sR6B Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHum) as at 14th

sR6B Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHum) as at 14th May, 2002
Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHum)
Course code (R6B)
The head of a department may accept as a candidate for the Graduate Diploma
an applicant who has qualified for admission to the degree of Bachelor of Arts
or another bachelor degree of the University of Tasmania, provided that the
applicant has successfully completed the relevant major (being a major in the
discipline in which the candidate proposes to study towards the Graduate
Diploma) and has obtained a pass with credit or above in at least 12 points at
the 200 or 300 levels in that discipline.
[ii] The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, on the recommendation of the
head of the department, may accept as a candidate for the Graduate Diploma
an applicant who has qualified for admission to the degree of Bachelor of Arts
or another bachelor degree of the University of Tasmania, provided that the
applicant has successfully completed a major which is not the relevant major
but which is considered by Faculty to be suitable preparation for the Graduate
Diploma, and has obtained a pass with credit or above in at least 12 points at
the 200 or 300 levels in that discipline.
[iii] The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, on the recommendation of the
head of department, may accept as a candidate for the Graduate Diploma an
applicant who holds a degree or diploma of another university or tertiary
institution approved by the Faculty for this purpose, provided that the
applicant has completed a course at a standard deemed by the Faculty to be
equivalent to that referred to in clauses [i] and [ii].
[iiia] The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, on the recommendation of the
head of department, may accept as a candidate for the Graduate Diploma an
applicant who has qualified for admission to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or
another bachelor degree of the University of Tasmania or a bachelor degree
from another tertiary institution approved by the Faculty for this purpose,
provided that the applicant has obtained a pass with credit or above in at least
12 points at the 200 or 300 levels and has satisfied the Faculty that the applicant
is fitted by employment experience to undertake the Graduate Diploma in the
area for which application for admission is made.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, on the recommendation of the
head of the Department, may in special cases accept as a candidate for the
Graduate Diploma an applicant who has completed an approved three-year
course at a standard lower than that provided in paras 1[i], 1[ii], 1[iii] or 1[iiia].
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma, a candidate shall attend
such lectures, tutorial classes and seminars and satisfactorily complete such
exercises, practical work and examinations as the Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences may prescribe.
The course of study for the Graduate Diploma shall be completed in one year
of full-time study or two consecutive years of part-time study; provided that
the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences may allow a candidate whose
work has been interrupted by illness or other unavoidable cause to complete
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sR6B Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHum) as at 14th May, 2002
the course over a further period not exceeding one year in the case of a
full-time candidate and two consecutive years in the case of a part-time
A candidate shall not, without the consent of the Faculty, submit for
examination for the Graduate diploma any work which has previously been
submitted for any degree or diploma.
[iv] A student who fails to make satisfactory progress may be required by the
Faculty to withdraw from the course or to repeat some or all of the work
prescribed for the course.
The Graduate Diploma shall be awarded in one of two grades, pass and pass with
The approved abbreviation for the Graduate Diploma in Humanities shall be
GradDipHum(X) where X is the abbreviation of the candidate’s field of
specialisation as shown in the schedule to these specifications.
Schedule: Graduate Diploma of Humanities
Department Specialisation
Abbrev (X)
History of Christianity
Philosophy Philosophy Phil
To see course details turn to page B-55, Course and Unit Handbook, 2002.
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