 25.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 Bothrometopus parvulus Curculionidae Coleoptera 3.60 6.433 -0.437 5.0 25.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 Bothrometopus randi Curculionidae Coleoptera 13.80 6.181 -0.464 5.0 30.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 Canonopsis sericeus Curculionidae Coleoptera 60.35 5.206 -0.630 0.0 15.0 -4.0 Species Family Order Mass Abax ater Carabidae Coleoptera Carenum sp. Carabidae Cerotalis sp. 17.2 Schultz et al. 1992 19.7 Acar et al. 2001 -0.9 Klok and Chown 2005 5 Ectemnorhinus marioni Curculionidae Coleoptera Species Family Order Ectemnorhinus similis Curculionidae Coleoptera Palirhoeus eatoni Curculionidae Hydromedion sparsutum 6.30 6.062 -0.474 2.5 25.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 25.50 Met Rate 5.754 Activation energy -0.604 Coleoptera 6.80 6.592 -0.485 5.0 30.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 Perimylopidae Coleoptera 23.50 6.039 -0.436 5.0 20.0 1.4 4.5 Somme et al. 1989 Perimylops antarcticus Perimylopidae Coleoptera 14.50 5.747 -0.511 5.0 20.0 1.4 4.5 Somme et al. 1989 Pleocoma australis Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 1000.00 6.290 -0.657 5.0 25.0 15.1 21.8 Morgan 1987 Scarabaeus galenus Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 1470.00 5.196 -0.639 16.0 32.0 22.4 26.1 Chown and Davis 2003 Scarabaeus gariepinus Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 1130.00 4.667 -0.723 16.0 32.0 16.3 19.3 Chown and Davis 2003 Scarabaeus hippocrates Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 2010.00 5.075 -0.641 16.0 32.0 16.0 18.4 Davis et al. 2000 Scarabaeus rusticus Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 1060.00 5.468 -0.762 16.0 32.0 18.7 23.3 Chown and Davis 2003 Scarabaeus striatum Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 790.00 4.985 -0.727 16.0 32.0 16.0 18.4 Davis et al. 2000 Scarabaeus westwoodi Scarabaeidae Coleoptera 1800.00 5.881 -0.636 16.0 32.0 12.1 16.6 Chown and Davis 2003 Ips acuminatus Scolytidae Coleoptera 2.84 6.661 -0.702 10.0 20.0 5.3 15.0 Gherken 1985 Cryptoglossa verrucosa Tenebrionidae Coleoptera 700.00 4.862 -0.664 10.0 30.0 18.4 28.4 Cooper 1993 Eleodes armata Tenebrionidae Coleoptera 917.00 6.265 -0.236 10.0 30.0 18.4 28.4 Cooper 1993 Heleus waiti Tenebrionidae Coleoptera 713.00 7.135 -0.417 20.0 40.0 23.8 30.9 Duncan and Dickman 2001 Pterohelaeus sp. Tenebrionidae Coleoptera 246.80 6.309 -0.539 20.0 40.0 23.8 30.9 Duncan and Dickman 2001 Pilica formidolosa Asilidae Diptera 200.00 8.447 -0.483 22.0 37.0 26.5 27.6 Morgan et al. 1985 Promachus sp. 2 Asilidae Diptera 180.00 8.215 -0.718 22.0 37.0 26.5 27.6 Morgan et al. 1985 Glossinidae Diptera 22.34 5.653 -0.719 6.0 41.0 18.1 20.7 Rajagopal and Bursell 1966 Appendix S3 continued Mass Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 5.0 30.0 1.7 3.6 Chown et al. 1997 Glossina morsitans orientalis 6 Paractora dreuxi Helcomyzidae Diptera Species Family Order Paractora trichosterna Helcomyzidae Diptera Antrops truncipennis Sphaeroceridae Neophilaenus lineatus 19.17 6.828 -0.613 5.0 30.0 1.7 3.6 Chown 1997 13.26 Met Rate 6.576 Activation energy -0.668 Diptera 2.21 6.820 -0.544 2.0 25.0 1.4 4.5 Chown 1997 Cercopidae Hemiptera 5.74 5.897 -0.678 10.0 25.0 9.7 15.7 Hinton 1971 Cystosoma saundersii Cicadidae Hemiptera 1158.00 6.382 -0.620 10.0 25.0 18.6 23.5 Mac Nally and Doolan 1982 Diceroprocta apache Cicadidae Hemiptera 622.00 8.084 -0.528 30.0 42.1 21.5 31.3 Hadley et al. 1991 Aphaenogaster cockerelli Formicidae Hymenoptera 14.16 4.172 -0.952 5.0 35.0 20.6 29.7 Nielsen 1986 Atta laevigata Formicidae Hymenoptera 15.00 4.758 -0.458 5.0 35.0 20.2 22.8 Beraldo and Mendes 1982 Atta sexdens rubropilosa Formicidae Hymenoptera 15.00 5.275 -0.560 5.0 35.0 20.2 22.8 Beraldo and Mendes 1982 Camponotus fulvopilosus Formicidae Hymenoptera 43.00 4.572 -0.654 10.0 40.0 19.2 21.8 Lighton 1989 Camponotus herculeanus Formicidae Hymenoptera 26.85 5.495 -0.847 5.0 25.0 -2.9 15.1 Nielsen 1986 Camponotus laevigatus Formicidae Hymenoptera 57.45 5.478 -0.514 5.0 25.0 10.0 18.0 Nielsen 1986 Camponotus sp. Formicidae Hymenoptera 46.23 5.210 -0.524 5.0 25.0 12.3 23.8 Nielsen 1986 Camponotus vafer Formicidae Hymenoptera 13.53 4.497 -0.770 5.0 35.0 20.6 29.7 Nielsen 1986 Camponotus vicinus Formicidae Hymenoptera 52.90 5.454 -0.444 10.0 40.0 10.9 18.8 Lighton 1988 Crematogaster californica Formicidae Hymenoptera 1.43 6.579 -0.470 20.0 40.0 17.1 21.8 Schilman et al. 2005 Dorymyrmex insanus Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.59 6.344 -0.637 20.0 40.0 17.8 22.8 Schilman et al. 2005 Forelius foetidus Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.30 5.183 -0.786 15.0 35.0 20.6 29.7 Nielsen 1986 Forelius mccooki Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.27 6.709 -0.562 20.0 40.0 17.1 21.8 Schilman et al. 2005 Formica fusca Formicidae Hymenoptera 4.45 4.612 -0.614 5.0 25.0 7.4 Formica fusca var. Formicidae Hymenoptera 4.04 4.990 -0.929 5.0 25.0 -2.9 Appendix S3 continued Mass Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 2.0 25.0 1.4 4.5 Chown 1997 15.3 Jensen and Nielsen 1975 15.1 Nielsen 1986 7 subaenescens Appendix S3 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 5.0 25.0 10.0 18.0 Nielsen 1986 3.90 Met Rate 5.332 Activation energy -0.648 Hymenoptera 11.73 7.575 -0.521 15.0 35.0 15.1 25.0 Kay and Whitford 1975 Formicidae Hymenoptera 6.08 5.050 -0.793 15.0 30.0 7.4 15.3 Jensen and Nielsen 1975 Lasius niger Formicidae Hymenoptera 1.84 4.370 -0.787 5.0 25.0 7.4 15.3 Jensen and Nielsen 1975 Lasius sitiens Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.87 4.063 -0.859 5.0 25.0 10.0 18.0 Nielsen 1986 Leptogenys nitida Formicidae Hymenoptera 1.71 5.710 -0.358 20.0 30.0 15.9 19.3 Duncan and Crewe 1993 Leptothorax acerovorum Formicidae Hymenoptera 1.11 4.369 -0.847 5.0 25.0 -10.4 Linepithema humile Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.44 7.070 -0.426 20.0 40.0 16.9 Species Family Order Formica occulta Formicidae Hymenoptera Formica perpilosa Formicidae Formica pratensis Mass 8.9 Nielsen 1986 21.0 Schilman et al. 2005 Nielsen and Baroni-Urbani Messor capitatus Formicidae Hymenoptera 9.25 4.927 -0.707 10.0 40.0 14.6 22.6 1990 Myrmica alaskensis Formicidae Hymenoptera 2.73 4.503 -0.822 5.0 25.0 -2.9 15.1 Nielsen 1986 Myrmica rubra Formicidae Hymenoptera 2.40 4.385 -0.702 5.0 25.0 7.4 15.3 Jensen and Nielsen 1975 Novomessor cockerelli Formicidae Hymenoptera 3.21 6.404 -0.629 15.0 35.0 15.1 25.0 Kay and Whitford 1975 Formicidae Hymenoptera 4.17 6.064 -0.887 15.0 35.0 15.1 25.0 Kay and Whitford 1975 Formicidae Hymenoptera 6.63 6.467 -0.616 15.0 35.0 15.1 25.0 Kay and Whitford 1975 Pogonomyrmex californicus Pogonomyrmex desetorum Ettershank and Whitford Pogonomyrmex maricopa Formicidae Hymenoptera 11.07 5.242 -0.475 5.0 45.0 17.3 Formicidae Hymenoptera 9.00 5.943 -0.434 10.0 40.0 8.8 27.1 1973 Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 20.0 Rogers et al. 1972 8 Appendix S3 continued Species Family Order Mass Met Rate Activation energy Temp range Min Max MAT TWQ Reference Ettershank and Whitford Pogonomyrmex rugosus Formicidae Hymenoptera 14.85 5.017 -0.474 5.0 45.0 16.1 25.9 1973 Solenopsis invicta Formicidae Hymenoptera 2.95 5.284 -0.638 15.0 40.0 19.9 28.3 Elzen 1986 Solenopsis xyloni Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.50 6.605 -0.473 20.0 40.0 17.1 21.8 Schilman et al. 2005 Tetramorium caespitum Formicidae Hymenoptera 0.76 3.889 -0.883 5.0 25.0 7.4 15.3 Jensen and Nielsen 1975 Formicidae Hymenoptera 3.03 6.390 -0.550 15.0 35.0 15.1 25.0 Kay and Whitford 1975 Austrophasmatidae Mantophasmatodea 94.22 6.571 -0.246 10.0 25.0 17.9 23.8 Chown et al. 2006 Erythrodiplax connata Libellulidae Odonata 51.67 7.165 -0.716 20.0 40.0 20.4 26.8 May 1979 Miathyria marcella Libellulidae Odonata 175.67 7.659 -0.668 20.0 40.0 20.4 26.8 May 1979 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Odonata 192.50 6.848 -0.671 15.0 40.0 20.4 26.8 May 1979 Bootettix punctatus Acrididae Orthoptera 141.15 6.020 -0.602 10.0 40.0 14.8 25.5 Mispagel 1978 Acrididae Orthoptera 174.60 6.235 -0.627 10.0 25.0 3.4 17.6 Bailey and Riegert 1973 Melanoplus bivittatus Acrididae Orthoptera 1800.00 6.598 -0.994 15.0 35.0 9.9 20.9 Harrison and Fewell 1995 Melanoplus sanguinipes Acrididae Orthoptera 295.00 6.948 -0.621 13.0 42.0 17.1 21.8 Chappel 1983 Taeniopoda eques Acrididae Orthoptera 2043.00 6.314 -0.720 15.0 30.0 14.5 23.3 Quinlan and Hadley 1993 Trimerotropis pallidipennis Acrididae Orthoptera 174.60 8.001 -0.405 25.0 40.0 3.1 Trimerotropis saxatilis Acrididae Orthoptera 135.88 6.167 -0.758 15.0 32.0 16.2 Trachymyrex smithi neomexicanus Karoophasma biedouwensis Encoptolophus sordidus costalis 14.9 Massion 1983 25.3 Duke and Crossley 1975 9 Trimerotropis suffusa Acrididae Orthoptera 297.50 7.719 -0.795 Species Family Order Mass Pteronemobius fasciatus Gryliidae Orthoptera Hophlosphyrum griseus Grylliidae Oceanthus celerinicus 25.0 40.0 -0.1 10.7 Massion 1983 78.51 Met Rate 7.202 Activation energy -0.637 Orthoptera 38.93 5.297 -0.640 7.0 27.0 12.9 18.2 Nespolo et al. 2003 Grylliidae Orthoptera 53.00 5.524 -0.870 10.0 35.0 20.3 26.8 Prestwich and Walker 1981 Oceanthus quadripunctatus Grylliidae Orthoptera 49.00 5.651 -0.779 10.0 35.0 20.3 26.8 Prestwich and Walker 1981 Anurogryllus arboreus Grylloidea Orthoptera 377.00 5.685 -0.700 10.0 30.0 20.3 26.8 Prestwich and Walker 1981 Romalea guttata Romaleidae Orthoptera 2921.00 6.133 -0.698 15.0 30.0 23.0 27.5 Hadley and Quinlan 1993 Orchelimum fidicinium Tettigoniidae Orthoptera 303.42 7.711 -0.467 20.0 30.0 19.2 26.7 Smalley 1960 Xenopsylla ramesis Pulicidae Siphonaptera 0.16 5.234 -0.540 10.0 30.0 18.0 24.3 Fielden et al. 2004 Appendix S3 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 25.0 13.8 23.6 van Hook 1971 10 Literature Cited Acar, E. 