A FOUNDED METHOD OF NEW THEOREMS OF PLANE GEOMETRY Nguyen Ngoc Giang 1. INTRODUCTION To find out new theorems in general and new geometric theorems in particular is all of our dream. That’s reason why, researchers give not only nice and beautiful theorems but also founded methods of new geometric theorems. These are two important factors of researchers in this era. In fact, there are a lot of founded methods of new theorems such as affine-homogeneity method in higher geometry books. This small paper refers to a founded method of new theorems, that is the method of generalization from a line to a circle. 2. THE CREATIVE METHOD CONTENT OF NEW GEOMETRIC THEOREMS The content is rather simple, the line is the particular case of a circle when the circle has center lying at infinity. That ‘s reason why we generalize from segments, lines to arcs, circles to obtain new problems. 3. ILLUSTTRATED EXAMPLES Theorem 1 (Pascal theorem) Given 6 vertices ABCDEF inscribed in a circle. Let X AB DE , Y AF DC , Z BC EF . Prove that X , Y, Z are collinear. Theorem 1’ (Pascal theorem ‘s generalization) Given 6 vertices ABCDEF inscribed in a circle and d is an arbitrary line. Let Oab be the point of intersection of mid-perpendicular AB and d. Let (Oab ) be the circle with its center Oab and its radius Oab A . Similarly to the circles (Ode ), (Obc ), (Oef ), (Oaf ), (Odc ). Let X , X '; Y , Y '; Z , Z ' be the points of intersection of circles (Oab ), (Ode ); (Oaf ), (Ocd ); (Oef ), (Ocb ), respectively. Prove that 6 points lie on a circle and its center lies on d . When d is the line at infinity, the circle passing through X , Y , Z is the Pascal line. E C A Y Z X F D d B O Oab X' Y' Z' Theorem 2 (Simson ‘s theorem) Given a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle with center O. P is an arbitrary point lying on the circle. Drop perpendiculars PA ', PB ', PC ' from P to BC , CA, AB, respectively. Prove that A ', B ', C ' are collinear. Theorem 2’ (Simson theorem ‘s generalization) Given a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle with center O. P is an arbitrary point lying on the circle. d is an arbitrary line. Let Oab be the point of intersection of the mid-perpendicular of segment AB with d. Let (Oab ) be the circle with center Oab and radius Oab A . Let (Oab' ) be the circle passing through P and being orthogonal to (Oab ). Similarly, we have the pairs of orthogonal circles (Obc ), (Obc' ); (Oca ), (Oca' ) . Three pairs of circles intersect at 6 points A ', A ''; B ', B ''; C ', C ''. prove that 6 points A ', A ''; B ', B ''; C ', C '' lie on a conic that d is the symmetric axis of conic. When d is the line at infinity then conic degenerates to a pair of lines and then we have Simson’s theorem. 4. AAPLICATED PPROBLEMS Please to apply the above method to the following problems Theorem 3 – Dao’s theorem (Simson theorem ‘s generalization) Given a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle ( O ). P is an arbitrary point on ( O ). An arbitrary line d passing through O intersects PA, PB, PC at D, E , F . Let X , Y , Z be the projection from the points D, E , F to BC , CA, AB . Prove that X , Y , Z lie on the same line. Theorem 4 Given a triangle ABC and O is arbitrary. Drop perpendiculars from O to OA, OB, OC and intersect BC , CA, AB at A ', B ', C ' , respectively. Prove that A ', B ', C ' are collinear. 5. REMARKS 1. The above method has a close relation with Lobachevskian plane geometry. We discovery the following theorem: Theorem 5 Prove that in Lobachevskian plane geometry, three medians are concurrent.. What is the expression of this theorem? We have the comparative table as follow: Euclidian look Lobachevskian look 1. Line 1. Curve at infinite 2. Point is on the above side of 2. Point 3. Point belongs to 3. Point at infinity 4. Point belongs to the below side of 4. (There ‘s nothing corresponding to this point) 5. An semicircle belongs to the above side of and its center belongs to (this center can be a point at infinity and that time the semicircle becomes to a ray). 6. A circle arc, which belongs to the above side of , is on a circle that its center belongs to (This center can be a point at infinity) and there ‘s an endpoint belonging to . 7. Angle is formed by two arcs AU, AV mentioned in the part 6 (U, V belong to D ) 8. The magnitude of the angle formed two arcs AU, AV is mentioned in the part 7 (the angle unit is degree or radian) 9. Arc AB belongs to a semicircle being on the above side of and its center belongs to (this center can be a point at infinity) 10. R | ln(ABUV) | where U, V are two intersection points of D with the semicircle mentioned in the part 7 (U or V is a point at infinity if the semicircle is a ray) and R is a ratio coefficient. 11. The geometric transformations M ® M' corresponding with 5. A line 6. A ray 7. Angle is formed by two rays AU, AV (U, V are points at infinity) 8. The magnitude of the UAV angle is mentioned in the part 7 (the angle unit is degree or radian) 9. Segment AB 10. The length of the segment AB. 11. The geometric transformations. ax + b ax + b and x ' = cx + d cx + d ( ad - bc ¹ 0 ), where a, b, c, d are real numbers, x and x’ are complex numbers (x = u + iv) and M, M’ are two points corresponding with two complex numbers x, x’ and x ' = x = u - iv , is the symmetric transformation to horizontal axis Ou. 12. The inversion with a pole A (A 12. The symmetric transformation to a line belongs to D ), power r 2 : is expressed by an Euclidian semicircle with AM . AM ' = r 2 the center A and the radius r. x' = Thus, the poof of theorem 5 is equivalent to the proof of the median problem extended from the line to the circle. 2. Because the centers of three intersected circles lie on d , there is a conic passing through the 6 points that d is the symmetric axis. 6. PROPOSAL - Please to research all of plane geometric problems according to the method extended from the line to the circle. We will obtain interesting results as above. We need to extend the basic notions such as “midpoint”, “bisectors”, “orthogonal”, etc. and then we extend all of theorems of plane geometry. REFERENCES [1] Forum BAI TOAN HAY – LOI GIAI ĐEP – DAM ME TOAN HOC [2] Nguyen Canh Toan (1992), To practice to good students to make the acquaintance of researching mathematics, Vietnam Educational publishing house. The address : Nguyen Ngoc Giang Email: thaygiaogiang@yahoo.com.vn