Geometer's Sketchpad Lab 5 Quadrilateral Properties NAME_______________________________ _____/50 Due Date: Monday, Nov 9 1. Write brief steps to CONSTRUCT each quadrilateral. That means, when you drag a vertex or resize, your quadrilateral must still fit the definition. Also construct the two diagonals as dotted segments and their intersection point in each quadrilateral. 2. Measure every distance and every angle. Make a sketch of your quad in the middle column here, writing in each measure directly on the diagram as shown in the example. 3. Drag a vertex or resize the quadrilateral so it is clearly a different shape than in column 2. (It must still fit the definition or you've found a problem with your construction steps.) Now make of sketch of this new quad in column 3 and write in all the measures. 4. Go to the grid on the last page of this lab report and check ALL the characteristics that ALWAYS apply to each quad. Your measurements must support your answers! Construction Steps IRREGULAR QUADRILATERAL Sketch 1 & Measures 57.3 24.6 D This is the only one that 3.1 requires 1.30 A NO CONSTRUCTION 98.1 81.9 57.7 steps since we do not need 81.9 2.64 G any congruent, parallel, 98.1 or perpendicular sides. 4.00 (Just draw any four 3.41 unrelated points and connect them with 40.7 segments, so this is NOT a 46.6 construction.) Hint: You may use arrows if some spots on your sketch get too crowded for measures. KITE Sketch 2 & Measures 80.7 13.3 A 4.31 4.30 71.1 17.4 35.2 3.44 C 5.85 D 91.4 1.48 3.841 129.9 1.82 50.1 50.1 129.9G 2.38 38.5 32.6 4.25 58.9 B B 36.8 4.92 6.06 17.5 Drag your construction to look "similar to these shapes & write in measures. By def: kite has 2 (disjoint) pairs of congruent consecutive sides (disjoint pairs involve all 4 sides, can't use one side in both pairs.) F 1. Make two intersecting circles with different radii. 2. Construct the intersection points of the two circles as two of the kite's vertices. 3. Use the centers of the circles as the other two radii. Hint: No need to use up space on your lab sheet to show the rest of the circles since we really only needed them to create the two radii (equidistant points). C A G B D C Construction Steps Sketch 1 & Measures Sketch 2 & Measures PARALLELOGRAM By def: a has TWO pairs of | | opposite sides. 1. From a pt (1st vertex), make any 2 seqments to be the first two sides. C D 2. Select one of the segments and the nonadjacent endpoint and CONSTRUCT a parallel line. 3. Select the other segment and endpoint and CONSTRUCT another_______ line. 4. Construct the intersection point of the lines from steps 2 & 3 as the 4th ______________. RECTANGLE By def: rect. is a w/ ONE rt. angle, so do NOT use perp. construction at more than one corner! 1. Draw any segment as a 1st side 2. At ONE endpt, construct a perpendicular to the segment. 3. Select any point on one this segment to be a 3rd ________________. 4. Through two vertices, construct a ________ (answer is not perp!) to the opposite side to find the 4th vertex. A B Construction Steps Sketch 1 & Measures Sketch 2 & Measures RHOMBUS By def: rhombus is a w/ two congruent consecutive sides. Don't construct more than those conditions! D F 1. Draw any circle 2. Construct 2 radii to use as the 1st & 2nd sides of the rhombus 3. A 4. B SQUARE By def: square is a rhombus and rectangle. Don't construct more than those conditions. 1. Draw any circle 2. Construct 1 radii to use as the 1st side of the square. 3. 4. E Construction Steps Sketch 1 & Measures Sketch 2 & Measures Note: | | bases need not be "top" & "bottom" (NON-ISOSCELES) TRAPEZOID By def: trap. has exactly one pair of | | opposite side. Don't construct more than those conditions. ISOSCELES TRAPEZOID A By def: trap w/ congruent legs. Don't construct more than those conditions. E 1. Draw a segment as a 1st side 2. Use one endpt as a center of a circle. Choose a good pt on the circle as the 3rd vertex. 3. Through the 3rd vertex, construct a parallel to the 1st side. 4. At the other endpt of the 1st side, construct a circle congruent to the previous circle. 5. Construct the intersection point of the parallel line with the 2nd circle as the 4th vertex. F B SUMMARY OF PROPERTIES OF QUADRILATERALS Directions: Place an X in each box IF that property is ALWAYS true for that quadrilateral. (Do not put an X if it is only sometimes true.) Important: Be sure your measures on pages 1-4 support your answers here. No guessing! You will lose points for each 1. Has exactly four sides 2. Exactly one pair of parallel opposite sides 3. Two pairs of parallel opposite sides 4. Exactly one pair of congruent opposite sides 5. Two pairs of congruent opposite sides 6. Exactly one pair of congruent opposite angles 7. Two pairs of congruent opposite angles 8. Congruent diagonals 9. Perpendicular diagonals 10. Each Diagonal bisects the other diagonal 11. Only one Diagonal bisects the other diagonal 12. Both diagonals bisect a pair of opposite angles 13. One diagonal bisects a pair of opposite angles 14. Four congruent angles (at the four vertices) 15. Four congruent sides 16. ALL pairs of consecutive angles are supplementary 17. Some, but not all, pairs of consecutive angles are 18. Four right angles (at the four supplementary vertices) 19. Diagonals form four congruent right triangles 20. Diagonals form four congruent isosceles right triangles Isosceles Trapezoid Trapezoid Square (not square) Rhombus (not square) Rectangle Parallelogram (not a ombus) Kite Irregular Quadrilateral missing or extra X, so be sure to mark this grid carefully!