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Energetics of singing in crickets: effect of temperature in three trilling species (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 143:199-212. Quinlan, M. C., and N. F. Hadley. 1993. Gas exchange, ventilatory patterns, and water loss in two lubber grasshoppers: quantifying cuticular and respiratory transpiration. Physiological Zoology 66:628-642. Rajagopal, P. K., and E. Bursell. 1965. The respiratory metabolism of resting tsetse flies. Journal of Insect Physiology 12:287-297. Rogers, L., R. Lavigne, and J. L. Miller. 1972. Bioenergetics of the western harvester ant in the shortgrass plains ecosystem. Environmental Entomology 1:763-768. Schilman, P. E., J. R. B. Lighton, and D. A. Holway. 2005. Respiratory and cuticular water loss in insects with continuous gas exchange: comparison across five ant species. Journal of Insect Physiology 51:1295-1305. Schultz, T. D., M. C. Quinlan, and N. F. Hadley. 1992. Preferred body temperature, metabolic physiology, and water balance of adult Cicindela longilabris: a comparison of populations from boreal habitats and climatic refugia. Physiological Zoology 65:226242. Smalley, A. E. 1960. Energy flow of a salt marsh grasshopper population. Ecology 41:672677. Sømme, L., R. A. Ring, W. Block, and M. R. Worland. 1989. Respiratory metabolism of Hydromedion sparsutum and Perimylops antarcticus (Col., Perimylopidae) from South Georgia. Polar Biology 10:135-139. Van Hook, R. I. 1971. Energy and nutrient dynamics of spider and orthopteran populations in a grassland ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 41:1-26. 13 Appendix S4. Species used for the intraspecific development rate-temperature analyses Activation energies (in eV, given as -E) were obtained from a least-squares linear regression of the natural logarithm of development rate (ln 1/day) against the inverse absolute temperature (1/kT). The development rate (Dev Rate) at the lowest experimental temperature is also given (in 1/day). Given are all the species for which total egg to adult development rate-temperature relationships were obtained together with the temperature range (in ºC) used. Note that the temperature range is the range selected for this study and not necessarily the range investigated by the authors (see Methods). Mean annual temperature (MAT in ºC) and the temperature of warmest quarter (TWQ in ºC) are given for the field collected animals only. Activation Dev energy Rate -0.729 0.003 Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 20.0 30.0 15.6 24.8 Benson et al. 1994 Species Family Order Periplaneta fuliginosa Blattidae Blattodea Stegobium paniceum Anobiidae Coleoptera -0.985 0.006 17.5 25.0 Cylas puncticollis Apionidae Coleoptera -0.791 0.016 18.6 31.2 17.8 22.1 Nteletsana et al. 2001 Prostephanus truncatus Bostrichidae Coleoptera -0.582 0.019 22.0 32.0 15.9 18.0 Bell and Watters 1982 Rhizopertha dominica Bostrichidae Coleoptera -0.777 0.040 22.0 34.0 Birch 1945 Callosobruchus maculatus Bruchidae Coleoptera -0.481 0.026 25.0 35.0 Lale and Viddal 2003 Callosobruchus rhodesianus Bruchidae Coleoptera -0.750 0.036 20.0 30.0 Giga and Smith 1983 Callosobruchus subinnotatus Bruchidae Coleoptera -0.422 0.022 25.0 35.0 Lale and Viddal 2003 Amara aenea Carabidae Coleoptera -0.759 0.067 17.0 28.0 7.9 16.8 Saska and Honěk 2003 Amara familiaris Carabidae Coleoptera -0.678 0.243 17.0 28.0 7.9 16.8 Saska and Honěk 2003 Amara fulvipes Carabidae Coleoptera -0.804 0.062 17.0 28.0 9.5 18.9 Saska and Honěk 2003 Amara littorea Carabidae Coleoptera -0.698 0.204 17.0 28.0 7.9 16.8 Saska and Honěk 2003 Lefkovitch 1967 14 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 17.0 28.0 7.9 16.8 Saska and Honěk 2003 Species Family Order Amara ovata Carabidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.727 0.071 Amara similata Carabidae Coleoptera -0.678 0.243 17.0 28.0 Monochamus carolinensis Cerambycidae Coleoptera -0.718 0.009 22.0 30.0 Cassida rubiginosa Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.571 0.051 21.1 32.5 12.0 22.0 Ward and Pienkowski 1978 Cerotoma arcuatus Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.563 0.015 18.0 32.0 20.9 23.6 Nava and Parra 2003 Crioceris asparagi Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.702 0.008 10.0 32.0 6.0 19.4 Taylor and Harcourt 1978 Diorhabda elongata Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.563 0.017 20.0 35.0 8.2 24.6 Herrera et al. 2005 Galerucella calmariensis Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.724 0.014 15.0 25.0 12.7 22.3 McAvoy and Kok 2004 Galerucella pusilla Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.640 0.040 15.0 27.5 12.7 22.3 McAvoy and Kok 2004 Gastrophysa viridula Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.498 0.067 18.0 28.0 7.9 16.8 Honěk et al. 2003 Leptinotarsa decemlineata Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.689 0.016 15.0 29.0 9.7 20.1 Logan et al. 1985 Oulema melanopus Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.726 0.007 8.0 30.0 8.1 20.2 Guppy and Harcourt 1978 Pyrrhalta luteola Chrysomelidae Coleoptera -0.725 0.048 15.6 32.2 15.2 Adalia bipunctata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.607 0.025 15.6 29.4 8.9 20.4 Obrycki and Tauber 1981 Calvia quatuordecimguttata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.816 0.067 10.0 26.0 11.2 18.0 LaMana and Miller 1995 Chilocorus nigritus Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.863 0.013 20.0 30.0 Ponsonby and Copland 1996 Coccinella novemnotata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.800 0.093 15.6 32.2 McMullen 1967 Coccinella septempunctata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.925 0.014 14.0 23.0 16.2 Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.672 0.030 18.3 29.4 8.9 7.9 16.8 Saska and Honěk 2003 Pershing and Linit 1986 26.8 King et al. 1985 25.6 Katsarou et al. 2005 Coccinella transversoguttata richardsoni 20.4 Obrycki and Tauber 1981 15 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 18.0 34.0 11.2 18.0 Miller and LaMana 1995 Species Family Order Coccinella trifasciata Coccinellidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.671 0.023 Coleomegilla maculata lengi Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.920 0.024 19.0 27.3 Diomus austrinus Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.747 0.024 20.0 30.0 Epilachna varivestis Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.651 0.014 15.0 27.0 Eriopis connexa Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.834 0.019 14.0 26.0 Harmonia axyridis Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.722 0.012 14.0 34.0 11.2 18.0 LaMana and Miller 1998 Hippodamia convergens Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.962 0.059 14.0 23.0 16.2 25.6 Katsarou et al. 2005 Hippodamia parenthesis Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.771 0.084 14.0 30.0 8.8 Hippodamia sinuata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.605 0.079 15.0 35.0 13.7 24.2 Michels and Behle 1991 Lioadalia flavomaculata Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.752 0.014 13.0 32.0 17.8 22.1 Brown 1972 Nephus bisignatus Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.528 0.011 15.0 30.0 16.8 23.9 Kontodimas et al. 2004 Nephus includens Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.691 0.054 15.0 32.5 16.8 23.9 Kontodimas et al. 2004 Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.689 0.023 17.5 30.0 17.6 27.8 Mehrnejad and Jalali 2004 Propylea dissecta Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.303 0.053 20.0 35.0 25.7 32.4 Omkar 2004 Pullus mediterraneus Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.612 0.009 15.0 30.0 18.6 26.3 Ba M'Hamed and Chemseddine 2001 Rhyzobius lophanthae Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.580 0.015 15.0 30.0 14.9 22.9 Stathas 2000 Rodolia cardinalis Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.902 0.013 14.0 26.0 17.2 25.6 Grafton-Cardwell et al. 2005 Scymnus levaillanti Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.473 0.090 20.0 35.0 14.1 22.7 Uygun and Atlihan 2000 Stethorus japonicus Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.846 0.017 15.0 30.0 13.8 24.0 Mori et al. 2005 Stethorus punctillum Coccinellidae Coleoptera -0.839 0.087 14.0 30.0 3.4 16.8 Roy et al. 2002 6.6 18.5 Wright and Laing 1978 Chong et al. 2005 6.9 19.2 Fan et al. 1992 Miller and Paustian 1992 22.1 Orr and Obrycki 1990 Oenopia conglobata contaminata 16 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 22.0 35.0 White and Bell 1994 Species Family Order Cryptolestes ferrugineus Cucujidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.672 0.044 Cryptolestes pusillus Cucujidae Coleoptera -0.738 0.044 20.0 32.5 Anthonomus eugenii Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.645 0.024 15.0 30.0 23.0 27.7 Toapanta et al. 2005 Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.721 0.057 15.0 30.0 14.1 17.5 Fye et al. 1969 Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.381 0.032 15.6 30.0 7.9 Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.827 0.015 20.0 26.0 17.5 Bagous affinis Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.785 0.018 18.0 32.0 Baris lepidii Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.548 0.010 15.0 27.0 Calandra oryzae Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.961 0.011 18.2 29.1 Birch 1945 Conotrachelus nenuphar Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.697 0.010 17.0 28.0 Lan et al. 2004 Curculionidae Coleoptera -1.161 0.013 20.0 27.0 19.0 Euhrychiopsis lecontei Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.686 0.060 15.0 29.0 7.4 Gonipterus scutellatus Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.680 0.019 10.5 26.8 14.4 19.3 Santolamazza-Carbone et al. 2006 Hylobius pales Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.375 0.011 21.0 28.0 16.6 26.1 Salom et al. 1987 Hypera brunneipennis Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.613 0.044 15.0 26.7 20.9 31.1 Butler and Ritchie 1967 Hypera meles Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.799 0.046 12.0 35.0 16.7 25.6 Chan et al. 1990 Hypera postica Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.787 0.008 12.0 32.0 6.0 19.4 Guppy and Mukerji 1974 Listronotus oregonensis Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.886 0.008 12.7 23.9 9.6 20.7 Simonet and Davenport 1981 Currie 1967 Anthonomus grandis thurberiae Anthonomus signatus 19.4 Clarke and Howitt 1975 Aubeonymus mariaefranciscae 25.9 Marco et al. 1997 Godfrey and Anderson 1994 12.9 24.7 Sherrod et al. 1982 Cylas formicarius elegantulus 26.9 Mullen 1981 21.4 Mazzei et al. 1999 17 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 17.5 30.0 23.1 29.0 Woodson and Edelson 1988 Species Family Order Listronotus texanus Curculionidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.803 0.037 Otiorrhynchus sulcatus Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.326 0.008 15.0 24.0 Stenseth 1979 Sitophilus granarius Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.475 0.024 20.0 30.0 Campbell et al. 1976 Sitophilus oryzae Curculionidae Coleoptera -0.628 0.020 20.0 28.0 Ryoo and Cho 1988 Cybocephalus micans Cybocephalidae Coleoptera -0.582 0.013 20.0 36.0 19.7 25.4 Blumberg and Swirski 1982 Cybocephalidae Coleoptera -0.520 0.014 24.0 36.0 19.7 25.4 Blumberg and Swirski 1982 Dermestes ater Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.262 0.008 25.0 35.0 Coombs 1981 Dermestes frischii Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.868 0.036 20.0 30.0 Amos 1968 Dermestes haemorrhoidalis Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.711 0.024 20.0 30.0 Coombs 1979 Dermestes maculatus Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.652 0.011 20.0 30.0 Trogoderma anthrenoides Dermestidae Coleoptera -1.009 0.023 20.0 35.0 Trogoderma glabrum Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.445 0.020 26.7 35.0 17.0 25.6 Archer and Strong 1975 Trogoderma variabile Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.417 0.015 23.9 37.8 17.0 25.6 Partida and Strong 1975 Trogoderma versicolor Dermestidae Coleoptera -0.867 0.004 20.0 35.0 Laricobius nigrinus Derodontidae Coleoptera -0.744 0.008 9.0 18.0 9.6 Collops vittatus Malachiidae Coleoptera -0.979 0.007 22.8 32.2 21.1 31.0 Butler and Wardecker 1973 Typhaea stercorea Mycetophagidae Coleoptera -0.795 0.013 20.0 30.0 10.2 17.1 Jacob 1988 Carpophilus dimidiatus Nitidulidae Coleoptera -0.782 0.041 20.0 30.0 Nitidulidae Coleoptera -0.535 0.013 15.0 30.0 Cybocephalus nigriceps nigriceps 22.1 23.8 Richardson and Goff 2001 Burges and Cammell 1964 Hadaway 1955 15.5 Zilahi-Balogh et al. 2003 Porter 1986 Glischrochilus quadrisignatus 6.8 20.9 Mussen and Chiang 1974 18 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 20.0 29.0 18.0 24.3 Harari et al. 1998 Species Family Order Maladera matrida Scarabaeidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.654 0.017 Onitis caffer Scarabaeidae Coleoptera -1.181 0.001 15.0 25.0 16.5 20.1 Edwards 1986 Popillia japonica Scarabaeidae Coleoptera -1.036 0.011 20.0 25.0 12.3 23.2 Ludwig 1928 Dendroctonus ponderosae Scolytidae Coleoptera -0.787 0.011 15.0 25.0 10.3 22.3 Bentz et al. 1991 Ips avulsus Scolytidae Coleoptera -0.686 0.069 20.0 35.0 19.9 28.3 Wagner et al. 1988 Ips calligraphus Scolytidae Coleoptera -0.713 0.008 15.0 35.0 19.9 28.3 Wagner et al. 1987 Ips confusus Scolytidae Coleoptera -0.535 0.017 15.0 35.0 Ips typographus Scolytidae Coleoptera -0.546 0.019 15.0 33.0 8.8 16.8 Wermelinger and Seifert 1998 Ahasverus advena Silvanidae Coleoptera -0.861 0.014 17.5 30.0 9.7 15.7 Jacob 1996 Oryzaephilus acuminatus Silvanidae Coleoptera -0.751 0.051 20.0 32.5 Oryzaephilus surinamensis Silvanidae Coleoptera -0.614 0.016 20.0 35.0 24.3 26.9 Jacob and Fleming 1990 Alphitobius diaperinus Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.908 0.007 20.0 35.0 17.1 25.7 Rueda and Axtell 1996 Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.837 0.006 20.0 32.5 Halstead 1967 Gnathocerus maxillosus Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.718 0.028 20.0 32.5 Ntifo and Nowosielski-Slepowron 1973 Latheticus oryzae Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.698 0.054 27.5 37.0 Palorus laesicollis Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.917 0.015 15.0 22.5 Halstead 1967 Palorus ratzeburgii Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.743 0.012 20.0 32.5 Halstead 1967 Palorus subdepressus Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.717 0.008 20.0 32.5 Halstead 1967 Pterohelaeus alternatus Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.508 0.011 24.4 30.2 19.0 25.8 Allsopp 1981 Pterohelaeus darlingensis Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.512 0.018 24.4 30.2 19.0 25.8 Allsopp 1981 Berryman and Stark 1962 Jacob 1981 Coelopalorus foveicollis (=Palorus foveicollis) 27.2 28.6 Nowosielski-Slepowron and Aryeetey 1980 19 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 25.0 35.0 28.3 31.9 Abdelsamad et al. 1988 Species Family Order Tribolium castaneum Tenebrionidae Coleoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.690 0.022 Tribolium confusum Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.938 0.008 20.0 32.5 Howe 1960 Tribolium freemani Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -0.687 0.013 25.0 32.5 Imura and Nakakita 1984 Tribolium madens Tenebrionidae Coleoptera -1.108 0.040 20.0 35.0 Howe 1962 Nala lividipes Labiduridae Dermaptera -0.944 0.008 22.0 32.5 17.9 Agromyza frontella Agromyzidae Diptera -0.602 0.018 15.0 25.0 8.9 Chromatomyla syngenesiae Agromyzidae Diptera -0.633 0.063 16.0 25.0 Liriomyza bryoniae Agromyzidae Diptera -0.640 0.058 15.0 25.0 Liriomyza huidobrensis Agromyzidae Diptera -0.739 0.062 15.0 25.0 Liriomyza trifolii Agromyzidae Diptera -0.702 0.016 15.0 30.0 21.8 27.3 Leibee 1984 Ophiomyia centrosematis Agromyzidae Diptera -0.620 0.060 20.0 35.0 23.2 28.6 Talekar and Lee 1988 Delia florilega Anthomyiidae Diptera -0.545 0.017 