EXPLANATORY NOTE «Investigation of the effects of electromagnetic wave influence on matter properties in particular: - on the intensity of radioactive decay of radioactive elements for the purposes of creation of new kind of nuclear power which does not use neutrons as well as for the development of protection systems against nuclear weapon». General validity 1. State-of-the-art, its novelty and actual value of exploration It is generally known that along with the great worth of nuclear power such as compactness of nuclear fuel that excludes necessity in its daily supply to the reactor and huge specific power there are also serious disadvantages which include expensive technologies for power generation which does not satisfies requirements of radiation protection of station personnel and also attending personnel as well as environment and population. It is the technology from the level of uranium ore deposit production to the level of nuclear wastes utilization which include the elements of radiation damaged reactor construction that results into significant appreciation of costs required for liquidation of nuclear plants over the costs spent for its construction after warranty period of its operation. With the purpose of elimination of the above shortcomings the investigations are carried out in several directions. So the Preston laboratory (US) carries out investigations on nuclear reactions free of nuclear fuel and which does not produce any nuclear wastes. The main emphasis is made on the neutron-free nuclear reactions. For instance when positively charged proton is introduced into the Bohr atom then nuclear disintegration process with power generation is initiated. The experts of the laboratories see the solution of the problem connected with positively charged atom in generating the beam of high-energy-rate charged particles stream. However we may trace the other trend which from our point of view is more perspective and connected with and connected with destabilization of atomic center in plasma or in the molecule of the substance under the effect of radiation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. The term – longitudinal electromagnetic waves was introduced recently approximately 15 – 20 years ago and was introduced into physics in connection with decision of the problem of the electromagnetic field theory. In plasma the longitudinal electromagnetic waves are the objective reality and they are observed in the experiments. The physicist did not have any doubts about the theoretical foundation of their existence in the nature (prior to the works concerning their search) as proofs of their reality were based on the material carrier – space redistribution and movement of electric charges in plasma. In empty space and in vacuum where there are no free (or bound) electric charges, the statement about existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves contradicts the difficulties of such kind. Although the existence of rotational electric field which did not require any charges did not raise any doubts from the moment of their introduction into physics.. This difficulty in general is connected with deficiency in development of the mechanism of wave process generation as for transverse waves as well as for longitudinal electromagnetic waves in vacuum. Actually the Maxwell's equation states that the vectors of electric and magnetic fields in the transverse electromagnetic wave (which represents the radio wave, light or gamma emission) are strictly cophased i.e. they pass the minimums and maximums simultaneously. It is in direct contradiction with the effect of Faraday electromagnetic induction as the generally accepted mechanism of generation of wave process in empty space. Actually it is known from the practical radio engineering that upon transmission by the transmitting antenna of transverse electromagnetic antenna in the space nearby the vibrator of the transmitting antenna the bias currents appear first of all (alternating electric field) which are then covered with the circuital magnetic field (Maxwell’s hypothesis) which is in its turn covered with circuital electric field (Faraday’s effect of electromagnetic induction) and so on. At that electric and magnetic fields in the wave are dephased relative each other by quarter of the wave. It is generally accepted mechanism of formation and transmission of transverse electromagnetic wave in empty space. It is the main mechanism for the theory of formation and transmission of transverse electromagnetic wave as the problem of energy conversion forms is solved on its basis: - from electrical form of energy to magnetic form and vice versa. As it is running at any other wave process for instance in the mechanics of continuum where kinetic energy of molecules movement of continuum is converted into the potential energy of interacting molecules and vice versa. Exactly this effect constitutes the essence of any wave process as it is and at that without such energy conversions there will be no waves at all. However at the long distance from the vibrator of transmitting antenna as it was already mentioned above it follows from the Maxwell’s equations that phases of electrical and magnetic component of the wave coincide. Here we may see the obvious contradiction. The above question about phase relationship of electrical and magnetic component in the transverse electromagnetic wave is not solved within the modern electrodynamics. However here it should be mentioned the following circumstance. Some authors upon solving the problem of phase relationship advanced the hypothesis about that the traditional transverse electromagnetic wave is purely magnetic wave. Electrical component in such wave is absent. And forces which appear along movement of electric charges constitute not the forces which effect the charges from the side of electrical component of the wave but Laurence’s forces as there is movement of magnetic fields as respects to charges. That is way these forces are perpendicular (transverse) as regard to the vector of speed of wave transmission. The potential form of energy in such wave is the “deformation” of the structure of physical vacuum which impedes formation of circuital magnetic field and may be to some extent identified with electrical field. It shall result into