INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES PORTABLE EQUIPMENT REGISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION This form must be submitted in conjunction with the PORTABLE EQUIPMENT REGISTRATION APPLICATION form. 1. REGISTRATION TO BE ISSUED TO: 2. WILL THE EQUIPMENT BE REGISTERED AS NON-OPERATIONAL? [ ] YES [ ] NO If YES, a non-operational registration will be issued. Emission units registered as non-operational at the time of initial registration shall not be operated until the District has evaluated the equipment and has issued a revised registration authorizing equipment operation. The registered owner or operator shall submit a written request, including the standard registration fees, to activate non-operational equipment. The District shall have up to 30 days to act on such requests. 3. COMPLETE THE TABLE BELOW: IC ENGINE EMISSION FACTORS In grams per Brake Horsepower-Hour, g/BHP-HR SERIAL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # NOx SOx CO VOC PM10 4. INDICATE THE SOURCE OF THE EMISSION FACTORS. [ ] Emission Tests [ ] Manufacturer’s Guarantee/Estimate Please provide the appropriate supporting documentation. [ ] Other 5. INDICATE THE MAXIMUM RATED POWER OUTPUT OF THE ENGINE (BHP):_____________________________ 6. THE INITIAL DATE OF OPERATION OF THE ENGINE: ______________ Attach documentation of historical operation. 7. PROCESS THE ENGINE SERVES:________________________________________________________ 8. EMISSIONS INFORMATION: EPA/ARB Teir certification level (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4): ______ If certified, provide documentation of resided (operated) in CA. If non-certified, you must provide documentation of being operated in SJV between 03/04/04 and 10/01/06. Non-certified engines may not operate beyond December 31, 2009. 9. CONTROL EQUIPMENT INFORMATION: Please indicate which of the following is applicable. [ ] Turbocharged [ ] Intercooled [ ] Aftercooled [ ] Timing Retarded 4° [ ] PCV [ ] NSCR [ ] Pre-Certified, Certification #:____________________________________________________________________ 10. INDICATE THE MAXIMUM ANTICIPATED OPERATING TIME, IN HOURS PER DAY: Central Region Office * 1990 East Gettysburg Avenue, Fresno, California 93726-0244 * (559) 230-5900 FAX (559) 230-6061 01/2009 SUPPLMENTAL APPLICATION FOR PORTABLE IC ENGINE REGISTRATION - INSTRUCTIONS A. A non-refundable fee of $177.00 is required for each emissions unit that will be registered ($12 is required if the equipment will be registered as non-operational). $106 will be credited for the first year’s operation. An emissions unit is any distinct internal combustion engine with a maximum rating greater than 50 hp. If you do not know the total number of emissions units, the District will determine that for you and send a bill for the appropriate fee. Make checks or money orders payable to the SJVAPCD. B. Line 1. Indicate the name of the business exactly as it should appear on the Portable Equipment Registration. C. Line 2. Indicate if the engine will be registered as non-operational. If non-operational, the engine may not be operated until a valid portable registration application has been processed by the District. D. Line 3. Indicate complete the engine information as complete as possible. If information is unknown, the District will attempt to gather the information independently. E. Line 4. Identify the source of the emission factors. F. Line 5 Indicate the maximum rated brake horsepower (bhp) of the engine. G. Line 6 List the date that the unit was initially operated in California. H. Line 7. Identify the process the engine is coupled to (for instance, electrical generator, grinder, etc.) I. Line 8. Indicate EPA/ARB Tier certification level. If the engine is not certified, please indicate by a “0”. If the engine is not certified, please provide documentation (purchase, maintenance, or fuel records, etc.) that show the engine operated in the District sometime between March 4, 2004 and October 1, 2006. If the engine is certified, please provide documentation (purchase, maintenance, or fuel records, etc.) that show the date the engine first operated in California. If the engine is not certified, it may not operate beyond December 31, 2009. J. Line 9. Check all known emissions control equipment installed on the engine. Write the EPA/ARB certification number on the line given. K. Line 10. Indicate the maximum anticipated operating time, in hours per day. Applications may be submitted by mail or in person at any District office. The District is pleased to provide small businesses with assistance in all aspects of the registration process. Businesses are welcome to call the Small Business Assistance (SBA) Hotline or visit the Small Business Assistance Office located in each of our regional offices. No appointment is necessary. For more information call the SBA Hotline serving the region in which your business is located. Northern Regional Office (San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Merced Counties) Central Regional Office Southern Regional Office (Madera, Fresno and Kings Counties) (Tulare and Kern Counties) 4800 Enterprise Way Modesto, CA 95356-8718 (209) 557-6400 FAX: (209) 557-6475 SBA HOTLINE: (209) 557-6446 1990 E. Gettysburg Avenue Fresno, CA 93726-0244 (559) 230-5900 FAX: (559) 230-6061 SBA HOTLINE: (559) 230-5888 34946 Flyover Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 392-5500 FAX: (661) 392-5585 SBA HOTLINE: (661) 392-5665 01/2009