15.0 30.0 8.7 20.3 Throne and Eckenrode 1986 Delia platura Anthomyiidae Diptera -0.466 0.059 15.0 35.0 8.7 20.3 Throne and Eckenrode 1986 Calliphora vicina Calliphoridae Diptera -0.515 0.050 15.8 23.3 9.9 16.8 Anderson 2000 Eucalliphora latifrons Calliphoridae Diptera -0.511 0.037 15.8 23.3 9.9 16.8 Anderson 2000 Lucilia sericata Calliphoridae Diptera -0.984 0.029 17.0 25.0 9.9 19.2 Grassberger and Reiter 2001 Phaenicia pallescens Calliphoridae Diptera -0.505 0.091 19.0 35.0 23.1 27.8 Ash and Greenberg 1975 Phaenicia sericata Calliphoridae Diptera -0.725 0.018 19.0 35.0 9.4 21.8 Ash and Greenberg 1975 Phormia regina Calliphoridae Diptera -0.401 0.018 15.0 35.0 14.0 Protophormia terraenovae Calliphoridae Diptera -0.533 0.109 15.0 35.0 9.9 Aphidoletes aphidimyza Cecidomyiidae Diptera -0.554 0.032 15.0 25.0 23.3 Simpson 1993 20.4 Mellors and Helgesen 1978 Cheah 1987 9.7 16.3 Minkenberg and Helderman 1990 Lanzoni et al. 2002 24.1 Byrd and Allen 2001 19.2 Grassberger and Reiter 2002 Havelka 1980 20 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 25.0 9.7 15.3 Readshaw 1965 Species Family Order Contarinia nasturtii Cecidomyiidae Diptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.771 0.031 Contarinia sorghicola Cecidomyiidae Diptera -0.465 0.085 20.0 34.0 Cystiphora schmidti Cecidomyiidae Diptera -0.697 0.018 15.0 30.0 Moore 1987 Feltiella acarisuga Cecidomyiidae Diptera -0.740 0.100 15.0 27.0 Gillespie et al. 2000 Mayetiola destructor Cecidomyiidae Diptera -0.446 0.057 15.6 26.7 12.9 25.2 Foster and Taylor 1975 Culicoides mississippiensis Ceratopogonidae Diptera -0.401 0.011 15.0 25.0 21.0 27.0 Davis et al. 1983 Culicoides variipennis Ceratopogonidae Diptera -0.446 0.037 20.0 30.0 8.9 Chironomus crassicaudatus Chironomidae Diptera -0.948 0.010 15.0 22.5 22.2 27.4 Frouz et al. 2002 Chironomus tepperi Chironomidae Diptera -0.808 0.023 12.5 27.5 16.7 24.0 Stevens 1998 Glyptotendipes paripes Chironomidae Diptera -0.314 0.029 22.5 32.5 22.0 27.4 Lobinske et al. 2002 Hippelates bishoppi Chloropidae Diptera -0.643 0.019 18.3 35.0 15.5 25.0 Karandinos and Axtell 1967 Hippelates pallipes Chloropidae Diptera -0.315 0.078 23.9 35.0 15.5 25.0 Karandinos and Axtell 1967 Hippelates pusio Chloropidae Diptera -0.427 0.041 23.9 35.0 15.5 25.0 Karandinos and Axtell 1967 Oscinella frit Chloropidae Diptera -0.659 0.040 17.5 27.5 9.6 20.7 Tolley and Niemczyk 1988 Aedes albopictus Culicidae Diptera -0.360 0.066 22.0 30.0 13.3 Aedes campestris Culicidae Diptera -0.261 0.081 23.0 27.0 -7.6 Anopheles gambiae Culicidae Diptera -0.681 0.043 18.0 28.0 Bayoh and Lindsay 2003 Anopheles quadrimaculatus Culicidae Diptera -0.970 0.114 12.1 27.2 Huffaker 1944 Culex annulirostris Culicidae Diptera -0.634 0.120 20.0 35.0 18.6 24.6 Mottram et al. 1986 Culex tarsalis Culicidae Diptera -0.423 0.031 15.0 35.0 14.9 23.9 Reisen 1995 Culex theileri Culicidae Diptera -0.514 0.032 15.0 33.0 14.9 20.9 Van der Linde et al. 1987; 19.9 28.3 Baxendale et al. 1984 20.4 Mullens and Rutz 1983 25.2 Alto and Juliano 2001 9.8 Tauthong and Brust 1976 21 Van der Linde and Mitchell 1991 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 20.0 30.0 24.8 26.8 Trpis 1972 Species Family Order Toxorhynchites brevipalpis Culicidae Diptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.617 0.063 Culicidae Diptera -0.784 0.072 13.0 31.0 19.7 27.4 Trimble and Lund 1983 Drosophila iri Drosophilidae Diptera -0.792 0.037 17.0 28.0 25.6 26.8 Cohet et al. 1980 Drosophila lutescens Drosophilidae Diptera -0.578 0.045 15.0 27.0 15.7 25.3 Kimura et al. 1994 Drosophila melanogaster Drosophilidae Diptera -0.643 0.111 12.0 30.0 17.3 23.6 McKenzie 1978 Drosophila prostipennis Drosophilidae Diptera -0.658 0.126 15.0 27.0 22.0 27.8 Kimura et al. 1994 Drosophila simulans Drosophilidae Diptera -0.915 0.152 12.0 28.0 25.6 26.8 Cohet et al. 1980 Drosophila takahashii Drosophilidae Diptera -0.726 0.045 15.0 27.0 22.9 28.4 Kimura et al. 1994 Drosophila trilutea Drosophilidae Diptera -0.531 0.090 15.0 25.0 22.0 27.8 Kimura et al. 1994 Drosophila yakuba Drosophilidae Diptera -0.733 0.038 14.0 28.0 24.0 25.0 Cohet et al. 1980 Haematobia irritans exigua Muscidae Diptera -0.572 0.011 17.5 30.0 24.1 27.5 Cook and Spain 1981 Haematobia thirouxi potans Muscidae Diptera -0.747 0.001 15.0 30.0 Fay 1985 Musca autumnalis Muscidae Diptera -0.619 0.022 13.8 34.7 Moon 1983 Musca domestica Muscidae Diptera -0.773 0.023 16.0 31.0 Musca vetustissima Muscidae Diptera -0.746 0.020 18.0 28.0 Ophyra aenescens Muscidae Diptera -0.644 0.027 17.0 30.0 13.4 21.0 Lefebvre and Pasquerault 2004 Ophyra capensis Muscidae Diptera -0.941 0.080 17.0 30.0 11.3 18.6 Lefebvre and Pasquerault 2004 Stomoxys calcitrans Muscidae Diptera -0.870 0.077 15.0 30.0 13.3 15.9 Gilles et al. 2005 Stomoxys niger niger Muscidae Diptera -0.814 0.015 15.0 30.0 13.3 15.9 Gilles et al. 2005 Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis 15.5 25.0 Lysyk and Axtell 1987 Vogt et al. 1990 22 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 32.0 17.9 25.3 Russo et al. 2006 Species Family Order Piophila casei Piophilidae Diptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.626 0.017 Psila rosae Psilidae Diptera -0.488 0.017 12.5 20.0 Sarcophagidae Diptera -0.452 0.032 19.0 31.0 Bradysia impatiens Sciaridae Diptera -0.538 0.020 12.8 23.9 12.3 Sepedon fuscipennis Sciomyzidae Diptera -0.637 0.060 15.0 30.0 7.8 19.2 Barnes 1976 Episyrphus balteatus Syrphidae Diptera -0.730 0.017 10.0 20.0 9.3 16.2 Ankersmit et al. 1986 Merodon equestris Syrphidae Diptera -1.024 0.023 10.0 21.5 9.8 15.7 Collier and Finch 1992 Exorista mella Tachinidae Diptera -0.553 0.032 20.0 27.2 20.9 31.1 Butler et al. 1968 Leschenaultia adusta Tachinidae Diptera -0.551 0.035 15.0 30.0 21.2 31.3 Jackson et al. 1970 Palexorista laxa Tachinidae Diptera -0.761 0.019 15.0 30.0 Voria ruralis Tachinidae Diptera -0.465 0.052 20.0 30.0 Anastrepha suspensa Tephritidae Diptera -0.731 0.051 15.0 30.0 Prescott and Baranowski 1971 Bactrocera cucurbitae Tephritidae Diptera -0.573 0.078 16.0 32.0 Vargas et al. 1996 Bactrocera dorsalis Tephritidae Diptera -0.421 0.033 19.0 34.0 Yang et al. 1994 Bactrocera latifrons Tephritidae Diptera -0.688 0.016 16.0 29.0 Vargas et al. 1996 Ceratitis capitata Tephritidae Diptera -0.659 0.068 16.0 29.0 Vargas et al. 1996 Dacus tryoni Tephritidae Diptera -0.411 0.029 20.0 30.0 24.4 27.1 Bateman 1967 Rhagoletis completa Tephritidae Diptera -0.502 0.013 8.0 24.0 11.2 18.0 Kasana and AliNiazee 1994 Tipula subnodicornis Tipulidae Diptera -0.581 0.007 7.0 15.0 6.2 Aleurocanthus woglumi Aleyrodidae Hemiptera -0.635 0.006 20.0 34.0 24.0 6.7 18.7 Stevenson 1981 Parasarcophaga (Liopygia) ruficornis Amoudi et al. 1994 24.3 Wilkinson and Daugherty 1970 Jackson et al. 1976 20.6 29.7 Jackson et al. 1969 12.3 Butterfield 1976 27.8 Dowell and Fitzpatrick 1978 23 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 25.0 9.8 16.7 Iheagwam 1978 Species Family Order Aleyrodes proletella Aleyrodidae Hemiptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.749 0.019 Bemisia argentifolii Aleyrodidae Hemiptera -0.755 0.058 15.0 30.0 13.9 21.7 Yang and Chi 2006 Bemisia tabaci Aleyrodidae Hemiptera -0.539 0.030 20.0 29.0 22.8 32.4 Powell and Bellows 1992 Trialeurodes abutilonea Aleyrodidae Hemiptera -0.280 0.033 23.9 35.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1967 Trialeurodes vaporariorum Aleyrodidae Hemiptera -0.417 0.063 15.0 32.0 Lyctocoris campestris Anthocoridae Hemiptera -0.702 0.048 17.0 29.0 7.8 Orius insidiosus Anthocoridae Hemiptera -0.933 0.030 20.0 28.0 12.4 23.0 Isenhour and Yeargan 1981 Orius sauteri Anthocoridae Hemiptera -0.736 0.018 15.0 30.0 15.6 26.2 Nagai and Yano 1999 Orius tristicolor Anthocoridae Hemiptera -0.325 0.043 20.0 35.