the following effect. The alternating electric field which may be revealed out of such beam shall be round of any directed beam of transverse electromagnetic wave, i.e. light and gamma emission and radio waves. Such field constitutes the emission of longitudinal electromagnetic wave. As such wave represents backward emission then it has low intensity, but exactly this wave is responsible for expansion of beam section of transverse wave upon its movement through empty space. This hypothesis solves almost all problems such as the theory of the electromagnetic fields as well as formation of electromagnetic wave process in empty space explaining generation of transverse and longitudinal waves. Without deepening into the discussion of all sides of this problem and its possible solving it is possible to state the following circumstance. Most of the researchers have left the final solving of the question about mechanism of wave process in empty space and their main efforts were directed for creation of generators of longitudinal electromagnetic waves with the purpose of investigation of their physical properties. As only integrated knowledge of physical properties of transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic waves may solve finally the question about the mechanism of wave process in vacuum. The principle works in this direction of investigations were connected with the idea of induction in the closed fields of space of alternative in size electric charge alternating with sufficiently high frequency. Kinetic form of energy of involved wave process was identified with hypothetical effect of “movement of structural elements” of physical vacuum. Such form of movement of “electromagnetic ether” in his theory of wave process (1886 – 1890) was considered by G.R.Hertz discoverer of transverse electromagnetic waves who stated that “the correct theory would differ movement of bodies and movement of ether”. Although this effect has direct relation to magnetism but its discovery in direct experiments is quite complicated due to huge difference between sizes of forces effecting the single electric charge from the side of electric and magnetic fields. Such difference as it is known is determined by the size of their relation which is equal almost to 17 orders. Theoretically this relation also determined the relation of velocities of transmission of transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic waves in vacuum, i.e. the velocity of transmission of longitudinal wave in vacuum over the velocity of light in 9*1016 times. However for better determinacy we would line to point out that alternating magnetic field shall be formed round the directed beam of longitudinal electromagnetic wave, i.e. from such beam to all directions of the space the transverse electromagnetic wave shall be transmitted. Thus there is the longitudinal and transverse waves have backward emission which requires special investigation with the purpose of experimental demonstration. The same ideas were suggested by such outstanding specialists as dr. V.I.Dokuchaev (Moscow), Prof. A.V.Chernetsky (Moscow), member of Scientific Academy РНА R.Avramenko (Moscow), Dr. E. Grane (Berlin), Dr. Edwards (USA), Dr. H. Puthov (USA) and by others. We have suggested other idea of generation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves which is different in principle from the above idea. It is based on the effect of electric polarization of vacuum at electrodynamical interaction with it. In the involved case for generation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves in physical vacuum it is necessary to activate electrically the area of physical vacuum and as the result of power electrodynamical interaction of active field it is formed the area of forces which are alternating in the time. Induced field of forces is not circuital electric field and its field lines are not closed and at the same time it does not have electric charges as its base. According to the mechanism of forces generation it is similar to Lorenz’s forces. However we don’t have a firm belief that induced power field effecting electric charges has the mechanism of interaction with them which is identical to the mechanism of electrostatic fields of electric charge. Whereas the modern electrodynamics does not make any difference between Lorenz’s forces and forces of electrostatic field of electric charge and it is considered that only the electric field is able to induce the movement of charges. It is the basis of relative electrodynamics of Einstein. The reality of existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves with the definite physical properties is proofed on the basis of experiments carried out in our laboratory and also in other laboratories to which we have supplied our «transmitter» of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Further you will find the description of experiments on investigation of properties of longitudinal electromagnetic waves which were carried out in our laboratories. All experiments described below applied the same «transmitter». Transmission power does not exceed 0,5 Mwt. 0,5 Mwt is the electric power input which diffused in the active zone of the «transmitting» device and admittedly it was converted into the power of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Frequency of longitudinal wave was set by alternating electromagnetic field activating the working zone of the «transmitter» and was equal to 2*1018 Hz. In one of their work the authors studied the question about level of effect of longitudinal electromagnetic wave on the substance and in particular: - on the intensity of nuclear decay (spontaneous) of nucleuses of salt of radioactive isotopes of the following elements: Americium 241 and Caesium 137. On the first group of experiments the works were carried out using standard radiometric equipment "Quantum С" with scintillator on monocrystal NaJ(Il) and photoelectric multiplier FEU-35. The «transmitter» of longitudinal electromagnetic wave and detector of equipment "Quantum С" were placed in such way in order to place the optical axes perpendicularly to each other and longitudinal wave running from the «transmitter» did not fall onto the detector of the equipment. 