The Inclined Plane An inclined plane is a simple machine with no moving parts. It is simply a straight slanted surface. ACTIVITY ONE: What happens to the amount of work needed to move a resistance (weight) when the distance of the inclined plane increases? PREDICTION: Record your prediction before you begin the experiment. MATERIALS: Spring scale Weights (100g, 200g) Equipment to make a slanted straight surface ( E.G. 1 metre and 30 cm rulers, tub lids, planks) PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construct an inclined plane. Put a weight on the lower end of the plane. Attach the spring scale to the weight Slowly move the weight up the inclined plane to rest at the top. Read the spring scale as you move the weight. Record the amount of force (newtons) needed to move the weight. 6. Next replace the plane with another flat surface of varied length. 7. Repeat steps 2 to 8. 8. Record your findings using a table Length of inclined plane Weight Amount of resistance CONCLUSION: What conclusions can be made about the amount of work needed to move a weight when the distance of the inclined plane increases? Refer to your prediction. What differences/similarities were there between your prediction and your findings? The Inclined Plane An inclined plane is a simple machine with no moving parts. It is simply a straight slanted surface. ACTIVITY TWO: What happens to the amount of work needed to move a resistance (weight) when the angle of the inclined plane increases? PREDICTION: Record your prediction before you begin the experiment. MATERIALS: Spring scale Weights (100g, 200g) Equipment to make a slanted straight surface ( E.G. 1 metre and 30 cm rulers, tub lids, planks) PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construct an inclined plane Put the weight on the lower end of the plane. Attach the spring scale to the weight Slowly move the weight up the inclined plane to rest at the top. Read the spring scale as you move the weight. Record the amount of force (newtons) needed to move the weight. 6. Increase the angle (steepness) of the plane 7. Repeat steps 2 to 8. 8. Record your findings. Angle of Plane (approx.) Weight Amount of resistance CONCLUSION: What conclusions can be made about the amount of work needed to move a resistance when the angle of the inclined plane increases? What differences/similarities were there between your prediction and your findings? The Inclined Plane – Activity One Prediction: Findings: Length of inclined plane Conclusion: Weight Amount of resistance The Inclined Plane – Activity Two Prediction: Findings: Angle of Plane (approx.) Conclusion: Weight Amount of resistance