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966a Xylocoris flavipes Anthocoridae Hemiptera -0.904 0.063 20.0 30.0 Acyrthosiphon kondoi Aphididae Hemiptera -0.708 0.024 7.2 26.7 14.3 17.6 Summers et al. 1984 Acyrthosiphon pisum Aphididae Hemiptera -0.742 0.043 10.0 25.0 17.9 23.3 Lamb and MacKay 1988 Aphis gossypii Aphididae Hemiptera -0.497 0.123 15.0 30.0 11.3 20.9 Kersting et al. 1999 Aphis pomi Aphididae Hemiptera -0.483 0.180 10.0 30.0 10.6 21.5 Carroll and Hoyt 1986 Brevicoryne brassicae Aphididae Hemiptera -0.440 0.145 15.0 25.0 11.3 20.9 Satar et al. 2005 Diuraphis noxia Aphididae Hemiptera -0.510 0.051 12.0 27.0 8.7 Drepanosiphum acerinum Aphididae Hemiptera -0.677 0.020 6.0 20.0 10.2 16.4 Wellings 1981 Drepanosiphum platanoidis Aphididae Hemiptera -0.548 0.075 6.0 20.0 10.2 16.4 Wellings 1981 Dysaphis plantaginea Aphididae Hemiptera -0.750 0.083 11.6 19.5 9.3 Lipaphis erysimi Aphididae Hemiptera -0.511 0.063 15.0 30.0 Macrosiphum avenae Aphididae Hemiptera -0.623 0.125 11.0 23.0 Greenberg et al. 2000 20.7 Parajulee et al. 1995 Arbogast 1975 20.4 Kieckhefer and Elliott 1989 16.2 Blommers et al. 2004 Liu and Yue 2001 6.1 20.5 Kieckhefer et al. 1989 24 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 10.0 20.0 Dean 1974 Species Family Order Metopolophium dirhodum Aphididae Hemiptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.434 0.068 Rhopalosiphum padi Aphididae Hemiptera -0.539 0.202 10.0 25.0 Sitobion avenae Aphididae Hemiptera -0.516 0.052 10.0 25.0 10.2 16.4 Acreman and Dixon 1989 Austroasca viridigrisea Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.612 0.066 20.0 32.0 20.9 26.0 Page 1983 Cicadulina mbila Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.785 0.013 17.3 30.1 18.1 20.7 Rose 1973 Cicadulina parazeae Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.721 0.052 23.0 30.0 18.1 20.7 Rose 1973 Cicadulina storeyi Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.718 0.027 23.0 30.0 18.1 20.7 Rose 1973 Empoasca fabae Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.683 0.069 13.0 29.0 11.0 20.7 Simonet and Pienkowski 1980 Eutettix tenellus Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.801 0.010 18.3 33.3 9.5 20.4 Harries and Douglass 1948 Graminella nigrifrons Cicadellidae Hemiptera -0.793 0.047 18.0 30.0 9.6 20.7 Larsen et al. 1990 Acanthomia tomentosicollis Coreidae Hemiptera -0.715 0.083 20.0 34.0 26.6 28.2 Egwuatu and Taylor 1977 Anasa tristis Coreidae Hemiptera -0.820 0.013 20.0 31.1 15.2 26.8 Fargo and Bonjour 1988 Aonidiella aurantii Diaspididae Hemiptera -0.854 0.006 15.0 30.0 9.8 18.2 Kennett and Hoffmann 1985 Gerris buenoi Gerridae Hemiptera -0.477 0.023 18.5 26.0 9.7 16.6 Spence et al. 1980 Gerris comatus Gerridae Hemiptera -0.716 0.035 15.0 26.0 9.7 16.6 Spence et al. 1980 Gerris paludum insularis Gerridae Hemiptera -0.699 0.008 15.0 35.0 13.7 Gerris pingreensis Gerridae Hemiptera -0.606 0.016 15.0 26.0 9.7 Geocoris atricolor Lygaeidae Hemiptera -0.583 0.054 26.7 35.0 Geocoris pallens Lygaeidae Hemiptera -0.985 0.051 20.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966a Geocoris punctipes Lygaeidae Hemiptera -0.751 0.037 20.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966a Nysius vinitor Lygaeidae Hemiptera -0.837 0.017 20.0 32.0 Dean 1974 25.2 Park 1988 16.6 Spence et al. 1980 Dunbar and Bacon 1972 Kehat and Wyndham 1972 25 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 23.0 31.0 25.7 26.7 Baldwin and Dingle 1986 Species Family Order Oncopeltus fasciatus Lygaeidae Hemiptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.890 0.050 Creontiades dilutus Miridae Hemiptera -0.652 0.067 19.0 31.0 19.6 24.7 Foley and Pyke 1985 Deraeocoris brevis Miridae Hemiptera -0.752 0.011 15.0 32.0 10.6 18.8 Kim and Riedl 2005 Dicyphus hesperus Miridae Hemiptera -0.623 0.021 14.0 27.0 8.0 18.3 Gillespie et al. 2004 Lygus desertus Miridae Hemiptera -0.571 0.055 20.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1970a Lygus elisus Miridae Hemiptera -0.601 0.093 10.0 35.0 15.6 25.7 Bommireddy et al. 2004 Lygus hesperus Miridae Hemiptera -0.517 0.016 15.0 35.0 20.6 29.7 Champlain and Butler 1967 Lygus lineolaris Miridae Hemiptera -0.668 0.018 16.0 28.0 6.2 Macrolophus pygmaeus Miridae Hemiptera -0.623 0.039 15.0 27.5 12.0 20.6 Perdikis and Lykouressis 2002 Pseudatomoscelis seriatus Miridae Hemiptera -0.362 0.033 23.9 35.0 19.9 28.3 Gaylor and Sterling 1975 Rhinacloa forticornis Miridae Hemiptera -0.557 0.044 25.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1970b Nabis americoferus Nabidae Hemiptera -0.999 0.042 15.0 27.0 12.7 23.4 Braman et al. 1984 Nabis roseipennis Nabidae Hemiptera -0.742 0.009 15.0 30.0 12.7 23.4 Braman et al. 1984 Nabis rufusculus Nabidae Hemiptera -0.695 0.012 18.0 30.0 12.7 23.4 Braman and Yeargan 1988 Acrosternum hilare Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.902 0.009 18.0 27.0 12.7 23.4 Simmons and Yeargan 1988 Biprorulus bibax Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.715 0.042 20.0 32.5 18.6 26.0 James 1990 Cermatulus nasalis Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.743 0.015 20.0 30.0 Awan 1988 Euschistus conspersus Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.367 0.035 21.0 32.0 Toscano and Stern 1976 Oebalus pugnax Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.632 0.021 21.0 30.0 Oechalia schellenbergii Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.585 0.078 20.0 35.0 Awan 1988 Podisus acutissimus Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.872 0.060 15.0 30.0 Stoner et al. 1974 19.5 19.3 Khattat and Stewart 1977 27.2 Naresh and Smith 1983 26 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 33.0 Drummond et al. 1984 Species Family Order Podisus maculiventris Pentatomidae Hemiptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.512 0.050 Podisus sagitta Pentatomidae Hemiptera -0.611 0.059 19.0 33.0 Phenacoccus herreni Pseudococcidae Hemiptera -1.210 0.030 18.0 25.0 27.5 28.1 Herrera et al. 1989 Phenacoccus manihoti Pseudococcidae Hemiptera -0.563 0.037 20.0 27.0 26.6 28.2 Lema and Herren 1985 Saccharicoccus sacchari Pseudococcidae Hemiptera -1.139 0.040 20.0 30.0 24.2 27.5 Rae and De'ath 1991 Psylla pyricola Psyllidae Hemiptera -0.370 0.016 10.0 26.7 8.0 Pristhesancus plagipennis Reduviidae Hemiptera -0.830 0.007 22.5 30.0 20.1 24.3 James 1992 Sinea confusa Reduviidae Hemiptera -0.763 0.028 20.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966a Zelus renardii Reduviidae Hemiptera -0.275 0.020 25.0 35.0 13.0 24.1 Ali and Watson 1978 Zelus socius Reduviidae Hemiptera -0.557 0.015 20.0 30.0 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966a Corythucha cydoniae Tingidae Hemiptera -0.323 0.050 20.6 37.7 12.7 23.5 Neal and Douglass 1990 Corythucha morrilli Tingidae Hemiptera -0.974 0.028 20.0 25.6 17.5 27.3 Stone and Watterson 1985 Stephanitis pyrioides Tingidae Hemiptera -0.500 0.022 20.6 31.7 12.7 23.6 Neal and Douglass 1988 Aphelinus asychis Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.748 0.085 14.0 26.0 13.5 21.8 Lee and Elliott 1998 Aphelinus gossypii Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.613 0.032 15.0 30.0 22.0 27.4 Tang and Yokomi 1995 Aphelinus semiflavus Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.723 0.026 15.6 29.4 17.0 25.6 Force and Messenger 1964 Aphelinus sp. nr. Varipes Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.595 0.029 14.0 30.0 13.9 19.2 Prinsloo and du Plessis 2000 Aphelinus spiraecolae Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.584 0.075 15.0 30.0 22.0 27.4 Tang and Yokomi 1995 Aphelinus varipes Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.445 0.057 20.0 30.0 5.9 Aphytis chrysomphali Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.500 0.039 20.0 30.0 17.2 23.6 Abdelrahman 1974 Aphytis melinus Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.592 0.077 20.0 30.0 17.2 23.6 Abdelrahman 1974 De Clercq and Degheele 1992 18.3 McMullen and Jong 1977 15.6 Röhne 2002 27 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 17.5 27.5 11.3 22.3 Matadha et al. 2004 Species Family Order Encarsia citrina Aphelinidae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.567 0.021 Encarsia perniciosi Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.543 0.029 20.0 28.0 15.5 24.9 McClain et al. 1990 Encarsia tricolor Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.704 0.074 14.0 28.0 16.5 23.2 Avilla and Copland 1988 Eretmocerus eremicus Aphelinidae Hymenoptera -0.532 0.021 16.3 30.9 Aphidius ervi pulcher Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.648 0.095 10.3 25.9 Aphidius matricariae Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.585 0.023 11.0 26.0 Aphidius platensis Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.374 0.050 15.0 24.0 6.3 15.9 Hofsvang and Hågvar 1975 Aphidius smithi Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.680 0.024 10.3 25.9 7.6 18.5 Campbell and Mackauer 1975 Aphidius sonchi Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.676 0.033 12.5 26.0 Ephedrus californicus Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.473 0.081 17.6 26.4 Lysiphlebia japonica Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.531 0.101 10.0 25.0 Deng and Tsai 1998 Lysiphlebia mirzai Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.626 0.100 10.0 25.0 Liu and Tsai 2002 Lysiphlebus testaceipes Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -0.755 0.019 10.0 26.0 22.1 Praon pequodorum Aphidiidae Hymenoptera -1.029 0.017 10.3 19.7 7.6 Cephalonomia stephanoderis