1. The average value of background at switched off «transmitter» and impulse counting time Т=10 sec Nf=55,6 + 1,2 imp. 2. At switched on «transmitter» Nф=55,7 + 1,2 imp. 3. Am 241 was introduced into the cross of optical axes of the «transmitter» and detector а) At switched off «transmitter» N =10705 + 17,1 imp. б) At switched on «transmitter» N =10929 + 6,1 imp. The measurements were alternated and along the whole group of experiments (100 measurements) it was obtained the increase in the intensity by 1,8%. 4. Experiments with Caesium 137 gave the following results: а) N=7324 + 13 imp. б) N=7617 + 9 imp. Exceeding of impulses over initial level by 4% was observed upon radiation treatment. Actuality of the work. Actuality of the work is already determined by the experiments which were already carried out. Experiments described earlier show not only the sufficiently effective interaction of longitudinal waves with inorganic and living matters but also point out the extremely new method of nuclear power generation when the initiator of nuclear fission of radioactive elements accompanying with energy liberation is the beam of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. As effect on the substance is made distantly then this condition opens huge perspectives for nuclear power generation with full satisfaction of requirements in the field of environment as well as regulations claimed to the installations of such kind as well as anti radiation protection requirements of all levels. The construction of the reactor itself is simplified. But the main advantage of this technology is that the safety of operation of such installations is warranted by that in principle the situation with explosion of the “reactor” is excluded (events at Chernobyl nuclear power-station) as elimination of radiation of nuclear fuel with longitudinal waves at the same time terminates discharge of nuclear power. This is non-mechanical non-inertial process of remote control over nuclear decay. At that it is necessary to take into consideration the condition that with the relevant fraction of probability depending on power and frequency of radiation it is possible to state that under its effect the electrodynamical balance of nucleus will be disturbed and stable atoms may be converted into radioactive. Use of exactly this property of radiation represents itself the completely another technology of nuclear power generation where radioactive elements which are the “fuel” for modern nuclear power stations may be replaced with other elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table. In this concern it is no necessity to remember about limits of per capita power consumption of the humanity as it is equal to infinity. Although with this property of longitudinal electromagnetic wave is associated our troubles. It appears at once when we think about that – and it follows from the whole history of development of the science and technique – that any new technology first of all shall be used for military purposes. You should not be a genius in order to understand that longitudinal electromagnetic waves are the weapon of completely other kind, when the purpose itself will represent by itself the "charge" for its self-destruction, the initiator of putting into operation of which is the above radiation. We would like to hope that this property of radiation will be used by the people only with the purpose of clearance of the space forward the starprobe vehicle from star particles and rubbish which move in the space with light velocities and quicker.. We would like to draw your kind attention to that the science would get in its arsenal more accurate “instrument” for investigation of nuclear forces and atomic nucleus in comparison with the traditional method of neutron and charged particles bombardment of nuclear forces. The described technology may be also used for deactivation and clearance upon radiation contamination of territories. For practical use of this phenomenon with the purpose of nuclear power generation it is necessary to carry out further scientific and research works on investigation of its properties and expected consequences of utilization of the nuclear power by the people. 2. Goals and tasks of the project, expected results on the project. The goal of this investigation is: 1. Development of the construction of the transmitter with power up to 10 MWt operating in various frequency range. 2. To discover new phenomena upon interaction of longitudinal electromagnetic waves with the power up to 10 MWt in various frequency range on the inorganic matter and in particular on the radioactive elements. 3. Determination of possibility for creation of the receiver of longitudinal electromagnetic waves on the basis of discovered phenomenon of interaction of longitudinal on the substance. It is planned to solve the following tasks within this project: 1. to investigate various construction of the transmitter with the purpose of determination of constructive ability of increase of radiation power and enlargement of its frequency range. 2. To investigate the abilities for creation of the receiver of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. 3. To discover new physical properties of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Expected results: 1. Creation of the transmitter of longitudinal electromagnetic wave with the power up to 10 MWt operating in various frequency range. 3.Stages of project realization 1st stage: - development and production of the test stand. - development, production and test of various construction of the transmitters with the purpose of determination of constructive ability of increase of radiation power and enlargement of its frequency range. 2nd stage: – experimental works on discovering new physical properties of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. - investigation of abilities for creation of the receiver of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. 3rd stage: - analysis of completed works and preparation of scientific and technical report. The works shall be carried out within 2 years. Note: The item "Payment for works implemented by subcontractors" shall include expenses connected mainly with development and production of special research stands using the services of other organizations as well as works which may require special machining facilities.