River Falls Bachelor of Arts General Education: 38 credit hours Major: 34-36 credit hours Does NOT require a minor Bachelor of Science General Education: 38 credit hours Major: 34-36 credit hours Minor: 21-24 credit hours Or comprehensive type major: 56-60 credit hours Requires a minor or comprehensive major Stevens Point Bachelor of Arts Verbal and Quantitative Skills: 8-11 credits Critical Thinking/Natural Sciences: 6-10 credits Critical thinking/Cultural Awareness: 32 credits *Foreign language required (8 credits) Environmental Literacy: 3 credits Wellness: 3 credits Bachelor of Science Verbal and Quantitative Skills: 12-14 credits Critical Thinking/Natural Science: 12-15 credits Critical Thinking/Cultural Awareness: 21 credits *No foreign language required Environmental Literacy: 3 credits Wellness: 3 credits Eau Claire Bachelor of Arts 90 Credits Foreign Language Competency (coursework or test out) Math (coursework or test out) Communications: 6-9 credits Natural Sciences: 9-12 credits (must include 1 laboratory class) Social Sciences: 9-12 credits Humanities: 15 credits University-Wide General Education: up to 6 credits Bachelor of Science 90 credits Foreign Language/Foreign Culture Mathematics (coursework or test out—higher competency than BA) Communications: 6-9 credits Natural Science: 15 credits (must include at least 2 laboratory classes) Social sciences: 9-12 credits Humanities: 9-12 credits University-wide General Education: up to 6 credits Whitewater Bachelor of Arts Art (outside of major department): 2 units Humanities (two disciplines, outside of major): 6 units Bachelor of Science Natural Sciences/Mathematics: 6 units Oshkosh Bachelor of Arts Foreign language: 14 credits Humanities (Literature, Philosophy/Religion, Fine Arts): 12 credits Natural Sciences: 8 credits Math: 3 credits Bachelor of Science Humanities (Literature, and Philosophy/Religion, Fine Arts or Foreign Language): 12 cr. Natural Sciences: Four Lab sciences Math: 6 credits Stout Bachelor of Science Only degree option offered Green Bay General Education: 37-48 credits B.A./B.S./BBA/BSW/BM is determined by major. Majors and their degree are listed below: Accounting: BBA Art: BA Arts Management: BA Biology : BS Business Administration: BBA Chemistry: BS Communication: BA/BS Computer Science: BS Design Arts: BA Economics: BS Education: BS Environmental Policy and Administration: BA Environmental Science: BS First Nations Studies: BS French: BS Geoscience: BS German: BA History: BA Human Biology: BS Human Development: BS Humanistic Studies: BA Mathematics: BS Music: BA/BM Philosophy: BA Political Science: BA Psychology: BS Public Administration: BS Social Change and Development: BA/BS Social Work: BSW Spanish: BA Theatre: BA Urban/Regional Studies: BA Information Sciences: BS La Crosse Bachelor of Arts: Choose One Track A. Language 1. Complete FRE 202 or GER 202 or SPA 202 or MLG 202 or MLG 304 or ESL proficiency score of 80 or above on the La Crosse Battery of exams for nonnative speakers of English. (Contact the English as a Second Language Institute for eligibility and regulations.) 2. Two additional courses in humanities, social sciences or fine arts B. Humanities 1. One modern language course 102 level or higher, or an Office of International Education (OIE) approved semester-long study abroad experience along with the INS 250, 251, 252 sequence 2. Two additional courses outside your major department from least two different departments chosen from: history, English, philosophy 3. One additional course in social sciences or fine arts C. Fine Arts 1. One modem language course 102 level or higher, or an OIE approved semester-long study abroad experience along with the INS 250, 251, 252 sequence 2. Two additional courses outside your major department from least two different departments chosen from: art, communication studies, music, theatre 3. One additional course in social sciences or humanities Bachelor of Science: Complete courses in the following categories outside your major dept: 1. A lab science course from the General Education list 2. A social science course 3. An additional social science, General Education natural science, math or approved CLS alternative course (ENV 201, PHL 334) 4. One additional course in humanities or fine arts or complete a modem language course 102 level or higher Madison 120 total credits Bachelor of Arts Math: Two quantitative reasoning courses Foreign Language: 4th level of language or 3rd level of a language and 2nd level of 2nd language Natural Science: 3+ credits Biological Science; 3+ credits Physical Science Bachelor of Science Math: Two 3+ credit courses (higher level than for BA) Foreign language: 3rd level of a language Natural science: 6 credits Physical Science; 6 credits Biological Science Milwaukee Depends on both major and specific coursework Bachelor of Arts Actuarial Science; Africology; Anthropology; Art History and Criticism; Biochemistry; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Classics; Committee Interdisciplinary; Communication; Comparative Literature; Conservation and Environmental Science; Economics; English; Film Studies; French; Geography; Geosciences; German; Global Studies; History; International Studies; Italian; Jewish Studies; Journalism and Media Communication; Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies; Linguistics; Mathematics; Microbiology; Philosophy; Physics; Political Science; Psycholog; Religious Studies; Russian; Sociology; Spanish; Women's Studies Foreign language: 4 semesters of 1 language or 3 semesters of 1 language and 2 semesters of 2nd. Math: 6 credits (1-100 level, 1-200 level) Natural Sciences: 12 credits (including 1 laboratory course) Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Atmospheric Sciences, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Committee Interdisciplinary, Conservation and Environmental Science, Course in Chemistry, Geography, Geosciences (Geology-Geophysics Option only), Mathematics, Medical Science (for early admits to medical school only), Microbiology, Physics Foreign language: 2 semesters (or 1 year of high school) Math: 6 credits (both 200 level) Natural Sciences: 12 credits (must include lab classes from 3 areas) Parkside BA/BS is determined by major Applied Health Sciences (B.S.) Biological Sciences (B.S.) Business Management (B.S.) Chemistry (B.S.) Communication (B.A.) Computer Science (B.S.) Computer Science/Mathematics (B.S.) Criminal Justice (B.A.) Digital Art (B.A.) Economics (B.A.) English (B.A.) Fitness Management (B.S.) French Studies (B.A.) Geography (B.A.) Geosciences (B.S.) German Studies (B.A.) History (B.A.) Humanities (B.A.) Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.) International Studies (B.A.) Liberal Arts for Teachers (B.A.) Mathematics (B.S.) Management Information Systems (B.S.) Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics (B.S.) Music (B.A.) Nursing (B.S.) Philosophy (B.A.) Physics (B.S.) Political Science (B.A.) Psychology (B.S.) Sociology (B.A.) Spanish (B.A.) Sport Management (B.S.) Studio Art (B.A.) Theatre Arts (B.A.)