Bethylidae Hymenoptera -0.807 0.015 17.0 32.0 Goniozus legneri Bethylidae Hymenoptera -0.955 0.109 17.0 30.0 15.9 23.1 Butler and Schmidt 1985 Prorops nasuta Bethylidae Hymenoptera -0.667 0.061 18.0 30.0 26.6 27.7 Infante 2000 Apanteles fumiferanae Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.698 0.070 12.5 26.0 4.3 Apanteles glomeratus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.899 0.011 13.9 30.0 12.8 Apanteles ornigis Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.973 0.036 15.0 20.0 5.9 Apanteles rubecula Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.996 0.082 13.9 30.0 12.8 Tullett et al. 2004 7.6 18.5 Campbell and Mackauer 1975 Miller and Gerth 1994 Liu and Hughes 1984 9.7 16.6 Cohen and Mackauer 1987 28.7 Royer et al. 2001 18.5 Campbell and Mackauer 1975 Infante et al. 1992 16.4 Régnière 1984 19.5 Nealis et al. 1984 17.6 Johnson et al. 1979 19.5 Nealis et al. 1984 28 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 23.9 35.0 Cardona and Oatman 1975 Species Family Order Apanteles scutellaris Braconidae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.448 0.099 Apanteles sp. group ultor Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.400 0.116 20.0 29.0 Al-Maliky et al. 1988 Apanteles subandinus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.698 0.018 15.6 32.2 Cardona and Oatman 1975 Apanteles yakutatensis Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.291 0.052 21.0 31.0 Bracon mellitor Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.541 0.108 15.6 37.8 Barfield et al. 1977 Chelonus blackburni Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.576 0.045 20.0 32.2 Jackson et al. 1978 Chelonus inanitus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.634 0.058 20.0 36.0 Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.609 0.054 20.0 33.0 Chelonus texanus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.660 0.013 15.0 35.0 Cotesia marginiventris Braconidae Hymenoptera -1.211 0.022 15.0 25.0 Cotesia melanoscela Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.643 0.023 15.0 30.0 9.7 Cotesia urabae Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.624 0.042 15.0 25.0 15.0 20.0 Allen and Keller 1991 Dendrosoter sulcatus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.807 0.081 15.0 30.0 18.3 26.8 Jones and Stephen 1994 Diaeretiella rapae Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.457 0.021 10.0 30.0 8.1 20.2 Hayakawa et al. 1990 Dolichogenidea eucalypti Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.711 0.015 15.0 25.0 15.0 20.0 Allen and Keller 1991 Macrocentrus grandii Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.881 0.007 15.0 30.0 Microplitis rufiventris Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.717 0.021 15.0 30.0 21.6 31.5 Hutchison et al. 1986 Opius sp. Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.758 0.036 15.6 29.4 22.8 27.1 Tyron and Poe 1981 Perilitus coccinellae Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.702 0.015 15.6 26.7 Obrycki and Tauber 1978 Peristenus stygicus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.326 0.047 20.0 30.0 Butler and Wardecker 1974 11.2 19.7 18.0 Madar and Miller 1983 25.4 Rechav and Orion 1975 Chelonus sp. nr. curvimaculatus Hentz et al. 1998 20.6 29.7 Butler 1966b Sourakov and Mitchell 2001 19.1 Gould and Elkinton 1990 Dittrick and Chiang 1982 29 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 18.3 26.7 17.0 25.6 Force and Messenger 1964 Species Family Order Praon palitans Braconidae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.570 0.083 Spathius pallidus Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.941 0.075 15.0 30.0 18.3 26.8 Jones and Stephen 1994 Trioxys utilis Braconidae Hymenoptera -0.686 0.037 15.6 26.7 17.0 25.6 Force and Messenger 1964 Dendrocerus niger Ceraphronidae Hymenoptera -0.697 0.067 14.8 25.9 7.6 Brachymeria lasus Chalcididae Hymenoptera -0.695 0.024 18.0 32.0 Trichopria atrichomelinae Diapriidae Hymenoptera -0.634 0.045 15.0 30.0 7.2 18.5 O'Neill 1973 Trichopria popei Diapriidae Hymenoptera -0.420 0.040 20.0 30.0 8.9 20.4 O'Neill 1973 Acerophagus coccois Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.580 0.028 20.0 30.0 27.5 28.1 Herrera et al. 1989 Anagyrus pseudococci Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.848 0.090 14.0 32.0 17.0 25.6 Daane et al. 2004 Copidosoma koehleri Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.744 0.010 15.0 29.0 15.2 21.4 Horne and Horne 1991 Epidinocarsis diversicornis Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.532 0.026 18.0 30.0 27.5 28.1 Herrera et al. 1989 Leptomastidea abnormis Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.845 0.022 18.0 30.0 Tingle and Copland 1988 Leptomastix dactylopii Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.710 0.051 20.0 30.0 Tingle and Copland 1988 Ooencyrtus anasae Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.740 0.056 20.8 26.6 12.2 24.9 Tracy and Nechols 1987 Ooencyrtus sp. nr. anasae Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.721 0.030 20.8 26.6 12.2 24.9 Tracy and Nechols 1987 Tachinaephagus zealandicus Encyrtidae Hymenoptera -0.720 0.042 16.0 25.0 20.7 23.1 Ferreira de Almeida et al. 2002 Gronotoma micromorpha Eucoilidae Hymenoptera -0.723 0.015 15.0 30.0 15.6 26.3 Abe and Tahara 2003 Leptopilina boulardi Eucoilidae Hymenoptera -0.836 0.054 18.3 26.7 16.4 24.1 Hertlein 1986 Aprostocetus vaquitarum Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.432 0.061 20.0 30.0 26.3 27.8 Ulmer et al. 2006 Chrysocharis parksi Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.347 0.072 21.1 32.2 15.9 23.1 Christie and Parrella 1987 Cirrospilus pictus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.456 0.047 16.0 26.0 18.5 25.3 Lo Pinto et al. 2005 18.5 Campbell and Mackauer 1975 Mao and Kunimi 1994 30 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 10.0 30.0 13.2 20.3 Urbaneja et al. 1999 Species Family Order Cirrospilus sp. nr. lyncus Eulophidae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.872 0.010 Cirrospilus vittatus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.562 0.078 15.0 30.0 13.2 20.3 Urbaneja et al. 2002 Citrostichus phyllocnistoides Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.564 0.028 15.0 30.0 13.2 20.3 Urbaneja et al. 2003 Colpoclypeus florus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.594 0.032 15.0 25.0 14.2 23.3 Milonas and Savopoulou-Soultani 2000b Diglyphus intermedius Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.628 0.044 15.5 26.7 22.4 27.5 Patel and Schuster 1983 Diglyphus isaea Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.690 0.096 15.0 25.0 Minkenberg 1989 Edovum puttleri Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.659 0.089 15.6 29.4 Obrycki et al. 1987 Hyssopus thymus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.858 0.020 16.0 28.0 4.3 16.4 Syme 1972 Pediobius furvus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.503 0.026 20.0 30.0 22.7 23.5 Duale 2005 Pnigalio soemius Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.842 0.082 10.0 30.0 15.9 22.9 Bernardo et al. 2006 Quadrastichus haitiensis Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.879 0.079 20.0 30.0 Castillo et al. 2006 Thripobius semiluteus Eulophidae Hymenoptera -0.625 0.014 15.0 30.0 Bernardo et al. 2005 Solenopsis invicta Formicidae Hymenoptera -0.662 0.018 24.5 35.0 19.6 26.9 Porter 1988 Campoletis sonorensis Ichneumonidae Hymenoptera -0.399 0.065 20.0 30.0 18.6 26.5 Isenhour 1986 Diadromus collaris Ichneumonidae Hymenoptera -0.553 0.098 15.0 30.0 16.7 27.5 Liu et al. 2001 Hyposoter exiguae Ichneumonidae Hymenoptera -0.448 0.027 15.5 32.2 15.9 23.1 Browning and Oatman 1981 Venturia canescens Ichneumonidae Hymenoptera -0.774 0.009 15.0 30.0 18.1 26.8 Eliopoulos and Stathas 2003 Megachile rotundata Megachilidae Hymenoptera -0.938 0.017 22.0 29.0 7.8 19.7 Kemp and Bosch 2000 Osmia lignaria Megachilidae Hymenoptera -0.454 0.008 18.0 29.0 1.4 11.9 Bosch and Kemp 2000 Anagrus atomus Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.670 0.030 16.0 24.0 Anagrus giraulti Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.483 0.053 20.0 32.0 Agboka et al. 2004 15.9 23.1 Meyerdirk and Moratorio 1987 31 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 10.4 20.1 14.4 19.3 Santolamazza-Carbone et al. 2006 Species Family Order Anaphes nitens Mymaridae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.961 0.016 Gonatocerus ashmeadi Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.649 0.101 15.0 30.0 Gonatocerus tuberculifemur Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.260 0.085 24.5 27.5 19.4 24.8 Virla et al. 2005 Patasson lameerei Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.910 0.082 7.2 26.7 11.3 18.6 Leibee et al. 1979 Stethynium sp. Mymaridae Hymenoptera -0.713 0.031 15.0 25.0 18.5 23.7 Jacob et al. 2006 Amitus fuscipennis Platygastridae Hymenoptera -0.552 0.016 15.0 30.0 Anisopteromalus calandrae Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.991 0.089 20.0 30.0 15.8 Asaphes lucens Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.688 0.027 14.80 25.90 7.6 18.5 Campbell and Mackauer 1975 Catolaccus grandis Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.581 0.087 18.00 33.00 20.3 22.7 Morales-Ramos and Cate 1993 Dibrachys boarmiae Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.621 0.079 15.00 32.50 17.6 27.8 Mehrnejad 2003 Dinotiscus dendroctoni Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.918 0.016 15.00 25.00 18.3 26.8 Jones and Stephen 1994 Heydenia unica Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.589 0.019 15.00 30.00 18.3 26.8 Jones and Stephen 1994 Muscidifurax raptor Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.596 0.020 15.60 32.20 Ables et al. 1976 Muscidifurax raptorellus Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.788 0.014 14.80 30.90 Lysyk 2001a Muscidifurax zaraptor Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -1.130 0.008 15.20 29.80 2.1 10.5 Lysyk 2001b Nasonia vitripennis Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.674 0.088 15.00 30.00 9.9 19.2 Grassberger and Frank 2003 Pteromalus venustus Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.655 0.010 20.00 30.00 5.3 17.0 Whitfield and Richards 1985 Spalangia cameroni Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.702 0.044 20.00 30.00 Mann et al. 1990 Spalangia endius Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.741 0.056 18.00 32.20 Ables et al. 1976 Spalangia gemina Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -1.030 0.050 15.00 30.00 Geden 1997 Trichomalopsis sarcophagae Pteromalidae Hymenoptera -0.900 0.090 15.00 30.00 Pilkington and Hoddle 2006 De Vis et al. 2002 3.2 25.0 Smith 1992 14.5 Lysyk 1998 32 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 20.00 30.00 8.9 20.4 Smith and Rutz 1986 Species Family Order Urolepis rufipes Pteromalidae Hymenoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.830 0.105 Telenomus chloropus Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.816 0.018 15.00 30.00 Telenomus chrysopae Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.857 0.108 15.60 26.70 15.8 23.1 Ruberson et al. 1995 Telenomus cyamophylax Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.707 0.019 15.00 30.00 16.9 20.3 Foerster and Butnariu 2004 Telenomus lobatus Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.896 0.025 15.60 26.70 12.2 24.9 Ruberson et al. 1995 Telenomus reynoldsi Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.765 0.023 18.0 33.0 17.6 26.1 Cave and Gaylor 1988 Telenomus utahensis Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.578 0.047 20.0 35.0 13.0 24.1 Jubb and Watson 1971 Trissolcus basalis Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.655 0.029 18.3 32.2 15.6 24.8 Powell et al. 1981 Trissolcus brochymenae Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.611 0.030 17.0 32.0 Trissolcus euschisti Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.766 0.033 18.0 30.0 12.7 23.4 Yeargan 1983 Trissolcus oenone Scelionidae Hymenoptera -0.904 0.017 15.0 30.0 17.1 23.7 James and Warren 1991 Lathromeris ovicida Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.956 0.068 18.0 30.0 Chabi-Olaye et al. 2004 Trichogramma acacioi Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.653 0.020 15.0 35.0 Pratissoli et al. 2004 Trichogramma bournieri Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.343 0.115 18.0 34.0 19.1 20.4 Haile et al. 2002 Trichogramma chilonis Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.805 0.011 13.0 34.0 14.6 22.8 Haile et al. 2002 Trichogramma evanescens Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.790 0.120 13.0 34.0 10.1 18.4 Haile et al. 2002 Trichogramma exiguum Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.792 0.030 15.0 30.0 Trichogramma minutum Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.798 0.028 14.0 27.0 Trichogramma ostriniae Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.847 0.111 17.0 24.0 Trichogramma pretiosum Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.750 0.029 18.0 32.0 Orr et al. 1985 Torres et al. 2002 Harrison et al. 1985 6.3 17.1 Lawrence et al. 1985 Wang et al. 2004 23.1 25.5 Pratissoli and Parra 2000 33 Appendix S4 continued Species Family Order Activation energy Dev Rate Temp range Min Max MAT TWQ Reference Trichogramma sp. nr. mwanzai Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.386 0.055 18.0 34.0 19.1 20.4 Haile et al. 2002 Uscana mukerjii Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera -0.428 0.152 20.0 33.0 25.1 32.9 Kapila and Agarwal 1995 Acrolepiopsis assectella Acrolpiidae Lepidoptera -0.777 0.009 12.0 20.0 6.0 Hyphantria cunea Arctiidae Lepidoptera -0.703 0.025 18.0 27.0 15.7 26.1 Gomi et al. 2003 Carposina sasakii Carposinidae Lepidoptera -0.616 0.032 15.5 30.0 12.1 24.3 Kim et al. 2001 Cochylis hospes Cochylidae Lepidoptera -0.472 0.018 22.0 28.0 Chilo sacchariphagus Crambidae Lepidoptera -0.798 0.005 17.0 30.0 23.7 26.4 Goebel 2006 Crambus trisectus Crambidae Lepidoptera -0.499 0.012 21.1 32.2 10.9 23.0 Banerjee 1969 Aproaerema modicella Gelechiidae Lepidoptera -0.314 0.035 25.0 35.0 Keiferia lycopersicella Gelechiidae Lepidoptera -0.648 0.054 14.0 35.0 16.5 21.6 Lin and Trumble 1985 Pectinophora gossypiella Gelechiidae Lepidoptera -0.717 0.013 20.0 32.0 23.7 26.6 Raina et al. 1977 Phthorimaea operculella Gelechiidae Lepidoptera -0.733 0.061 15.0 32.0 15.2 21.4 Horne and Horne 1991 Sitotroga cerealella Gelechiidae Lepidoptera -0.636 0.027 20.0 30.0 26.5 28.1 Hansen et al. 2004 Lithocolletis blancardella Gracillariidae Lepidoptera -0.946 0.111 10.0 20.0 5.9 17.6 Johnson et al. 1979 Phyllonorycter blancardella Gracillariidae Lepidoptera -0.541 0.016 15.0 25.0 7.9 19.5 Trimble 1994 Lymantria dispar Lymantriidae Lepidoptera -0.528 0.136 5.0 30.0 Bedellia somnulentella Lyonetiidae Lepidoptera -0.443 0.062 18.3 29.4 13.0 23.0 Parrella and Kok 1977 Agrotis ipsilon Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.711 0.027 18.3 26.7 10.9 23.0 Luckmann et al. 1976 Anticarsia gemmatalis Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.667 0.011 15.6 32.2 Johnson et al. 1983 Calophasia lunula Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.765 0.040 18.0 30.0 McClay and Hughes 1995 15.4 Åsman 2001 Barker and Enz 1993 Shanower et al. 1993a Gray et al. 1995 34 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 9.7 29.5 19.3 23.0 Gould et al. 2005 Species Family Order Copitarsia decolora Noctuidae Lepidoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.780 0.038 Eudocima salaminia Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.998 0.029 15.0 27.0 Heliothis virescens Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.759 0.010 17.5 32.0 Butler and Hamilton 1976 Heliothis zea Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.680 0.048 17.5 34.0 Sharpe et al. 1981 Lacanobia subjuncta Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.808 0.015 20.0 30.0 Mamestra configurata Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.658 0.026 8.0 28.0 Mythimna convecta Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.544 0.010 15.0 33.0 14.8 19.6 Smith 1984 Papaipema nebris Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.580 0.004 12.8 23.9 11.1 23.1 Levine 1983 Peridroma margaritosa Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.607 0.008 15.0 32.0 17.1 27.1 Snyder 1954 Peridroma saucia Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.512 0.029 10.0 30.0 7.4 20.4 Shields 1983 Plathypena scabra Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.571 0.012 15.6 29.4 Pseudaletia unipuncta Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.743 0.007 13.0 29.0 Sesamia calamistis Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.615 0.007 20.0 35.0 Sesamia nonagrioides Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.468 0.023 20.0 30.0 16.0 24.6 Fantinou et al. 2003 Simyra henrici Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.526 0.010 18.3 32.2 10.9 23.0 Decker and Maddox 1971 Spodoptera exigua Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.743 0.073 18.0 33.0 19.0 26.8 Ali and Gaylor 1992 Spodoptera frugiperda Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.594 0.020 21.0 33.0 17.2 26.1 Ali et al. 1990 Spodoptera litura Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.411 0.021 20.0 35.0 26.4 31.1 Ranga Rao et al. 1989 Trichoplusia ni Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.867 0.014 16.6 27.2 Uraba lugens Noctuidae Lepidoptera -0.947 0.013 15.0 25.0 15.0 20.0 Allen and Keller 1991 Danaus chrysippus Nymphalidae Lepidoptera -0.755 0.018 19.0 29.0 17.8 23.0 Zalucki 1982 20.2 8.4 24.7 Sands et al. 1991 19.6 Doerr et al. 2002 Bailey 1976 Hammond et al. 1979 6.0 19.4 Guppy 1969 Shanower et al. 1993b Toba et al. 1973 35 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 17.0 25.0 17.8 23.0 Zalucki 1982 Species Family Order Danaus plexippus Nymphalidae Lepidoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.950 0.036 Ectomyelois ceratoniae Phycitidae Lepidoptera -0.564 0.021 20.0 30.0 Ephestia calidella Phycitidae Lepidoptera -1.013 0.005 15.0 30.0 15.1 23.5 Cox 1974 Ephestia figulilella Phycitidae Lepidoptera -0.692 0.028 17.5 30.0 15.1 23.5 Cox 1974 Catopsilia pomona Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.793 0.030 21.0 28.2 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Eurema brigitta Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.579 0.053 19.0 32.0 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Eurema hecabe Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.655 0.026 18.5 29.0 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Eurema herla Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.871 0.050 19.0 28.0 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Eurema laeta Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.613 0.020 19.0 32.5 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Eurema smilax Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.617 0.063 17.9 32.4 24.2 27.5 Jones et al. 1987 Pieris brassicae Pieridae Lepidoptera -0.478 0.012 20.0 30.0 David and Gardiner 1962a, b Homadaula anisocentra Plutellidae Lepidoptera -0.775 0.015 19.0 30.0 Bastian and Hart 1991 Plutella xylostella Plutellidae Lepidoptera -0.859 0.083 8.0 28.0 Anagasta kuehniella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.541 0.025 20.0 27.5 Siddiqui and Barlow 1973 Cadra cautella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.767 0.007 15.5 30.0 Burges and Haskins 1964 Corcyra cephalonica Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.800 0.006 17.5 35.0 Diaphania nitidalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.783 0.047 15.5 29.4 Diatraea grandiosella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.544 0.012 18.3 32.2 12.2 24.9 Whitworth and Poston 1979 Diatraea lineolata Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.444 0.015 22.0 31.0 23.3 29.2 Rodríguez-del-Bosque et al. 1989 Diatraea saccharalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.604 0.018 22.0 30.0 King et al. 1975 Dioryctria amatella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.999 0.004 15.0 30.0 Hanula et al. 1984, 1987 Cox 1976 16.7 23.7 27.5 Liu et al. 2002 26.1 Cox et al. 1981 Elsey 1980 36 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 30.0 35.0 Shanower et al. 1993 Species Family Order Eldana saccharina Pyralidae Lepidoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.622 0.021 Ephestia kuehniella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.637 0.012 15.0 25.0 Euzopherodes vapidella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.470 0.021 20.0 33.0 26.7 28.0 Ashamo and Odeyemi 2001 Evergestis rimosalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.674 0.011 15.0 35.0 12.1 21.9 Mays and Kok 1997 Herpetogramma licarsisalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.852 0.040 15.0 25.0 14.0 18.3 Jensen and Cameron 2004 Ostrinia nubilalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.836 0.007 12.8 29.4 10.9 23.0 Matteson and Decker 1965 Plodia interpunctella Pyralidae Lepidoptera -0.731 0.027 17.0 32.0 11.9 24.3 Na and Ryoo 2000 Pararge aegeria Satyridae Lepidoptera -0.577 0.035 13.0 25.0 18.8 22.0 Nylin et al. 1993 Dasyses rugosella Tineidae Lepidoptera -0.726 0.028 20.0 33.0 26.7 28.0 Ashamo and Odeyemi 2004 Adoxophyes orana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.597 0.015 14.0 25.0 14.2 23.3 Milonas and Savopoulou-Soultani 2000a Ancylis comptana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.734 0.009 14.0 30.0 9.1 Argyrotaenia velutinana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.937 0.026 10.0 25.0 12.9 Choristoneura occidentalis Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.862 0.006 10.0 25.0 Choristoneura rosaceana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.894 0.025 14.0 26.0 11.2 18.0 Gangavalli and AliNiazee 1985 Crocidosema plebejana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.801 0.008 14.0 31.0 19.0 24.4 Hamilton and Zalucki 1991 Cydia pomonella Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.680 0.008 14.8 29.6 Epiphyas postvittana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.822 0.030 11.5 25.0 14.5 Grapholitha molesta Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.300 0.016 18.3 35.0 9.6 Lobesia botrana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.902 0.030 14.0 26.0 Merophyas divulsana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.800 0.007 11.3 27.5 17.9 23.3 Allsopp et al. 1983 Platynota flavedana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.600 0.012 15.6 29.4 13.0 23.2 David et al. 1989 Jacob and Cox 1977 22.3 Gabriel and Obrycki 1990 22.0 Hawthorne et al. 1988 Reichenbach and Stairs 1984 Howell and Neven 2000 19.5 Danthanarayana 1975 21.2 Chaudhry 1955 Briere and Pracros 1998 37 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.6 29.4 13.0 23.2 David et al. 1989 Species Family Order Platynota idaeusalis Tortricidae Lepidoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.555 0.033 Rhyacionia frustrana Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.725 0.037 14.0 34.0 15.5 25.4 Haugen and Stephen 1984 Zeiraphera canadensis Tortricidae Lepidoptera -0.524 0.009 12.0 28.0 11.3 22.3 Régnière and Turgeon 1989 Harrisina brillians Zygaenidae Lepidoptera -1.095 0.046 17.9 28.5 17.0 25.6 Roltsch et al. 1990 Anomalochrysa frater Chrysopidae Neuroptera -0.705 0.039 11.4 28.0 Anomalochrysa maclachlani Chrysopidae Neuroptera -0.937 0.038 15.6 23.4 22.1 23.8 Tauber et al. 1990 Chrysopa carnea Chrysopidae Neuroptera -0.496 0.030 20.0 32.2 20.6 29.7 Butler and Ritchie 1970 Chrysopa harrisii Chrysopidae Neuroptera -0.823 0.020 18.3 26.7 8.9 20.4 Tauber and Tauber 1974 Chrysopa oculata Chrysopidae Neuroptera -0.772 0.011 15.6 26.7 18.8 24.2 Tauber et al. 1987 Hemerobius pacificus Hemerobiidae Neuroptera -0.437 0.020 13.3 26.7 14.5 17.8 Neuenschwander 1975 Chorthippus brunneus Acrididae Orthoptera -0.445 0.024 25.0 40.0 8.9 Chortoicetes terminifera Acrididae Orthoptera -0.721 0.013 25.9 36.0 16.4 23.9 Gregg 1983 Melanoplus femurrubrum Acrididae Orthoptera -0.570 0.015 26.5 38.0 13.4 23.6 Bellinger and Pienkowski 1989 Melanoplus sanguinipes Acrididae Orthoptera -0.714 0.015 21.0 36.0 -2.6 14.0 Fielding 2004 Gryllulus domesticus Gryllidae Orthoptera -1.098 0.021 23.0 35.0 10.1 16.8 Busvine 1955 Liposcelis bostrychophila Liposcelididae Psocoptera -0.547 0.024 20.0 32.5 19.2 28.5 Wang et al. 2000 Ctenocephalides felis Pulicidae Siphonaptera -0.822 0.008 13.0 32.0 Silverman et al. 1981 Spilopsyllus cuniculi Pulicidae Siphonaptera -0.746 0.063 15.0 30.0 Cooke and Skewes 1988 Gynaikothrips ficorum Phlaeothripidae Thysanoptera -0.576 0.020 15.0 30.0 16.4 25.5 Paine 1992 Frankliniella fusca Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.399 0.042 20.0 35.0 21.5 29.3 Lowry et al. 1992 Frankliniella occidentalis Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.601 0.025 15.0 30.0 19.9 21.0 Gitonga et al. 2002 Tauber at al. 1992 17.2 Walters and Hassall 2006 38 Appendix S4 continued Temp range MAT TWQ Reference Min Max 15.0 30.0 19.9 21.0 Gitonga et al. 2002 Species Family Order Megalurothrips sjostedti Thripidae Thysanoptera Activation Dev energy Rate -0.634 0.103 Thrips major Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.697 0.074 12.0 25.0 9.9 16.8 Stacey and Fellows 2002 Thrips obscuratus Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.622 0.099 10.0 27.0 5.3 10.3 Teulon and Penman 1991 Thrips palmi Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.681 0.025 15.0 30.0 Thrips tabaci Thripidae Thysanoptera -0.661 0.021 12.0 28.0 McDonald et al. 1999 9.4 15.2 Stacey and Fellows 2002 39 Literature Cited Abdelrahman, I. 1974. 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